Yeah, Scar is my favorite gun. Nuke boosters are in free for all 24/7 basically. I really only play domination and search though, mainly because free for all is spawn camp heaven. I have an interesting question for you guys though. Dropshotting in Cod4 was easy as pie, and was effective as hell in a lot of situations. Once I started playing MW2, though, I noticed something weird about it. Not the crap "Your crouch animation was slowed", but something else. About half the time, when you're aiming down the sight, the first crouch goes okay, but when you go all the way down and you're prone, a lot of the time it reverts you to a hip firing position instead for some reason. Now I know if you move the left stick while prone, you can't aim down the sights at the same time while moving your character, but a lot of the time when dropshotting, it will randomly change to a hip fire for some odd reason. I dropshot almost every chance I get, but it's ineffective because of this often. Anyone else had this problem before?