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Call of Duty: Black Ops


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
Maybe some people want to use Warlord or another perk that's not SOH?
If you use warlord with dual mag, you're not being very efficient. Warlord is only good if
1) you need a sight because you can't aim
2) you're actually using it on something beneficial (rapid fire grip is the only thing that comes to mind)
If you're using warlord and dual mags, its defeating the purpose of using it in the first place. Running SoH would give you a faster reload every time. My complaint was that running SoH and dual mags is just ridiculous.

I get caught too frequently with my hand down my pants without SoH, and I'm pretty good about choosing the right time to reload.

The shortened ADS time also helps out more than you think. That alone wins me a lot of my gun fights.
I love SoH, its the only perk I stick with. I was questioning why someone said they used dual mags and sleight of hand. It's kinda overkill. The ADS bonus is wonderful, too.


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Forgot to add that the people who hard aim Tomahawks also have to get right in your face to kill you >_>

I really hope my new computer gets set up soon so I can start saving clips for a wager match/any kind of montage.....


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Exactly, it's funny to watch it because they need to set up that much to get the kill.

Now a good killcam consists of someone dolphin diving over the guy therefore mindgaming him while another guy jumps at him and destroys his face with an Olympia.

I wanna get more epic killcams like that.......


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
If you use warlord with dual mag, you're not being very efficient. Warlord is only good if
1) you need a sight because you can't aim
2) you're actually using it on something beneficial (rapid fire grip is the only thing that comes to mind)
If you're using warlord and dual mags, its defeating the purpose of using it in the first place. Running SoH would give you a faster reload every time. My complaint was that running SoH and dual mags is just ridiculous.
I misunderstood your complaint but I disagree that using Warlord for dual mags is defeating the purpose. It could just be that they feel warlord PRO outweighs SoH PRO so they use dual mags to make up for the slow reload so they can get the extra nades and shiz.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
Aiming down the sight fast can help you win many fire fights, as mentioned by Banjo.
If you run Dual Mags, your reload is inconsistent. With SoH, it is faster every time. Having extra grenades, I suppose, could have some shenanigans like with noobtubing common traffic areas, but other than that, aiming down the sight is more consistent.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
If you use warlord with dual mag, you're not being very efficient. Warlord is only good if
1) you need a sight because you can't aim
2) you're actually using it on something beneficial (rapid fire grip is the only thing that comes to mind)
If you're using warlord and dual mags, its defeating the purpose of using it in the first place. Running SoH would give you a faster reload every time. My complaint was that running SoH and dual mags is just ridiculous.

I love SoH, its the only perk I stick with. I was questioning why someone said they used dual mags and sleight of hand. It's kinda overkill. The ADS bonus is wonderful, too.
I got three 30-0 FFAs last night because I used SoH and Dual Mags, it's amazing, especially when you don't want to run Scavenger. With Scavenger, I tend to run Extended Mags, as Dual Mags doesn't increase the total ammo you get with Scavenger Pro. I have 6 classes, 5 of them have Flak Jacket, the other is Scavenger, I refuse to unlock Hardline or Ghost as I think they're pointless and gay, respectively.

Hot_ArmS, the PSG-1 is only receives the buff(Which is actually unclear to me at the moment), without any attachments equipped, no Variable Zoom, which makes me sad.


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Hot_ArmS, the PSG-1 is only receives the buff(Which is actually unclear to me at the moment), without any attachments equipped, no Variable Zoom, which makes me sad.
Speaking of which are the sniper buffs not applied when using Variable Zoom? It didn't feel too much different and the aim was still a bit off while I was using the L96 w/Variable Zoom but I was quickscoped 2-3 times earlier in the day by people using regular scope on the L96.

Is the problem Variable Zoom?


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
Im not sure about the other scopes, but i know for sure for the PSG WITHOUT attachments of any sort, is now a one shot kill from the stomach and up. Its just the best now cause it has the best accuracy in the first place and you zoom in faster?


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
you guys make me feel so bad at this game lol

maybe i shoudl stop sniping and go back to assault rifles (i just find them so much more boring)


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
@Leafy, does that split second of 1/2 second reload with SoH AND Dual Mags really make that much of a difference? my whole point was that other attatchments make more of a difference.
SuSa, I agree on a certain level. For almost any game, having fun is important, and sometimes crucial to becoming good. For BlackOps, I find winning satisfying, with having fun AND winning being the only thing that is more satisfactory.
Speaking of, I ran stakeout with grip+LW/Steady Aim/Marathon and worked wonders. I even pulled out a chopper gunner.
Also, on the matter of steady aim, since you're good with technical stuff, Leafy... how does shooting while in the process of ADS affect the spread and accuracy of certain guns? I find that if I popshot (quickscoping with a shotgun), it is less accurate than hardaiming unless I run steady aim.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
I mainly use dual mags for more ammo. The faster reload every other time helps a bit too.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
Oh, I didn't know that they give you additional ammo. I read the part where leafy said you don't get additional ammo when you're using scavanger and dual mags wrong.
I thought it was extended mags that gave you more ammo.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2007
Columbia, MD
I also use dual mags with a red sight when I use warlord for my ARs.

So who wants to do zombie mode tonight (ps3) trying to get past round 24


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Warlord is one of the best perks.

Extra grenades and 2 weapon attachments.(I got reflex and silencer on my Galil.)

Combine that with scavenger and you have literally too many grenades.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Then you run into someone like me who's using Flak Jacket and Tact. Mask.

You then /wrist that all of those grenades are completely useless and you show up on radar.


(Why reflex instead of dual mags, ext. mags, or m203's? :s Things that offer better perks once you learn how to aim...)

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Oh, I didn't know that they give you additional ammo. I read the part where leafy said you don't get additional ammo when you're using scavanger and dual mags wrong.
I thought it was extended mags that gave you more ammo.
Sorry, perhaps I should elaborate further. When you use Dual Mags without Scavenger Pro (Must be pro version), you're given an extra two magazines, as well as a faster reload every other reload. So instead of starting with 30/90 on Assault Rifles, you start with 30/150 instead. However, when you use Scavenger Pro, you still start with max ammo, for Assault Rifles it would be 30/240, without recieving any bonus for using Dual Mags, outside of the reload buff every other time. You don't get any extra ammo capacity, which is horrible.

With Scavenger Pro, Dual Mags <<<< Extended Mags, by far. But without Scavenger Pro outside of S&D, Dual Mags is generally much better.

Extended Mags gives you an increased Mag size, but you gain no extra ammo capacity.

I hope that helps... I'm so bored right now, Buffalo sawwwkks.

Flak Jacket + Tactical Mask is incredibly gay. It's not hard to deal with really, it's just annoying, just like Ghost, but a bit easier.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Why would I need any extra mags? I have scavenger.

Why would I use a noobtube? I'm not a ****.

Why would I use the Iron sights when I can just have a nice custom reflex sight?

Also, anyone who uses flak jacket and tactical mask clearly has something wrong with them.

I'm not sure I've seen anyone with that setup yet.

Plus neither perks are gonna help if I just riddle you with bullets.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
Why would I need any extra mags? I have scavenger.

Why would I use a noobtube? I'm not a ****.

Why would I use the Iron sights when I can just have a nice custom reflex sight?

Also, anyone who uses flak jacket and tactical mask clearly has something wrong with them.

I'm not sure I've seen anyone with that setup yet.

Plus neither perks are gonna help if I just riddle you with bullets.
Yes but you use Second Chance so you clearly have something wrong with you.


I use Tac Mask Pro amd Flak Jacket Pro, I'm invincible when defusing and planting which is awesome.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Actually 2nd chance is trolling everyone who can't deal with it. :trollface:

Ok enough of this lol.

2nd chance is the best option of tier 3.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Second Chance is pretty dumb. It's ****ing gay when I lose kills because of it.

Also, I use Ninja on everything because I'm that big of a Tryhard. In fact, it's the only thing I unlock in the Tier 3.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
Why would I need any extra mags? I have scavenger.
Well, Scavenger can be benificial but you can't overlook the fact that all of the other perks, regardless of everyone elses views, do have benefits.

Why would I use a noobtube? I'm not a ****.
In MW2, it was labeled as immature to use it because it paired with danger close took no "skill" and diminished from the intended gameplay. People got over it but it was a large phase in MW2 gameplay. In BlackOps, the range is debuffed and so is the damage, so using it strategically to clear out a room wouldn't and shouldn't be considered immature and it shouldn't diminish how good you are.

Why would I use the Iron sights when I can just have a nice custom reflex sight?
Reflex slightly hinders your sight. Red dot is much more efficient.
Regardless of that, Iron sights allow for much more visibility. They give you an extra slot, so I think you should be asking "why would I use a crutch equip when I could do just as good, if not better, with the original iron sight"

Also, anyone who uses flak jacket and tactical mask clearly has something wrong with them.
The fact that people are abusing warlord pro thus far in the game means people do what they have to for consistent kills. Tactical mask pro is wonderful, strategically, especially when paired with warlord pro. Flak Jacket is just reassurance that you won't get unluckily killed by explosives.

I'm not sure I've seen anyone with that setup yet.
I see them every day, but its not like you can tell when people are running tactical mask. I certainly don't take the time to check if my opponent is using flak jacket, either.

Plus neither perks are gonna help if I just riddle you with bullets.
This game isn't purely gun based. The abundance of equipment and grenades means that they both become an integral part of the gameplay. Plus, you're ignoring the fact that EVERYONE ELSE HAS A GUN TOO.
Everything you said is wrong.
*****ing in bold.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
WoR is a VERY good player, I'll give you that, Leafy.

I don't like him because he's just.... unnecessarily douchey at times IMO.

Ugh Nuketown....


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino

Also, anyone who uses flak jacket and tactical mask clearly has something wrong with them.
I run around with that. I constantly go 30+ and under 7 deaths. TDM. I am my ****ing team most of the time. You're just mad that people can use perks that are indirect benefits that are situational instead of lol second chance


Why would I need any extra mags? I have scavenger.
Ext. Mags = Less reloading
Dual Mags = Sleight of Hand on-a-gun


Why would I use a noobtube? I'm not a ****.
Use the Masterkey and all of it's ****tacularness then. Be a pro with that instead. ;] Also what Wretched said about tubing is true. You can't OMA tube with Danger Close anymore. It's a lot harder to get kills with these (and I never get killed by them because I run around with Flak Jacket like a pro)

Why would I use the Iron sights when I can just have a nice custom reflex sight?
Why would I waste a perfectly good weapon attachment slot on something that covers up parts of my screen? A reflex has gotten me killed on more than 1 occasion when I was sniping with it. The iron sight wouldn't have obstructed my view.

People use reflex/red dots for 2 reasons:
They can't aim worth **** without one.
The iron sight on the gun is ****ing horrible and nobody should be expected to aim with it. (See: LSW in MW2)

The Galil has an amazing iron sight.

Plus neither perks are gonna help if I just riddle you with bullets.
I'll shoot you first. You're too busy chucking grenades. /sarcasm
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