lmao good luck MW

I wish you all the best of luck.
And for the record, when i first started melee i didn't even know what wavedashing was. lol i went to a smashing ground tournament and got wrecked. All the characters were moving too fast for me to keep up with. I really thought about quitting because i told myself that i would never be able to reach the level these people were on. It was like they weren't human because of the speed they were moving their hands.
After they tournament i watched a ton of youtube videos and Zjiin started hosting weekly smashfests that consistently brought the best in the MW(Tink, Eddie, Cunning, Pete Chen, Big C, and more). It was amazing to play these people and pick up things little by little. I still didn't feel like i was getting much better though. Even though my friends said i was improving, i was still getting wrecked by these guys.
Then i went to Evo2007. This is where I first beat Eddie in a match and it was in front of Ken!!! Then i played Ken and was doing ok til he started chaingrabbing me lol. This tourney really opened my eyes to a whole new level of Smash. I got to see PC, Hugs, Manga, M2K, Ken, Chillin, Eddie, and a lot of other top players go at it.
After this i came back determined to take my game further and this place called the Cave started hosting tournaments every two weeks. My partner(Khepri) and I went to almost all of these and won none of them

It was always Tink or Eddie winning them. nd i wouldn't even make it close to the finals. Towards the end of the times we had in the Cave i definitely felt that i had improved but was still no where near top in the MW.
Then i went to Pound 3. It was an amazing experience. I never saw so much talent in one place before. It was almost overwhelming. I got to watch silentwolf show off his tech skill and see the amazing finals set between Mango and M2K. I think this tournament was my turning point in smash. I came back and was a lot better. I could start giving some of the best MW players a little competition but it still wasn't enough. I still hadn't won a tournament.
The next big tourney i went to was E-52. Had an incredible time there and that was probably the best Venue ever. This was my first big tournament i did okay at. I got taken out my Darkrain in winners, and Rockcrock in losers. I didn't feel too bad about it. I also got to play M2K for the first time here and get 4-stocked over and over. kinda made me question if i was even good at the game.
I came back from that tournament and started getting closer to the cash. It felt like Every big tournament I went to shot my skill level up by a lot. My partner and i started placing better in teams and we started to feel like we were competition for the MW. We actually started to win teams tournaments before either of us one singles. we were really good. Then I went to one purdue tournament and took tink to the Final set in grand finals. lol this was the turning point. I got such a boost of confidence from this that i felt like if i pushed a little harder i would actually begin to beat him.
Smym 9 was next and i did well but lost to Cosmo and Matt R. I felt like i wasn't playing that well but no johns. lol I don't think i would have beat Dark Rain at that point anyway.
Then the MW circuit came along and i was pumped about it. I was sure i was ready at this point, but i knew i would have to play very well to place high in it.
The first tourney in the series was Jab 2. This was my first win in a big tourney. I wont lie... I got lucky a lot here. My set went Cosmo went down to the wire as the time ran out on us at corneria and i beat him by 4% lol. countered picked Eddie to FD and went sheik against his Marth third match because he tore my SA to shreds 2nd match. Then i somehow figured out how to beat Matt in the middle of losing a crucial match in Grand finals. The feeling of winning really inspired me to want to win more.
Next i think was one in Ohio which i didn't make it to. Then i went to PoE and won that one thanks to Matt sending Darkrain to losers and Sliq taking him out for me. lol my partner played falcon so i thought i knew how to beat him but Darkrain was on a whole other level and he kept constantly destroyed my Fox.
Then E-52 part 2 came around and i knew i had to place well here because points were worth like double. I ended up in 5th, losing to Darkrain and Mango. it wasn't that bad as the only ones who were above me were Mango, J-Man, Darkrain, and Chexr.
Then came the circuit finals @ SMYM10. So many good people were there. I had finally gotten to meet dope, who still owes me our 50 dollar $mm, drephen, Scar, and long list of other incredible players i've never played before. I needed to place high in order to claim 1st in circuit because Mango winning E-52 and knowing he was going to win this one was going to put his points though the roof, as they were both worth more than the regular circuit events. This is where i think i've ever played at my best. I had to fight someone(not really sure who it was) but after that was like hell. Had to fight Cosmo then Darkrain. lol i was determined to beat him but he ended up winning and sent me to losers. I had to make it past drephen to secure 1st place and last time we had played he utterly annihilated me. But first up was Dope. I ended up beating him, Drephen, Tink, and finally Darkrain for the first time, before being eliminated by M2K. Only Mango, J-man, and M2k placed higher than me there. I really felt proud of my performance.
lol i'm tired and i'm going to sleep. I don't feel like typin anymore.