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Character Competitive Impressions

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Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
Like Zelda having kill issues is a joke, she has issues racking damage but killing people..... is not tough.
... If Zelda has problems racking damage, how exactly does this not directly translate into having kill issues? You might say that Duck Hunt has no problems racking damage but has problems ending the stock, but I cannot think of a single character that has problems building damage but no problem ending a stock. Not even Ganondorf.

Zelda does not lack kill power, but simply holding your shield when you finally got the opponent to 70% for some Farore's cheese doesn't mean she doesn't have kill issues.

- Fsmash, Usmash, and Farore's are her best kill options overall and can all be SDI'd. (Note: any matchup that involves her opponent easily falling out of smash attacks dramatically hurts Zelda in the matchup. Hello, ZSS hard-counter.)
- Aerials require precision to get anything out of them most of the time, except nair which is only a "kill move" off stage. None of them are safe on shield. All of them have significant landing lag. None of them are good for approaching.
- Phantom and Din's are very obvious and laggy attacks.
- Tippered Ftilt kills at like 140% on a good day. Sweetspotted dash attack kills a bit sooner, but it's a dash attack.
- Dsmash, the move you're touting as an amazing kill move because it's frame 5, is one of the weakest smash attacks in the game. It flat out KOs at like 120% on a somewhat light character at the edge of the stage and does 12%... when it's fresh. It's good for gimping awful recoveries and setting up edgeguard situations for the vast majority of the cast that actually doesn't have awful recoveries, but on its own it's actually an extremely pathetic kill move. That's ok though, it's a tradeoff.
- Throws kill at high %s unless you're in the perfect position.

Sure, you land one good kick or one solid Farore's at the right % and you're done. The problem is her toolkit is simply too awful to reliably get damage in against an opponent that's actually trying to win. You said it yourself: she has problems racking up damage. If she has problems racking up damage, and if her kill moves are actually pretty difficult to land in a lot of situations, how can you say "Zelda having kill issues is a joke"? She's fortunate that rage is a mechanic to begin with.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
ZeRo's C. Falcon demolished Denti's diddy. Sheik was a bit harder though. His skill is through the roof. Diddy just seems like a weird match up against the Cap
Diddy destroys Falcon

Why do people jump to MU conclusions for all of Zero's matches instead of accepting that he's just a really amazing player


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2014
Looking at your face
I am imagining.

:4sheik: VS :4bowser:

:4sheik:: HAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE *Lands like 1.234.567.890 attacks*
:4bowser:: *Down-B'd her and apparently kills her at like 6 hits*


I mean, Tough Guy + heaviest weight + low damage output + horrendous killing power = Salt.

This is coming from my lulz FG Bowser vs Sheik a while ago.

She lands like a bazillion combos and I laugh because she struggles so much on getting a kill.

And then she keep comboing me to something like 180%, and I was honestly anticipated, stopping my laugh.

And still laugh at the end anyway because Bowser's kill power.

Not saying that this MU is in Bowser's favor or anything, but seriously... My dear friends Sheik, how do I not hear any of you complain on how hard to kill this guy off onstage?

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
Why is Sheik ever attacking Bowser?

Play any decent Sheik that plays with intelligence.

Needle you until Bowser Jr feels it.

No Sheik complains because Bowser is not good and is no threat to Sheik unless she does something stupid.


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2014
Okay, I know this likely has been brought up before, but I really need to emphasize this when some Melee players at school were telling me that Smash 4 isn't an enjoyable game because, according to them, there aren't many players that can reliably kill and so it causes the games to be rather stale and boring. Then it hit to me just how much custom moves fix this problem.

With-out custom moves, I can only think of a few characters that have access to kill-confirms that have been successful so far (Diddy Kong, possibly CF, possibly Sonic, and Luigi) meanwhile EVERYONE else that was top-tier had issues connecting kill-moves into kill-confirms and it made the game last (on average) considerably longer than those without. The meta has a lot more characters that are granted access to kill-confirms, or are granted options that makes getting kill-confirms more consistently, and their viability is buffed considerably from it.

To name a few: Bowser, Sheik, (admittedly rather late and you have to hit Burst Grenade but that's Sheik's weakness :p) Marth, Lucario, Greninja, Mario, Dr. Mario, Palutena, Kirby, Meta Knight (kind-of), Fox, Falco, Megaman, Mii Brawler, Mii Swordfighter, and I'm almost certain there is more!

For characters that are much more popular because they gain much more reliable ways to kill than before, I can think of at least the following: Ike, WFT, Donkey Kong, Shulk, and Ganondorf. I know there are many more that belong on this section, but these are the ones I can think of on the top of my head and it still illustrates the point that Smash 4 with custom moves really solves a lot of issues people have with the game and it will just make the game much more enjoyable in general. :D
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David Viran

Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2014
Okay, I know this likely has been brought up before, but I really need to emphasize this when some Melee players at school were telling me that Smash 4 isn't an enjoyable game because, according to them, there aren't many players that can reliably kill and so it causes the games to be rather stale and boring. Then it hit to me just how much custom moves fix this problem.

With-out custom moves, I can only think of a few characters that have access to kill-confirms that have been successful so far (Diddy Kong, possibly CF, possibly Sonic, and Luigi) meanwhile EVERYONE else that was top-tier had issues connecting kill-moves into kill-confirms and it made the game last (on average) considerably longer than those without. The meta has a lot more characters that are granted access to kill-confirms, or are granted options that makes getting kill-confirms more consistently, and their viability is buffed considerably from it.

To name a few: Bowser, Sheik, (admittedly rather late and you have to hit Burst Grenade but that's Sheik's weakness :p) Marth, Lucario, Greninja, Mario, Dr. Mario, Palutena, Kirby, Meta Knight (kind-of), Fox, Falco, Megaman, Mii Brawler, Mii Swordfighter, and I'm almost certain there is more!

For characters that are much more popular because they gain much more reliable ways to kill than before, I can think of at least the following: Ike, WFT, Donkey Kong, and Ganondorf. I know there are many more that belong on this section, but these are the ones I can think of on the top of my head and it still illustrates the point that Smash 4 with custom moves really solves a lot of issues people have with the game and it will just make the game much more enjoyable in general. :D
Wasn't it the same way early meta brawl/Melee where everybody was surviving very long because nobody knew the kill confirms well enough?


I like spicy food
Dec 24, 2008
The Netherlands, sometimes Japan
Okay, I know this likely has been brought up before, but I really need to emphasize this when some Melee players at school were telling me that Smash 4 isn't an enjoyable game because, according to them, there aren't many players that can reliably kill and so it causes the games to be rather stale and boring. Then it hit to me just how much custom moves fix this problem.
What if I don't find this a problem? I'm definitely not a fan of Dthrow > Uairs that kill >100% a la Diddy Kong and Melee Fox since it's the same as having a strong throw that kills, similar to Ness' Bthrow, except these Dthrow > Uairs kill earlier and are less dependent on where you stand on the stage. I'm not a fan of Jiggly's throws > Rest killing at ridiculously low percents in Melee either. If anything I find stuff like Peach's edgeguarding much more fun than any "reliable" kill options.


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2014
What if I don't find this a problem? I'm definitely not a fan of Dthrow > Uairs that kill >100% a la Diddy Kong and Melee Fox since it's the same as having a strong throw that kills, similar to Ness' Bthrow, except these Dthrow > Uairs kill earlier and are less dependent on where you stand on the stage. I'm not a fan of Jiggly's throws > Rest killing at ridiculously low percents in Melee either. If anything I find stuff like Peach's edgeguarding much more fun than any "reliable" kill options.
Nobody really has anything as jank as Jigglypuff's Melee Rest combos. Characters that have these kill-confirms don't have the options to rely solely on them and don't kill stupidly early. MAYBE a max Aura Lucario can kill early, but a lot of his moves don't have a lasting hit-box anymore and without the faster/more mobile version of his customs (which makes this point moot because he can't be killing stupidly early even with max aura and at most like 90%) are rather slow and thus hard to get off without a very good read. Most of the characters I mentioned that have kill confirm moves don't kill until around 95-125%, and that's a very good number average to have imo.

Edge-guarding games and the like are still necessary for every character, it just bridges the gap and makes the game ALSO have balanced kill-confirms, which isn't something that I find to be wrong at all.
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Smash Master
Jun 7, 2012
Playing KOF XIV
Meta Knight (kind-of)
Kind of? Wat

I totally forgot to respond to this but HSD is all mk wants (he doesn't even need it)
It patches up something he's lacking which is good I guess, just wish he got something good in his other specials. I personally think he'll need HSD in customs due to some of the dumb**** customs brings, certain characters I'll go default on and that's less than 5.
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Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2014
Kind of? Wat
In the sense that the only legit kill-confirm I know is d-throw to Blade Coaster can kill at higher percents vs people like Fox. Blade Coaster isn't that common of a move tho so that's why I said kind of haha.

MK still benefits from HSD, though. I know that much. :3


i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
I'm just going to say that Greninja has plenty of kill confirms even in the default meta. D-Tilt -> Up-Smash, N-Air -> Up-Smash, D-Air -> F-Air, Up-Tilt -> Up-Air and Water Shuriken -> F-Air all work at kill percentages.

Shifting Shuriken just gives a Greninja a much simpler and less risky way of scoring kills. I think Greninja might have the most kill setups in the whole game.


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2002
Kind of? Wat

It patches up something he's lacking which is good I guess, just wish he got something good in his other specials. I personally think he'll need HSD in customs due to some of the dumb**** customs brings, certain characters I'll go default on and that's less than 5.
I was thinking recently about how Kirby and Meta Knight sort of seemed designed to be opposites in this game within the fluffy puffball archetype. Kirby wishes he had Meta Knight's ground speed and throw follow-ups, while Meta Knight's weaknesses would be patched up by having Kirby's low landing lag on aerials.

Aunt Jemima

It's ya girl
Jul 2, 2014
Yay, more Kirby posts!

First off... Meta Knight!

Meta Knight does use a Mach Tornado move in Super Star, but in that case, he jumps up, spins into the Tornado, and coasts his way back down until he hits the ground with a large shockwave hitbox. I'd actually prefer that move be in Smash as sort of a brutal land trapping move.

But then, if we were going to take Super Star into account, Meta Knight would have that absurd cyclone attack too. Hey, it would solve his minor KO issues. =P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d9PCQ11enI&t=2m34s
While I will admit this was a bit on my part for only bringing up his ability from Meta Knightmare Ultra (which isn't represented in Smash whatsoever), this still isn't how Mach Tornado appears in Smash. In Smash, Mach Tornado resembles and behaves like Fire Tornado from Kirby: Squeak Squad, excluding the fire damage aspect. Mach Tornado is supposed to be the move he used -- "that absurd cyclone attack". Adding this move wouldn't seem plausible at first, but other moves have been altered to fit their original role while not being insanely overpowered. So... Mach Tornado isn't true the the character, it's a rip-off of Kirby's Fire Tornado.

Mach Tornado much? And Drill Rush comes from an ability granted by his (Master) sword.
And whether I'm him, his dark counterpart or Galacta Knight, it's not their big flashy special
attacks I'm afraid of, but rather the multitude of standard sword techniques they can use, since
they're fast and REACTIVE, not just pattern-based. A lot of their powers would just be Final Smash material anyway.
Drill Rush isn't granted by Galaxia. I've touched on this a bit before, but I guess I'll go more in-depth right now. When Kirby defeats Dark Metaknight and goes into the portal, Meta Knight throws Galaxia into it with him. However, Kirby goes not eat the sword, he picks it up. This means it's not an actual Copy Ability, he's just wielding the sword.

To add on to this, Kirby, usually, would instantly die by attempting to use Galaxia. This is because Galaxia was forged by the Photron as the ultimate sword - Galaxia is a living being with a consciousness encased in a sword. If the sword is wielded by those that aren't "worthy", they'll just die. Garlude, the one who got the sword with Meta Knight, ended up dying when grabbing the sword. She knew of this, however, and threw it to Meta Knight despite dying herself. The only reason Kirby doesn't die when he wields the sword is because he does have the strength to wield it, meaning he doesn't need to use his Copy Ability. Along with that, as he can wield Galaxia himself without being killed, Kirby doesn't copy over Meta Knight's moves. Drill Rush is Kirby's move when wielding Galaxia, not Meta Knight's.

One last thing, just to add more proof. In the Kirby Mass Attack mini-game, Kirby Quest, Galaxia is fought as a boss later in the game without Meta Knight. If Kirby defeats Galaxia, he can take it to fight in the next battle, against Dark Mind. This proves that Kirby can use Galaxia without the Copy Ability, as the mini-Kirby can't use the Copy Abilities, proves that Kirby has his own set of moves, as Kirby uses his own version of Galaxia's sword beam (which is also used in the Master ability and Kirby: Right Back at Ya!), and proves that Kirby is capable of wielding the sword, as the mini-Kirby are led by Kirby's heart itself.

Idk, MK would be pretty busted if he could use the projectiles he used in Squeak Squad (namely that tornado move that was nearly impossible to dodge). The other projectiles were flame waves that he could aim. Drill Rush seems to be based on the Master Sword drill attack from Amazing Mirror, and Mach Tornado is one of his attacks from Kirby Super Star (and is controlled like Kirby's Tornado ability). Additionally n-air is the aerial attack option for Sword Kirby and Meta Knight in Nightmare in Dream Land. F-air and b-air resemble MK's attack in Air Ride (not the spinning attack, the one that is done automatically when MK is near another racer). I don't think MK actually uses his cape offensively in the games.

Sorry I play a lot of Kirby games.
Meta Knight has many other projectiles he can use that don't involve incredibly overpowered tornadoes flying all over the place. The most used one is his own version of Sword Beam, which is a simple fast-travelling... sword beam. I've already talked about Drill Rush and Mach Tornado, so read the above. Meta Knight's neutral air isn't based on the attack Sword Kirby uses, as Meta Knight curls up in a ball and twirls around like an idiot. Kirby slashes out his sword while spinning it around. Meta Knight's forward and back aerials are NOT from Kirby's Air Ride, either. The attacks he uses in Kirby's Air Ride when he comes in contact with another racer are generic sword slashes taken from Sword Kirby.

Sorry, I play a lot of Kirby games, along with being one of the only people who actively explore the internals of the games files to find out how things were intended to play out.

Shuttle Loop also became canon for the Kirby series since MK can use it in RtD.

MK is just not comparable to Wario in terms of representing the character. His sword is small because MK himself is small and the Galaxia was never shown as being a humongous sword, plus MK is basically sword and wing Kirby mashed together when he's playable so his sword, legendary or not, is nothing special gameplay wise.
Kawase said, in an interview, that the characters are all using abilities copied off of Kirby due to time constraints. The only reason the additional characters don't have unique movesets is because the Return to Dream Land team only had a year and a half to develop the game, as the game was in circulation for over 11 years. This is also seen by the fact that each character, including Dedede, uses Kirby's hitbox and hurtbox data. The only difference with the other characters when compared to Kirby is one extra move given to them, along with player models and animations. They're exactly the same after that.

Meta Knight's sword is actually as tall as, if not bigger than him in almost all of it's appearances. Galaxia has a property added to it known as "hammerspace". This is because Galaxia only comes into play once unsheathed, which is how Meta Knight can carry it around all the time. The sheath is only made for the sword hilt, not the sword itself. It's why Meta Knight can actually carry a sword that is bigger and most likely weighs more than him without hindering movement.

Meta Knight being portrayed as Wing/Sword Kirby isn't true to the character. The only reason Meta Knight is ever shown like that is either due to him being playable in an extra mode, or due to time constraints. This is even shown in Metaknightmare Ultra, which was made by re-spriting Sword Kirby as Meta Knight, then giving enemies different palettes, along with making a couple different cutscenes to give him a reason for this all. Along with that, Kirby gets abilities from enemies. Enemies are shown to actually have the same exact abilities as Kirby in Helper to Hero, confirming that Kirby and the enemies he fights are equally matched, just using a different thought process for the abilities. If Meta Knight is a clone of Sword Kirby and Wing Kirby, he would be equal in strength as Sword Knight and Birdon, two common Kirby enemies. If we're going to use that, why not put Birdon on Sword Knight's back ala Duck Hunt and replace Meta Knight? They're the same exact thing.

This also goes into why Meta Knight is compared to Wario. Not many people actually care about the Kirby series, so nobody actually cares about these kinds of things. For those who actually are Kirby fans, they know that Meta Knight has to be one of the most poorly represented characters in Smash. This is all because of -- you guessed it -- Sakurai! Sakurai still thinks that the Kirby series, along with the characters, belong to him. He uses the content he knows and he made instead of learning new Kirby content, as he's either biased for his games or tries to use his knowledge instead of putting extra work behind the series. Both Kirby stages from this game belong to Sakurai. All Kirby items in this game are Sakurai-made. The movesets and arguably designs of the characters are all from Sakurai's Kirby games. Sakurai doesn't own the Kirby series anymore. The only thing from new Kirby games is Ultra Sword, which is pretty stupid.

I mean, why does Meta Knight have a voice? Where did he get those stupid gauntlets? Why does he look completely different and so much more realistic compared to the two other Kirby characters? Sakurai doesn't know anything about the Kirby series anymore, and tries to use his own content or change the characters to his own liking. I can't stand Meta Knight in Smash because of how stupid he is. He's a dumb edgy Kirby/Batman hybrid instead of being having any character. I don't know how actual Meta Knight mains think of this, mostly with the fact that not much of them care about the Kirby series in general, but Meta Knight in Smash doesn't represent the character whatsoever.


Kirby's role in Competitive Smash.

Sorry for the delay on this thing. I wanted to get some videos to go along with it, but it was taking forever so I decided I'd just post it. With the help of @Spirst and somewhat @ Locke 06 Locke 06 (but not by much, lol), I've been able to decide what exactly Kirby's role is in competitive Smash.

Kirby is an anti-meta.

Now, I can't exaggerate this. Kirby is not a full anti-meta against every stupid character in the game. Diddy Kong still exists. However, in a customs-meta, Kirby is an anti-meta character once he gets his fancy new tools.

First, let me bring up some of the common custom jank and how Kirby can counter it...

Kong Cyclone
We've already gone over this, but I'll do it again. Kong Cyclone can't be used against Kirby. Kirby has two options to deal with this move -- Meteor Stone and Jumping Inhale. Jumping Inhale is the most common (and safe) option. Kong Cyclone has super armor, and Jumping Inhale is a command grab. However, the momentum of Jumping Inhale and the windbox of Kong Cyclone ends up flinging Kirby over to the blast zone. If Kirby spits out Donkey Kong, he's dead. However, there's a bit more to it. If Donkey Kong tries to lag cancel (I have no idea what the term is called) Kong Cyclone and Kirby uses Jumping Inhale, DK is dead while Kirby lives. However, Kirby must hold forward once he eats DK to launch further over the blast zone. If Kirby uses Jumping Inhale on him when he's recovering, they'll both die unless Kirby holds back once eating DK, and even then can still die dependong (I'm not going to fix that) on when he eats DK. Even if they don't die and Kirby can't Star Spit DK into the blast zone, Kirby can still potentially kill him. Kirby can shift his momentum during a grab break to pop out right above his head, which gives Kirby a free footstool. The only option DK has to escape this is to jump backwards immediately, which then gives Kirby a free F-Air if he reads this. However, if Kirby inhales DK after he uses his double jump, he's dead. This also gives Jumping Inhale the use of having actual Kirbycides against DK.

Now, Meteor Stone was an idea that Spirst brought up during our random play sessions. After a bit of research on this, we've found out that this does counter Kong Cyclone, but to a lesser (and riskier) extent. Kong Cyclone pulls in Kirby's Meteor Stone during the initial windbox before the Super Armor comes into affect, which ends up killing DK. However, there's a problem. If Kirby doesn't double jump before using Meteor Stone, he's dead every time, even if he hits DK during the Super Armor. This is because the windbox ends up pulling Kirby down, but due to the speed he's falling at, he can't cancel it whatsoever before dying. As Kirby has to double jump, he needs to have adequate spacing or he'll hit the super armor. Jumping Inhale should generally be used, but this is also an option.

ADHD Villager Camping
This is simple. Villager is vulnerable from above and no longer has ledge invincibility. Meteor Stone completely destroys Villager, as it kills at 5% on FD and 15% on Battlefield. Along with that, Giant Hammer's super armor can be used to go through the wall of projectiles and Counter Sapling, then swung as Villager. This is surprisingly efficient, as Villager can't escape it. If Explosive Balloons or projectiles are being spammed, Kirby can hit during the mandatory ledge hang time. Villager can't escape this by trying to jump over Kirby without dying, as no ledge invincibility, Explosive Balloons helpless state, and Giant Hammer beats out Villager's grab. Along with that, Kirby can get Pocket to send projectiles back.

This forces Villager to fight on the stage, which, while I won't go into crazy detail on that, isn't a big deal. Kirby doesn't have much trouble dealing with Villager, while Villager doesn't have much trouble dealing with Kirby. It's a pretty even MU with customs on.

Super Speed + Lightweight
Kirby can duck under Super Speed, Kirby can duck under Palutena's grab. Super Speed and Lightweight now lost a majority of their viability. Unless perfectly spaced, Kirby can duck under dash attack, too. Jab can also be ducked under. Explosive Flame can be dealt with if Kirby has autoreticle, too. Kirby's D-Tilt can punish all crouched moves, which leads into F-Smash or a grab. Most of Palutena's options are shut down just by crouching.

Hammer Spin Dash + Burning Spin Dash
Kirby's jab clashes with all three variants excluding Burning Spin Dash when fully charged, while Inhale beats all of them except Burning Spin Dash when fully charged. To deal with Burning Spin Dash, Meteor Stone can be used. The move pops Kirby up, making it so that Sonic will get squished. The super armor protects Kirby if it's timed incorrectly, and the added endlag on BSD makes it unpunishable if fully charged.

Along with being able to deal with some of the custom jank in the game, Kirby has really nice MUs with top tiers. While I'm not going to make an MU chart or a full list, an example of some of the top tier characters that Kirby can beat include Sheik, Rosalina, Palutena and ZSS. Kirby can beat out or at least deal with many of the top tier characters, and goes even if not a very slight advantage/disadvantage with a majority of the cast, while he gets utterly demolished by some characters (ie: Mii Brawler, Yoshi, Charizard, Marth). Having to fight a low-tier/lesser character as Kirby is generally annoying, whereas fighting top tiers isn't a problem.

This doesn't mean he's a full anti-meta, as stated above. However, he has the tools to deal with most better characters, along with some of the jank that comes along with custom moves. As far as I know, this is Kirby's role in the competitive custom community. He's made to fight top tiers. I'm sure this may sound a bit controversial to some, but that's really what he's here for.


This is just a quick update on how Kirby's customs improve his weaknesses. I don't think I said anything about how they improve his weaknesses before, only covering the strengths. I'm only going to focus on Upper Cutter right now because I'm lazy, though. The main thing that Upper Cutter fixes with Kirby is his advantageous state. Without customs, Kirby keeps you in a disadvantage by comboing you. However, his combos almost always pop the opponent into the air, above him. Yet... what does he do then? He can't trap you in the air because he isn't threatening at all. However, Upper Cutter fixes this. When you're above Kirby, Upper Cutter now instills fear, similar to Sonic's spring to U-Air. Kirby can now trap you to keep you at disadvantage longer. If you airdodge, Kirby gets a free U-Air > Upper Cutter, D-Air > anything, or Grounding Stone > Hammer Bash depending on whether you land on the ground, come right above him, or appear right below him. If you don't airdodge, Kirby now can hit you with Upper Cutter near the top of the stage, potentially risking a stock.

Along with that, Kirby's OoS options are fixed, along with Final Cutter's vulnerability. Kirby was prone to being edgeguarded due to his slow air speed and Final Cutter offering no protection. Anybody can go down and spam their D-Air when Kirby's equipped with Final Cutter. I've already talked about this before, so I won't be detailing it all again, but Upper Cutter fixes this, too. The last (and arguably best) thing is that Kirby gets a true OoS option, and an amazing one at that. Kirby has a frame 2 (3?) OoS option that comes with frame 5 invincibility, kills at later percents, does pretty nice damage (10%), pops opponents into the air where he wants them to be, covers amazing range in front of (and behind if reversed) Kirby, and doesn't have as much risk due to grounded Upper Cutter going less height than the aerial version.

I hate how sloppy my posts are.




Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2014
Back to Shockwave, Zero made some brief waves remarking that Falcon "sucks," which the viewers seemed to think in general, rather than in the Diddy MU, which is what I think Zero was referring to. Falcon struggles hard against Diddy, since Diddy can just stop Caps momentum and combo based gameplay with Fair, Uair, not to mention the peanuts and banana. It's an uphill battle for Falcon, especially given his limited recovery.

Yeah, Zero annihilated Denti's rather excellent Diddy, but it has little to do with the MU and more with Zero being an order of magnitude better than every other player. Anyone who has watched his channel knows that his knowledge of the game is stupendously deep. It almost seems like he is a year ahead of every other player. The rest of the top-tier Sm4sh players need to lab and practice hard if they want to close that massive gap, or Zero is going to run away with Evo, and just about ever other tournament for a while.

FWIW, the only other player that seems to be within reach of Zero is probably Megafox.

ETA: Dabuz, too, but he has clear problems with the Diddy MU and hasn't really figured it out, yet. Even when he does, it almost seems like he will be the Hungrybox to Zero's Mango.
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Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2010
Under The Three Spheres
I think :4falcon:, despite his vast improvements from the previous game, is still a hard sell for top 10 (even with customs off). Saying he "sucks" only makes sense as a reaction against overhype, though.

Another match he loses noticeably (IMO) is :4pikachu:because of disparities in disadvantaged state both on- and especially off-stage. :4sheik: and :4sonic: are both doable, but the former is freakin' Sheik and the latter plays the long-distance punish game more effectively.

Locke 06

Sayonara, bye bye~
Oct 2, 2014
Grad School
Kirby Kirby Kirby metaknight Sakurai Kirby.
Something to add with customs is the fact that upper cutter can be quite risky against windboxes. Dk storm punch is perfect for the job and pushes Kirby helplessly off the stage.

But yep. Kirby's got some solid MU's.

Smog Frog

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
now i'm curious, who has the best overall punish game in smash 4? is the distance from which you can punish more relevant or how much you punish for? :4ganondorf::4falcon: and :4sonic: seem like they have the tools to be the best overall punishers in the game.

Aunt Jemima

It's ya girl
Jul 2, 2014
Something to add with customs is the fact that upper cutter can be quite risky against windboxes. Dk storm punch is perfect for the job and pushes Kirby helplessly off the stage.

But yep. Kirby's got some solid MU's.
Isn't that every up special, though?

Although it certainly does affect some MUs because it's so scary to whiff the move, lol. At least Kirby is floaty so he has a chance of getting back.

Aunt Jemima

It's ya girl
Jul 2, 2014
How do you feel Kirby fares against Dark Fists? Kirby vs Ganondorf is already pretty terrible for Kirby and Dark Fists is an amazing vertical kill option with jank sprinkled all over it.
I've yet to play an actually good Ganondorf player, let alone with customs, but Dark Fists would probably end up making the MU stupidbad for Kirby. I believe it has f5 super armor, while it's stronger than Charizard's up special?

I don't know much about it, so I can't really comment on it that well. From what I've seen, it'd destroy the MU for Kirby, but I dunno.

Blue Ninjakoopa

Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2008
Yay, more Kirby posts!

Meta Knight has many other projectiles he can use that don't involve incredibly overpowered tornadoes flying all over the place. The most used one is his own version of Sword Beam, which is a simple fast-travelling... sword beam. I've already talked about Drill Rush and Mach Tornado, so read the above. Meta Knight's neutral air isn't based on the attack Sword Kirby uses, as Meta Knight curls up in a ball and twirls around like an idiot. Kirby slashes out his sword while spinning it around. Meta Knight's forward and back aerials are NOT from Kirby's Air Ride, either. The attacks he uses in Kirby's Air Ride when he comes in contact with another racer are generic sword slashes taken from Sword Kirby.

Sorry, I play a lot of Kirby games, along with being one of the only people who actively explore the internals of the games files to find out how things were intended to play out.

"Yay, more Kirby posts!" Lol.

First of all, "tornadoes" is sort of wrong; MK only shoots one at a time. And they don't "go all over the place", it's one pillar attack that travels away from MK and towards Kirby. You can't jump over it, which is why I said it was "impossible" (really meaning difficult) to avoid.

Meta Knight doesn't "twirl" when doing n-air, he spins. Kind of like Sonic; a "twirl" would be a tornado attack. Mach Tornado definitely came from Super Star, at least in terms of design since you didn't really control MK. Additionally the "Fire Tornado" wasn't an actual ability in Squeak Squad the way Fire Sword and Ice Bomb (among others) were. Like with Wheel, you had to come in contact with active flames for Kirby's regular tornado to become "Fire Tornado" and the controls don't change; the only thing gained is Kirby can melt ice. Same with when Kirby comes in contact with a live spark or ice on the ground. You "play a lot of Kirby games"?

You're not the only person who "actively explores the internals of the games", go to the Kirby Wiki and talk to EmptyStar, Changtau2005, NerdyboutKirby, Gamefreak75, etc. And I played and tested Kirby Air Ride to get data on stats.

And in my defense, I did say that MK's attacks in Air Ride RESEMBLE f-air and b-air, not that they DIRECTLY INSPIRED those moves.

Drill Rush is Kirby's move when wielding Galaxia, not Meta Knight's.
I didn't.. say it was Meta Knight's attack. What's happening here seems to be what happened with Robin's Nosferatu and Ness's PK Star Storm; moves that don't actually belong to the characters that use them, but were incorporated anyway. Bottom line is that MK's Drill Rush was still inspired by a Kirby game, and isn't a "lol flappy sword attack" as you previously described it.

Sorry, I'm sorry, I play a lot of... Air Ride. And 64. And Dream Land 2. And Dream Land 3 (R.O.B.'s in it!). And Amazing Mirror. And Nightmare in Dream Land. And every game except Dream Land (I was 2 young), Adventure (NDL covered it though), Super Star (only watched it), Canvas Curse (sucked at it), and Epic Yarn (see Canvas Curse, despite this being the easiest game in the series). And I know what "HR" stands for. Sorry again.




i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
From what I've experienced even playing against @ Aunt Jemima Aunt Jemima himself, custom Kirby is scary but at the same time Kirby reaaaally doesn't like being hit by Shifting Shuriken. Those early kills yo.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2015
Labbing U-Tilt followups with Ganondorf
everyone1 (Bob)
Just wondering, would you consider it a good OOS option for Ganon? Also, are there any negative tradeoffs for Dark Fists compared to the default?
It's a little too slow for OOS (Frame 15), but it's amazing as a counter off a read. Y'know those frame-tight chains heavies hate so much? This move tosses all that nonsense in the dumpster. If you leave just 5 frames between one hit and another, Ganondorf can counter you and likely kill you at completely ridiculous %'s, since if this hits you in midair you get dragged halfway off the screen before the big fat aerial Ganon U-smash even hits you. It also works well against SH aerials, even when they're spaced out right. Even stuff like Rosalina's spaced B-air lose to this off a read! I believe this is because Ganon can actually slide forward pretty significantly before the first hitbox actually comes out, allowing him to charge straight through attacks.

And it technically has drawbacks. It's slower (first hitbox comes out on frame 15 instead of 7), and you lose a grab that hits above you for shield pressure. But these drawbacks are pretty much completely negated. The f5 armor makes the startup a non-issue, and U-smash provides a thousand times better shield pressure to platforms than Dark Dive.
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Aunt Jemima

It's ya girl
Jul 2, 2014
It does have f5 super armor, and the uppercut is about as strong as Ganon's sourspotted U-Smash.
When does the initial hitbox come out?

edit: lol nevermind


"Yay, more Kirby posts!" Lol.

First of all, "tornadoes" is sort of wrong; MK only shoots one at a time. And they don't "go all over the place", it's one pillar attack that travels away from MK and towards Kirby. You can't jump over it, which is why I said it was "impossible" (really meaning difficult) to avoid.

Meta Knight doesn't "twirl" when doing n-air, he spins. Kind of like Sonic; a "twirl" would be a tornado attack. Mach Tornado definitely came from Super Star, at least in terms of design since you didn't really control MK. Additionally the "Fire Tornado" wasn't an actual ability in Squeak Squad the way Fire Sword and Ice Bomb (among others) were. Like with Wheel, you had to come in contact with active flames for Kirby's regular tornado to become "Fire Tornado" and the controls don't change; the only thing gained is Kirby can melt ice. Same with when Kirby comes in contact with a live spark or ice on the ground. You "play a lot of Kirby games"?

You're not the only person who "actively explores the internals of the games", go to the Kirby Wiki and talk to EmptyStar, Changtau2005, NerdyboutKirby, Gamefreak75, etc. And I played and tested Kirby Air Ride to get data on stats.

And in my defense, I did say that MK's attacks in Air Ride RESEMBLE f-air and b-air, not that they DIRECTLY INSPIRED those moves.

I didn't.. say it was Meta Knight's attack. What's happening here seems to be what happened with Robin's Nosferatu and Ness's PK Star Storm; moves that don't actually belong to the characters that use them, but were incorporated anyway. Bottom line is that MK's Drill Rush was still inspired by a Kirby game, and isn't a "lol flappy sword attack" as you previously described it.

Sorry, I'm sorry, I play a lot of... Air Ride. And 64. And Dream Land 2. And Dream Land 3 (R.O.B.'s in it!). And Amazing Mirror. And Nightmare in Dream Land. And every game except Dream Land (I was 2 young), Adventure (NDL covered it though), Super Star (only watched it), Canvas Curse (sucked at it), and Epic Yarn (see Canvas Curse, despite this being the easiest game in the series). And I know what "HR" stands for. Sorry again.


The tornadoes that go all over the place was just a silly description of the move, not how it actually goes. Not sure how you didn't pick up on that considering some of the things I've seen you notice before. Same goes for your whole thing on N-Air and Fire Tornado, lol. Also, similar to how you talked about how you said it resembles F-Air and B-Air, I said that I'm one of the only people, not the only person.

Also, about Drill Rush, I never said that you said it was Meta Knight's attack. You're replying to something that wasn't directed specifically at you, it was just the context to take. I don't recall describing it as a "lol floppy sword attack", either.

Er, you play those six games while I'm spending hours upon hours with all them out as I cut the games down bit-by-bit (I need a life). So... I don't really get your point.

You didn't really contradict any of the main details other than bringing up the comparison of Drill Rush to other Ness and Robin, which doesn't actually change anything regarding Meta Knight being true to character. This is getting really off-topic, though, so take it to a PM if you want to continue this. Not sure why you'd want to continue it in the first place, though.

From what I've experienced even playing against @ Aunt Jemima Aunt Jemima himself, custom Kirby is scary but at the same time Kirby reaaaally doesn't like being hit by Shifting Shuriken. Those early kills yo.
Sweetspot U-Smash kills Kirby so early. I've already talked to @Spirst about it, but I can't see Greninja staying a relatively manageable MU for Kirby once he's explored more. He has the tools to potentially counter Kirby, similar to Pac-Man.
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i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sweetspot U-Smash kills Kirby so early. I've already talked to @Spirst about it, but I can't see Greninja staying a relatively manageable MU for Kirby once he's explored more. He has the tools to potentially counter Kirby, similar to Pac-Man.
Funny, the MU discussion for Kirby in the Greninja boards was all over the place and most Kirby mains said it was 60:40 Kirby while the opposite was said from the Greninjas.

I personally felt it was even since from my experience Kirby can be really scary if you mess up, but I guess it's a combination of MU inexperience, not spacing my attacks correctly and the fact I play on Wi-Fi.

With customs though? Upper Cutter is a very good tool for off-the-top kills and it comes out really fast compared to Final Cutter and it can kill surprisingly early too. On the other hand Shifting Shuriken makes greatly reduces Kirby's life expectancy in this MU which wasn't exactly very high to begin with.

Though I feel that against a Shifting Shuriken Greninja, Kirby might want to go for the Copy Ability so he can copy the faster Water Shuriken and be able to fight on more even grounds with Greninja.

Blue Ninjakoopa

Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2008
When does the initial hitbox come out?

edit: lol nevermind

The tornadoes that go all over the place was just a silly description of the move, not how it actually goes. Not sure how you didn't pick up on that considering some of the things I've seen you notice before. Same goes for your whole thing on N-Air and Fire Tornado, lol. Also, similar to how you talked about how you said it resembles F-Air and B-Air, I said that I'm one of the only people, not the only person.

Also, about Drill Rush, I never said that you said it was Meta Knight's attack. You're replying to something that wasn't directed specifically at you, it was just the context to take. I don't recall describing it as a "lol floppy sword attack", either.

Er, you play those six games while I'm spending hours upon hours with all them out as I cut the games down bit-by-bit (I need a life). So... I don't really get your point.

You didn't really contradict any of the main details other than bringing up the comparison of Drill Rush to other Ness and Robin, which doesn't actually change anything regarding Meta Knight being true to character. This is getting really off-topic, though, so take it to a PM if you want to continue this. Not sure why you'd want to continue it in the first place, though.

Sweetspot U-Smash kills Kirby so early. I've already talked to @Spirst about it, but I can't see Greninja staying a relatively manageable MU for Kirby once he's explored more. He has the tools to potentially counter Kirby, similar to Pac-Man.
Retreating right on cue. Nice. And I "contradicted" your ramblings on the Fire Tornado, which isn't even a real ability. Thanks for noticing my ability to notice things though, I really appreciate that as a guy who notices things.

Your response was extremely snappy for no reason, and prompted a response with a similar level of.. snap, but yeah we can talk over PM. Additionally I'd like you to contribute whatever you find to the Kirby Wiki (wikia) if it isn't there already.


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2014
How do you feel Kirby fares against Dark Fists? Kirby vs Ganondorf is already pretty terrible for Kirby and Dark Fists is an amazing vertical kill option with jank sprinkled all over it.
Kirby is actually a character that can edgeguard Dark Fists pretty well due to his multi-hit aerials eating through the armor and at worst trading with the weak 1st hit. I don't feel Dark Fists really poses any threat not already posed by Ganon's normal moveset for Kirby, though that still means it's a pretty threatening punish. Dropkick might be necessary to avoid getting janked by Jumping Inhale. A lot of other characters' edgeguarding feel less threatening to Ganon with Dark Fists, but Kirby's gimp game still scares me, and Jumping Inhale makes it easier for Kirby to put Ganon in a tight spot. It's still not a great matchup for Kirby, but I'd guess that with customs the matchup isn't changed much, and might even be better for Kirby than default.


Oct 28, 2014
now i'm curious, who has the best overall punish game in smash 4? is the distance from which you can punish more relevant or how much you punish for?
Both. Ganon can kill you for missing an attack, but you have to miss it within range of him. Pikachu can punish any whiffed attack, but Quick Attack will only do like 2-3% damage. Both have usable punish games, but it's not something that you have to constantly be wary of.

Sonic is the best punisher, because not only do his punishes do a lot of damage (over 20% for a full spindash combo), but he also has the ground speed to punish any whiffed attack. On top of that, Sonic has a KO throw in b-throw. If you miss an f-smash against Sonic at mid to close range, he could run behind, pivot grab you, and KO you with b-throw. At kill percents, one mistake vs. Sonic costs you your stock.

Diddy is a close second, because of the damage he does (f-air is like 12%, Monkey Flip is 15%) and his speed/burst. Banana also lets him set up into KOs.

Smog Frog

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
how consistent is diddy dtilt into grab?

because if its consistent a diddy can get 26% minimum off a banana at low %
(nana, dtilt, dthrow, aerial of choice)

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
How about Marth? With Crescent Slash, he can punish a lot of stuff that is safe against most of the cast, and if he has time for a heavier punish, his tipper hits are ridiculously powerful. As an opponent, Marth is certainly near the top of my list of "characters to avoid doing unsafe stuff against".
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