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[ COMPLETE! ] Smashboards Creates: All-Star Strife (An indie-based platform fighter!)


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.

Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
Sorry, but I’m going to reject this submission on two accounts; You need six songs, and I don’t think Pigstep has enough of a tie to really count, even if they share composers. However, you are welcome to resubmit within the next hour and a half.


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Submissions are closed, so it's time to start voting! Specifics on all submissions can be found here.

Job #5
Music for Celeste Mountain will be voted on via Strawpoll: https://strawpoll.com/polls/NoZrL1V1an3

Job #6
Please pick your top two from this list. Self-voting is only allowed for the second-place pick.
  • Treasure Tussle (FazDude)
  • Horde Rush (cashregister9)
  • Stamina Mode (Glubbfubb)
  • Tetherball (Janx_uwu)

Job #7
Please pick your top four from this list. Self-voting is only allowed for the 3rd-4th place picks.
  • Smash Ball Substitute
  • Assist Trophy Substitute
  • Freddy Plush (FNaF) (FazDude)
  • Bar of Soap (DUSK) (cashregister9)
  • Legendary Hero (UNDERTALE) (Torgo the Bear)
  • Disc Gun (Nuclear Throne) (Baysha)
  • Teleporter (Henry Stickmin) (Janx_uwu)
  • Elder Kettle's Brew (Cuphead) (Wario Wario Wario)
Voting for all three jobs will close tomorrow evening.
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Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Just realized I forgot to submit submission specifics; Sorry about that!
Celeste Mountain Music
Mode Submission: Treasure Tussle
Inspired by Shovel Knight and the coin mode from Smash, this mode has various gems and treasure drop from fighters upon taking damage. Touching treasure will cause it to be added to your Gold tally. Being KO'd will cause a good chunk of your Gold to fly out in a winged bag, allowing anyone to steal it for themselves. Be sure to snatch as many riches as you can, as whoever has the most at the end of the match wins!

Item submission: Freddy Plush (Five Nights at Freddy's)

This fuzzy little guy is similar to the Gooey Bomb from Smash; You can throw it at your opponents, causing it to attach to them. After being out for a short time, the Freddles from Five Nights at Freddy's 4 will suddenly swarm the plush, rapidly damaging its unlucky holder!
Job 5
1. Confronting Myself
2. Prologue
3. Resurrections
4. Scattered and Lost
5. First Steps
6. Mirror Temple (Mirror Magic Mix)

Job 6
Horde Rush

A combination of multi-man smash and Smash Run, you would have to fight off waves of unique enemies

Job 7

Bar of Soap (DUSK)

DUSK is a boomer shooter made by David Szymanski and published by New Blood and has become quite popular in the boomer shooter community.

This would be an item that you can pick up and throw. once it hits an enemy it immediately KOs them if they are over 100%.
I'm just hear suggesting Stamina Fights, every game should have that
Item Submission: Legendary Hero (Undertale)
View attachment 346883
It’s a sandwich shaped like a sword. Eating it restores 30% of your damage and gives you a temporary 1.5x attack power buff! Eating it produces the same sound effect it makes in Undertale.
View attachment 346882
Disc Gun (Nuclear Throne/Super Crate Box)

This "beloved" gun would shoot a razor sharp disc at a not quite straight angle that damages fighters. It can also ricochet off walls and damage the original fighter.
Celeste Mountain music:
Forsaken City (Sever The Skyline Mix)
Mirror Temple (Mirror Magic Mix)
Celestial Resort (Good Karma Mix)
Reach For The Summit (starts at 8:00)
Confronting Myself
Beyond The Heart

Mode Submission: Tetherball

You can hit the ball when its on your side, and the goal is to wrap up the ball on the opponent's side of the pole. How fast the ball goes depends on the strength of the attack it is hit with. Pretty much taken straight from Rivals. Playing this mode on bigger stages will mean a taller pole, a longer string, etc.

Item Submission: Teleporter (Henry Stickman)

Henry Stickman is a flash based point-and-click adventure series by PuffballsUnited. This item, when used, will teleport your fighter to a random point on the stage, which could get you in a really good position or just straight up kill you. Who knows? Only one way to find out!
Elder Kettle's Brew

Makes your character cel-shaded and replaces their jab, dash, and nair with a peashooting attack.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2020
Balatro Brainrot
  1. Stamina Mode (admittedly a boring pick, but it's extremely important to have. You wouldn't have a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich without the bread, would you?)
  2. Tetherball (yay, ball swings fast!)

  1. Assist Trophy substitute (It would be really funny if we just added Freddy's jump scare as an Assist so players just get randomly jump scared during matches. For that possibility alone I'm voting it 1st)
  2. Freddy Plush (myself-vote)
  3. Teleporter () The teleporter seems like a good item. Heck, I used it on this comment and it actually managed to escape the parenthesis, so you know it's powerful
  4. Legendary Hero Sandwich (Picking this because I made a sandwich analogy)

Deleted member

1. Stamina
2. Tetherball

1. AT Subsitute
2. Freddy Plush
3. Legendary Hero
4. Teleporter


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2021
1. Tether
2. Stamina

1. Teleporter
2. Brew
3. Soap
4. Disc Gun

The AT substitute is so obvious I'm actually kinda mad that it isn't in by default. It's like if there was a "New Smash Game" creation thread where Mario has to be voted in.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
1. Tetherball
2. Stamina

1. Assist trophy substitute
2. Legendary Hero
3. Teleporter
4. Smash Ball substitute


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Music/mode/item voting will close tonight as planned (probably in roughly eight hours), but I did want to take a moment to address the AT Substitute.

In hindsight... Yeah, it shoulda been a set-in-stone thing rather than something people voted on. I thought it would be fun to give people the option, but seeing as so many people are voting for it as their most wanted anyway, I feel kinda guilty for making people vote on something that a lot of folks feel is a vital item. I can't really do anything with this specific job without making things awkward or clunky, so the best thing I can do is own up to my mistake and vow to do better in the future (i'll probably do a "redo" job sometime in the near future which'll be entirely user-voted items). Sorry.

EDIT: Actually, I can do something for this job now that I think about it; I might just have the Assist Trophy substitute get in, but then add the 2-5th place items instead of stopping with 4th place (so we're essentially adding five items). Would folks be alright with this?
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Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Since we haven't recieved any new votes in a while, I'm gonna close voting a bit early.

Job #5
There was a three-way tie between me, Janx_uwu, and Qwerty UIOP, and we all had one vote each. To save us the time of a tiebreaker (since I don't think that'd change much anyway), I let RNG decide which music selection we'll use. As such, congratulations to Janx_uwu Janx_uwu - His music choices will be used for Celeste Mountain!

Job #6
Our next two modes have been decided; They will be Tetherball and Stamina Mode, suggested by Janx_uwu and Glubbfubb Glubbfubb respectively!

Job #7
Finally, as previously mentioned, we will be including the top 5 items as opposed to the top 4 as originally planned. They are...
  1. Assist Trophy substitute (specifics TBD by future jobs)
  2. Teleporter (Henry Stickmin) (Janx_uwu)
  3. Freddy Plush (Five Nights at Freddy's) (FazDude)
  4. Smash Ball substitute (specifics TBD by future jobs)
  5. Legendary Hero (UNDERTALE) ( Torgo the Bear Torgo the Bear )
Again, I would like to apologize for not making the Assist Trophy a built-in item. It was foolish of me, and I resolve to do better with item choices going forward.

Enough about items, though. It's time for the moment you've been waiting for - Our first moveset jobs!

Jobs #8/9 - Submit specials for Shovel Knight and/or Orcane!

Please submit specials for either or both characters. As a refresher, you will need:
  • Neutral Special
  • Forward Special
  • Back Special
  • Up Special
  • Down Special
  • A special shield specific to that character
Do not submit super moves, alternate colors/costumes, or animations; They will all be covered in future jobs.

Submissions will close Friday afternoon.


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Job #8: Shovel Knight
  • Neutral Special: Flare Wand
    • A rather simple projectile special; Shovel Knight uses the tilitular Relic to fire a fiery orb straight forwards. It's not the strongest move in the world, but it flies pretty quick.
  • Forward Special: Dust Knuckles
    • Shovel Knight lunges forwards with a powerful strike from the Dust Knuckles.
  • Back Special: Buzzsaw Boomerang
    • An innovated version of one of the Custom Knight's relics, Shovel Knight tosses this projectile forwards. After a few seconds, it will boomerang back to Shovel Knight's location.
  • Up Special: Propeller Dagger
    • Shovel Knight uses the Relic of the same name to propel himself upwards, not unlike SpongeBob's Up Special in NASB.
  • Down Special: War Horn
    • Shovel Knight blows into the War Horn, creating a mighty soundwave which launches opponents and nullifies most projectiles.
  • Shield: Shield Knight
    • Shovel Knight's most trusted ally appears to completely protect him from the front. However, she leaves her back open, allowing opponents to attack Shovel Knight from behind. But hey - She can even reflect projectiles if you time the shielding just right!
Job #9: Orcane
  • Neutral Special: Droplet
    • Orcane fires a drop of water from his blowhole. While it serves as a weak projectile, it leaves a puddle of water on the ground if it doesn't hit anything, which can be used for Orcane's Up Special.
  • Forward Special: Telesplash
    • Orcane rushes forwards, damaging opponents in his path.
  • Back Special: Hydro Pump
    • Orcane charges up, being able to store a full charge for later use. Once charged, Orcane spews water from his blowhole, pushing opponents away in a manner similar to Squirtle's Water Gun.
  • Up Special: Puddleport
    • If used normally, Orcane does a pitiful hop into the air. However, if a puddle is present when the Up Special is used, Orcane will teleport to said puddle, dealing major damage to any foe who may be standing on it.
  • Down Special: Evaporate
    • If Orcane has a puddle on-stage, it evaporates to deal multiple hits of damage to any foe standing on it. Otherwise, Orcane will just spawn a puddle in his current position (or drop a droplet beneath him if he is in midair).
  • Shield: Parry
    • In true RoA style, Orcane does not have a proper shield. Instead, he can parry attacks just as he can in his home series.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I would submit a moveset, but between Rivals of Aether and Shovel Knight Showdown, I think you've covered their specials pretty effectively.


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
I would submit a moveset, but between Rivals of Aether and Shovel Knight Showdown, I think you've covered their specials pretty effectively.
Yeah, I’m starting to realize I coulda just had people submit a Back Special and Shield for Orcane and make things a lot easier. For Shovel Knight, though, there’s a bunch of Relics I didn’t use, and I want to see if anyone’s willing to try something out with those.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
I'll give one a shot for Shovel Knight, and see if I can do anything unusual for him. Admittedly I don't really know Rivals well, but Orcane seems like he'd work with a variation of his current moveset in Rivals. Notably, a couple of these will as a result use some of Custom Knight's unique Relics and the like. I wanted to avoid using any Arcana or Curios (mostly because I'm imagining Shovel Knight may possibly get a second rep down the line!)

I'd first like to suggest some smaller aspects. Specifically - he uses the Fishing Rod in order to grab opponents, giving him a long-range grab. His Forward Air would actually look a lot like the Burrow Bomber. Also, his dodges will utilise the Phase Locket, and at least one of his taunts has Chester appear beside him, leaping out in excitement... before going back inside and vanishing again.

Neutral Special: Flare/Flareo Wand.
When tapping the Neutral Special, Shovel Knight will fire a quick projectile from his Flare Wand. This is pretty spammable, a little like Mega Man's jab combo. However, charging it will result in it changing form and becoming the Flareo Wand - firing a much larger and slower projectile, but one that violently explodes on combat. It's possible to store this too, similar to how Samus's Neutral Special functions. I know this isn't how it functions in-game, but I think this would be nice.

Forward Special: Mobile Gear.
Shovel Knight manifests the Mobile Gear in front of him. Whilst it doesn't do anything at first, it will begin to move forward if he jumps on top of it, or if he hits it with an attack. It works as a sort of platform, allowing him to ride on top of it, and it does damage to opponents that it hits, knocking them away. It'll vanish in a puff of smoke if it hits a wall or solid object, but it can in fact move up or down slopes, and will just run off the edge of a platform.

Notably, if used in the air, Shovel Knight will automatically be stood on top of it. This then gives a bit of horizontal movement in a downward direction, working as at least somewhat as a recovery tool. Of course, he can jump off and act freely afterward, but only one Mobile Gear can be on screen at a time - and he can't use it more than once in the air.

Back Special: Throwing/Tow Anchor.
Shovel Knight picks up an anchor from seemingly nowhere, and the effect depends on whether you're on the ground or in the air. If you're on the ground, it acts as a Throwing Anchor - he'll toss it in an arc similar to Simon's neutral special, which does a meaty hit of damage and knockback to opponents hit by it, but is a lot laggier than the Neutral Special. However, if used in the air, Shovel Knight will hold onto it - flying in the same arc! It's possible to let go of the anchor at any time, but if you attempt to use it in the air again, it'll only be a Throwing Anchor... but if you hold onto it, it'll pull you down with it too!

Notably, it's possible to influence the actual arc by holding an upward or downward direction as you input Back Special, with this also working in the air. Holding a more downward direction will have the arc be lower, but cover more horizontal distance, whilst an upward direction has the arc higher but with less horizontal coverage.

Up Special: Glide Cloud.
Using the Up Special will manifest a cloud under Shovel Knight's feet, on which he is able to stand. The cloud will move at a sharp upward angle at first, before continuing horizontally, downward at a low angle. If Shovel Knight jumps off, he's able to act - though the cloud will disappear, and can't be used again until he touches the ground. When actually used on the ground, he'll surf along the floor, doing minute damage to opponents he hits, but dragging them along with him!

Down Special: Shadow Knight.
This works a little differently to the original variant. Shovel Knight will have a small, stylised meter on his UI that indicates the level of "magic" that his Shadow Knight will have. Then, when inputting Down Special, Shovel Knight will manifest a shadowy clone of himself that follows his exact movements with a short delay (maybe around 10 frames.) This works a little like the Ice Climbers, being able to use them to combo attacks by essentially hitting opponents twice.

However, there's some differences. Shadow Knight, most prominently, is intangible - opponents can't hit it, but it can hit them. However, Shadow Knight can't use any Relics, meaning it's useless to use Shadow Knight to spam projectiles. Furthermore, using Shadow Knight will constantly drain your magic meter, meaning you can't constantly use it. Over time, it'll slowly recharge.

Shield: Phase Locket.
Shovel Knight doesn't have a shield as such, but rather dodges attacks by becoming intangible with the Phase Locket. At first glance, it might seem like a really good option - but this means Shovel Knight doesn't have access to parries or other perfect shield mechanics. Attacks will pass through him without damaging him, though! He's also not able to move whilst shielding - he's stuck in place for balancing reasons - and after a certain amount of time, he'll be forced to become tangible once more (though you can also make him tangible by simply letting go of the shield button.)

I hope this is at least a somewhat unique take!


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Submissions will close tomorrow as planned.

Also, it is likely that the next set of jobs will be more varied so that more people can contribute. Think of it as a "make-up" for the last item job.

In the meantime, I want to hear any criticism/ideas for the thread. I want to make this a fun thread, but lately, I feel like I haven't been living up to expectations with it.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Submissions will close tomorrow as planned.

Also, it is likely that the next set of jobs will be more varied so that more people can contribute. Think of it as a "make-up" for the last item job.

In the meantime, I want to hear any criticism/ideas for the thread. I want to make this a fun thread, but lately, I feel like I haven't been living up to expectations with it.
Don't worry too much about it - I ran the PlayStation All Stars 2 thread, and I found that it was an experience where you learn on the go. Find what works and what doesn't; it seems to vary from thread to thread.


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Moveset submissions are now closed. My submission for Orcane wins by default, while Shovel Knight's moveset will be decided by StrawPoll voting: https://strawpoll.com/polls/xVg7dbYLOZr

Voting will close around midday tomorrow.

Job #8: Shovel Knight
  • Neutral Special: Flare Wand
    • A rather simple projectile special; Shovel Knight uses the tilitular Relic to fire a fiery orb straight forwards. It's not the strongest move in the world, but it flies pretty quick.
  • Forward Special: Dust Knuckles
    • Shovel Knight lunges forwards with a powerful strike from the Dust Knuckles.
  • Back Special: Buzzsaw Boomerang
    • An innovated version of one of the Custom Knight's relics, Shovel Knight tosses this projectile forwards. After a few seconds, it will boomerang back to Shovel Knight's location.
  • Up Special: Propeller Dagger
    • Shovel Knight uses the Relic of the same name to propel himself upwards, not unlike SpongeBob's Up Special in NASB.
  • Down Special: War Horn
    • Shovel Knight blows into the War Horn, creating a mighty soundwave which launches opponents and nullifies most projectiles.
  • Shield: Shield Knight
    • Shovel Knight's most trusted ally appears to completely protect him from the front. However, she leaves her back open, allowing opponents to attack Shovel Knight from behind. But hey - She can even reflect projectiles if you time the shielding just right!
Job #9: Orcane
  • Neutral Special: Droplet
    • Orcane fires a drop of water from his blowhole. While it serves as a weak projectile, it leaves a puddle of water on the ground if it doesn't hit anything, which can be used for Orcane's Up Special.
  • Forward Special: Telesplash
    • Orcane rushes forwards, damaging opponents in his path.
  • Back Special: Hydro Pump
    • Orcane charges up, being able to store a full charge for later use. Once charged, Orcane spews water from his blowhole, pushing opponents away in a manner similar to Squirtle's Water Gun.
  • Up Special: Puddleport
    • If used normally, Orcane does a pitiful hop into the air. However, if a puddle is present when the Up Special is used, Orcane will teleport to said puddle, dealing major damage to any foe who may be standing on it.
  • Down Special: Evaporate
    • If Orcane has a puddle on-stage, it evaporates to deal multiple hits of damage to any foe standing on it. Otherwise, Orcane will just spawn a puddle in his current position (or drop a droplet beneath him if he is in midair).
  • Shield: Parry
    • In true RoA style, Orcane does not have a proper shield. Instead, he can parry attacks just as he can in his home series.
I'll give one a shot for Shovel Knight, and see if I can do anything unusual for him. Admittedly I don't really know Rivals well, but Orcane seems like he'd work with a variation of his current moveset in Rivals. Notably, a couple of these will as a result use some of Custom Knight's unique Relics and the like. I wanted to avoid using any Arcana or Curios (mostly because I'm imagining Shovel Knight may possibly get a second rep down the line!)

I'd first like to suggest some smaller aspects. Specifically - he uses the Fishing Rod in order to grab opponents, giving him a long-range grab. His Forward Air would actually look a lot like the Burrow Bomber. Also, his dodges will utilise the Phase Locket, and at least one of his taunts has Chester appear beside him, leaping out in excitement... before going back inside and vanishing again.

Neutral Special: Flare/Flareo Wand.
When tapping the Neutral Special, Shovel Knight will fire a quick projectile from his Flare Wand. This is pretty spammable, a little like Mega Man's jab combo. However, charging it will result in it changing form and becoming the Flareo Wand - firing a much larger and slower projectile, but one that violently explodes on combat. It's possible to store this too, similar to how Samus's Neutral Special functions. I know this isn't how it functions in-game, but I think this would be nice.

Forward Special: Mobile Gear.
Shovel Knight manifests the Mobile Gear in front of him. Whilst it doesn't do anything at first, it will begin to move forward if he jumps on top of it, or if he hits it with an attack. It works as a sort of platform, allowing him to ride on top of it, and it does damage to opponents that it hits, knocking them away. It'll vanish in a puff of smoke if it hits a wall or solid object, but it can in fact move up or down slopes, and will just run off the edge of a platform.

Notably, if used in the air, Shovel Knight will automatically be stood on top of it. This then gives a bit of horizontal movement in a downward direction, working as at least somewhat as a recovery tool. Of course, he can jump off and act freely afterward, but only one Mobile Gear can be on screen at a time - and he can't use it more than once in the air.

Back Special: Throwing/Tow Anchor.
Shovel Knight picks up an anchor from seemingly nowhere, and the effect depends on whether you're on the ground or in the air. If you're on the ground, it acts as a Throwing Anchor - he'll toss it in an arc similar to Simon's neutral special, which does a meaty hit of damage and knockback to opponents hit by it, but is a lot laggier than the Neutral Special. However, if used in the air, Shovel Knight will hold onto it - flying in the same arc! It's possible to let go of the anchor at any time, but if you attempt to use it in the air again, it'll only be a Throwing Anchor... but if you hold onto it, it'll pull you down with it too!

Notably, it's possible to influence the actual arc by holding an upward or downward direction as you input Back Special, with this also working in the air. Holding a more downward direction will have the arc be lower, but cover more horizontal distance, whilst an upward direction has the arc higher but with less horizontal coverage.

Up Special: Glide Cloud.
Using the Up Special will manifest a cloud under Shovel Knight's feet, on which he is able to stand. The cloud will move at a sharp upward angle at first, before continuing horizontally, downward at a low angle. If Shovel Knight jumps off, he's able to act - though the cloud will disappear, and can't be used again until he touches the ground. When actually used on the ground, he'll surf along the floor, doing minute damage to opponents he hits, but dragging them along with him!

Down Special: Shadow Knight.
This works a little differently to the original variant. Shovel Knight will have a small, stylised meter on his UI that indicates the level of "magic" that his Shadow Knight will have. Then, when inputting Down Special, Shovel Knight will manifest a shadowy clone of himself that follows his exact movements with a short delay (maybe around 10 frames.) This works a little like the Ice Climbers, being able to use them to combo attacks by essentially hitting opponents twice.

However, there's some differences. Shadow Knight, most prominently, is intangible - opponents can't hit it, but it can hit them. However, Shadow Knight can't use any Relics, meaning it's useless to use Shadow Knight to spam projectiles. Furthermore, using Shadow Knight will constantly drain your magic meter, meaning you can't constantly use it. Over time, it'll slowly recharge.

Shield: Phase Locket.
Shovel Knight doesn't have a shield as such, but rather dodges attacks by becoming intangible with the Phase Locket. At first glance, it might seem like a really good option - but this means Shovel Knight doesn't have access to parries or other perfect shield mechanics. Attacks will pass through him without damaging him, though! He's also not able to move whilst shielding - he's stuck in place for balancing reasons - and after a certain amount of time, he'll be forced to become tangible once more (though you can also make him tangible by simply letting go of the shield button.)

I hope this is at least a somewhat unique take!
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Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Shovel Knight voting has closed, and my submission has won. As such, time for more jobs!

Job #10: Submit a female fighter!
We're not too far off from International Women's Day, so why not add one or two to the roster? The only preresiquite is that the fighter must be female; Role, series, or any other factor doesn't matter.

Job #11: Submit a stage from a non-represented franchise!
Just what it says on the tin. Note that any series represented by this job is NOT disqualified from future representation. The following series are forbidden from this job: Shovel Knight, Rivals of Aether, Undertale, Cuphead, Cave Story, Shantae, Antonball, Skullgirls, Celeste, Super Smash Flash, Five Nights at Freddy's, Limbo, Geometry Dash, and Henry Stickmin.

Job #12: Submit a replacement for Assist Trophies!
Pretty simple. This replacement can be inspired by an item from an existing game, or it can be something brand new for this game.

These jobs will all close Monday afternoon.
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Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Job #10: Annalynn (Annalynn)

Annalynn is the eponymous protagonist of the game of the same name. She is a miner who happens to run into the Venom Brood, a group of villainous snakes, during one of her expeditions, and now must fend off the reptiles while gathering treasure.

Annalynn fits nicely as a "literally who" rep, and I feel that she could have a fun moveset, essentially being to All-Star Strife what Pac-Man is to Smash; A fun, simple, arcade-inspired fighter!

Job #11: The Stanley Parable Adventure Line (The Stanley Parable)

The Stanley Parable is such a charming game that I wanna represent it somehow, and a stage seems like the best way to do it. This would be a travelling stage, with the eponymous Adventure Line leading fighters through the game's world, going through Stanley's office to some of the rooms from various endings.

Job #12: Companion Card (All-Star Strife)
A simple trading card-like item. Pick it up, and a random assist character will temporarily appear to provide their aid!


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Job #10:

Character Name: Cadence.
Character Origin: Crypt of the NecroDancer (2015.)


The problem with a job like this is that there's two pretty obvious picks (the genie and the mountaineer, shh) that I imagine would get me ninja'd, so I'll submit someone a little weirder and hope to see a positive response.

Cadence would be a pretty interesting, though unusual, representative for the rhythm game genre. Unlike Shovel Knight however, she also has a small knife she can use. Her overall gameplay would primarily focus on her needing to keep to a rhythm in order to effectively do better at attacking opponents. She'll use her knife and shovel mostly, but may also use some of her spells too.

I'd like to suggest that she could have a unique function in the form of a sort of tempo? It'd have to be changed from the source material, meaning that maybe her smash attacks would work a little like attacks in the Paper Mario series (where you have to time your inputs.) She'd be really fun to see - and her series was popular enough to even crossover with the Legend of Zelda!

Job #11:
Stage Name: Diogenes' Mountain.
Stage Origin: Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy.


Okay so I got ninja'd with the whole Stanley Parable thing, but luckily I have another game in mind with a particularly notable narrator. On another note, meet Diogenes. He had to climb a mountain, in a cauldron, with nothing more than a sledgehammer. Now you do too.

The stage itself takes place somewhere on the mountain. I'm not exactly sure, but I'd like to suggest partway through Stage 2 (so as to include Orange Hell there somewhere.) The stage itself is placed in a perilous place, but being that you can only really fall off on one side. I'm thinking on top of the building with tons of trash on it so you can use them as tunnels to get around maybe? Also, Bennett Foddy will narrate here but as you can imagine he's now talking about the philosophy of fighting games in his incredibly calming tone.

Job #12:
Item Name: Teleporter.
Item Origin: Crossing the Pit.


Press the button, and it'll teleport someone random in to aid you! I'm aware that the Teleporter isn't supposed to work like this in the actual Henry Stickmin "canon" but let's be real, things not working like you expected them to is a pivotal part of the whole series. The Teleporter doing something completely different to it's intended function ironically makes it more of a Henry Stickmin reference.



Deleted member


Lady Love Dies

The main protagnist of the 2020 game Paradise Killer, developed by British studio Kaizen Game Works. Paradise Killer is a 3D open world adventure game in which players must solve mysteries. They have to collect clues and evidence in order to make stronger convictions when they bring characters to trial.

The game takes place in a pocket universe where a race of immortal alien beings, known as the Syndicate, are trying to create a perfect society in order to reawaken the ancient gods that they worship. They created an island in order to achieve this, and they kidnap humans from earth to inhabit it. But when the experiment fails they slaughter them and start agian. But one night, on the night of the slaughter, the Syndicate's council are found murdered. Sensing a conspiracy, the council calls for exiled detective Lady Love Dies, who must solve the mystery, but it won't be easy when everyone has something to hide.

Lady Love Dies is a really fun character, players learn about her checkered past and relationships with various characters as they go through the game. I admit she may be hard to make a moveset for but it's not impossible. She could have a Phoenix Wright style evidence mechanic, and her ability to act as judge and executioner could be reflected in her moveset. This game is simply oozing with style, and has a banger soundtrack to boot.

I'll submit a stage soon.


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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Female Fighter:
Hat Kid

Hat Kid is main eponymous character of A hat in Time series. She is a kid that travels throught Time and space to defeat baddies and she uses her unique hats to get the unique abilities like Time Freezing or etc.
She is popular pick for the game and she is also female, so it makes here eligible for the Job.

She could use moveset based on abilities from her games like Hats or she could use other platforming techniques as attacks.
She could have a lot of moveset and she is one of Most requested indie characters for Smash. Nuff said.

Unrepresented stage:
Resubmitting Canabalt for KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 .
(Original idea belongs to KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 )

Whilst Canabalt's Runner might not be such an interesting character to work with, the unique, almost oppressing aura of Canabalt's world would make for a wonderful stage. Set on the rooftops of the city, and overlooking the grey skyline, it's almost quaint - birds will perch on the rooftops and hop around, as well as flying away if you get too close. Of course, there's also stage hazards in the form of ships that fall from the sky, smacking into the ground (though with a little icon indicating where they'll hit.) They deal massive damage on contact - making the stage perilous to battle atop... but also slightly picturesque.

Assist Trophy equivalent:
Assist Orb (Allstar Strife)

It acts like Assist Trophy from Smash, but it also acts like bowling ball, meaning that you can throw at opponent.
This item can summon an Assist by summoning it like AT or throwing at opponent to unleash the power of Assist.
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Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Job #10:

Character Name: Cadence.
Character Origin: Crypt of the NecroDancer (2015.)

View attachment 347360

The problem with a job like this is that there's two pretty obvious picks (the genie and the mountaineer, shh) that I imagine would get me ninja'd, so I'll submit someone a little weirder and hope to see a positive response.

Cadence would be a pretty interesting, though unusual, representative for the rhythm game genre. Unlike Shovel Knight however, she also has a small knife she can use. Her overall gameplay would primarily focus on her needing to keep to a rhythm in order to effectively do better at attacking opponents. She'll use her knife and shovel mostly, but may also use some of her spells too.

I'd like to suggest that she could have a unique function in the form of a sort of tempo? It'd have to be changed from the source material, meaning that maybe her smash attacks would work a little like attacks in the Paper Mario series (where you have to time your inputs.) She'd be really fun to see - and her series was popular enough to even crossover with the Legend of Zelda!

Job #11:
Stage Name: Diogenes' Mountain.
Stage Origin: Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy.

View attachment 347368

Okay so I got ninja'd with the whole Stanley Parable thing, but luckily I have another game in mind with a particularly notable narrator. On another note, meet Diogenes. He had to climb a mountain, in a cauldron, with nothing more than a sledgehammer. Now you do too.

The stage itself takes place somewhere on the mountain. I'm not exactly sure, but I'd like to suggest partway through Stage 2 (so as to include Orange Hell there somewhere.) The stage itself is placed in a perilous place, but being that you can only really fall off on one side. I'm thinking on top of the building with tons of trash on it so you can use them as tunnels to get around maybe? Also, Bennett Foddy will narrate here but as you can imagine he's now talking about the philosophy of fighting games in his incredibly calming tone.

Job #12:
Item Name: Teleporter.
Item Origin: Crossing the Pit.

View attachment 347369

Press the button, and it'll teleport someone random in to aid you! I'm aware that the Teleporter isn't supposed to work like this in the actual Henry Stickmin "canon" but let's be real, things not working like you expected them to is a pivotal part of the whole series. The Teleporter doing something completely different to it's intended function ironically makes it more of a Henry Stickmin reference.
The Teleporter will not be accepted, since it's already an item. Cadence and Diogenes' Mountain are fine, though.
For the female fighter job, can I submit a Pokemon-Trainer style fighter that has a female character in it?
If the "trainer" is a female, that'd be fine.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Job 10: Miriam (Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night)

In the wake of many classic franchises being neglected by the companies that currently own them, several developers turn to Kickstarter or other crowdfunding games to make spiritual successors to classic franchises like Mega Man, Banjo-Kazooie, or Castlevania.

One of the bigger success stories was Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. The brainchild of Koji Igarashi of Castlevania game, Bloodstained focuses on Miriam and her quest to save her childhood friend from what is essentially demonic possession. The series started out with a Metroid style title, receiving two spin-offs, a sequel that's in the works, and a few cameos along the way.

As she's from a Metroidvania title, there's a lot to work with in terms of abilities, stages, music, etc., and she offers something tonally different from the franchises that are currently in the roster.

Job 11: Runbow (Runbow)

In Runbow, the core concept is that it's a platformer where the background cycles through several different colours, and if a platform's colour matches the background's colour, then it doesn't exist until the background colour changes again. (black platforms/surfaces are safe, since the background won't change to black) A stage based on this game would behave similarly, with black floating platforms that resemble Battlefield, and orange, green, blue, and pink platforms scattered throughout the space around that central platform. (maybe one or two of each colour)

The background cycles between one of these four colours, making it so some of these platforms can't be accessed. It's not exactly competitive-friendly, but it's a creative idea that I want to see incorporated into a platform fighter.
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Torgo the Bear

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2019
the country where the pretty girls are from
Switch FC

Yumiko (Brawlhalla)
We already have Orcane, but who says we can't add another platform fighter character? Brawlhalla is a platform fighter starring various powerful warriors (and a few crossover characters ranging from Rayman to Hellboy to Steven Universe to literally John Cena) who have all been recruited to the afterlife of Valhalla in preparation for Ragnarok, where all of Odin's strongest warriors will have to fight the Titans for the fate of the world. And in the meantime, they'll train in a crazy fighting tournament!

Yumiko is one of the many playable Legends in the game. She is a blind kitsune who lived among humans under the disguise of a seamstress. When her village was invaded by monstrous wolves, she took up a bow and fought back. Every winter, the beasts attacking her village grew stronger, until she was slaying dragons and a tengu army. When she finally had enough, she hunted down the source of these monsters--a witch from a magical forest dimension--and defeated her. After the battle, Yumiko was visited by a Valkyrie and chosen to join the ranks of the greatest warriors in Valhalla. Yumiko accepted.

Brawlhalla's primary gameplay gimmick is the use of weapons. There are currently thirteen different weapons that can be used in Brawlhalla, but every character has a unique combination of two they are allowed to use. Yumiko in particular gets to use a bow and a large hammer. Yumiko's special moves with her weapons showcase her unique ability to transform into a blue flaming spirit and fire herself in place of an arrow. She can also create similar blue flames that linger on the stage for a bit, which don't do much damage or knockback but tend to drop opponents into the perfect position for followup attacks. Also, while she never does it in-game, one of Brawlhalla's animated trailers (released a long time after Yumiko was added to the game) depicts her being able to transform completely into a white-furred kitsune, so we could possibly incorporate that into her moveset should she make the cut.

Yumiko also has immense potential for alternate costumes. Not only does she already have 10 alternate skins in Brawlhalla, but each skin including the default have 34 palette swap options! Just to give you an example of some of her best skins we could use later on:

(The third one is my personal favorite, it's the one I use when I play her. So if Yumiko makes the cut I will do whatever it takes to get that skin included as well.)

Yumiko is by no means the "main character" of Brawlhalla, that role would go to the mascot Bodvar. And realistically, if Bodvar wasn't chosen to reperesent Brawlhalla in a crossover, the role would probably go to a more popular character like Mordex, or maybe even Ragnir (since he is featured in Rivals of Aether as a skin for Maypul). But I chose Yumiko because she's my main and I'm absolutely biased.
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 10:Madeline (Celeste)

(i know that a lot of people will think it's a cheat,because Madeline is trans)
Madeline is the main character from Celeste, she is 21-year-old red-haired canadian woman and her goal is climb the Month Celeste.
Celeste won an award of game for impact and best indepedent game in 2018

(i wanted to ask filia from skulgirls,but the problem is peacock is in as skullgirls rep)
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