These are my thoughts.
It is natural for us to feel sad and angry about brawl, it is a sequel, or if u don't think it is, you cannot deny the fact that it is a game in a series, that until now, was perfect (yes 64 is deep, wonderful and responsive). I guess the big thing for me is that I think melee could be even better, and to see that not happen is really painful for me, especially when game communities like Street Fighter's are getting support from Capcom -- Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD.
Its like people who are into Scandinavian death metal versus people who like Hip Hop. The death metal crowd are fewer, yet more passionate. Those who like hip hop seem to listen casually, their favorites changing from day to day, yet the death metal fan would give his right hand for the next Wintersun album, or rather would give a limb for the progression of the genre.
Yes this is a generalization, but that is ok, what is important here is that, regardless of what it is we are fighting for, our outcry has been ill received. For those of us who are sensitive and passionate, this simple fact acts as reminder or symbol of life's greater disappointments.
Video games, unlike movies and novels are still so new, and while some are worthy of the praise and study that the latter two receive, the culture that surrounds them is scattered and the levels of appreciation is not so clear.
I think that perhaps we have made a mistake to hate brawl, instead what we should be saying is that we love melee and what makes it so great, and we are deeply hurt that it's qualities are not being acknowledged. I certainly am.