Dark Sonic, when you really try the code with Sonic going fast you'll know why we need better control. If you run and jump, even if you hold back for as long as possible Sonic will still go halfway across FD.
I don't think it'd be awkward at all to go "BOOM LOSE MOMENTUM" as soon as you press something. Whether it be back, or down, or maybe even a button. In vBrawl you can do a running jump and end up landing behind you. You had complete control. Don't you think new players will find shooting off 3 feet no matter how much you hold back awkward? Besides that, vBrawl's regular momentum is hardly different from the amount some characters decelerate already.
The reason characters are going farther than they did in Melee is because the characters are floatier. In Melee characters reached their peak short hop faster, therefore going into their falling state faster, therefore also being able to fastfall faster. All of these things contributed to momentum being canceled sooner. Not only that, but the controls were built around the momentum, not the other way around.
Brawl isn't built to handle air momentum, at all. There is no reason we can't have the same amount of control from Melee though. We just have to go about it in a different way to make it work with our physics. In the new code, when you airdodge your momentum is reset. My idea is the same thing except we can do it and have all our options available to us.
I also don't see any reason to not give people full momentum other than to nerf the characters. I understand its just to keep them stable now, but we should make it a goal for better handling instead of making most the characters the same with hardly any benefit. I don't know, but I just can't fathom anything lower than 80. IMO it should be even higher. @_@