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Important Carefully Ask PPMD about the Tiara Guy


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
But if she DI's down she will end up on the ground ducking right in front of you which is really bad.

Jab is a cool surprise anti-air in some matchups but if you use it more than a couple of times it is readily counterable and punishable (even if not directly).

People are often naturally DIing this properly anyway in anticipation of fastfalling. It's really not very good.

Honestly I don't know the frame data but it definitely feels like, given that they DI down and are not forced into a tumble animation, Marth is at a frame disadvantage upon landing his jab.
I mean, where are you hitting her in this scenario? Tipper jab has a pretty good knockback on even 0% Puff. You can double jab on the nontipper while she is still in the air (I'd have to test this on DI down at 0% but it works in game a lot).

I can't say the frame data either; I think it'd be rather tough to calculate Puff's fall frames after the jab. If they are at higher %s (anything higher than 15 and she gets swatted pretty far), Marth definitely has frame advantage in the DI down scenario. I don't know about the super low %s but whatever it is, it can't be enough for Puff to punish...

It takes a lot of practice to get the spacing and timing down, but seriously Niko, try it out in friendlies. Its godlike.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I like Ftilting Puff more(since it's all one hit damage moves anyway and still pretty fast). Jab's aight sometimes, but I prefer using it when she's shielding to keep her there/catch her jumping out once in a while.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Fsmash is more damage and it's a good way to keep Puff honest about trying to weave closer to you than she should so sometimes I just spam that move because it's hard for Puff to punish if you just throw it out there lol.


Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
Fsmash is more damage and it's a good way to keep Puff honest about trying to weave closer to you than she should so sometimes I just spam that move because it's hard for Puff to punish if you just throw it out there lol.
tipper on shield is the only safe on shield fsmash.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
i don't think he meant on-shield

i think he meant just do it unpredictably, soooorta as a spacing/walling/get-the-****-away-from-me move because if they're not trying to punish you for it, it's hard for them to punish you hard for it

which i'm not sure if i'd agree with
but whatever


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2010
St. Pete, FL
M2K says lvl 4's are...practicable. Wait....practicable is a word?

Supposedly the DI...I play 1's.
lvl 1s always DI behind marth- practicing the cg against them is useless.

lvl 4s vary it unpredictably, so you have to learn to turn around or pivot on reaction.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
Even a non tip fsmash that's towards the end of the sword can only really be punished with a bair or fair oos which you can CC and minimize the punish or even get your own punish out of it.

The big difference between fsmash and ftilt is that the fsmash hitbox goes from high to low and takes longer to get out in front of Marth compared to ftilt which goes from low to high. This means at some spacings jiggs could stuff your fsmash with a move before it gets out where ftilt would have stuffed whatever jiggs was going to do.

@Blur - I was just playing this matchup for like an hour straight the other day coincidentally and was playing around with jabs to take stage away from Jiggs. I still agree completely with you except for the fact that...it doesn't actually work. If it catches them off guard and they miss the DI then it's awesome but it's really easy for them to DI this to the ground where even if neither of you can punish you have jiggs ducking at your feet which isn't what you want and you'll end up needing to retreat yourself.

@PP - Interesting, isn't jabbing jiggs shield really unsafe?

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Yeah but you're not trying to jab Jiggz shield really. If you DO jab it, then you'll be calling the jump out wrong. BUT, it's a good idea to think about it in terms of Puff having to sit in shield longer or not as long as a typical time you wait before jumping OOS because jab will cover that timing.

UGH that was horribly worded

OKAY basically you want to hit puff when she jumps out. If you don't then you want her to have to guess when to jump out, and she shouldn't be so focused on punishing your jab because you could do the jab to stuff her at any time and she should be afraid to shield. You shouldn't be afraid of a shielding opponent because you have more range than their OOS options so throwing a move out so they respect it once in a while is generally pretty safe if you're tricky about it.


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
i don't think he meant on-shield

i think he meant just do it unpredictably, soooorta as a spacing/walling/get-the-****-away-from-me move because if they're not trying to punish you for it, it's hard for them to punish you hard for it

which i'm not sure if i'd agree with
but whatever
I think it's hard to punish if it doesn't hit their shield and they didn't predict it. Jiggs is pretty slow, so if it didn't hit (and she didn't hit you) her she was probably moving away from you or something. Plus, there's a little delay time where they have to realize that you just randomly fsmashed like a moron and process that. The absence of the shield hitstun makes it a lot harder to react in time


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
PP what about Jiggs rolling at you oos? That's kind of a bigger concern imo.

Idk i don't really like to swat shields cause I'd rather be uncommitted to anything in order to react to what they will eventually do or just straight up get that grab.


Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Well if you never establish the threat of your move then you're not very threatening imo. If I was playing you and knew you wouldn't swing at me then wouldn't I feel safe in my shield all the time? Isn't that bad?

I wish Puff would roll into me....her roll is kinda bad and chances are my jab could hit that by accident anyway if we're still talking jab only lol. It's not like I just sit there only jabbing or anything, but making her afraid of me shouldn't make her think rolling into me is safe if I'm MOSTLY waiting and reacting like you want to do. If jiggz rolls anywhere it'll be away.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
Well if you never establish the threat of your move then you're not very threatening imo. If I was playing you and knew you wouldn't swing at me then wouldn't I feel safe in my shield all the time? Isn't that bad?

I wish Puff would roll into me....her roll is kinda bad and chances are my jab could hit that by accident anyway if we're still talking jab only lol. It's not like I just sit there only jabbing or anything, but making her afraid of me shouldn't make her think rolling into me is safe if I'm MOSTLY waiting and reacting like you want to do. If jiggz rolls anywhere it'll be away.
so pretty much, you're going back to step 1?

it seems like we're all ASSUMING that jiggs is going to watch out and punish our every f-smash anyway

and you're saying we need to give them a reason to do so

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
so pretty much, you're going back to step 1?

it seems like we're all ASSUMING that jiggs is going to watch out and punish our every f-smash anyway

and you're saying we need to give them a reason to do so
Well Jiggz can't merely float around and just wait for Fsmashes to punish. It's just not feasible when you have to move in different ways/inside Fsmash's range to get in on Marth anyway.

If you're playing as Jiggz, and you want to get in on Marth, wouldn't you want to know how likely an Fsmash is before playing around Marth in that range or not? If you observe that Marth won't throw them out then you get to stay on top of him much easier since Fsmash covers the most range but it won't exist technically. By Fsmash'ing you force jiggz to take Fsmash into account when spacing, and that's when you use it less because that's when she'll be expecting it. I'm not even saying Fsmash often if you wanna look at it like that, but the threat of Marth's biggest move can be established somewhat safely in that manner here, so why not do it?

If you're worried about Jiggz always punishing you for Fsmash'ing, then I suggest giving my strategy a try before writing it off. If you have given it a try, then I'd only ask if you changed up when you used it.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
Well Jiggz can't merely float around and just wait for Fsmashes to punish. It's just not feasible when you have to move in different ways/inside Fsmash's range to get in on Marth anyway.

If you're playing as Jiggz, and you want to get in on Marth, wouldn't you want to know how likely an Fsmash is before playing around Marth in that range or not? If you observe that Marth won't throw them out then you get to stay on top of him much easier since Fsmash covers the most range but it won't exist technically. By Fsmash'ing you force jiggz to take Fsmash into account when spacing, and that's when you use it less because that's when she'll be expecting it. I'm not even saying Fsmash often if you wanna look at it like that, but the threat of Marth's biggest move can be established somewhat safely in that manner here, so why not do it?

If you're worried about Jiggz always punishing you for Fsmash'ing, then I suggest giving my strategy a try before writing it off. If you have given it a try, then I'd only ask if you changed up when you used it.
i agree with/get what you're saying, actually.

but i feel that most mid/upper level players aren't smart enough to go through all of those steps. i feel like they just go straight to step 2 and just give marth's f-smash that much respect without him earning it.

maybe i'm just being a negative nancy myself about the community; either way, your point is definitely valid under some circumstances, and i'll keep that in mind for the next road-block i reach ;)


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
i agree with/get what you're saying, actually.

but i feel that most mid/upper level players aren't smart enough to go through all of those steps. i feel like they just go straight to step 2 and just give marth's f-smash that much respect without him earning it.

maybe i'm just being a negative nancy myself about the community; either way, your point is definitely valid under some circumstances, and i'll keep that in mind for the next road-block i reach ;)
I feel like truly giving fsmash that much respect is a big cost in terms of how you can space against Marth. I don't think you can maintain the "generally" good spacing in the matchup if you are that focused on not getting hit by fsmash and punishing it.

If you never fsmash, I feel that most mid/upper level players won't "play around" the fsmash in the situations where they actually have to go out of their way to do so, because if they did they would be losing out on value.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2010
Is it just me, or is jab really good against fox? Last night I was able to use it to stuff nair attempts. I mean, I mixed it up with other moves, but when I wasn't getting predictable with it, it generally worked really well.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2008
Jabbing is great.

something i've been experimenting with.. at high percents, sometimes you can fthrow -> wd dmash. if you tipper they're dead. i've been trying it on fox,

and marth has such a fun grabgame on puff. you can land dtilts, ftilts, jabs, tipper fsmash, tipper usmash, utilt, spike them, fair/uair, regrab etcetc. marth has an answer to almost every single thing puff can do after being thrown. of course, di and % dependent.

the problem is finding a puff that'll let you grab them :\


Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
the only matchup i go into with 0 confidence now is puff. why is that?
i love every matchup in this game except that one for now :/


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2009
I like all the tough MU except puff even though im good vs her shes just not fun to fight as marth. Now give me a peach, falcon, sheik, or falco and im good


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2010

ive been saying that **** for ages
fthrow tipper dsmash works on fox if they di in on the fthrow i killed someone once because they had inwards di on the fthrow but then sdi'd the dsmash away. He died off the side on dreamland at 75% lol.


Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
i will have to try that. just another thing i can do to humiliate fox. has anyone tried forward b regrab on ledge to mindgame people?
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