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COMPETITIVE Brawl+: Code Agenda


Theory Coder
Feb 28, 2004
In a world of my own devising
0 Buffer doesn't disable DACing, for anybody. I've been doing it all morning, consistently. If anything it's got a tighter window, but that doesn't make it impossible.


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2006
Winter Park, FL
That dash dance code is so sweet haha. I'm liking the 0 buffer a lot too, removes all those easy mode button mash options. Yeah, it takes away a couple of aerial options but I'm willing to give up those for the sake of precision.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
Question: What are the corresponding frame values for the buffer modifier? I finally got access to my Wii again and I want to test something out.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
Oh. I thought I was after some kind of letter correspondence since the default was "A" and that was 10 frames. Thanks kupo.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
The buffer doesnt mess up Dacing but it does thunderstomping and jab canceling, Kupo you try and thunderstomp with ganon with 0 buffering. Im hoping for that 3 to 4 but if not I dont see myself using this code.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
OK, reporting my findings:

1 buffer feels reeeeeeeeally good.

It really does.

0 Buffer:
MK: sh dair to bair/fair almost impossible
sonic: sh fair to uair/nair almost impossible
mario: sh double bair almost impossible
link: sh bair to arrow cancel almost impossible
toonlink: sh fair to nair almost impossible
yoshi: sh bair to uair almost impossible

samus: sh double nair impossible
zelda:sh fair to bair impossible
ganon: sh dair autocancel impossible
cpt. falcon: sh dair autocancel impossible
link: tripple arrow jump impossible

I didn't test all possibilitys, but there are surely more.

Sorry guys, 0 Buffer is no option for me.
At 1 buffer, all of those work perfectly, as KayJay has already tested and I am giving second confirmation.

Would putting the buffer to 1 still cause you to crouch after a fast fall? That was the biggest reason why I wanted to get rid of buffer.
This is the big one for everyone who wants 0 buffer:

NO! You don't crouch after a fast fall with 1 buffer!

I mean, is it possible? Of course. There is still 1 frame. But it's highly unlikely from all my testing.

I tested a lot of characters, most of which were quick fallers, in order to determine if you still crouched after a SHFFL.

The one I tested most was Link and I nailed SHFFLs continuously and never crouched. Same with Squirtle, and same with Sheik.

I think I only managed to make it happen once - with Sheik, and that was likely my fault instead (I routinely use Dtilt after the SHFFL with Sheik because it's a perfect setup for the Ftilt, so it I probably a reflexively went for the crouch).

Let me just emphasize that I tried REALLY hard to make the buffered crouch happened when I played as Link and Squirtle. I tried over and over and it never happened. I always had perfect segues into the next attack. Those two feel so good, heh.

I think everyone should try out 1 buffer and state what your results are.

From what I'm seeing, 1 buffer is perfect. The game feels great, all those instant aerials are still possible, and there's no crouch after a fastfall.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
What's the difference for the new shieldstun code and the old ones being used in the .txt file currently? Why was a revision even necessary?


Smash Champion
Jun 11, 2008
Copiague, New York
Kupo, methinks you should update your .gct file with the new shieldstun. :p
I was just about to say that, you in my head. :psycho:

@Alopex: I say that was don't even use that code at all, there's soooo much controversy with that code and any other value besides 0 = glitchy. Really... I think we should just not mess with the buffer but I'll try 1 anyway since I do agree with sloppy imputs being punished.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Kupo, methinks you should update your .gct file with the new shieldstun. :p
methinks thats a good idea...but what values do I use? I don't have my wii to test right now. I hear that the modifier needs to be increased while the weak hits needs 2 subtracted from before


Smash Champion
Jun 11, 2008
Copiague, New York
methinks thats a good idea...but what values do I use? I don't have my wii to test right now. I hear that the modifier needs to be increased while the weak hits needs 2 subtracted from before
Oh... well I just deleted my old file, waiting for the new one now. I'm going to try these codes out especially because I have the tourney tomorrow at Gametable and I'm bringing these with me. ;)


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
@Alopex: I say that was don't even use that code at all, there's soooo much controversy with that code and any other value besides 0 = glitchy. Really... I think we should just not mess with the buffer but I'll try 1 anyway since I do agree with sloppy imputs being punished.
Well, kupo said he figured out the glitches and the code should be fine.

From personal experience, I have no problems with the buffer code when it is set to 1 frame. Everything works great, feels great, and I haven't come across any issues. Para-pa-pa-paaa, I'm lovin' it.

One thing of note for anyone who was wondering, all my testing was done under normal Brawl gravity.

Deleted member

when the old code was 3/4 you use 3/2 in the new shieldstun code, and that or 3/3 are good values I think.

I don't have any trouble with 3 buffer btw, feels very fluid.


Smash Champion
Jun 11, 2008
Copiague, New York
I hear that old 3/4 acts like 1/4 with the new code. So Im going to suggest for the new code use 4/2...idk
There's a suggestion in the hit/shield stun thread for a value, waiting on this new file Kupo. :p But in the mean time I'm going to play some Melee while still snooping around.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
So if I was using 2.75 for the old weak hit 1 liner code what should I put in for the new code on the additive part?


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee


Smash Apprentice
Nov 10, 2007
Moorpark, CA
I was just wondering if there is any way that we could change the overall sizes of the characters. They just seem too big and clunky and the levels feel to small for them. In SB64 and Melee the characters overall were much smaller compared to the levels. I don't know much about hacking but I am all for Brawl+ as vanilla Brawl just is not fun to me. So I was just wondering if character sizes could be something else that we could experiment with.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
I was just wondering if there is any way that we could change the overall sizes of the characters. They just seem too big and clunky and the levels feel to small for them. In SB64 and Melee the characters overall were much smaller compared to the levels. I don't know much about hacking but I am all for Brawl+ as vanilla Brawl just is not fun to me. So I was just wondering if character sizes could be something else that we could experiment with.
no clue but funny thing is I was thinking that also lol xD


Smash Champion
Jun 11, 2008
Copiague, New York


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
im not sure about the shield stun values so please let me know if its too much or little or whatever. Remember, all multi hit moves should finish before the shield can drop down so keep an eye out for that.

We have a couple more codes left

Actually, couldn't you just use the Size Modifiers for that?
Yes but all recoveries and jumps and such do not scale. The best thing would be for a level size mod if we do something like this.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2008
There are two size modifiers in the game - one which also scales damage/knockback, and one which doesn't. However, I believe you're correct in that it wouldn't affect recoveries, making it even more easy than it currently is.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
I don't think it's necessary to shrink the characters. It would just make it harder to combo since their hit boxes would be smaller. If knockback/power isn't affected then that means that in effect the knockback would appear to be higher cause of the size difference, and too much knockback is a problem.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
I don't think it's necessary to shrink the characters. It would just make it harder to combo since their hit boxes would be smaller. If knockback/power isn't affected then that means that in effect the knockback would appear to be higher cause of the size difference, and too much knockback is a problem.
yea I agree. Level size would be the solution if we chose to go down this path.

Also, **** my sister for not letting me hack her wii until mine comes back. Srsly, she never uses it and is being very unreasonable......-_-

mookie, how was the 4/2 combination?

Zxeon, most likely not

Deleted member

seriously, changing character sizes improves nothing and will make people not try this since it changes too much of the playstyle.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 10, 2007
Moorpark, CA
I don't think it's necessary to shrink the characters. It would just make it harder to combo since their hit boxes would be smaller. If knockback/power isn't affected then that means that in effect the knockback would appear to be higher cause of the size difference, and too much knockback is a problem.
You might be right but both Melee and SB64 worked fine with smaller sized character models. If not, then Kupo's idea of modifying the size of the levels might work.


Smash Champion
Jun 11, 2008
Copiague, New York
yea I agree. Level size would be the solution if we chose to go down this path.

Also, **** my sister for not letting me hack her wii until mine comes back. Srsly, she never uses it and is being very unreasonable......-_-

mookie, how was the 4/2 combination?

Zxeon, most likely not
I'm up for that job as long as she's good lookin. :p


Smash Lord
Dec 7, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
Yea? How many pros have you seen that actually implement this in their strategy? And as far as i know, you can't shield during the initial dash in VB
Pretty much any good peach player tries to do it now. After Smiles(peach) actually traveled out of state right before brawl came out everyone realized that powershielding was actually doable and applicable in game. At least anyone that played him or saw him play. After that the rest of top peaches started trying to do it. Though it is quite applicable with almost any character simply peach had it the easiest as should could powershield downsmash.
Simply most people like yourself diddn't know that powershielding in melee was applicable. Those that live where I do by Smiles all know that it is and that's why there are so many people in this city that have incorperated it in our games. Of course being able to shield during a dash or PS during one became quite useful. Not just here though but if you watch japanese matches many of their top players like CJ will PS to not have shield lag and instantly aerial.

I was saying that you can't shield during your initial dash in vanilla brawl, but I guess you missed that. The point I was making is that the initial dash animation in vanilla brawl is shorter and that's why you don't notice too much that you can't shield, and it doesn't matter too much as almost anytime you are dashing you are not in the inital dash animation and thus can shield. Now with the dash dancing code on the initial dash animation is greatly lengthened leading to a much larger portion of the time you are dashing being taken by time that you are unable to shield. This is very different than vanilla brawl and makes dashing very unsafe.

For instance if someone with a slow dash (not to sure who has one) but lets say I'm fox and they do a typical mindgame to bait a dodge ie. dash at me dash away and dash back grab (this is all dash dancing). The instant I see the dash I will always just dash attack them as I know they are completely exposed and can be punished easily as they cannot shield.
Or say for instance someone simply dashes at me regularly I can simply tilt them away or even forward smash my opponent as I know that will still be in their initial dash animation and that it is this specific distance that it is impossible for them to shield.
Alright those might be a bit harder lets go with something safer lets say I'm toon link anytime I see anyone dash at all I will throw a projectile as I know there is no way they can block it.

I'm trying to point out that the dash dance code is nice and does add plenty of options but at the same time turns dashing in itself into something very dangerous that puts you in a bad position and I can easily see peoople shy away from even doing a dash as it will leave them open and good players don't like to leave themselves open at all.

This can be likened to tripping. Due to the chance of tripping from dashing many people in vanilla brawl opt to simply walk in many situations as they don't want to leave themselves open for an attack. Of course they will still dash when they want to follow up something or to do other things but it's not something they can just do as it has a risk to it. As I recall we took out tripping as we didn't want to be limited.

So again why do you want to limit players in their options to something that even vailla brawl didn't really limit you in doing when allowing shielding during the dash only increases options and adds even more depth and approach opportunity which we want as vanilla brawl was too campy. Isn't the whole purpose of a shield stun code to make shielding less broken so what is wrong with it? There is nothing stopping people from grabbing either. This is in no way broken.

So did 1 buffer have any bugs?
Edit: Alopex, sorry about that, nice post, thanks a lot for the info. I'll be trying out 1 buffer =)
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