Kind of sort of. I think this oversimplifies things. The real explanation goes hand in hand with pikachu's "glass cannon" effect. Without making a direct comparison to tier position or their place in the metagame, fox from melee becomes the best comparison. Fox felt every hit very hard, yet he was very capable at avoiding hits and messing up his opponent when played on a certain level. Pikachu's the same, he's extremely capable of avoiding a hit and has a powerful offense, but it also require's him to be consistently mindful and avoid autopilot.
This distinguishes MUs from difficult and "difficult". Many of the characters I see listed are "difficult" for pikachu, theyre disproportionately harder when we assume hes going to play sub-optimal. This can make MU's more tense then normal since other characters have more leeway in their characters optimal play in this regard. A good MU comparison is Sheik vs Fox in melee (theres a few characters in that sheik group), Fox has a solid 60:40 advantage or greater but sheik is able to capitalize well on Fox's mistakes. Many of these characters listed lose solidly in neutral but may find that moment pikachu lightens up on his guard. I think its pretty cool, since even if pikachu wins a MU it forces him to play well and gives characters a chance to cause upsets. But if getting disgustingly early kills were a metric for character strength sign up ganon for top tier

. Just joking, I dont think there's an issue with the opinion, but based on the opinions strength preferably Id like to see more details then are being provided, my main concern is that some of the previous details that were mentioned had to be corrected.
I guess a Iist. Even though the whole list is opinion and subject to change, a * after means its one Im more shaky on.
First I thought of pikachus hardest MUs.


Then his competitive MUs






Im less certain about all 6 of these, take it with a bigger grain of salt, but they seem to have good tools that go beyond "lol early kill move" that make pika have to work. Pretty sure there's a gap between these characters and the rest in terms of their ability to compete pika.
After I looked at the remaining characters and thought about who could best cheese an early KO him or generally give him a "difficult" MU (before I get in trouble, this doesnt make the character cheesy just the tactic).

The Rest





"The Rest" arent necessarily worse against pika then "difficult" theyre just more honest in how they acquire wins, especially at the top. I guess I should make a note on Greninja, Ive played Scizzor (offline) and Norcal Sean (online) and personally didnt think the MU was anything too special, I found greninja had the same issue as other characters of hitting pikachu on the ground while having a superior SH aerial game. But maybe Im wrong. The bottom I feel have little in terms of redemption in fighting pika, but theres still the "early rage kill hit" factor.
Regarding yoshi, Jab > usmash is escapable and not a true combo.