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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2005
Minot, ND
I just thought of something that could make samus broken!

Samus' Grapple-swing thing, seeks opponents in the air, and spikes them, and is reusabe, as it is in MP3C


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
THe Priority Boot already makes her broken and you didnt just think that up its a copy

Super Smash Master

Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
Maybe bullet seed with work like if you hold B, it will let you aim and then you can fire in any direction. Otherwise, Ivysaur looks like crap.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2005
This may sound stupid, but maybe the bullets shot out fast, and trap them. (Like Shiek's needles) He can charge them, but they can run out.
That sound’s logical. But still, Let’s hope they actually test for Di this time round unlike the past smash instalments. Because it would be pretty retarted if it could be di’d

As for pokemon trainer, anyone thought about how he is going to work in teams.
Can you Imagine 2 pokemon trainers cheaping it up in teams. People could mix up the tactics a little due to not being restricted to just the one pokemon.

As for 4 pokemon trainers at the same time, I struggle to foresee the madness it would cause.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
That sound’s logical. But still, Let’s hope they actually test for Di this time round unlike the past smash instalments. Because it would be pretty retarted if it could be di’d

As for pokemon trainer, anyone thought about how he is going to work in teams.
Can you Imagine 2 pokemon trainers cheaping it up in teams. People could mix up the tactics a little due to not being restricted to just the one pokemon.

As for 4 pokemon trainers at the same time, I struggle to foresee the madness it would cause.
I've never gotten a hang of DI. I always just die before I realize to smash the c-stick.

And as for the team PT, that doesn't really matter. This is a fighting game, not a Pokemon game. There's no "type effective" advantages. Having Charizard and Squirtle out wouldn't give you any more advantage than having Mario and Link or any other combination of two random characters (if Brawl just so happens to be totally balanced... which it won't be, but you see my point).

And yes, 4PT FFA matches will be mad-nasty-crazy.

I just thought of something that could make samus broken!

Samus' Grapple-swing thing, seeks opponents in the air, and spikes them, and is reusabe, as it is in MP3C
Yea, either that, or my idea which is having a Charge Missile.
(Charge up your arm cannon, then let fly a missile. Super strong, super knockback, super unfair... but cool as all hell!)

THe Priority Boot already makes her broken and you didnt just think that up its a copy
Samus is nowhere near being broken, fool. If she was broken, why would she be middle tier?

My guesses are a Meta tomorrow and a stage Friday
I'm putting my money on Captain Falcon for tonight's update. And I'm also hoping for a stage this week as well. We havn't had one in a while.

I also have this feeling that we may get Sheik soon (if she is in the game at all that is). Don't ask me why, it's just this hunch I have.

Lolz I dunno My GF was inside me once lolz

Ill let you figure that out
...god I hope I don't get banned for taking a guess!
Finger in the butt? Lmaonade?
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
DI i kinda got the hang to. i hope it does get back into Brawl. actually i hope all they physics from Melee make a comeback. i already see Air-Dodging which raises the chance of Wavedashing XD DIing was crucial for recovery, so i really hope its in Brawl. (Dyce u use the C-Stick? i was always told that if u use the C-Stick it makes u a n00b/pansy. so i never use it aside from when i mess around. but thats just me XD)
Samus with the Charge Missile AND the Grapple Spike would make her hella broken hahaha
n it looks like u lost money Dyce, it was Gliding tonight, which was okay i guess cuz it shows people what characters with wings will do...(n i know u were using a figure of speech there Dyce, i just wanted to say that XD) but i still think that with wings they will do some sort of Kirby/Jiggz jumps, or my very first thought after i saw wings: the Peach Float :)
also i wasnt going to reply to wut Repryx said earlier cuz of pretty much obvious reasons...but it looks like someone did already hahahaha

NOW: wut i was originally going to say right now: look at the stage...doesnt look like SkyWorld to me...maybe thatll be tomorrow nite's update? along, hopefully, with a character update (again most likely CFalcon or Ness)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
NOW: wut i was originally going to say right now: look at the stage...doesnt look like SkyWorld to me...maybe thatll be tomorrow nite's update? along, hopefully, with a character update (again most likely CFalcon or Ness)
I think the stage is supposed to be the Lylat Cruise, when you're entering the atmosphere of Corneria. The platform on the last picture, where Link is standing on, looks like a platform of the ship.

And on a side note: Whoohoo, I've risen to the rank of a Smash Journeyman!
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
ooh nvm: yer right. i just checked Lylat Cruise n it is. look mysteriously like another stage to me...i payed small attention to wut Link was standing on. the clouds in the background are also the same in the pics. neevermind. well i still hope CFalcon or Ness become character updates this week. or maybe another vid of Subspace Emissary wouldnt be too bad tomorrow nite...after all, Sakurai plays mindgames. he...he could keep us waiting til next monday for another character! hahaha i pulled a Sakurai (thats wut imma call from now on)

EDIT: i just had a thought: u think u could attack while Gliding maybe? it seems like a good recovery thing n all, but the Foot Stool jump makes a Meteor Smash...


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Fair enough. I would also like to see Krystal in Brawl (alongside Wolf and Falco of course).

Regarding PT:
Those are good predictions, I could see it happening. And I also suspect Ivysaur's B to be used almost next to never, especially in competative play. Maybe against a dAir'ing Link? But hopefully it will be an effective anti-spike/meteor counter. (I'm lookin' at you Marth, Falco, Ganondorf... and Captain Falcon's nipples.)

Also, I expect Charizard's fB to be insanely slow and laggy, but insanely powerful and an insanely useful edgeguarding tool.
Mmm...Captain Falcon's nipples...


In any case, I think that Bullet Seed could also be useful in juggling--assuming that Ivysaur CAN manage some juggling combos. UThrow to UTilt to B to...? I dunno, just trying to help Ivysaur's standings.

Rock Smash : Charizard :: Falcon Punch : Captain Falcon. Enough said. :grin:


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
cool update in melee i was a big fan of airfighting pwning fools so i think u can attack while gliding to make glide fighting wait does that mean charizard's B^ isnt gonna be fly???


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
cool update in melee i was a big fan of airfighting pwning fools so i think u can attack while gliding to make glide fighting wait does that mean charizard's B^ isnt gonna be fly???
Not necessarily, but remember that Pit can glide in addition to his multiple jumps AND the Wings of Icarus!

I'm not saying that Charizard WILL get the ability Fly with UpB, but it's still a possibility.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
Not necessarily, but remember that Pit can glide in addition to his multiple jumps AND the Wings of Icarus!

I'm not saying that Charizard WILL get the ability Fly with UpB, but it's still a possibility.
I think gliding will replace the multiple jumps. So you can have your five jumps, or, if you wanna glide, that'll only work on the first midair jump. Just my theory.

Still. Awesome.

Wait...does this mean that Peach can't float anymore? 'Cause she wasn't mentioned? Oh nose...I hope not, for Aeris' sake...

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
Dang Pit is going to be the Aerial God for Brawl Multiple jumps + Free flight Up Special + Gliding ability up and down, He's the Samus of Melee :psycho: Jut hope he doesn't pull out no Palutena whip for tether recovery.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Wait...does this mean that Peach can't float anymore? 'Cause she wasn't mentioned? Oh nose...I hope not, for Aeris' sake...
Gliding =/= Floating. Believe me, I pondered the thought for a moment, too. But Sakurai mentioned her "floating jumps" (or whatever); also, gliding can be angled and (potentially) neverending, unlike floating, which travels on a single horizontal line and lasts about three seconds.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2007
In your sock drawer
I keep seeing you everywhere i go, anyway IMO charizard's upb should be seismic toss and i think it would function similarily to C. Falcons but he would do a flip after he grabs someone and throws them straight down.
Same here, all my favorite posts ur there. lol! anyway, i think seismic toss would be really cool too but that might be the backwards throw for him.
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
yup. Charizard's ^B could either be Fly, that sexy Seismic Toss idea, or maybe some fire attack: like maybe an upwards Flame Wheel i dunno
Squirtle's B could most likely be Water Gun, but it might be something else (why didnt Sakurai just put it there?)
Ivysaur's <>B: Razor Leaf? i dunno. the DSmash could be Stomp in memory of Venusaur's Pokeball...


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
Im gonna use Squirtles down B to Get back on stage...BTW does anyone think we are gonna get a Character 2morrow?


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
That game frustrates me so....

I had a dream that Chuck NOriis was the unbeatable final Boss of SE....like he was running everything and even the game makers couldnt beat him or lower his difficulty...Scary


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I've never gotten a hang of DI. I always just die before I realize to smash the c-stick.

Yea, either that, or my idea which is having a Charge Missile.

Samus is nowhere near being broken, fool. If she was broken, why would she be middle tier?

I'm putting my money on Captain Falcon for tonight's update. And I'm also hoping for a stage this week as well. We havn't had one in a while.
You're supposed to DI with both sticks whenever appropriate.

Charge missile wouldn't be unfair in the least. Chargable attacks are balanced because they are slow. I don't see anyone complaining about Samus' charge attack. Why would you use a missile which you can't move while charging when you could use a charge shot that can be charged and unleashed at a whim?

Samus shouldn't even be on the tier list. She's so different from EVERY other character in Melee that it's almost disgusting. Samus is ranked as a high-tier character, eighth I believe.

You lose money. ^^ True, we haven't had a stage update in a good long while. Weren't Fridays reserved for stage updates since...the Dojo began?

Thats one way but not

I'm gonna be mature for once and stay clear of this one.

I like the Aeris' idea of Squirtle's B being Bubblebeam.
I can't find Aeris' original post but that IS a good idea. I guess it would be a less laggy version of Bowser's neutralB?

And Dyce, since you asked, I will be studying in VT, just north of Lake Champlain. If anybody lives in this general area, I'd love to get together and smash sometime. I've settled into my aunt's house for the night. Can't make any promises for when I'll be on next.

P.S. Is Yoshi granted the ability of "free flight" while using his FS?


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
Im gonna use Squirtles down B to Get back on stage...BTW does anyone think we are gonna get a Character 2morrow?
I really hope so...

Originally Posted by X-x-Dyce-x-X
I've never gotten a hang of DI. I always just die before I realize to smash the c-stick.

Yea, either that, or my idea which is having a Charge Missile.

Samus is nowhere near being broken, fool. If she was broken, why would she be middle tier?

I'm putting my money on Captain Falcon for tonight's update. And I'm also hoping for a stage this week as well. We havn't had one in a while.
Good point. I'd rather have a stage than a character right now. But which stage? I want either the Halberd or Mario Circuit (that's what they called it here, right?).
Don't worry; I also never got the hang of DI.

Yoshi and flying, that confuses me so, but its a nintendo character, they are all unpredictable
What's so confusing? Didn't you ever play Super Mario World for the SNES? His FS is basically two of the abilities Koopa shells granted him: flying was the blue shell, fire the red. Yellow was stomping the ground, and that should totally be in there too. Like, if he jumps, he stomps when he lands, creating a little shockwave. That would be pwnage!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2007
In your sock drawer
i always thought yoshi was a dinosaur, and now hes like an angelic dinosaur or dragon. and yeah i played the old super mario games, but back then i didnt think of it.
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