the moon
Nysyarc, you seem to think that despite representing the wrong side of the argument and being wrong on pretty much every point, you won the "debate", which mostly involved you implicitly insulting a large portion of the smash community over and over again
Your evidence was meaningless and irrelevant in addition to being taken out of context, you made points that would have had more weight if I had never played brawl before, and rather than a structured and pointed assembly of deductions, your posts tended to be random comments strung together.
You would have been better served to simply say that correlation =/= causation and hope that by a statistical anomaly there was a different underlying cause that made MK win (such as people who like blue circles being good at video games *for some reason*)
I really hope you didn't feel anything other than being shut down and wrong over and over again over the last few pages, because this debate wasn't going in a direction you should have liked.
Your evidence was meaningless and irrelevant in addition to being taken out of context, you made points that would have had more weight if I had never played brawl before, and rather than a structured and pointed assembly of deductions, your posts tended to be random comments strung together.
You would have been better served to simply say that correlation =/= causation and hope that by a statistical anomaly there was a different underlying cause that made MK win (such as people who like blue circles being good at video games *for some reason*)
I really hope you didn't feel anything other than being shut down and wrong over and over again over the last few pages, because this debate wasn't going in a direction you should have liked.