The rAt
Smash Ace
Okay, so E3 may have been a total bust in terms of Smash Bros (release date not withstanding), but at least they attempted to make up for it with an actual character update. If we'd have gotten another 'how to play' update at least three quarters of the world would be in ruins right now. And not the good three quarters. We're talkin' Canada and a bunch of water.
Seriously though, one thing about this update worries me; they opened up a new section of updates called notices. Not only does this complicate Dyce's color coding scheme (as there are now two blues), but it gives Sakurai another excuse to subsitute real information updates with things we don't care about. Clever, you crazy japanese marmoset, very clever.
Seriously though, one thing about this update worries me; they opened up a new section of updates called notices. Not only does this complicate Dyce's color coding scheme (as there are now two blues), but it gives Sakurai another excuse to subsitute real information updates with things we don't care about. Clever, you crazy japanese marmoset, very clever.