Smash Master
The problem with trying to crouch dtilt is that if they do shoot them low enough - and any half decent bird can shoot them low enough since its sorta essential to maining that character - you are going to eat a big combo.
What I do is try to anticipate and get above them either with a full hop or just standing waiting on top of a platform. Then once the first laser is past you you can fair and at the very least force them to shield for a mixup.
If you notice that the first laser is still hitting you if you are doing this then its time to try crouch dtilting. You can also play it conservatively and not try to directly counter these and concede him getting up from the ledge and still use your stage control advantage to fight him afterwards.
The old HBK vs Chops vids always struck me as great examples of dealing with double lasers.

What I do is try to anticipate and get above them either with a full hop or just standing waiting on top of a platform. Then once the first laser is past you you can fair and at the very least force them to shield for a mixup.
If you notice that the first laser is still hitting you if you are doing this then its time to try crouch dtilting. You can also play it conservatively and not try to directly counter these and concede him getting up from the ledge and still use your stage control advantage to fight him afterwards.
The old HBK vs Chops vids always struck me as great examples of dealing with double lasers.