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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
o...kay let me re-phrase that:

"Snake should break both Pikachu's neck and squeeze all the air out of Kirby that sure would be funny as hell"
Better....Better but still missing an element I dunno....I know! Mario Does his plumbing wrong and snake snaps his neck in the SE *But he is still a good guy*


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
In this world... your MOM!

Any bets on what character we'll be getting this week?
I'm predicting a veteran. Most likely Captain Falcon.
No way we're getting a newcomer AGAIN. *gets newcomer update this week*

Ohh, man... :laugh:

Really, though, I expect a vet. CF (my guess and the most likely) or Ness, MAYBE IC. The latter two will only appear this week if they end up returning in the first place, though. :(
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
yea, this week will sure to be a vet...CF, Ness, or maybe ICs (basically wut Aeris said). but IMO, C Falcon has a 75% chance and Ness having 25. if there is no character update this week (which i hope not) maybe both of them next week?

EDIT: d***, forgot about Luigi...he's sure to have a higher chance than the both of them (unless Peach's return somehow makes him a later update, which i doubt)


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2007
In a place where the grass is green and the girls
In this world... your MOM!

Any bets on what character we'll be getting this week?
I'm predicting a veteran. Most likely Captain Falcon.

No no, that's hardly the point. RIDLEY PPL RIDLEY. If I don't get Ridley tomorrow, I will do something. If I don't get him in Brawl, I will kill Sakurai.

But in reality, either a vet or newcomer. Mostly vet.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Not to bang my own drum, or steal yours, but I said something to that effect several months ago. I suggested that you start with Mario, Link, Pika, and Kirby, then played to unlock the rest in 1p mode. It's an interesting idea that I'm all for.
I'd tip my hat to you for catching that possibility before the rest of us, but I don't wear hats. Also, I'm clumsy and would most likely drop it into a feiry pit of molten lava. If you are wondering why I've got molten lava lying around, then you underestimate my clumsyness.
I both agree and disagree with it being a good idea to start with 2-4 characters and unlock the rest. On the one side, it would provide quite a bit of depth and incentive to play the single player. On the other, it could limit the ammount of unlockable characters they choose to include. I mean, if it takes a significant time investment just to unlock what came standard in the last game, there is less need for new content. I suppose I won't pass judgement one way or the other until we find out for sure.

i never got the chance to play Echoes...dammit. how much does it cost if u go to gamespot? w/e if Dark Samus makes it (who, sorry bout this, i think might end up a boss), then there will be a feel of somewhat 3 Samus' and a Ridely (who im hoping wont be a boss). in which case, the people who keep saying "I only want 1 Link" should shut the f*** up. There's already 2 Samus' (Samus/Zamuz). Y in hell wouldnt there be a possibility of 2 Links?! Theyre not even the same person. n if 3 Samus' could make it, y not add in the original Ylink? he is in most of the LoZ series and hes supposed to be the Link intended to be the "original". although i highly believe Ylink wont make a comeback, theres a good reason if he does.
A few responses from a devil's advocate;

1. I understand you are an avid fan of Young Link (and, based on your forum name, that you believe he is underestimated :p), and thus you badly want him to be included in Brawl (as well as CS Link). However, there are plenty of intelligent people, with intelligent reasons, who disagree with you (myself included). The more you respect that, the more respect you will earn.
2. Zamus and Samus are the same character, in the same way that Sheik and Zelda are the same character. So, by your calculations, there should be at least 5 characters from the Zelda series, at least 3 of which should be incarnations of the same character? While I agree, that the Links ARE different characters, there is very little besides their age and the style in which they are animated to distinguish between them. They share the same name for crying out loud. While I will not say this is enough to condemn them, I will say that in my opinion, as well as the opinions of many others, that is enough to bump them down the list of potential Zelda characters (more Zelda characters also being well down the list of overall potential characters for some of us as well).
3. There are plenty of us who only want one Link who aren't particularly rooting for Dark Samus, either (sorry, Rhyme; I'll be happy for you if she makes it, just not a fan). Also, there are people who don't want more than one Link, because it lessens the possibility of other Zelda characters (Midna, Zant, Skull Kid, ect.). While I don't happen to be one of them, I respect the desire for more variety, and having two or more sword weilding characters dressed in the exact same outfit, carrying the exact same sword, and having a variation of the same name, simply isn't variety.
While I respect your right to disagree with me, I am one of those folks who onl want one Link, and regardless of how many Samus' are revealed, I will not "shut the f*** up up."
4. I played a few hours into Metroid Prime 2, and honestly, I couldn't really get into it. Not sure why. Maybe I just got stuck, I wish I remembered. I'll probably get to it now once I finish Super Metroid. Anyhow, good luck finding a copy of it, I'm sure there are a few floating around somewhere.

o...kay let me re-phrase that:

"Snake should break both Pikachu's neck and squeeze all the air out of Kirby that sure would be funny as hell"
GigaKoopa, that is a serious lack of lovin' for the almighty electric rAt (oh, and Kirby too, I guess). If there is any neck-snapping to be done, let us direct it to a more worthy target; Pichu. If any Smash Bros. character is deserving of a horrific, yet comical death at the hands of Snake (or anyone else, for that matter), it is the bulbous-headed mini-rodent with the suicide complex.

On a somewhat more on topic note, I must say the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the effect of the firey curry was wondering what happens when you combine it with the Wario Waft?

Also, very interesting that MK should be the subject of the special moves update. I guess we probably shouldn't expect much more on him soon, eh?

EDIT: Regarding Luigi, do you really think we'll get him this soon? I guess I still assume he'll be unlockable (assuming me and Rhyme are wrong in our theory), and thus we won't see him for a bit yet.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
It would have been better if Andross (Instead of shoot out... tiles?) just shouted "Do a barrel roll"...

What not all AT's have to actually have an effect on the battle (Take Goldeen as an example).


Smash Rookie
Apr 23, 2007
it would be cool to have an assist trophy that would stay in the back a wizzard kinda trophy that changes the weather like rainy sunny stormy changes gravity and controls time to make it Slow then normal couses earthquakes
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
tonights update was pretty cool. i was first a bit shocked to see the old Andross, but when i saw Meta's moves i was like "aw, cool!". the Andross is alright, but i think that the new one will somehow be an AT as well (maybe it wont, but its a good idea). as for the other update, WELL AT LEAST THEY STILL HAVE SPECIAL MOVES IN BRAWL!!! hahahaha jk it showed yet another preview of Meta (who admittedly has some cool looking moves; although the ^B looks like Marth/Roy's, but thats IMO). so...do i sniff Meta as next week's character update? or maybe the end of the week? or maybe next week? :chuckle:
A few responses from a devil's advocate;

1. I understand you are an avid fan of Young Link (and, based on your forum name, that you believe he is underestimated :p), and thus you badly want him to be included in Brawl (as well as CS Link). However, there are plenty of intelligent people, with intelligent reasons, who disagree with you (myself included). The more you respect that, the more respect you will earn.
2. Zamus and Samus are the same character, in the same way that Sheik and Zelda are the same character. So, by your calculations, there should be at least 5 characters from the Zelda series, at least 3 of which should be incarnations of the same character? While I agree, that the Links ARE different characters, there is very little besides their age and the style in which they are animated to distinguish between them. They share the same name for crying out loud. While I will not say this is enough to condemn them, I will say that in my opinion, as well as the opinions of many others, that is enough to bump them down the list of potential Zelda characters (more Zelda characters also being well down the list of overall potential characters for some of us as well).
3. There are plenty of us who only want one Link who aren't particularly rooting for Dark Samus, either (sorry, Rhyme; I'll be happy for you if she makes it, just not a fan). Also, there are people who don't want more than one Link, because it lessens the possibility of other Zelda characters (Midna, Zant, Skull Kid, ect.). While I don't happen to be one of them, I respect the desire for more variety, and having two or more sword weilding characters dressed in the exact same outfit, carrying the exact same sword, and having a variation of the same name, simply isn't variety.
While I respect your right to disagree with me, I am one of those folks who onl want one Link, and regardless of how many Samus' are revealed, I will not "shut the f*** up up."
4. I played a few hours into Metroid Prime 2, and honestly, I couldn't really get into it. Not sure why. Maybe I just got stuck, I wish I remembered. I'll probably get to it now once I finish Super Metroid. Anyhow, good luck finding a copy of it, I'm sure there are a few floating around somewhere.
1. yes he is underestimated XD nah i just put the name there cuz i couldnt really think of anything else at the time :ohwell: i got the name cuz after i saw Wak's Ylink vids called "Young Link: the Unpredictable", i was amazed and i didnt want to put Ylink_theunpredictable cuz it kinda sounded pathetic (i dont obess over Wak), so i put underestimated which was close enough. also, i used to just come upon these boards from looking for pics (only to find that they were mere sigs :chuckle:), but since Wak stated in his AHtP vids that u could find challenges in the Regional Zones section, i joined, to find more challengers. but then i ended up posting alot and got more close to the forums XD.
but ANYWAYZ: i do respect other people's look on how i see things (esp yours, and i'll get to that in a bit). i dont think ive ever really disrespected them (aside from sandman; haha that was fun). i just like to state what's my opinion is all. oh n i dont necessarily BADLY want Ylink in Brawl, just CS Link
2. actually, im sorry on that one: i completely forgot that Sheik recently was "confirmed". aahh....anywayz: 5 i guess would be how much i want from the LoZ series, but not counting Ylink. only Sheik/Zelda, Ganon, Link, and CS Link (i cant say anything for Midna/Wolf Link cuz i only played a bit of TP; i dont have a Wii and my friend hasnt let me borrow his GC one cuz he either keeps forgetting or the fact that he doesnt want to finish the game cuz its SOO good) those are what i think will be in Brawl. there are already obvious reasons as to why Zelda, Ganon and Link are there. Sheik could end up having the spot because IT has its model made for Brawl already and its a vet (tho IT might not end up as Zelda's vB). CS Link i think will be in because he reps the "Cel-da" series, is on Sakurai's poll, and will replace Ylink because of him being a clone. but if CS Link doesnt make it in :crying:, then i would gladly invite others like Skull Kid, or Midna/Wolf Link (Zant im not really sure about, i'll have to play TP *kills friend for the game* XD) because, like u said, it makes up more variety.
3. like i said, if CS Link doesnt make it in, then i would be just as happy to see Zant, Mida, Skull Kid etc (tho i would still be disappointed my main didnt somehow comback). i am aware that there are many that only want 1 Link, but i didnt really refer them to Dark Samus supporters, i was using it for making a point. also, i exaggerated with the stfu thing...so u could keep talking if u want *initiating ignore button* haha jk
4. i simply loved Super Metriod. who doesnt love classics :chuckle: *finds someone who doesnt...cuts them* haha thanks, i hope i do find one (unless i find out i know someone that does, i'll borrow it). i dunno, maybe i'll get into it just like i shortly got addicted to MP1. alot people said that Echoes was really good, aside from the ones that didnt really like it as much, so i might end up getting addicted to it too XD


Smash Cadet
May 2, 2006
I reckon there will be an Update showing Meta Knight this week ,possibly tomorrow.
Only because we've seen some of Meta Knights moves already (today). I think thats how the site works .


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2007
Today's was good it showed all of Meta Knights special moves and told us about how theres more usefulness in the attacks.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
i was thinking today, if MK's foward b have a small lag, his recovery will become awesome
I always could kinda tell that Meta Knight's recovery would be awesome.

Regarding his tornado attack, I'm hoping that it will be active as long as you keep the button pressed... and that you can move sidewards while doing it! That would be nice indeed! :)


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
A few responses from a devil's advocate;

1. I understand you are an avid fan of Young Link (and, based on your forum name, that you believe he is underestimated :p), and thus you badly want him to be included in Brawl (as well as CS Link). However, there are plenty of intelligent people, with intelligent reasons, who disagree with you (myself included). The more you respect that, the more respect you will earn.
2. Zamus and Samus are the same character, in the same way that Sheik and Zelda are the same character. So, by your calculations, there should be at least 5 characters from the Zelda series, at least 3 of which should be incarnations of the same character? While I agree, that the Links ARE different characters, there is very little besides their age and the style in which they are animated to distinguish between them. They share the same name for crying out loud. While I will not say this is enough to condemn them, I will say that in my opinion, as well as the opinions of many others, that is enough to bump them down the list of potential Zelda characters (more Zelda characters also being well down the list of overall potential characters for some of us as well).
3. There are plenty of us who only want one Link who aren't particularly rooting for Dark Samus, either (sorry, Rhyme; I'll be happy for you if she makes it, just not a fan). Also, there are people who don't want more than one Link, because it lessens the possibility of other Zelda characters (Midna, Zant, Skull Kid, ect.). While I don't happen to be one of them, I respect the desire for more variety, and having two or more sword wielding characters dressed in the exact same outfit, carrying the exact same sword, and having a variation of the same name, simply isn't variety.
While I respect your right to disagree with me, I am one of those folks who only want one Link, and regardless of how many Samuses are revealed, I will not "shut the f*** up."
4. I played a few hours into Metroid Prime 2, and honestly, I couldn't really get into it. Not sure why. Maybe I just got stuck, I wish I remembered. I'll probably get to it now once I finish Super Metroid. Anyhow, good luck finding a copy of it, I'm sure there are a few floating around somewhere.

GigaKoopa, that is a serious lack of lovin' for the almighty electric rAt (oh, and Kirby too, I guess). If there is any neck-snapping to be done, let us direct it to a more worthy target; Pichu. If any Smash Bros. character is deserving of a horrific, yet comical death at the hands of Snake (or anyone else, for that matter), it is the bulbous-headed mini-rodent with the suicide complex.

On a somewhat more on topic note, I must say the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the effect of the firey curry was wondering what happens when you combine it with the Wario Waft?

Also, very interesting that MK should be the subject of the special moves update. I guess we probably shouldn't expect much more on him soon, eh?

EDIT: Regarding Luigi, do you really think we'll get him this soon? I guess I still assume he'll be unlockable (assuming me and Rhyme are wrong in our theory), and thus we won't see him for a bit yet.
I agree with just about every numbered point in the above post, especially the anti-YL, anti-CSLink, and quasi-anti-DS stance. I thought MP2:E was pretty engaging, though (although the Dark World did get kind of annoying...).

Likewise, I am equally against Pichu returning. Snake would be a fitting choice to dispose of that rodent.

Wario Waft is something to be taken into account, as far as the Fiery Curry goes. Other attacks that may or may not be affected: Mario & Luigi's Fireball, Fox's Fire Fox, Falco's Fire Falco, CF's special moves, Peach's Peach Bomber and Toad Defense, Bowser's Flame Breath, and possibly others.

Sakurai continues to use MK as the "demo" character, which also leads me to believe that these gameplay updates are the closest we'll come to seeing him any time soon; don't expect his character update for a while. Nor should we expect Luigi's update for some time. He's been secret in the first two games, so why should they alter tradition now?


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
I always could kinda tell that Meta Knight's recovery would be awesome.

Regarding his tornado attack, I'm hoping that it will be active as long as you keep the button pressed... and that you can move sidewards while doing it! That would be nice indeed! :)
Well, of course his recovery will be awesome; he has wings for God's sake! That aside though, his moves are awesome. I can already see him performing them on Zelda or Mario! I also have to agree about the tornado.

Now, about the whole Link/YLink/CSLink issue...

If only one Link appears, I will be fine with that. However, I will be incredibly happy if YL reappears...as I main him. (If he doesn't change, that is. If he does, I'll be sad.) If YL himself can't make it, I want CSL to replace him, because I want a version of YL, and CSL would be awesome. And, as you all know, I really wish for Midna (along with Wolf Link!) to appear in the game, as they would also kick @$$. If, however, there is only the Link we know and love, who has been with us right from the start, I will be satisfied.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Old-school! I love that. =D

Interesting, though, it doesn't seem like Andross will be a boss for Fox's story mode or something. Or will he... heh, they could have a battle on top of an Arwing flying through some weird dimension with Andross constantly in the background spewing those tiles while Fox has to fight some weird contraptions or so... although that's more of a discussion for the story thread.

As for this one: My theory is that Captain Falcon and (Earthbound representative?) haven't been revealed yet because they are unlockable. Discuss!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
Old-school! I love that. =D

Interesting, though, it doesn't seem like Andross will be a boss for Fox's story mode or something. Or will he... heh, they could have a battle on top of an Arwing flying through some weird dimension with Andross constantly in the background spewing those tiles while Fox has to fight some weird contraptions or so... although that's more of a discussion for the story thread.

As for this one: My theory is that Captain Falcon and (Earthbound representative?) haven't been revealed yet because they are unlockable. Discuss!
Your theory is going to be funny if one of the two will be revealed tomorrow! :chuckle:

As for Andross, I prefer his newer look. They could have easily used it and turned those panels he's spitting into asteroids or something. Or they could have made it so that Andross (in his newer look) uses one of two attacks: Either he spits asteroids or he attacks with his fists. After all, they did something similar with Knuckle Joe.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Old-school! I love that. =D

Interesting, though, it doesn't seem like Andross will be a boss for Fox's story mode or something. Or will he... heh, they could have a battle on top of an Arwing flying through some weird dimension with Andross constantly in the background spewing those tiles while Fox has to fight some weird contraptions or so... although that's more of a discussion for the story thread.

As for this one: My theory is that Captain Falcon and (Earthbound representative?) haven't been revealed yet because they are unlockable. Discuss!
Personally, I'm not too much of Andross fan, but it would be coolif he was a boss in Adventure mode, anyway I'm thinking Sakurai will reveal Captain Falcon sometime soon because he gave away Samurai Goroh, as for Earthbound, I'll say Ness will probably be revealed sometime soon, unless he gets replaced with Lucas(mother 3) which if he makes an appearance then it''s a really good possibility that he'll be unlockable since he's a newcomer


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Anyone think that old school Andross helps Mr. Game & Watch's chances of returning? (I really would hate to see the little guy go. He has so much potential and will always be the ultimate WTFC.)

And does anyone think it too bold of me to expect Meta Knight sometime in the near future? Considering we already know he's in, and Sakurai told us ALL of his special moves today as opposed to the other newcomers (and Fox) who have only gotten two moves at a time (and PT only got one).

Also, I feel with the way Sakurai is throwing stuff at us now (all 4 of Link's moves, the newly established "Two-for-Tuesday" updates, etc.), I kind of suspect he overestimated the amount of updates he could sqeeze in before the release date. Not that I'm complaining or anything! Any time Sakurai wants to give us two updates at once (whether they be two newcomers or two banana peels) is alright by me!

And as far as the original Andross goes, I'm still hoping the Starfox64 incarnation of Andross to be a boss. One little technicality won't rain on my parade!
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