DPHAT!!!!! Oh man I'm so excited now. Get hyped!
I made some extra money this week, and now that I don't have to worry about doubles, I'll take a $1-$5 MM with anyone ($10 if I'm confident). Affinity and Dphat are musts, though. I won't let you say no to that MM. I'd like to play Dekar and GG also.
And this also goes out to in-staters, especially if I don't get to play you a lot.
If you don't know what I look like, look for the tall, mid-long brown haired guy wearing the Nuggets hoodie. I'll probably either be a. on commentary or b. being really **** loud while others are playing.
@Josiah: My phone's been dead all day, but it's charging now. Call me anytime and I should answer.
(I want to see if more people pay attention if I use a bigger font)