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D.B.R. Presents: GENESIS! RESULTS-Melee: Mango. Brawl: To Be Decided

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Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
NorCal - San Fran
I disagree homie. This mentality keeps players like you from improving. Alot of people have the same mentality. You focus on the defensive aspect of the game soooooo much, because it has brought you success that you miss out on the benefits of being aggressive. You don't explore your character and all of their options, but instead rely on year old tactics as if they are the end all be all to winning in brawl.

If the outcome is random... Why does Ally always win when he plays people worse? Why does Jason Always win..unless he is off? Why is Anti always winning in his area? Why is ksizze getting so much better an beating top players? There is nothing random about it, practice and theory pay off just as they do in almost every other game.

The game isn't the same as it was 6 months ago. I'm not at all saying its ZOMG deep, but to state that the game is so simple that the winner is decided by some random factor is incorrect to say the least. No one is playing this game on a perfect level yet, thus it becomes impossible to claim to understand its depth or lack thereof on a grand scale.
I agree with this. In the south, any Texas tournament you can always count on generally the same top 20 people. You can always pretty much bet who's going to come in first second and third. They might switch around a little bit because some people have off days, but it's generally the same people who place.

And thanks for the crew battle updates. I should have been more specific and asked for the Brawl ones, but I appreciate both. :)


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Thanks a lot. awesome, GO team PR!

also who's ajax? I never heard of him. ps: no offense I am not the kind of guy who search the whole boards for players info.
Lol hes a decent snake player from SoCal.


Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2008
Dirty Waterz
i want to see like, out of game footage too

like darkrain and ss meeting each other

"so i hear you got a pretty good falcon"

"yeah it's pretty good i guess. I heard some things about your falcon too, good stuff"


"no problem"
roflmao, too good I can picture the awkwarness now. xDDD


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
this tournament will have so many surprises and upsets, this is just the beginning

Axe's Pikachu beats Jman's Fox

Armada beats M2K in winners

Shiz knocks M2K out of losers

Isai's Pikachu knocks Axe's Pikachu into losers

Ken beats Mango in winner's finals

And Simna - wait, he didn't make it out of pools. Poor Ness.


Smash Hero
Apr 27, 2007
lool, armada is gonna loose to chops in winners

shiz knocks m2k out of loosers

shiz knocks out mango in loosers

Ken isnt there

isai isnt there lol

forwad isnt there...


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2008
Sounds like this thing isn't close to being over. Hope they're able to finish without any problems.

By the way, why did Mango switch characters?

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
I heard sk92 and ADHD are fighting Zero and Ling ling, then the winners will face the next team in winner finals. Thats what yubi told me who is at genesis
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