My melee career actually started through brawl...
To be continued in another post as i'm sure you're all bored already >.>
Forgot to mention that the first tourney i went to was SMYM9 in January or February of 09 i can't remember, ****in darkrain. The next big tourney i attend is SMYM10, i have Zjiin, an IC's i'm absolutely unsure of this matchup at the time :/ Plus 3-4 peaches as well, a matchup i had prior to the tourney never played before. one of them being DoH...he's like texas's top peaches yeah? Quaz and all his rage <3 and Zicore who at the time was trolling the piss out of me. Oh and darkrains fiance who whooped my *** with falco
this is also the first time i meet my inspiration to play marth...M2k. oh and that jerk off mango, why is he still the best?
in between this time peoria has its own tournament named "Twin Tower Rumble" i meet Vro Kels Jazzness and Alcheato for the first time. everyone of them ***** me. But they reassured me that if i keep up and let go of my temper and work on my mistakes i'll improve. Guess i'm still trying to do that eh guys?
Next up is TIMS3, springfields biggest tourney (still waiting for TIMS4 guys) that i know of...had vro and a few other people i can't remember. First time i ever got out of pools :D i win a whopping One round winners and then run into Tink (****in wayne) and his BeSeRkeR fOx. Little did he know how good i was at gimping uncareful foxes
i 3 stock him on battlefield. He switches to peach...which at that point i was still unready for the matchup. As i make my way to losers i win another round or so and then i run into Legan...he's like the only link in the MW at this point. it goes down to game three and this is the first time i've ever been in a position to "fight the crowd" Everybody and their mother was cheering legan on as it went down to last stock...i miss an lcancel. get shield grabbed dthrow into spin to win and lost.
I can't remember which tourney came first but i'm pretty sure it was Hot Dickings in ST Louis. I ride down with ripple and Oranos (Nick Wood) for the brawl tourney first and then the melee tourney on sunday. the night before melee i meet Dmac, who was the only ganondorf player i had ever seen in the MW other than myself at the time. The tourney went really well for me, got 4th seed in doubles but pulled an amazing 2v1 in the first round of winners against ripple and legan game 3. singles was ok, got 1st seed for my first time in pools. i win about 2 rounds of winners bracket and have to play Smeesh...i won't lie his unorthodox playstyle had me completely mindgamed and beat me 2-1. I proceed to tear up losers bracket and run into Dmac...go figure. The following is a big john but it happens. I'm up 4 stocks to 2 on game one...i'm not having any trouble. as i am about to edgeguard him to go up 3 stocks a crowd watching another match screams as something crazy happens and i'm absolutely flustered. I can't tell you why but i just lost it after that. Dmac handled me with ease as i was battling to get my composure. it sadly didn't happen. i placed 9th along with lain who i thought was only a brawl player? well he was trippin on acid in the corner after the tourney so talking to him was kinda pointless
SMYM11, this is the tourney where i met reneblade, later we became literal brothers from other mothers <3...this is the tourney i could feel it. i was gonna place extremely well, i was confident and nothing was gonna stop me...that was until i realized one thing. ****in Sheik MU, how does it work? My first round of the tournament is Darkatma...i wasn't fazed though i was gonna pick fox and do what it took to win. i was doing well but i couldn't keep my game up. i was so discouraged that i did the most disrespectful thing of my smash career. walked off without shaking his hand, sorry binyan :/ I take my loss and go on to losers. win one round by destroying some noob falco/fox and the very next round guess what it is: the sheik matchup AGAIN. this time its moogle, we go pokemon and he destroys my marth. i cp fox and corneria and he lets me do the secret taunt and double walljump pivot laser on the fin and i take the loss.
POE3, what a train wreck that was. i stay the week before with reneblade...meeting rockcrock and zhu and first real chance at making an impression with OoR players that are vastly better than myself. RockCrock and Zhu were super chill, MacD was having some Peef issues though XD...i played with them and they both congratulated me on being "best player they have never heard of" i suppose i take it as a huge compliment. I teamed with IHaveSpaceBalls and we did pretty well...i think we could do better if you wanna team again Jack
oh yeah, this is also when i meet the bro with dat armor, trail. he was talking some serious **** about putting me in my place but when we played i could tell he garnered some respect for me in our set. even though i lost its still awesome to meet chillinois people <3
Summer rolls by, i go to numerous vro zones and MAS tourneys, one of which i actually beat cosmo in first round of winners, he ended up taking me out in losers semis though XD (oh yeah, we're even in tourney cosmo don't forget ;P)
This is about the time when kels and tink both actually start calling me out and asking for advice during tourney and shouting me out about how good i am. "OH mah gawd good people around here think im good"
Sakurai 3: i would say this is my breakout tourney. i didn't win but i placed 5th...only kels cosmo mattr and m2k did better than me. I had to play Eighteenspikes first round of bracket but he was in a cast so johns for round i had to play chexr who i was still riding hype from our pools set that i won. it goes to game 3 and i CP Rainbow Cruise with Fox and pull the cheesiest 2 stock win by spamming upsmash/uair for kills
then KirkQ amazingly upsets TomR...which sets me up to 2-0 him and move on...shoutouts to him for beating me at SSBO 2 weeks ago though. Sadly after this i run into M2K...he scrubs me up in marth dittos. How am i supposed to feel good when playing against someone like him? soon after that i play MattR in losers, protip: sheik vs marth is a bad MU. i think my fox would have made the set interesting...possibly win but i won't get into it because i don't need people trolling me and my fox.
And up to this point...I've been attending SSBO's and the very first one i went to i took doubles and singles by storm pretty much. ORLY and i became the hurricane, TEAM AMURICUH, etc. Pretty much just trying to find my place among the best of the MW now...Still trying to get CunningKitsune to play me because he's **** even if no one knows if he even plays anymore
See you guys at SGR