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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
Do you think He'd beleive me If I said It's Sagat's Nickname from SF2 and then Threw in a TIGER UPPERCUT for beleivability

Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
Omg. Zelda, of ALL people should have been the example.

She's already confirmed.
It would/might reveal Shiek.

(do'h. Don't flame me)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
^ lol.. he might have known about Zelda already ethan, but like I said before, I would like to see Sheik back maybe with a slightly or perhaps a new moveset


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2007
Omg. Zelda, of ALL people should have been the example.

She's already confirmed.
It would/might reveal Shiek.

(do'h. Don't flame me)
I like your new sig. It didn't HAVE to be Zelda, but I'd reaaaaally love to see what he's done to her moveset now. Any day now I'm sure.

PS Boo Sheik as Down+B.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Old-school! I love that. =D

Interesting, though, it doesn't seem like Andross will be a boss for Fox's story mode or something. Or will he... heh, they could have a battle on top of an Arwing flying through some weird dimension with Andross constantly in the background spewing those tiles while Fox has to fight some weird contraptions or so... although that's more of a discussion for the story thread.

As for this one: My theory is that Captain Falcon and (Earthbound representative?) haven't been revealed yet because they are unlockable. Discuss!
Hahah, it's good to see Andross either way. I just laughed at this update.

I don't think CF will be an unlockable, but the MOTHER character could be--if it's just Lucas, that is. If we get both Ness and Lucas, Ness will be default; Lucas, secret. If, on the other hand, we only get Ness, there won't be a secret MOTHER character.

Anyone think that old school Andross helps Mr. Game & Watch's chances of returning? (I really would hate to see the little guy go. He has so much potential and will always be the ultimate WTFC.)

And does anyone think it too bold of me to expect Meta Knight sometime in the near future? Considering we already know he's in, and Sakurai told us ALL of his special moves today as opposed to the other newcomers (and Fox) who have only gotten two moves at a time (and PT only got one).

Also, I feel with the way Sakurai is throwing stuff at us now (all 4 of Link's moves, the newly established "Two-for-Tuesday" updates, etc.), I kind of suspect he overestimated the amount of updates he could sqeeze in before the release date. Not that I'm complaining or anything! Any time Sakurai wants to give us two updates at once (whether they be two newcomers or two banana peels) is alright by me!

And as far as the original Andross goes, I'm still hoping the Starfox64 incarnation of Andross to be a boss. One little technicality won't rain on my parade!
Haha, I hadn't even considered that! Although Sakurai's penchant for the retro-chic keeps hope alive for G&W regardless of Andross.

You know my feelings on MK (seeeeeecret), but I won't discount the possibility of seeing him soon. I think that, since MK has only been used as a model--a "demonstration character", if you will--Sakurai is still just dangling him in front of our faces for now.

I agree about Sakurai getting a little antsy, though. And all the better, too: I'm happy with extra updates! :chuckle:

If Andross doesn't appear as a StarFox boss, maybe Wolf? I know some people are pulling for him as a PC, but Falco has a better chance of returning than Wolf does of coming in as a newcomer, especially since Krystal is all but guaranteed.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
If Andross doesn't appear as a StarFox boss, maybe Wolf? I know some people are pulling for him as a PC, but Falco has a better chance of returning than Wolf does of coming in as a newcomer, especially since Krystal is all but guaranteed.
I must oppose!
Wow! A disagreement between Aeris and Dyce? This doesn't happen much...

How is Krystal "all but guaranteed"? Wolf is definitely the shoe-in for the next Starfox character. He's been around longer, he's definitely more requested than Krystal, he's insanely popular on his own accord, and he's way cooler than most characters. Though Falco does have a good chance as well, I'd say Wolf is a 9 on the best-chance-o-meter, Krystal a 7, and Falco around a 8 1/2.

Now, I'm not saying Krystal won't get in. I'm actually pro-Krystal, but to say that Wolf has less priority over Krystal is just... MADNESS!

madness? this is sparta!... There I finished it to avoid the evident post that we all know would eventually come.


Smash Rookie
Apr 23, 2007
i like the update

i think charizard Up special will be , he flys up and Graps his oponent and smash him in to the ground

by watching the pics , it looks cool to have an adventure game of pokemon where you can actualy move you pokemon yourself evading that kinda stuff but they can still add the strength / weakness feature like Water move does More damage on a Fire pokemon fire does more on grass pkmn and so on
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
whats "Grap" mean? and u watch pics too? (u also spelled FLIES and opPonent wrong) jk im just bored XD y should they add the weakness stuff in Brawl? this is Smash, not Pokemon (although if they do, i wont be too surprised i guess). most people agree that Charizard's ^B will be Fly or something similar, but it would do some type of damage to opponents. maybe Sakurai didnt put in Charizard's ^B because it wont be Fly? maybe itll be some type of Fire Blast to ground or w/e?! MINDGAMES!!! XD


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2006
Beltsville, MD
whats "Grap" mean? and u watch pics too? (u also spelled FLIES and opPonent wrong) jk im just bored XD y should they add the weakness stuff in Brawl? this is Smash, not Pokemon (although if they do, i wont be too surprised i guess). most people agree that Charizard's ^B will be Fly or something similar, but it would do some type of damage to opponents. maybe Sakurai didnt put in Charizard's ^B because it wont be Fly? maybe itll be some type of Fire Blast to ground or w/e?! MINDGAMES!!! XD
You get the feeling that we're developing a love-hate relationship with Sakurai?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I must oppose!
Wow! A disagreement between Aeris and Dyce? This doesn't happen much...

How is Krystal "all but guaranteed"? Wolf is definitely the shoe-in for the next Starfox character. He's been around longer, he's definitely more requested than Krystal, he's insanely popular on his own accord, and he's way cooler than most characters. Though Falco does have a good chance as well, I'd say Wolf is a 9 on the best-chance-o-meter, Krystal a 7, and Falco around a 8 1/2.

Now, I'm not saying Krystal won't get in. I'm actually pro-Krystal, but to say that Wolf has less priority over Krystal is just... MADNESS!
There you go Dyce, picture taken, but anyway I believe and have to agree with you that Wolf definetly has as much of a chance as Krystal does, although I believe Falco has more of a chance then both Krystal and Wolf since he's already been on the last one, but yea Wolf should definetly be in because he is the villain of StarFox who needs to be represented in Brawl, and I believe most other characters in Brawl should at least have a bad guys from their franchise appear in brawl (excluding 3rd Party, retro)


Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2007
Alberta, Canada
How is Krystal "all but guaranteed"? Wolf is definitely the shoe-in for the next Starfox character. He's been around longer, he's definitely more requested than Krystal, he's insanely popular on his own accord, and he's way cooler than most characters. Though Falco does have a good chance as well, I'd say Wolf is a 9 on the best-chance-o-meter, Krystal a 7, and Falco around a 8 1/2.
I'd like to see Wolf though Krystal was the most wanted female newcomer.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
You get the feeling that we're developing a love-hate relationship with Sakurai?
Totally. It's like, we can't live with him, but we can't live without him. We can't!

Well, I just wanna remind you that Pikachu's Down B only attacks opponents above him as well... and unlike Thunder, I suppose Ivysaur's Bullet Seed might go through fall-through platforms.
Yeah, that's true. You could also change the aim slightly by using it in midair (going left or right in midair and using it so it didn't hit you--which was one of two ways to make sure Pichu didn't take damage from it...). I think, if you use it in midair while going left or right (Bullet Seed, that is), the seeds will spew out in a little...spread? I guess...Anyway, the seeds will spew in a little spread above him so there's more range. And I think it will go through pass-through platforms. It could be used in conjunction with a Pitfall to assure maximum damage...

X-x-Dyce-x-X said:
No flame. Only love. Go Sheik.

And do you mean to say Ike is Sheik? Cuz I don't think anyone is dumb enough to believe that.

Except maybe Miss South Carolina.
That made me LMAO. ROFLBUZZCUT! (Yes, that does say ROFL buzz cut. I dunno why. It just does.)

@ylink_underestimted: I also read the spoilers. Always. I'm curious about what they say. (Is that how you spell curious? I just woke up, so I'm not sure...)


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
I must oppose!
Wow! A disagreement between Aeris and Dyce? This doesn't happen much...

How is Krystal "all but guaranteed"? Wolf is definitely the shoe-in for the next Starfox character. He's been around longer, he's definitely more requested than Krystal, he's insanely popular on his own accord, and he's way cooler than most characters. Though Falco does have a good chance as well, I'd say Wolf is a 9 on the best-chance-o-meter, Krystal a 7, and Falco around a 8 1/2.

Now, I'm not saying Krystal won't get in. I'm actually pro-Krystal, but to say that Wolf has less priority over Krystal is just... MADNESS!

madness? this is sparta!... There I finished it to avoid the evident post that we all know would eventually come.
*presses Print Screen* :chuckle:

Yes, Wolf has been around longer, but Krystal: 1) was the top-requested female character on Sakurai's poll, 2) was acknowledged thrice on Sakurai's poll over Wolf's one acknowledgement, and 3) has piqued Sakurai's interest, leading him to ask fans about her.

I don't deny that Wolf is popular, nor do I believe that he should be forgotten, but I think that Krystal has a better chance--in Sakurai's world, anyway. Also, StarFox deserves three reps at the very MOST, and I would personally rather see Krystal over Wolf. Either way, we won't find out until November at the earliest. :)

300 LOLZ! ;)

EDIT: I wanted to speculate on the three remaining PT moves!

Squirtle B: Bubblebeam - Squirtle sprays a flurry of bubbles in a pattern similar to Toad's spores. The jet goes straight out for a little, then spreads out vertically.

Ivysaur SideB: Leaf Blade - Ivysaur slashes forward with his leaves; can be used twice in a row, slicing once with each leaf.

Charizard UpB: Seismic Toss - Charizard uses his wings to propel himself upward. If Charizard connects with an opponent while flying upward, he grabs them (akin to CF's UpB) and launches them directly toward the ground.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Fair enough. I would also like to see Krystal in Brawl (alongside Wolf and Falco of course).

Regarding PT:
Those are good predictions, I could see it happening. And I also suspect Ivysaur's B to be used almost next to never, especially in competative play. Maybe against a dAir'ing Link? But hopefully it will be an effective anti-spike/meteor counter. (I'm lookin' at you Marth, Falco, Ganondorf... and Captain Falcon's nipples.)

Also, I expect Charizard's fB to be insanely slow and laggy, but insanely powerful and an insanely useful edgeguarding tool.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
Fair enough. I would also like to see Krystal in Brawl (alongside Wolf and Falco of course).

Regarding PT:
Those are good predictions, I could see it happening. And I also suspect Ivysaur's B to be used almost next to never, especially in competative play. Maybe against a dAir'ing Link? But hopefully it will be an effective anti-spike/meteor counter. (I'm lookin' at you Marth, Falco, Ganondorf... and Captain Falcon's nipples.)

Also, I expect Charizard's fB to be insanely slow and laggy, but insanely powerful and an insanely useful edgeguarding tool.
I personally don't care which Fox characters appear.

Good point about...wuzzit called? Seed...something...ah, I already forgot. Just looked at it this morning too! Anyway, good point about Ivysaur's B move. That could be the only use for it.

You're probably right about Charizard's fB.

Now...what about CF's nipples? Do I even want to know?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
**** Ivysau'sr Bullet Seed is such a sorry move, maybe if you were to control and aim it's direction it wouldn't be too bad but going straight up sucks, as for Charizard's Rock Smash it will be laggy, but powerful

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
Squirtle's water effects look so awesome, if I didn't have to switch between the other pokemon; I'd be him most of the time.

Charizard's leaves me with something to be desired.

Ivysaur's pretty cool. The Bullet seed stoping aerial attackers could prove quite handy.

Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
This may sound stupid, but maybe the bullets shot out fast, and trap them. (Like Shiek's needles) He can charge them, but they can run out.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Fair enough. I would also like to see Krystal in Brawl (alongside Wolf and Falco of course).

Regarding PT:
Those are good predictions, I could see it happening. And I also suspect Ivysaur's B to be used almost next to never, especially in competative play. Maybe against a dAir'ing Link? But hopefully it will be an effective anti-spike/meteor counter. (I'm lookin' at you Marth, Falco, Ganondorf... and Captain Falcon's nipples.)

Also, I expect Charizard's fB to be insanely slow and laggy, but insanely powerful and an insanely useful edgeguarding tool.
Ivysaur's neutralB is an awesome move. I don't know how much knockback it will have, but that shouldn't make it any less usefull. Haven't you ever seen a Peach player edgeguard by throwing turnips directly overhead? This move can do that but still allow you to Fsmash the opponent away should they go for edge. Kinda peachy, actually.

Falcon's nipples? Do you have some preoccupation that we should be aware of, Dyce? How about a nice Falcon Dive to calm your nerves. ^^ Falcon humped!

I'd like to see Wolf though Krystal was the most wanted female newcomer.
Krystal deserves to be in Brawl, and is desired to be in Brawl, for many reasons.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I just didn't know people called it that. Falcon's only move that should be addorned with a pet name is Justice (Fair). True story.

WHY is it that people take my location ((And my location ONLY)) in the literal sense? Have you seen some of the locations people have on this site?

I'm out for the next few days. Packing for college, making the five hour car ride, three day long freshmem orientation, then the start of classes. Don't expect to hear back from me for a while.
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