Little check on Jab canceling, so this is a quick look and nothing in depth. Posted in the Zelda Social and the discussion sort of began there... And there are way too many characters. I left out the ones mentioned above and the Mii Fighters. Also, starting with Diddy, it's all done on Mario.
Damn it, Mario! Stop pushing people forward with your Jab! So far, it might be okay for Down Smash, Dtilt, Ftilt, and Super Jump Punch since it freaking moves people forward making it difficult to grab, repeat Jab, or Utilt. Same goes for Dr. Mario except worse since he has more knockback...
And yeah, Toon Link can Jab cancel too which makes sense since he's toon Link... Y'know, a toon version of Link? As for Little Mac, Jab 1's delay is longer than Jab 2; Jab 2 to Dtilt is pretty wicked since Dtilt hit confirms into Rising Uppercut and KO Punch, Jab 2 can go into Rising Uppercut too... hehe. And yeah, he can grab out of Jab 2 while Ftilt and Utilt might miss, especially Ftilt which could be used to catch someone if they get out of his Gentleman.
Bowser's Jab 1 has knockback and I don't think he can do much aside from Jab 1 to Ftilt and maybe Dash Slam. I'm not sure...
Bowser Jr.'s Jab 1 has less delay to act into other moves than Jab 2, but Jab 2 can be delayed into Jab 1 and Jab 2 again. He can Jab 1 or Jab 2 into tilts and Smashes which I forgot to mention...
Diddy... uh... I think Diddy can Jab lock Captain Falcon with Jab 1 and Jab 2 which can repeat into itself fairly well. Acting into anything else has a longer delay for some reason. I also checked Mario and he can sort of do Jab lock Mario... For those that hate people, please test this.
The Pits can Jab 1 to grab while Jab 2 might need them to run towards to grab. Jab 1 to Ftilt is fairly fast and Jab 2 to Dtilt seems to be faster than out of Jab 1, but I'm not sure.
I'm not getting much success with Robin other than repeating Jab 2 back to Jab 1 and Jab 2. Meta Knight... Meta Knight can repeat Ftilt 1 or Ftilt 2 to Ftilt 1 and 2 and he can Ftilt 1 or Ftilt 2 to Dtilt, Utilt, Up and Down Smashes, and grab. Not that useful, especially with Ftilt 1 into grab since the hit stun isn't great and the delay's noticeable unless I'm doing something wrong.
Cool, Pac-Man can Jab 1 or Jab 2 to tilts or back to Jab 1 easily while Smashes and grab are slower. He can Jab 1 or Jab 2 to Hydrant, Trampoline, and Bonus Fruit, it's kind of funny with Hydrant since he just punches and slaps a fire hydrant down. Oh, and Jab cancel to taunts will be the new metagame.
As expected, Shulk can Jab 1 to Jab 1 or Jab 2 to Jab 1 again like Ike. He can Jab 1 to grab, but the knockback might be much along with the delay, but Jab 1 to Dtilt is nifty compared to his other tilts and Smashes. Jab 1 and Jab 2 can go into Air Slash, but Jab 1 seems to lead into it a bit faster.
Repeating Wii Fit Trainer's Jab 1 is hilarious since she just sticks out her arm and leg repeatedly. She can repeat Jab 1 and 2 fairly well and grabbing be an issue because of her range. Tilts are fine except for Utilt because it's more of a vertical hit rather than a horizontal one; Ftilt might be a good choice since it's fast and has decent range compared to the other tilts, sure, Dtilt has more range, but it's slower. That said, there feels like more delay for them compare to repeating her Jab.
Not exactly fast, but Villager's Jab 1 or 2 can go into tilts and Smashes, but be careful about Utilt , Up and Side Smash. Villager can also Jab 1 or 2 to Axe, Pocket which I guess Villager can hit confirm into a Pocket throw... thing... and Lloid Rocket which is kind of hilarious since Villager slaps a Lloid Rocket in front of him after punching. Grabbing might not be a good idea since it's slow. It makes sense for Villager to be able to Jab into things since Villager's Jab is basically controllable Rapid Jab unlike Meta Knight's. Let's see how Villager can get more broken.

Seriously, Villager can Jab to Down Smash. Think about that or hit confirm into Axe.
My boy Ness can Jab 1 and Jab 2 to tilts except for Utilt, Smashes, and grab. He can repeat it too and it feels a bit like using Fox's Jab cancel, reset, lock... thing. Look, he's basically capable of pulling the stuff Luigi can too. Seriously, this kid's grab game... FAAAAAALCO! MOVE YOUR ARMS FASTER! IT'S JAB AND GRAB, IDIOT!
ROB can Jab 1 to stuff too like grab, tilts, Smashes, Gyro, Robo Beam, etc. but the way Mario's landing... Yeah, it might be a bit dangerous if Mario can act of out it.
Huh, I didn't know Duck Hunt had a Gentleman Jab. Yeah, same dealio, Duck Hunt can Jab 1 or 2 into tilts and grab while Smashes are too slow. As for Specials, Duck Hunt can throw Can out which I don't recommend since it might cause Duck Hunt to SD while Clay is slow.
Jigglypuff does the same thing as Kirby, especially with grabbing. Utilt won't hit while Side Smash and Dtilt are a bit slow, so go for Ftilt and maybe Up and Down Smash. Don't bother with Specials, especially Rest. Jigglypuff can repeat Jab as well.
Charizard can Jab repeat Jab 1 and 2, grab out of either of them, use any tilt, but Utilt, Smash, and use Specials, especially Rock Smash and Fly which is iffy since if Charizard knocks the opponent too far, it'll whiff.
Mr. Game & Watch basically pulls of the same thing as Palutena. Jab 1 to anything. So, GimR wannabes, Jab 1 to D-throw and Judge. Just beware that outside from grab and tilts, his Smashes are slower for this purpose while Chef, Judge, Bucket - why would you do this? -, Oil Panic - hit confirm possibly? -, and Fire/Parachute all work.
Lucina and Marth's Jab 1 to anything is slow and the knockback might be much. Dolphin Slash works, though and Dtilt sort of works... Grabbing probably won't because of the knockback and it looks like they have to set their swords before they can do anything other than Jab 2.
Olimar I don't think can do much from Jab. I checked Peach and I don't think she can do much since it's a bit long between actions. Same with Wario. Why is Lucario's Jab like that? Jaysus it's weird; the delay between a free action into say, tilts and grabs are way too long... As for Pikachu, probably not worth it since Pikachu's Jab is weak. Mega Man's Jab being "non-traditional" makes it difficult to do much aside from Jab to Ftilt which might as well be the same move as Jab or Dtilt. Also since there's knockback if Mega Man's close with his Jab - the setting down of his arm is considered a hit, right? - already makes it so he can do much but Jab or move away.
Edit: Derp. Forgot to include what Bowser Jr. could even do after Jab 1 and 2.