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ChuDatz Presentz: ChuDat's dojo - Yellow Belt $300 Pot! - 6.27.09 - LIVESTREAM UP!


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
Wow so much tension in this thread. all this trash talk over a video game? come on now guys I thought we were better than this... were fighting each other were suppose to help each other become stronger.. to take out the OOS, and instead were fighting are own brothers. this really saddens me to the highest extent because I used to look up to a lot of smashers in this community. But seeing all this btchin sorry i have to say this "makes my ***** soft" Lol. But seriously though come on guys. I'll agree with some of whats going on there is a lot of 2-faced people in the smash community. TBH I think everyone is just a tad 2-faced myself included. Basically what im saying is STFU and GTFO out of Chus thread Woodbridge!!! Lmao hahaha just joking you guys.

I am a reasonable guy. I dislike all you mother fckers the same. lmao ok ima stop joking around. In the end we should be helping each other out not fighting each other. XDDDDD

Edit:All smashers are Drama Queens lol. Except Azen. Hes cool.
lol, i was put into this discussion by being put on that list, I'm just defending myself. I hate drama:urg:


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
We'll settle this feud with 8-player Bomberman action.

i agree my level ic should have the infinite banned but im near perfect with them. Only other near perfect person with their mains are m2k with metaknight, atomsk with ddd, and adhd with diddy. Im sure a lota gay stuff they do deserves to get banned because it ***** 80% of the cast.
None of their gay stuff ***** 100% of the cast with a single grab. Ooooooo.


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
I may be coming to this tourny as well. This will be my third time traveling to Maryland if I decide to go. Should be lots of fun. I'm the Pikachu main from Jacksonville, North Carolina, if you remember me. See all of you very soon. :3

P.S. Hi Bill. :3


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2008
good lord so much to take in. this is kinda interestin to read. the drama level in this thread is almost like those spanish soap operas. watch us found out on the next page that oath is really chus cousin or something. lol

people just fighting about not fighting so they can get more people to fight where they should be fighting. the word of jesus is to be forgiving. cant yall just forget it, think nothing of it, hold no grudges, and have fun gettin better at brawl? Why cant we all just sit around the nintendo, drink apple juice, and laugh and play mario party liek in the good ol days.

oh yea deez, tell ur ugly *** brother he got till 4 oclock to gimme my money that saturday or ima be stewie and hes brian. na but 4 real ask him to at least pay a dollar or something


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2008
Sleepin on the clouds.
good lord so much to take in. this is kinda interestin to read. the drama level in this thread is almost like those spanish soap operas. watch us found out on the next page that oath is really chus cousin or something. lol

people just fighting about not fighting so they can get more people to fight where they should be fighting. the word of jesus is to be forgiving. cant yall just forget it, think nothing of it, hold no grudges, and have fun gettin better at brawl? Why cant we all just sit around the nintendo, drink apple juice, and laugh and play mario party liek in the good ol days.

oh yea deez, tell ur ugly *** brother he got till 4 oclock to gimme my money that saturday or ima be stewie and hes brian. na but 4 real ask him to at least pay a dollar or something
Lol says the Jerry with no Tom.:laugh: newayz its not that serious hell pay you. just add your name to the list.:chuckle:

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
I'm sure by the time this post has been posted, the arguement would have subsided but I want to put my two cents in. Don't tell me to mind my own business either, as a fellow Tournament Director, I feel what I have to say should be said and anything involving my friends from Woodbridge will be my business as well.

Umm... no.

We were poking fun, is all. It was my tourney and Dre didn't care to be honest. I don't hate you, Chu. You're a chill guy, but what Dre said was right. You can be an *** at times. I made this tourney so people that can't make it to yours will have another choice. It was never a plan to battle against you. I like throwing tourneys because they are fun and I get to meet new friends. I don't see your tourney as competition, but as an ally to help everyone get better. I honestly didn't like your response, but I don't like to pester people about that stuff(except Poyo) and I left it alone. All I ask is to lighten up. I'm not your enemy.

HYPE! For all of us!
Everything BMX says is True Chu. I was there when they discussed the date of their next tournament, yes they made jokes.. but again they were jokes. Just as friends do. It was set to that date to help the people of VA incase they didn't want to drive several hours to MD and for people like me, who have a hard time with getting money for gas and these events. Ever wonder why I don't show to other tournaments? Probably not.. but That's why.

I may be coming to this.

edit: I'm with chu on this. I hate it when people in the same region host a tournament the same day as a big one. Why would you wanna detract from the turnout. Just host yours on the 17th if you have to do it that weekend.
I'm hosting a tournament the same day as APEX for the convenience of those Smashers that wish to face people on their skill level rather than struggle to make it out of pools. I didn't get a single complaint from the host of APEX for my tournament, I don't see why Chu is taking this so far.. Woodbridge is not expecting more than 20 people to attend their tournament. They are mainly doing it as more of a Smash fest if anything.

Chu if anything we want the smashers to prioritize your tournament above ours. Our tournament is just giving our banned players something to do. If people want a much shorter drive or whatever then they're welcome to join us.
I believe you are blind. Do you not see the negatives of holding a tournament on the same date as mine? Sure, it makes it more convenient for you and Woodbridge, but it also discourages people from originally going to my tournament and it hurts my attendance. I don't know why or how you agreed to do something like this and make a conscious decision about it.

Instead of looking at the negatives of this situation, look to the positives. There are two tournaments being held, both of which are in different states. One, being your Tournament.. is for high level of skill while the other, being Woodbridge's Event, is for the people that wish to stand a chance and improve on their skills. You say you want MD/VA to get better, yet it sounds like you just want money. I'm not accusing you that this is true Chu, but its coming off that way. Take my tournaments for example. Our first event, you went to.. you had a good time, but out of all honesty, wasn't that event a little easy? That is because the skill level of the Fredericksburg Locals aren't as top notch as say Fairfax or Woodbridge. People like that need to be trained at their proper levels in order to gain the appropriate experience. You can't take a level 4 Charmander and put him against a level 99 Blastoise, it just doesn't work.. if anything it will discourage them and cause them to stop playing all together. Just try and understand that this was not meant to spite you, it was set to help the community in which all Tournament Directors of MD/VA are trying to do.

LOLZ you sir are a liar. I didn't even know about Korn (KORN IF YOU ARE READING THIS, WTF D: ????). Lil B tattle telled on me? I should tell his mommy about that. I didn't want you to know in case you got offended. So your true side is coming back out, huh Taj. It's awesome, you show your true face instead of some fake azz "Everyone should be happy and play wherever they want to!".

This isn't about money, where did you ever get that from? You know what this is about a**.
Uncalled for.. :\ It seems to me that Lil B was just showing YOUR true colors.

I could cancel this tournament if you guys want me to. Its no problem. The blame is going to be on those I list.

MD/VA is ****ing sad now

MD/VA isn't sad.. the immaturity and misunderstandings are whats sad. People just need to grow up sometimes and move on.

Yo ben quit spamming the thread >_< let's let the guy do what he needs to do.
Woodbridge, leave Chu's thread be. There is no need to argue anymore.. whats done is done. The slandering of each others names is only going to hurt us later in the long run. I support all Tournaments, no matter what date they are on.. as long as it isn't in the same State and in direct counter to another event.

Chu, you know I have no quams with you.. but EVERYONE needs to relax and just let these tournaments unfold. Your turnout will be fine and so will Woodbridges. I'm sorry I can't make your event, I have car issues and can only go where my ride takes me. Good Luck with your Tourney. I have said my piece.

PM me if you have any questions for I probably won't be checking back here if this argueing continues.

Bolt Out.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
^^^lol this is lil b posting this sorry bonk but still EEs great words

also bolt your not on the list so don't try to get on it by defending people on it.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
I'm hosting a tournament the same day as APEX for the convenience of those Smashers that wish to face people on their skill level rather than struggle to make it out of pools. I didn't get a single complaint from the host of APEX for my tournament, I don't see why Chu is taking this so far.. Woodbridge is not expecting more than 20 people to attend their tournament. They are mainly doing it as more of a Smash fest if anything.
*butts in*

With all due respect, those aren't even remotely similar situations. These two MD/VA tourneys are probably less than 2 hours apart, if that. Gamepad and Apex are what, 6 or 7 hours apart? Plus 95% of the people going to Apex haven't even heard of Gamepad.

*butts back out*

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
^^^lol this is lil b posting this sorry bonk but still EEs great words

also bolt your not on the list so don't try to get on it by defending people on it.

In my defense to EE.

I'm obviously more important to smashers than you. I have 50 people that attended my tournament and liked me for who I am, and for what I've done for the community. Not only did I host the first large scale Smash Event in Fredericksburg, but I have attracted many individuals to the Smash boards to greater increase our community.

No I may not be "all important" but you are just a troll. You sit on the boards, wait for people to defend themselves and others who happen to be my friends and then slander them.. no matter what they say. You sir need to grow up and learn some dignity. I'm tired of your mouth. I thought you were cool at first but you've honestly proved me wrong.

Sure people tell me to "Ease up, EE's just messing around" but there is a time and place to be serious and obviously you are just the root of all drama. Your not a god in this community either EE, your just another Smasher that has done NOTHING to improve anything. You just worry about yourself and your money matches.. and stay out of the big boys conversations.

And Lil B, I'll defend who I please because I am not "Scared" of some dumb list. It's a list on a thread that means nothing to me but the turnout and improvement of the Smash Community. If people have problems with other people they should start fixing them in person. That's how I handle my situations because it is pointless over the boards, for it just goes in circles and nobody wins.

*butts in*

With all due respect, those aren't even remotely similar situations. These two MD/VA tourneys are probably less than 2 hours apart, if that. Gamepad and Apex are what, 6 or 7 hours apart? Plus 95% of the people going to Apex haven't even heard of Gamepad.

*butts back out*
I was using this as an example JCaesar, but It's cool. You've said your part. I respect that and the way you approached it.


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2008
this soap opera is gettin better and better. we have a guest appearance from xelic on this episode. bolt interupts and we wait anxiously to see if he is added to the dreadful CHU LIST, dunt dunt daaaaaa


If specified, this will repl[0x00000000]ce the
Dec 18, 2008
San Francisco, CA
this soap opera is gettin better and better. we have a guest appearance from xelic on this episode. bolt interupts and we wait anxiously to see if he is added to the dreadful CHU LIST, dunt dunt daaaaaa
Pretty much this, lol


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2008
I hope your brother knows I charge late fees, and interest. It was origianlly 5 dollars. A 3 month late fee bumps that up to 15. Then 10% interest is now 16.50. Also its hidden fees. Like if he doesnt give it by next week its gets squared.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Stop inciting unnecessary and useless arguments Kenny. Go lose to some more Yoshis in Brawl.
Stop? When have I done otherwise. I'm just telling you straight up how it is.

That was a while ago too, while we're at it let me remind you that you're 0-2 with me in tournament.

You didn't know the wolf match up then but now you do.

I didn't know the yoshi match up then but now I do.

Edit: Excuse me for the extra drama.

I <3 you thumbs.


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2008
no no, more drama plz. i would start sum drama but its more fun lookin at other pplz problems. (hopefully now some1 starts drama wit me about watching drama and how its not a joke)


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
This week in MD/VA Smash Drama, thumbs b!tches about Norfair.

Edit: Aww it's a repeat :ohwell:


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
Hmm I SHOULD just cancel this tournament. The amount of disrespect that I am receiving is unacceptable. I should just ban all of you guys (you guys know who you are). If I do that, then I might as well cancel the tournament and quit. To think that this all escalated after someone stole my Wii at my OWN house... ****ing terrible guys. Where the **** are your morals?

I have been hosting tournaments for the past 4-5 years. Any weekend that there was no tournament going on, I was there to fill in that weekend and host a tournament. I've done so much for you guys, but apparently you guys want more. I'm not ****ing superman. I can't attend to ALL of your guys' needs. I have my own needs too. This includes paying my god**** bills. I am 22 years old trying to get by, so I host tournaments which YOU GUYS WANT so it's a win win situation for the both of us. Instead, I receive so much f***ing disrespect from so many people.

The following people have disrespected me -
1. Neo
2. Taj
3. Korn
4. Boss (on other levels)
5. BMX (I don't think he knows what he is doing)
6. Dre (unsure on this one, seems alright)
7. God-Is-My-Rock
8. Meep
9. Lil B (very minor incident)

This is just from the top of my head, I'm sure there are others. This is ****ing ridiculous. I wanted to put your guys' name out there so that everyone will know what kind of people you are. PM me if you are interested in knowing more about these people.


To look at it from your guys' point of view, I don't see that I have done anything wrong, morally. The only thing I can say that I was "wrong" in was the banning of Oath. I don't want to get personal on this situation.

Lets see.... anything else?

I was an azz to certain people for legit REASONS. I'll apologize to BMX right now though, sorry I was an azz to you. Although, everything I said still stands.

I "banned" the infinite, lolz.

That's pretty much it. If you guys have anything to say for your selves, then PM me.

If anyone did NOT want to hear this, then please ignore it. I am merely venting some stress lolz. I'm sorry to all newcomers.
what the heck did i do... ?

i always came to your tourney like most of the time, and it's fun being there

and don't worry, i don't really need any of your help, but when i'm at your tourney i help you clean and stuff.. because that's what i do most of the time, i DO respect people

i know sometimes i **** talk.. but that's how i am -__- just don't take me too seriously

i pretty much friendly with anyone, i talk to Taj+Dre a lot cuz we have been in the same place a lot... aka conventions, tourneys, smashfest

also... i dont even decide yet which tourney am i going lol..
it depends on WHEREVER i feels like going -__- there is nothing personal...... so CHILL out dude lol

too much dumb drama, i don't deserve this bs D:

and LOL .. gimr and meep on the list.. ? awkward

Wow so much tension in this thread. all this trash talk over a video game? come on now guys I thought we were better than this... were fighting each other were suppose to help each other become stronger.. to take out the OOS, and instead were fighting are own brothers. this really saddens me to the highest extent because I used to look up to a lot of smashers in this community. But seeing all this btchin sorry i have to say this "makes my ***** soft" Lol. But seriously though come on guys. I'll agree with some of whats going on there is a lot of 2-faced people in the smash community. TBH I think everyone is just a tad 2-faced myself included. Basically what im saying is STFU and GTFO out of Chus thread Woodbridge!!! Lmao hahaha just joking you guys.

Edit:All smashers are Drama Queens lol. Except Azen. Hes cool.
you just talking direct to yourself.. "trash talk over a video game ?" lmfao
you sir are an idiot

btw your bro still owe me $3 D: what a theif lol


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2008
Salisbury, Maryland
Everything BMX says is True Chu. I was there when they discussed the date of their next tournament, yes they made jokes.. but again they were jokes. Just as friends do. It was set to that date to help the people of VA incase they didn't want to drive several hours to MD and for people like me, who have a hard time with getting money for gas and these events. Ever wonder why I don't show to other tournaments? Probably not.. but That's why.

Instead of looking at the negatives of this situation, look to the positives. There are two tournaments being held, both of which are in different states. One, being your Tournament.. is for high level of skill while the other, being Woodbridge's Event, is for the people that wish to stand a chance and improve on their skills. You say you want MD/VA to get better, yet it sounds like you just want money. I'm not accusing you that this is true Chu, but its coming off that way. Take my tournaments for example. Our first event, you went to.. you had a good time, but out of all honesty, wasn't that event a little easy? That is because the skill level of the Fredericksburg Locals aren't as top notch as say Fairfax or Woodbridge. People like that need to be trained at their proper levels in order to gain the appropriate experience. You can't take a level 4 Charmander and put him against a level 99 Blastoise, it just doesn't work.. if anything it will discourage them and cause them to stop playing all together. Just try and understand that this was not meant to spite you, it was set to help the community in which all Tournament Directors of MD/VA are trying to do.

Woodbridge, leave Chu's thread be. There is no need to argue anymore.. whats done is done. The slandering of each others names is only going to hurt us later in the long run. I support all Tournaments, no matter what date they are on.. as long as it isn't in the same State and in direct counter to another event.

Chu, you know I have no quams with you.. but EVERYONE needs to relax and just let these tournaments unfold. Your turnout will be fine and so will Woodbridges. I'm sorry I can't make your event, I have car issues and can only go where my ride takes me. Good Luck with your Tourney. I have said my piece.

PM me if you have any questions for I probably won't be checking back here if this argueing continues.

Bolt Out.
Chu, to answer your question regarding the post I made a few pages back, everything Bolt said above in previous posts is what led me to post what I did.


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2008
ok but ur mother looks liek a fox. and considering the fact that fox sux so much, I think i might pay her a visit. no items, snow only, 7:00, final destination.
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