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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 ('Terminal' - the 17th for Elite / 18th for non-Elite)

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
I'm about to be a huge doucher here F8AL, but...

...it sounds like the game still has many of the problems that plagued MW2, no?
No........One Man Army, Danger Close, Commando are not in MW3. Noob tubes are now weaker and Blast Shield is now a perk and it works really well against explosives. The only problems with MW3 is spawns, deathstreaks, and lag compensation. Spawns have always been a problem for the CoD series as a whole. Deathstreaks was a problem in MW2 and MW3, but its the only problem that I see in both games. Also, shotguns are no longer secondaries but are now primaries again. Also, I have very rarely seen any hackers in MW3 where in MW2 there were tons of them. Actually another problem that is in MW2 and MW3 is quickscoping, actually quickscoping has been a problem for Modern Warfare series as a whole :troll:

Edit: Also if they buffed snipers in MW3 I would cry......

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
Snipers definitely aren't bad, its way easier to snipe in MW3 than Battlefield Bad Company 2. I haven't played Battlefield 3 yet so I can't really say.


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
That is downright absurd.:applejack: I am liking this.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I find Shotguns and camping fun.

With Assassin pro and range on my Striker and extended mags plus scavenger

All I hear is salt


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I find Shotguns and camping fun.

With Assassin pro and range on my Striker and extended mags plus scavenger

All I hear is salt
Honestly if you're being serious then I don't have much respect for you.

I'm done, striker needs to be addressed. Too many bad kids are getting kills with it and think they're good because they don't have to try in the least bit for their kills.

In relation to this, got sniped by a striker in the last game I just played. Gonna upload that **** when I have the time.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Honestly if you're being serious then I don't have much respect for you.
Apology accepted.

I'm done, striker needs to be addressed. Too many bad kids are getting kills with it and think they're good because they don't have to try in the least bit for their kills.
I get kills, but what I'm thinking is "Lol, UMAD? :troll:" not that I'm good.

Because I don't care for this game or franchise. I got this game for free. I play with my friends, only. **** solo MP haha, I'd rather stick my **** in a cheese grater.


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Regardless other people using the striker think they're so good. For example take the one guy that rode a striker so hard in the one game of Domination on Arkeden a few of us played within the past few days. He end the game at 60-15ish and was bragging about it in the chat after game. Still thought it was a completely legitimate game and it was his skill that got him the score even after Stephan calls him out about using the weapon.

I wouldn't be this mad about it if the other shotguns were viable. Of course they had to make the striker, the shotgun with a ridiculous clip and fire rate, the best shotgun (and partly the only usable one) in the game. Imo this is worse than the AA12 spam in mw2 :/


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
You are complaining about the AA12 from MW2? Did you not have an introduction to the Power Rangers, or the akimbo Models?

All I do is shotgun; call it an occupational hazard.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Im coming on right now :].

Whoever want's to do ground wars hit me up since that's all i play :D

TaylordSwift is the GT


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
You are complaining about the AA12 from MW2? Did you not have an introduction to the Power Rangers, or the akimbo Models?

All I do is shotgun; call it an occupational hazard.
I picked out the AA12 because you didn't have to do much to get a kill other than hold the trigger and point in general direction of bad guy. Models got patched and akimbo Rangers only had 4 shots before a reload.

Not saying they were bad because they were far from that, but the way I see it people lean more towards the striker in mw3 because 1. it outclasses all other shotguns and 2. requires little work on the user's part.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I'd be using Spaz if the hit box wasn't 800 feet from the nose.

I'd be on a guy, shoot point blank range, and no hit marker.

Striker is the only shotgun worth noting. And they made it stupid.

Good for Activision. Now we can hope they fix it in a "patch"*

*by patch, I mean the next installment in 9 months.


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
That's not Activision's job. Their job is to roll around in all of the money they make from these games :troll:

Ehh, when talking about the other shotguns I'd agree with you in saying the spas isn't worth noting. On the other hand, the spas reaches almost mw2 levels with the Damage proficiency. The only problem is griding through 26 weapon levels with a confetti blaster to get it........

Also I like the usas so far. It is definitely plausible as I'm having an easier time leveling up with it. I've almost got the Damage proficiency and I think I'm around lv34 in the prestige. Iirc it took me until way later in previous prestiges to level the spas and model 87 up to get Damage.

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
Ugh I hate stealth bombers. Enemy ones always kill me and the friendly ones always screw up my aim for a few seconds. I remember one match where there were like 8 stealth bombers total (both enemy and friendly combined). Ugh it was so annoying.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
i think the work you put in as a shotgun user is not aiming and shooting... i'm ok with that stuff being as easy as it is with the striker.

the thing you work on with a shotgun is in how you move around the map.

you could argue that a striker user can sit in a corner the whole game, but i don't see that guy topping the charts in any game modes.


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I'd say it's depends on what shotgun you're using.

For example, when you use a spas aim is more crucial as you have a period of time in between each shot. In a usual situaion where both people are aware of each other you will have the chance to get a max of 2 spas shots off before you're dead (assuming they're using generic AR/SMG) and even then most of the time you can only get one shot off. Seeing that you have a small opportunity to kill the other person and survive, you are punished for not aiming correctly.

With the striker it is a different story. Because there is no wait time in between each shot the user is not punished for having poor aim. They can keep firing at their opponent with minimal accuracy and still be rewarded.

You even said it yourself Lumpy, "...being as easy as it is with the striker." While map navigation is still important for using a shotgun, being able to accurately aim just as important. Sorry to bring quickscoping into this but it's somewhat similar. Someone quickscoping has a small chance of killing the opponent that is using a gun with a superior fire rate than their sniper rifle. If they miss, odds are they died. Same for shotguns (mainly the spas etc.), if you miss that one shot odds are you're going to die to a weapon with a faster fire rate. Not the case with the striker. As you said aiming and shooting with the striker is easy already.

I guess I basically said there's a risk factor present when using shotguns like the spas. This risk disappears or at the least decreases greatly when you use a shotgun like the striker because you are able to cover a missed shot with more shots immediately after.

The worst part about all of this: I spent all this time making this post when I have a couple of papers due tomorrow for a final exam :urg:


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
Anybody want unlimited prestige tokens? If you have one, you can buy as much stuff as you want with this recent glitch that was found. I'd expect it to be patched sometime later today or tomorrow with a hotfix, sooo...
I'll help anyone do it later today. I'll be on.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
You are complaining about the AA12 from MW2? Did you not have an introduction to the Power Rangers, or the akimbo Models?

All I do is shotgun; call it an occupational hazard.
Akimbo Rangers. <3

Also I like the usas so far. It is definitely plausible as I'm having an easier time leveling up with it. I've almost got the Damage proficiency and I think I'm around lv34 in the prestige. Iirc it took me until way later in previous prestiges to level the spas and model 87 up to get Damage.
USAS is very usable, imo. It needs a little more consistency, but it's extremely functional. I used it almost exclusively for my first 80 levels. It becomes somewhat of a sniper with Damage Proficiency as well.

But in general, I think shotguns need a bit more consistency at closer ranges. Getting 3 hitmarkers on a guy 5 feet away from you with a slow firing shotgun sucks.

i think the work you put in as a shotgun user is not aiming and shooting... i'm ok with that stuff being as easy as it is with the striker.

the thing you work on with a shotgun is in how you move around the map.

you could argue that a striker user can sit in a corner the whole game, but i don't see that guy topping the charts in any game modes.
But the Striker doesn't even require intelligent movement. It's got RIDICULOUS range, with A MASSIVE ammo capacity, HIGH firing rate, and HIGH damage. You can beat people that are down long corridors with it. Can't do it with other shotguns, lemme tell ya.

As a comparison, the USAS has some decent range (with damage), average ammo capacity, slow firing rate, and decent damage (with the proficiency). It's capable of getting that occassional lucky snipe, especially with Extendos, but most of the time it's a 2 shotter at range and only consistently one shots at close range with damage and extendos.

So basically, you have to have good aim AND good movement precision to use the USAS well. With the Striker, you can run around, mash RT, and go LOLLLOLOLOLOLOL as people try to confront you.
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