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ChuDatz Presentz: ChuDat's dojo - Yellow Belt $300 Pot! - 6.27.09 - LIVESTREAM UP!


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
I'm not sure if I'm coming or not yet but if I do I wanted to team w/ you if you wanted

I mean it's up to you it's w/e but figure I'd ask

I'll know when I'm coming..... at the last second probably LMFAO but in all seriousness I'll know in the last few days if I am or not


edit 2 - ANTI LET'S GOEZZZZZZZZ (if I go lol)
Yeah cool just let me know. What did DKK say =(. I missed it!


K-9 - Nah man you are cool. If people take sides, then I will treat those people all the same.

Hidden MachineS said:
And anyway, if Lil B wants to go to our tourney, deal with it
LOLZ you sir are a liar. I didn't even know about Korn (KORN IF YOU ARE READING THIS, WTF D: ????). Lil B tattle telled on me? I should tell his mommy about that. I didn't want you to know in case you got offended. So your true side is coming back out, huh Taj. It's awesome, you show your true face instead of some fake azz "Everyone should be happy and play wherever they want to!".

This isn't about money, where did you ever get that from? You know what this is about a**.

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
I knew you didn't know about Korn genius, that's why I just mentioned him as one of 2 POSSIBLE people (not even confirmed, mind you) that would be going to mine instead of yours, because it's closer, and Korn and lil b are good friends to all of us, not just pot fillers.

You are terrible at arguing. YOU? Not in it for the money? Negro please.

I believe this man said it best.
You banned the infinite cuz this has nothing to do with people getting better it's just another opportunity for you to make money, greedy a$$ mexican.

If you wanted to get better you'd play Azen.

The **** outta here
I'll just sum it up for you. Yes, I thought it'd be funny to have the tourney on the same date as yours, but only as a small addition to the OBVIOUS reasons, like transportation (Gamepad said they will not go to yours due to the fact that it's over 2 hours away) and the fact that Oath is lolbanned. But I expected you to act mature and just continue on with your tourney, and ignore it, but you choose to make a big deal over it.

Long story short, I expected to you be like this:

But instead you're like this

You can keep complaining and attempting to insult me, because it doesn't do a d@mn thing. The people I'm cool with in this community aren't going to be swayed by anyone's opinion, and those people are forte, korn, EE, k9, dre, and BMX.

Smash is not my income, so as long as I have fun chillin with these people, then I've done what I wanted to.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
I don't even really care. I'm just defending my self because I made a small crack at BMX.

Well, your guys' actions will speak louder. I'll be paying attention ^_~. Don't f*** up now!


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
The Legend of SkyLink

The Legend of SkyLink

He came to my very first bi-weekly back in 2005. He was a Mew2king looking type of fellow, he even had the glasses. He strutted around like he owned the place. I looked at him and said, "Are you signing up for Doubles and Singles?". He looked at me and said "No, I don't think I will". He then asked me if he could borrow my controller.

I never saw him again.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
I'm not sure if I'm coming or not yet but if I do I wanted to team w/ you if you wanted

I mean it's up to you it's w/e but figure I'd ask

I'll know when I'm coming..... at the last second probably LMFAO but in all seriousness I'll know in the last few days if I am or not


edit 2 - ANTI LET'S GOEZZZZZZZZ (if I go lol)
You have NO CHOICE you must. :)


Smash Master
May 22, 2005
Fairfax , VA
yea i was thinking of going to chus ! butttt Taj looks closer so ive been Swayeddd....

LOLZ like i ever go to tourneys anymore >_>


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2008
Salisbury, Maryland
I thought the point of these tournies in particular were to get MD/VA stronger, not make Chu money. :dizzy:

If thats the case does it really matter if we lost like 2-4 people are just trying to save a little gas money? =/


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Hey! You!

Alright, so lets make this tourney amazing, it will go amazing, provided everyone doesn't phail at life.

So, I need to emphasize some things or re-emphasize really,


The venue actually has a wii and smash already I think, but thats just one copy. They have a couple LCD tvs, which make people complain yada yada so if you want to play on a lag free TV, you need to bring one. Everyone can't wait on the projector for matches. If there aren't enough lag free TVs, you'll play on the LCDs, case closed. We don't have time for everyone to wait for the projector. If it becomes a problem I will assign each projector match.

We also may get the projector in the other room. If we do, that will make things easier, but I'm not sure. I'll be bringing my TV, and JCaesar isn't coming, which means his usual 3 tvs and wii are not going to be a part of this tournament. I'm pretty sure this venue has cameras (chu can you double check this) so we have security in place to prevent wii's from being stolen.

We have room for as many regular TVs as you all can bring.

Remember, this is a BRAWL only tourney, which means no Brawl+ or Melee until the event is finished. Time is NOT on our side in this event.



Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC

Thank you. I hope you, Mits, Duo, and Caleb can all make it to this man! I still want my revenge against you and Mits :mad: hahaha
Yea I am not sure if they are going. I need to get up with them and find out.

I may need a teammate for this. Anybody good looking for one. @boss we had talked about teaming at herb, are you coming?

I thought the point of these tournies in particular were to get MD/VA stronger, not make Chu money. :dizzy:

If thats the case does it really matter if we lost like 2-4 people are just trying to save a little gas money? =/
lol it has nothing to do with making chu money and everything to do with weakening the tournament and dividing the community


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2007
Columbia, MD
I'll see if I can bring 2 tvs! its not 3 but both are bigger than what jcaesar has! Hopefully I can make it out to this, at the very least if I can't stay I will try and drop of the tvs if I can get them. I'll let you guys know after apex >_>


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
Good **** @ Lobos and Tantalus. Thanks

Omni - Oh alright, I thought you were dead for a second x_X. My bad.

Someone team with NC-Echo! He is a mad good Olimar player from NC.

jjvirus said:
I thought the point of these tournies in particular were to get MD/VA stronger, not make Chu money.

If thats the case does it really matter if we lost like 2-4 people are just trying to save a little gas money? =/
I'm offended by this and by people trying to slander my name. I'm tired of defending my self. Where did you get this idea from?

Anyway, yeah. We all lost focus on what this tournament is about. It IS about improving. I still want everyone to improve so we don't lose to out of staters.


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
I'd come to your tournament if I had a ride =/

No offense to anybody and not to sound full of myself but I think everyone at BMX's one might enjoy a more even playing field where anyone might win, plus I gotta work on beating up OoSers..!

but I don't have a ride anyway so I guess it doesn't matter~
btw good luck at apex chuuu you got this


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
ahh that's not what I'm saying lol
just that if I had to choose I'd pick yours for the more competitive environment. I don't have a ride regardless of whether two tournaments are happening or if it's just one though so it's whatever


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
ahh that's not what I'm saying lol
just that if I had to choose I'd pick yours for the more competitive environment. I don't have a ride regardless of whether two tournaments are happening or if it's just one though so it's whatever
Nah nah don't worry man lolz. That post wasn't directed at you.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
Hmm I SHOULD just cancel this tournament. The amount of disrespect that I am receiving is unacceptable. I should just ban all of you guys (you guys know who you are). If I do that, then I might as well cancel the tournament and quit. To think that this all escalated after someone stole my Wii at my OWN house... ****ing terrible guys. Where the **** are your morals?

I have been hosting tournaments for the past 4-5 years. Any weekend that there was no tournament going on, I was there to fill in that weekend and host a tournament. I've done so much for you guys, but apparently you guys want more. I'm not ****ing superman. I can't attend to ALL of your guys' needs. I have my own needs too. This includes paying my god**** bills. I am 22 years old trying to get by, so I host tournaments which YOU GUYS WANT so it's a win win situation for the both of us. Instead, I receive so much f***ing disrespect from so many people.

The following people have disrespected me -
1. Neo
2. Taj
3. Korn
4. Boss (on other levels)
5. BMX (I don't think he knows what he is doing)
6. Dre (unsure on this one, seems alright)
7. God-Is-My-Rock
8. Meep
9. Lil B (very minor incident)

This is just from the top of my head, I'm sure there are others. This is ****ing ridiculous. I wanted to put your guys' name out there so that everyone will know what kind of people you are. PM me if you are interested in knowing more about these people.


To look at it from your guys' point of view, I don't see that I have done anything wrong, morally. The only thing I can say that I was "wrong" in was the banning of Oath. I don't want to get personal on this situation.

Lets see.... anything else?

I was an azz to certain people for legit REASONS. I'll apologize to BMX right now though, sorry I was an azz to you. Although, everything I said still stands.

I "banned" the infinite, lolz.

That's pretty much it. If you guys have anything to say for your selves, then PM me.

If anyone did NOT want to hear this, then please ignore it. I am merely venting some stress lolz. I'm sorry to all newcomers.


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
Hmm I SHOULD just cancel this tournament. The amount of disrespect that I am receiving is unacceptable. I should just ban all of you guys (you guys know who you are). If I do that, then I might as well cancel the tournament and quit. To think that this all escalated after someone stole my Wii at my OWN house... ****ing terrible guys. Where the **** are your morals?

I have been hosting tournaments for the past 4-5 years. Any weekend that there was no tournament going on, I was there to fill in that weekend and host a tournament. I've done so much for you guys, but apparently you guys want more. I'm not ****ing superman. I can't attend to ALL of your guys' needs. I have my own needs too. This includes paying my god**** bills. I am 22 years old trying to get by, so I host tournaments which YOU GUYS WANT so it's a win win situation for the both of us. Instead, I receive so much f***ing disrespect from so many people.

The following people have disrespected me -
1. Neo
2. Taj
3. Korn
4. Boss (on other levels)
5. BMX (I don't think he knows what he is doing)
6. Dre (unsure on this one, seems alright)
7. God-Is-My-Rock
8. Meep
9. Lil B (very minor incident)

This is just from the top of my head, I'm sure there are others. This is ****ing ridiculous. I wanted to put your guys' name out there so that everyone will know what kind of people you are. PM me if you are interested in knowing more about these people.


To look at it from your guys' point of view, I don't see that I have done anything wrong, morally. The only thing I can say that I was "wrong" in was the banning of Oath. I don't want to get personal on this situation.

Lets see.... anything else?

I was an azz to certain people for legit REASONS. I'll apologize to BMX right now though, sorry I was an azz to you. Although, everything I said still stands.

I "banned" the infinite, lolz.

That's pretty much it. If you guys have anything to say for your selves, then PM me.

If anyone did NOT want to hear this, then please ignore it. I am merely venting some stress lolz. I'm sorry to all newcomers.

wait what? How did I disrespect you? I thought we were cool

I've been supporting you for the last year and a half, Ive gone to almost every bi-weekly you've held since then, my bro and I even helped you set up for your last tourney

What's wrong man?

Edit: wow, I just read this more thoroughly, and you put my name out there so people would find out what kind of person I am? and to PM you to get more info about me?

Wow this is a personal attack on me. I had NO idea that you had a problem with me. Instead of publicly announcing that you were upset with me, you should have come to me and said so so we could work it out.

That's pretty much it. If you guys have anything to say for your selves, then PM me.

Also, you can't say something like this publicly and then tell people to respond privately. If you wanted it to be private you should of PM'd each person individually

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
I could understand why I'm on there (though it was just to defend dre) but I think most everyone else has been cool to you, dunno how they're involved in this. If it makes you feel better, we'll make it a point NOT to host tourneys on the same day as yours. But like I said dude, so many tourneys this month, and we're all trying to go to Tant's, and some people are trying to go to gimr's. Not all of us can/are trying to go to yours. So this is the ONLY time we'll have a tourney the same day. If you can just deal with it for one month, it won't happen again.


Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2008
Woodbridge, VA
Hmm I SHOULD just cancel this tournament. The amount of disrespect that I am receiving is unacceptable. I should just ban all of you guys (you guys know who you are). If I do that, then I might as well cancel the tournament and quit. To think that this all escalated after someone stole my Wii at my OWN house... ****ing terrible guys. Where the **** are your morals?

I have been hosting tournaments for the past 4-5 years. Any weekend that there was no tournament going on, I was there to fill in that weekend and host a tournament. I've done so much for you guys, but apparently you guys want more. I'm not ****ing superman. I can't attend to ALL of your guys' needs. I have my own needs too. This includes paying my god**** bills. I am 22 years old trying to get by, so I host tournaments which YOU GUYS WANT so it's a win win situation for the both of us. Instead, I receive so much f***ing disrespect from so many people.

The following people have disrespected me -
1. Neo
2. Taj
3. Korn
4. Boss (on other levels)
5. BMX (I don't think he knows what he is doing)
6. Dre (unsure on this one, seems alright)
7. God-Is-My-Rock
8. Meep
9. Lil B (very minor incident)

This is just from the top of my head, I'm sure there are others. This is ****ing ridiculous. I wanted to put your guys' name out there so that everyone will know what kind of people you are. PM me if you are interested in knowing more about these people.


To look at it from your guys' point of view, I don't see that I have done anything wrong, morally. The only thing I can say that I was "wrong" in was the banning of Oath. I don't want to get personal on this situation.

Lets see.... anything else?

I was an azz to certain people for legit REASONS. I'll apologize to BMX right now though, sorry I was an azz to you. Although, everything I said still stands.

I "banned" the infinite, lolz.

That's pretty much it. If you guys have anything to say for your selves, then PM me.

If anyone did NOT want to hear this, then please ignore it. I am merely venting some stress lolz. I'm sorry to all newcomers.
how am i on that list.. i did NOTHING to you, i was just wrongly accused of stealing your wii. i'm starting to think that YOU think i'm not Dre.. remember i went to your house back in the melee days with taj i didn't touch a thing then, i was very respectful and polite was i not..? ALSO the time taj and i came with Forte and we played smash then.. so why would i take your wii at that other occasion come on bro im not a thief i dont pilfer **** thats not mine. IF anything i honestly think you disrespected me chu, with all the blame that you had no evidence for. i'm not going to say i'm sorry for your wii missing cuz i'm not, because if anyone else got their **** stolen that night you would say " i'm sorry dude, should have watched over your belongings", just as you should have did chu. ALSO we are not having a tourney the same day as yours because we are lolmad(K9 went over why are having it). next time we meet in person we are going to settle this i'm done with fighting with you over dumb**** i want my name cleared and you will never hear a dumb "chu dat" joke comeing from my mouth again. cuz talking to people over the internet obviously is not going to work.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2008
Hoodbridge, VA
... *sigh*

I don't even know what the problem is anymore.

Wow to GIMR. Chu had secret hate feelings for him... :p

Nevermind, I do know.

Chu wants respect. Does he deserve it with all those people on the list that were cool with him?



Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
The following people have disrespected me -
1. Neo
2. Taj
3. Korn
4. Boss (on other levels)
5. BMX (I don't think he knows what he is doing)
6. Dre (unsure on this one, seems alright)
7. God-Is-My-Rock
8. Meep
9. Lil B (very minor incident)

This is just from the top of my head, I'm sure there are others. This is ****ing ridiculous. I wanted to put your guys' name out there so that everyone will know what kind of people you are. PM me if you are interested in knowing more about these people.
Through all the **** talk and hate towards you from some people I am only nice to you. Ino you said minor but I do not remember one minor thing I have done to disrespect you. Is it because I am cool with Taj and Oath or because I am going to there tourney. I do not understand. Idk why you put my name out there for everyone to see to make me look bad. I am really pissed. I want to know what the "minor incident" is. Because to my knowledge I have not ONCE disrespected you in anyway what so ever.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
LOLZ you sir are a liar. I didn't even know about Korn (KORN IF YOU ARE READING THIS, WTF D: ????). Lil B tattle telled on me? I should tell his mommy about that. I didn't want you to know in case you got offended. So your true side is coming back out, huh Taj. It's awesome, you show your true face instead of some fake azz "Everyone should be happy and play wherever they want to!".

This isn't about money, where did you ever get that from? You know what this is about a**.
To start on this bull**** I was planning on going to woodbridge's to begin with because of prices and distance. Then if they were to host one the same day as yours AGAIN I would go to yours. Then you send me a PM acting like they (woodbridge) tried to manipulate me. That is not true they didn't ONCE not ONCE ask me to go to theirs. Also I missed the last woodbridge tourney when I said I was going so I am making it up. Also don't bring up personal stuff like telling my mom cuz that pisses me off even more and your a complete **** for saying that. I am considering not going to your bi-weeklys if you are going to be and *** and put me out there like that. I really like your bi-weeklies but if your going to talk **** about me that won't fly.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2008
Sleepin on the clouds.
Wow so much tension in this thread. all this trash talk over a video game? come on now guys I thought we were better than this... were fighting each other were suppose to help each other become stronger.. to take out the OOS, and instead were fighting are own brothers. this really saddens me to the highest extent because I used to look up to a lot of smashers in this community. But seeing all this btchin sorry i have to say this "makes my ***** soft" Lol. But seriously though come on guys. I'll agree with some of whats going on there is a lot of 2-faced people in the smash community. TBH I think everyone is just a tad 2-faced myself included. Basically what im saying is STFU and GTFO out of Chus thread Woodbridge!!! Lmao hahaha just joking you guys.

I am a reasonable guy. I dislike all you mother fckers the same. lmao ok ima stop joking around. In the end we should be helping each other out not fighting each other. XDDDDD

Edit:All smashers are Drama Queens lol. Except Azen. Hes cool.

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
Lol Deez I see you arguing with thumbs on the boards all the time XD

But yeah.........you think this is bad, check out the NJ thread. OK I'm out of here >_>
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