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DDD Social: we livin' in smash 4


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
either way, we can relive the experience in a couple weeks lol. and I can see how confident you are against sonic.
very! not to say i can't lose or anything because its usually pretty close but i've played d1aos and speed a lot and they've taught me a bunch about the MU

grabbing sonic out of spring is the most satisfying thing in brawl

tbh dude do what works for you, but i think too many people look at these...ultra-small, impractical applications here and there and think its developing the metagame, like doc king. who cares if you can dthrow>usmash jigglypuff? if you were just better at the game, you wouldn't HAVE to rely on a guaranteed string to kill jigglypuff. like, seriously? just get better.

laser in on your weak points and improve upon those, don't just apply any information you find regardless of relevance. people always used to spotdodge my grabs because i was very predictable...i started mixing up with charged dsmashes and killing them at 100%. it's the small things, man

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
That was a good read. And yeah, I havent really been putting too much effort into stuff like slope infinites and all that other stuff. I have a really limited amount of mental focus and energy during a match...I feel like I lack in that department. But like I feel like its a waste of energy to focus on gimmicks now since strong reads have never come naturally to me lol I've been trying to find the fine balance between applying enough of my technical precision while trying to make good reads.

Like I dropped ICs now..they just too too technically demanding for me. They're flashy and stuff but I feel like mine have no substance and its because I feel forced to work on their tech skill <_< Not worth it.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2011
Southern IL
I'm confirmed for Apex! Except I gotta take a bus instead of drive. :\



Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2005
coney I need help, kirby is gay :(

chu seems to got a lot better in that that MU and now its just frustrating. Like ill try to grab him he'll just side-dodge like 2 times and ill miss and I don't really see anything that lasts long enough to punish that but that isn't too slow that we may be punished by using it. Then when Ill try to side dodge like 3 times in place, I do it back to him and he somehow grabs me? -_- Like it just becomes this game of rolling and side dodge and **** and this random guessing game gets annoying, I want something that will work not just half of the time. Like I'm not used to it because I do the same type of **** against other ppl so its like playing against my playstyle but a smaller version of it and I don't really know how to counter it lol. Other things I can't seem to do is land an up-tilt on him often since hes been pretty trained now when to recognize it when it comes so I really have a hard time getting a kill. I try b reversals but that **** doesn't work he usually just pokes me with like a bair or something. Like I used to go even with him but the past 2 days have been a bit rough. The only thing I can think of is to play extremely unconventional but its hard to train myself to do that when my playstyle is pretty written in stone.

I'm stumped :( I'm starting to think that MU is 50/50 if not 45/55 Please help


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
chu is incredibly smart and very, very good in the air

that said, he has absolutely terrible habits

just pick up on the habits, learn how to punish them, and you'll win

the matchup is definitely even if the kirby is as good as chu, but no one is so ddd wins it


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2005
lmao u guys are mean, let the guy be, his little wario trick on yoshis is pretty neat, ive messed around with it although I don't find it too practical, usually will do it from like 0-40 to 50 until i mess up or the wario somehow gets out of a range for a grab.

Coney, I'll take that advice and try to understand his habits more. Thing is, ive already recognized some of them, I just can't seem to find much that punishes those habits reliably.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2011
Southern IL
I'm sorry, but Doc King is just a nuisance. I don't care what he "finds and discovers," it's not useful in the metagame AT ALL, and he thinks it's incredibly important.

When he finds an infinite that we can use on MK, Diddy, Falco, Olimar, and ZSS all at the same time, I'll be interested.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Leave Doc King alone.

Yes, his findings are very gimmicky and impractical. But he is attempting to find stuff for our metagame which is respectable. That's more than a lot of people here can say. I mean yes, it does get annoying hearing him rant about how "slope infinite XYZ" can completely change our metagame but he's still attempting to help. I really don't want to see people disrespecting others here. This is a friendly, open community that welcomes all D3s willing to support our character and our friends/followers from other character boards. I like the positive atmosphere we have maintained here, and I aim to keep it that way.


Smash Master
Mar 22, 2008
more than one place
ddd's bad vs dodges, but then a lot of characters are bad vs dodges.. dodge is broken in this game lol. notice when ally gets caught in a bad position, his primary response is to dodge. bad position -> dodge is really common and as the opponent if you're in the grab range of ddd you're in a bad position. most of the time it's okay to not actually grab someone (or miss a grab) in grab range to see how they respond, because if they start consistently fighting you in that range then you can easily win.

if you watch the best characters they're naturally covering dodges in their "ideal" situations and they even have good responsive actions to people who spam dodges.

this game does come down to a lot of guess/dodging after the spacing battle has been "settled" (only for that moment). The cool thing is you can keep randomly dodging yourself (playing safe) to try and pick up patterns. To hit you, the opponent has to take advantage of your lag (easy punish for them and gives you no information) or he has to make a read and overextend himself (safe + information).

in terms of dodges, ddd isn't great at punishing them.

vs spotdodge... (in order of success)
walk/short dashing away
dodge yourself
ground move (d-tilt, f-tilt, jab)
air move (swallow, b-air, d-air*)

*only on tall characters

ofc some of these switch around depending on the matchup, but generally waiting is one of the hardest ways to punish spotdodge, and leaves you more open than say, walking away.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2005
walk/dashaway.. and then what? Like sometimes ill roll away just to put myself in a safer position but it doesn't give me any openings and sometimes it just backfires since just playing safe and patient eventually loses when ur not throwing much hits out there although u just keep hoping it sets himself in a bad position.

I mean ill try walking away more if it helps, ill have to test that out more.


Smash Master
Mar 22, 2008
more than one place
all you're trying to do when youw alk away is establish good spacing

you can do anything out of it.. they're behind in frames they're at the end of the spotdodge

also, instead of thinking of actual punishes, think of positional punishes. they don't actually give you anything immediately, but odds are, down the line, it's going to help you. walking away is an example of that.

there are a lot of things ddd can't do anything about except to punish them by getting into a better position.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2009
After thinking about it today, DDD wrecks Falco's Jab if he crouch cancels Jab 1 because he can option select with shield frame 1>grab frame on frame 7 to PS>Grab Falco's Jab 2 and grab before Falco if Falco tries to Jab 1>grab. The Olimar boards had posted something similar with Olimar's Usmash, but the difference in frame data allows DDD to option select it (DDD/Charizard are probably the only characters who can consistently do this). Obviously just crouching in front of Falco is pretty stupid, as it has a slight advantage to trying to out-space Falco's Ftilt with Dtilt and outright loses to run away/laser>Side-B/Ftilt/smash mix-ups. The main downside is that it gives bad DI, but that only matters at very high % against Ftilt and at mid+ % against Fsmash and -- to a lesser extent -- Dsmash. DDD still has both rolls, spot dodge, and shield. IIRC there is a slight, yet nonetheless important increase on start-up lag (I think that it's 1 or 2 frames -- I'll try to double check).

/Working on the Falco match-up.

One thing that I feel is important to learn about DDD's ability to punish is something that most DDDs learn about approach: You have to learn to accept even small gains of ground to be an acceptable punishment. Similarly, walking away (retreating) isn't just for spacing; it's also for positioning/stage control. When you walk away from a spot dodge, it automatically pressures the experienced opponent because they will be aware of the frame disadvantage and feel it accordingly. Edit: I didn't see Junk's edit before I typed this...

One of my favorite new ways to get a kill lately is to chain grab a character with a good roll (e.g. Diddy) near the ledge and then stand there. If they shield or spot dodge then I'll take a step or two toward them and then walk away. This usually causes a panic response and is entirely safe unless they hard read it. To continue with Diddy as an example, Diddy spot dodge and roll toward DDD is punished with Dsmash, roll away gives an Fsmash set-up. If they do anything but shield or run off of the stage and air dodge, they'll die and both of those put Diddy into a ledge trap position, possibly with a heavily diminished shield (a.k.a. a normal shield :awesome:). If they whiff Bair or do something likewise desperate, Bair will cover all options except his Dtilt/Jab (I haven't had anyone do these), and Diddy's smashes are punished with Dsmash. Diddy just standing doesn't really get punished by anything on reaction, but it generally puts him in a relatively bad situation at neutral (e.g. perfectly spaced Ftilt). I'm sure that someone is going to point it out anyway, so I'll just go ahead and say that all of this assumes that Diddy doesn't have a banana because Diddy with a banana is a completely different character (it still works, just differently).

P.S. Virtually all of you hating on Doc King are far less useful than he is. I can't use the set-ups that he's come up with yet because I'm focusing my tech improvements on the basics, however I'll eventually get to the point where it will be useful and it's comforting to know that I'll have his research done and ready to use when that happens.


Smash Master
Mar 22, 2008
more than one place
^agree with everything

i dont think ddd can crouch under falcos jab though that seems insane

dashing away/walking away is usually better than backroll but you can do backroll really fast and really easily while dashing away/walking away needs a little more planning/reactions (but you get more options)

| Big D |

Smash Master
May 7, 2008
Hinamizawa, BC
Listen guys, I'm actually doing frame data for this Yoshi thing. I'll give it to you guys once I'm done.

I haven't done much for the smashlab, so this should help ease my conscience.


0 input dthrow
1-36 dthrow animation
37-47 buffer dash
From here you have 3 windows

49 input dash
51 – 52 pivot grab

50 input dash
52 – 53 pivot grab

51 input dash
53 pivot grab

I dunno if anybody cares but it's interesting non the less.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
TC, you promised gay

Where's the gay at
1. My CRT TV has been crapping out on me. Therefore extensive testing on other stages has come to a screeching halt. I'll have a new one after Christmas. Sick it of my ghetto tv lol

2. I talked with Lain and he knew about this already...I KNEW SOMEONE had to know. It wouldve just been weird.

3. I can still post something if you want tomorrow. Might well just bring this out into the light. I don't want to be that douche that knows ****, announces it and doesn't share it. That's just ****ing lame.

Yeah....I hate it when people do that. lol

Also...OMFG your avatar is INCREDIBLY badass MarioMaster.


Smash Lord
May 3, 2008
Woodhaven, MI
I'm not going to Apex anymore, due to my New Joisey friend visiting Michigan for the holidays.

There's also no way I'm going to attempt to room with some smashers that have hygiene as a last resort rather than a priority... Whelp, see you guys next year.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2011
Southern IL
Dear TC,

As our Mama Penguin, we expect you to release this gay in time for us to implement it into our playstyles at Apex. Failure to do so will result in... Well, you being the douche that you don't wanna be.

Sincerely, your baby penguins.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Dear TC,

As our Mama Penguin, we expect you to release this gay in time for us to implement it into our playstyles at Apex. Failure to do so will result in... Well, you being the douche that you don't wanna be.

Sincerely, your baby penguins.
When I'm done doing my last minute Christmas shopping, I got you.



Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
Sauce barely eeked out a win against me at the last tournament i went to. he beat everyone here except san.

he went 100% MK tho. his ddd would have gotten **** whipped.
you never played my ddd but I'm fairly certain I could beat you with him, I couldn't play any of my other characters because I promised the guy who sponsored me to go I wouldn't sandbag, which i took as i had to go all mk.

If we get a chance to play again, I'll show you my ddd, you can ask meekspeedy how good I am at the matchup.

Also <3 at the recognition. My ddd is meh, very basic and I don't really exploit all of his moves to their potential (specifically the inhale). I mostly rely on living a long time by predicting the kill moves and surviving, and getting my kill moves (up tilt) in at just the right percent to kill.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
I pounded the Falco/MK match-up into Zak.

Bruised and battered, only then was he able to reach into the depths of DDD's soul and unleash his untapped potential.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2011
Southern IL
So I guess I'll be doing double Ganons with Golden Psyco at Apex. I hoping to do Dedede since I play him pretty well in dubs, but we'll have to see.

Regardless, I wanna know who's going D3 for doubles and who you're teaming with.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I go ALL D3 in doubles and I am teaming with Nike (:marth:) from Texas. Should be interesting. I think I have only used :warioc: in doubles for one tournament because I was teaming with a Diddy. Somehow we still pull out 2nd.

And I am officially too lazy to make a giant thread about this so I will post here since this thread serves all of our needs anyway.


Basically, a while back I figured out on my own that if you Inhale by a ledge (you have to be a certain distance from it) and if an opponent ledge jumps while this happens, not only will they be sucked under the ledge but on certain stages like stages with tilted ledges (Lylat, Siege Pt 3) that the Inhale vacuum FORCES a stage spike on the opponent with a significant amount of knockback. And since they're second jump will be gone at that point.....if they don't have multiple jumps or a good vertical recovery they are ****ed....Lain says that it works on more stages but I haven't gotten the chance to really test it due to my CRT crapping out on me recently. I thought this abused the mechanics of tilting stages but Lain suggests it works for different reasons. But yeah if you know someone who likes to ledge jump a lot give this a go and watch the magic. I knew this had to have been known but no one has ever mentioned it so I figure I might as well bring it out in case some people didn't know. It is not super practical but I have used this on a few people now and its hilarious every time. Just keep it in mind the next time you CP Siege or something like that.

But yeah go to Siege Pt 3 and test it on a friend or something. Just have them ledge jump and space yourself so that the vacuum lines up with the ledge. Its funny because the vacuum is actually MUCH bigger than it looks. Like it has a lot of vertical range that it really deceptive.

Speaking of that, not sure if any newer D3 knew about this (the older ones should know) but if you see a Snake trying to C4 bomb jump back to the ledge after an edgeguard...stand by the ledge and use Inhale. The Vacuum steals all of their vertical momentum and they will just fall again. I 3 stocked my friend's Snake in tournament last weekend doing that to him. Like if you can ever predict where a Snake is going with a C4 Bomb jump, the Inhale vacuum will completely rob them of their momentum. Its sick. Swallow ***** Snake off the stage. And we have that stupid frame trap GIMR showed us earlier this year. ..lol

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
all ddd's goin to apex

i wana have a ddd only round robin free tourny to decide once and for all who the best ddd is


first game FD only, after that cp accordingly (staying ddd)

no INF


ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
all ddd's goin to apex

i wana have a ddd only round robin free tourny to decide once and for all who the best ddd is


first game FD only, after that cp accordingly (staying ddd)

no INF

You're on, Seibrik.


Actually upon thinking further that is the dumbest idea I have ever heard. The ditto is absurdly stupid and you want a round robin??

I'm only doing it if the others agree to it...lol

Omg this is the second time this has happened! I did not actually hit the thumbs down post bit when I did this but yet...my phone will just randomly throw them in there...and they're usually close to how I actually feel about the post. lolol scary.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2009
^agree with everything

i dont think ddd can crouch under falcos jab though that seems insane

dashing away/walking away is usually better than backroll but you can do backroll really fast and really easily while dashing away/walking away needs a little more planning/reactions (but you get more options)
DDD can't crouch under it, but Falco's Jab 1 isn't frame safe on hit/doesn't combo into Jab 2 if it hits someone who is crouching.
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