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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
I will PWN all with the Waft + Flop advance tech used by Wario! OH BABY!
Seriously, I have a feeling about Wario...I think he'll surprise us all!
Admitedly I was surprise to see him in the first video and confirmed right away! I bet it's more mind games. They made him not seem like a big deal but really he's the best part of the game lol


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2007
Between the grahm and the 'mallow.
If Ridley sucks eternally monkeyshines, then I will simply break down and cry. For a full 55 seconds. Then I'll instantly forget as I dyhydrate myself drooling over Brawl.

Personally, the demise of wavedashing means nothing to me. But, truth be told, I haven't even turned on Smash consistently since 2005 (once I unlocked everything shortly after I bought it). Now, I'll go into the melee forums and it's a foreign language. I'm just here for the Brawl. :p


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
The upshot is I can go away for a day or two and not have to worry about missing anything that hasn't already been discussed. To death. :p

Aww, don't do that. Your ability to recognize (and not conform to) the sheep-like nature of the average person is one of the many colorful things you bring to this forum. Another is purple.
Haha. Well, it WAS painfully obvious. I'm not gonna deny this reality until I can figure out how it might be changed.

Also true.

Sensai (from waaaaaaaaaay back. So, what? Yesterday?), don't worry, I won't get sucked into Super Metroid. Yet. I've been working on Kingdom Hearts for the last couple of days and now I'm going to play Kingdom Hearts 2 (although, that may not last long; I polished it off in three days when it first came out, and that was with classes to worry about). Then my life becomes devoted to the exploits of Samus (at which point, I'll probably have to lock up Metroid Prime, just to keep me from starting yet another game).
Revolutionary system of priorities. I applaude your structure.

And now you know more than you ever wanted to know about my week. :cool:
Meh. So what. As long as talking makes you feel better. ((It makes my girlfriend feel better, so I say "Go for it!".))

On a much more SMASH-RELATED note. I was reading through tonight's Petey update, and I was struck with a horrific thought. You see, up until now, the Smash series has been a pure fighting game, thus it has always made sense to have a large starting roster and several secret characters/stages to unlock. However, with the addition of a strong, story-based single player mode, what if the character unlocking is something more like an RPG? That is, what if you start out with Mario and Kirby, and the rest are unlocked through progression of the story?

Granted it IS late, but what inspired that thought was the Zelda/Peach being held captive by Petey and Sakurai's comment regarding what happens to the one you DON'T free. Sounds like the sort of ultimatum I would expect when choosing which one to unlock.
Not to bang my own drum, or steal yours, but I said something to that effect several months ago. I suggested that you start with Mario, Link, Pika, and Kirby, then played to unlock the rest in 1p mode. It's an interesting idea that I'm all for.


On a side note, it reminds me of that **** Nightcrawler/JeanGrey decision in Ultimate Alliance. I mean, it should be the simplest choice ever, right? Save the coolest of all X-Men and put that over-dramatic red-head in her grave, right? But you know the Pheonix isn't gonna stay dead, and you know she's gonna come back pissed at whoever put her in the ground. So you have to sacrifice one of the best characters ever for Mrs. "I'm-so-powerful-I-can-come-back-from-the-dead but-I-can't-keep-people-from killing-me." Wow. Tangent.
My sentiments exactly.

Anyhow, I need someone to calm me down and tell me that we won't have to unlock all the characters one by one as we progress through the one player. Also, I need someone to tell me what my bologna's first name is. It's just one of those days.
I know the feeling. Last time I had one of those days, I broke a bill at register and gave more change than the purchase price. ._o

EDIT: For the record, I for one, am saving Peach. Though, I strongly suspect Toad will just pop out and tell me that the Princess is in another cage...
LMAO. I second that.

EDIT: Uurgh...there's WAY too much stuff for me to reply to everything. That post just caught my eye because it contained purple. I actually wasn't gonna say anything.

Pssh, nobody cares. I'm gonna take my leave after one additional mentioning;

omgz it would be really awsome if z-samus had peaches b-air and bowsers d-throw

That is possible. Use AR and moveswap.

And, for the unofficial record, there ARE worser things you could touch yourself to. :p


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
Not to bang my own drum, or steal yours, but I said something to that effect several months ago. I suggested that you start with Mario, Link, Pika, and Kirby, then played to unlock the rest in 1p mode. It's an interesting idea that I'm all for.
lol that was similar to like my 4th post. Glad to see others like the idea. I'm for it!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2005
the ability is cool it will be like mega hammer in melee u run around trying to catch ppl with it
Lol, they said you can do actual attacks with it on, and it will help combo and the like. Thats why I like it because I can imagine Link with his mouth on fire shooting flames outa his butt and comboing someone while he screams in pain. Ited be funny.


Smash Cadet
Jul 10, 2007
does anyone know if we will be able to play as wario in his yellow and purple plumber costume. his wario ware outfit is really bad, and wario is like my fav character and they've put him in the best game finaly, BUT they've made him suck balls. i realy hope that you can change wario's clothes to the yellow and purple one. its so much cooler. WARIO WARE COSTUME SUCKS IT MAKES WARIO LOOK GAY


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006

You seriously think his dungarees look better than his WW outfit?

And make it as an Alt costume anyway...


Smash Apprentice
Apr 24, 2007
Round Rock/Puerto Rico
Well, if i remember, from Super Mario World, Yoshi's a girl. Besides, she lays eggs...

It might not be Brinstar, a Prime stage would totally pwn. Sanctuary Fortress would be cool, and a Ridely stage could be something like the Chozo Shrine (was that the name?).

EDIT: LINKD, wtf r u talking about? Shritistrang wants stages OTHER than Brinstar. and he/she (sorry never sure about genders in SWF) never said anything about disliking Yoshi...
first of all ... I am a boy
second... is lnkd and it means (linked)
third....the quote that I reply was about the samus part that is not going to be in brawl
4 .. yes I misunderstood that okay that happend to every one on here
5.. I never deslike yoshi I allway like yoshi since he came to from super mario world and when he/she same to Super Smash bros. 64 I was and still happy that yoshi is a playable character that why I like it and now YOSHI is the one is f**cking rocks by now in and I think all of you will like to play with Yahin once he come to brawl cuz he rock(yoshi) you suck

did you get that!!??


Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2007
Alberta, Canada
does anyone know if we will be able to play as wario in his yellow and purple plumber costume. his wario ware outfit is really bad, and wario is like my fav character and they've put him in the best game finaly, BUT they've made him suck balls. i realy hope that you can change wario's clothes to the yellow and purple one. its so much cooler. WARIO WARE COSTUME SUCKS IT MAKES WARIO LOOK GAY
Dude, the costume doesn't make the character and besides there's alot more moves Wario could use with it. (Did I just contradict myself?)


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
That was my thought, but no one should be surprised that Dyce and I thought the same thing. :chuckle:


Smash Rookie
Aug 26, 2007
I think that if you touch, you'll get hurt but you won't get stunned, just like Ike after he did his Aether thing.
That curry and grabbing could be a useful combo...holding a victim so he would get damaged from the fire and when the fire goes out throwing him away for even more damage! Hahaha!
But I could also be completely wrong:)


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Even though good costumes aren't a necessity, they are a highly appreciated cosmetic touch as far as I'm concerned. Classic Wario yellow-purple would be nice.

AerisDyce: Might as well address you two as the same person. You pretty much are anyway. ^^

Doesn't surprise me in the least.

I'm guessing that it will cause minor damage, knockback and lag, not unlike a single hit from Melee Samus' Fair.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Good comparison. Yes, exactly like that.

And by the way, Rhyme, I've been playing MP2 and just finished fighting DS for the first time. All I have to say is... wow. If any Metroid character deserves a spot in Brawl it's DS.

She flies, she dive bombs, she shields, she absorbs, she shoots a spray of deadly beams... she does it all.

Dark Samus
and Sonic (of course)
4 Brawl!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
Good comparison. Yes, exactly like that.

And by the way, Rhyme, I've been playing MP2 and just finished fighting DS for the first time. All I have to say is... wow. If any Metroid character deserves a spot in Brawl it's DS.

She flies, she dive bombs, she shields, she absorbs, she shoots a spray of deadly beams... she does it all.

Dark Samus
and Sonic (of course)
4 Brawl!
I've recently bought the game and I'm already at the final part of the game. I fought Dark Samus twice by now, and I totally agree with you! Just wait until you see her boosting around the room with her own Boost Ball version, when you're fighting her the second time.
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
i never got the chance to play Echoes...dammit. how much does it cost if u go to gamespot? w/e if Dark Samus makes it (who, sorry bout this, i think might end up a boss), then there will be a feel of somewhat 3 Samus' and a Ridely (who im hoping wont be a boss). in which case, the people who keep saying "I only want 1 Link" should shut the f*** up. There's already 2 Samus' (Samus/Zamuz). Y in hell wouldnt there be a possibility of 2 Links?! Theyre not even the same person. n if 3 Samus' could make it, y not add in the original Ylink? he is in most of the LoZ series and hes supposed to be the Link intended to be the "original". although i highly believe Ylink wont make a comeback, theres a good reason if he does.
-Thanks to Dynamism on this, so i thought id share it once more XD

so yea...
CS Link 4 Brawl
Damus (heh heh its like Zamus u know) 4 Brawl
Sonic 4 Brawl XD


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
Dark Link could be a Boss for the SE(As well as an alternate outfit) and Midna should be in the game....Period She talks too cool.

If Dark Samus makes it she cant have the Priority boot that samus has


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
i never got the chance to play Echoes...dammit. how much does it cost if u go to gamespot? w/e if Dark Samus makes it (who, sorry bout this, i think might end up a boss), then there will be a feel of somewhat 3 Samus' and a Ridely (who im hoping wont be a boss). in which case, the people who keep saying "I only want 1 Link" should shut the f*** up. There's already 2 Samus' (Samus/Zamuz). Y in hell wouldnt there be a possibility of 2 Links?! Theyre not even the same person. n if 3 Samus' could make it, y not add in the original Ylink? he is in most of the LoZ series and hes supposed to be the Link intended to be the "original". although i highly believe Ylink wont make a comeback, theres a good reason if he does.
-Thanks to Dynamism on this, so i thought id share it once more XD

so yea...
CS Link 4 Brawl
Damus (heh heh its like Zamus u know) 4 Brawl
Sonic 4 Brawl XD
You make a good point. Bring back both YLink and also make CSLink too. Sure, they're the same person, but they all get so many items and so many different abilities that anyone could easily make a different moveset for each individual one.

And as for the price of the Metroid Prime games... I bought mine both used at Gamestop and only used about $16-17. MP cost me only about $6.00 (with MP2 bonus disk), and MP2 cost me about $10-12. It's a bargain and totally worth it.

MP2 though, is a bit worse. I kinda like how things were displayed and this one seems kinda halfassed. But overall it's a pretty good game. Worth the buy.
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
You make a good point. Bring back both YLink and also make CSLink too. Sure, they're the same person, but they all get so many items and so many different abilities that anyone could easily make a different moveset for each individual one.
wait, who r u saying is the same person? the Samus' or the Links cuz that confuses me. the Samus' dont have THAT much of a variety of items like the Links, so im guessing your talking bout the Links? in which case, yea, different items and different fighting styles are what make them different
And as for the price of the Metroid Prime games... I bought mine both used at Gamestop and only used about $16-17. MP cost me only about $6.00 (with MP2 bonus disk), and MP2 cost me about $10-12. It's a bargain and totally worth it.
cool, ive always wanted to play Echoes. i beat MP1 what seems like a while ago (around the middle of 8 grade; im in 10) and ive never really heard about Echoes sucking so maybe i'll go buy it when i reserve Brawl around the end of the week XD
MP2 though, is a bit worse. I kinda like how things were displayed and this one seems kinda halfassed. But overall it's a pretty good game. Worth the buy.
yup thats y i wanna buy it
haha ive always wanted to try this, i wont do it too much tho, unless i get too lazy to separate the quote, like now lml


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Question @GigaKoopa: Did you send that from your phone?

And I wouldn't say Snake would be that out-of-place. He can hang around with Samus and Link and Zelda and Diddy Kong (because everyone should have a chimp for a friend).
yea, from my brother's blackberry, but on topic Snake with Donkey Kong, now that's priceless :laugh:


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
^^yea I see what you mean since Snake is a realistic looking character he would look better along side another character that's "normal" like Liquid Snake for instance, or Zero Suit


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
unlikely as a playable character perhaps, but not impossible, he might appear as an assist trophy since Snake is already in the game or perhaps Ocelot which would totally PWN if he did :)
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