Cape is wrong. It is EXTREMLY easy to get around zair. Rising zairs are 100% ineffective so there is still the opportunity to punish.
some characters don't even need to approach zair. They have superior spams and can just rack up damage forcing them to stop.
Some characters are unfazed by zair. DK uses up b super armor to go right though it and throw out death combo's on the slow characters. Bowser can do something similar. Other characters are short enough to the point where timing zair is inefficient. These characters can still get past it because rising zair is bad. A simple shield and you are already inside performing ****.
Only characters moderatly affected are those slow and big ones. Ike D3 Snake Ganon and all of then (except for ganon) have moves with decent range. Bigger and faster characters like marth still has the ability to approach at angles that **** these characters.
It's not like metaknight has zair. Many people complained about Samus lack of kill moves but kill moves don't need to be improved if you can rack damage slightly better.
Many people complained that Links up (his sig move) has to much risk and not enough reward for a kill move (1 of 2 good ones). This would help give it some use by comboing into it. (dair is the other kill move and you had no problem fixing it)
Earlier on, many people said TL was floaty for the system, this may benifit him and it doesn't even help him that much.
To go further, when you do a rising zair, the hit boxes disappear before you can even FF it at the height of SH. And the hitboxes come out at useless times if you do it this way, its not even close to being broken. Especially since they were put on sub par characters.
I do play with zair cape but if you can't get around zair then I question your ability and skill as a player. It is really not that hard. Pretty easy IMO....If you don't want do this, then you have to look at the moves I said. But I feel this solves the problem which is why I suggest it. It was a new and fresh idea. Besides, if you really don't like it you can always take it out. Thats the glory of B+
I see what you're saying about the hard counters bit, but my question for you is:
"If the majority of people (especially BRs) can acknowledge the fact that a character, metagame matchups etc. included, isn't quite on the same level (but is... playable) why would there be any reason to leave it that way?"
I agree, why leave minor character imbalances if you have the power to fix it.