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Call of Duty: Black Ops


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
I'm convinced that Ghost is the most broken overcentralizing perk in all of CoD history. At least you can find people using Stopping Power. I'm tired of putting up a Spy Plane and seeing ONE red dot coming from a SIX man team.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
This is the only thing that WoR has said that I whole-heartedtly agree with.

Excuse bad spelling please. DERP.
I don't understand why so many people show hate to WoR. He says a lot of stuff that I actually agree with, and he's one of the people in the very, very small percentage of people on YT who are actually good and/or worth watching, in my opinion.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
I'm convinced that Ghost is the most broken overcentralizing perk in all of CoD history. At least you can find people using Stopping Power. I'm tired of putting up a Spy Plane and seeing ONE red dot coming from a SIX man team.
ironically, ghost pro makes u show up on blackbird. regular ghost doesnt.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Sorry, Hot_ArmS, I didn't see your comment, you tend to accidentally overlook stuff when responding to SuSa's rather large posts.

Incorrect, CA5H, neither Ghost nor Ghost Pro stop you from showing up on the Blackbird. The only true counters to the SR-71 are a Jammer(lol) and Counter Spy Plane, both of which are handled by Hacker and Strela-3's respectively.


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free

"Contrary to the in-game description of Ghost, neither Ghost nor Ghost Pro will protect the player from a SR-71 Blackbird."

and no biggie leafy


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
Having to get an 8(7) killstreak just to find the enemy's location is dumb. >_>
Ridiculous. Blackbird is amazing. You just oversimplified it to make it seem trivial. You see them as they move and you see ALL of them. Plus it helps the whole team. It's a great killstreak.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
He's not downplaying the Blackbird at all. He's saying that the Blackbird is the only way to see someone using Ghost, and that it should not require a 8(7) killstreak just in order to find the position of someone using Ghost. Of course the Blackbird is ****ing great. No matter what I play, I never take it off, and just based on how much Delta hates Ghost, he probably does the same.


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
He's not downplaying the Blackbird at all. He's saying that the Blackbird is the only way to see someone using Ghost, and that it should not require a 8(7) killstreak just in order to find the position of someone using Ghost. Of course the Blackbird is ****ing great. No matter what I play, I never take it off, and just based on how much Delta hates Ghost, he probably does the same.
Oh I see. Sorry, I read that in the wrong context.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
I don't understand why so many people show hate to WoR. He says a lot of stuff that I actually agree with, and he's one of the people in the very, very small percentage of people on YT who are actually good and/or worth watching, in my opinion.
I don't hate him, and I definitely agree that he's a very good player. I just don't like the way he presents his ideas.


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
So as it turns out, i'm one of those people that can't use an iron sight =\ My aim is awful. Unless the iron sight is a RDS practically, i can't use it. I've been using Galil silenced which has a nice iron sight and liked it at first but as of late, ive been doing negative game after negative game. I picked up an Aug w/ RDS today and wrecked. Switched out Galil with supressor for Aug w/ RD (crosshairs with circle) and went 47-19 which is pretty good. It's the most kills I've ever gotten so far in a match and a good enough KD. So I'll stick with that. My KD is improving and hopefully my dreadful 16% accuracy will go up too. <3 this game. <3 the Aug.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Like I said, preference has to do with a lot of my choices. They all kill in one shot in the same place, I just hate them both.

But we can agree L96A1 is the best? Right? That's all I really care about for Snipers. :awesome: A clear cut winner.

I use Hardened when I snipe, and my accuracy is really good with the snipers, I think I have over 60% on all of them, and that includes going for stupid ****, like shooting through a wall to kill someone even though I only know their general area, etc. So I use what I like.
I stay hidden as a sniper and like to pick off targets without giving away my position. But I can understand where you are coming from. (I still feel the WalterW2000 would be great for that)

Aside from Grenade Launchers, which suck balls in this game anyways (And even if they suck, they're hella gay), MP5k also doesn't have Dual Mags or Grip, and that makes me very sad, as without Dual Mags, I'm forced to run Scavenger or Hardline instead of say, Lightweight, Ghost or Flak Jacket. AK-74u still outclasses Spectre, no matter how you look at it.
Good point with the lack of grip. I have a question for when we speak about reloads however. Are you speaking of the point at which you can cancel it with a sprint/double weapon swap or are you speaking of when it finishes by itself and you can shoot?

Spectre has a faster RoF and faster bullet time. (Time between my shot and it hitting you) - if it weren't for FBT and RoF the Vector in MW2 would never be able to stand up to the UMP45 at close and close/mid distances. (It takes a bad marksmen or you having first shot from behind to win at any further distances...)

People really underrate RoF and BT. :urg: It can save your skin by causing flinch faster (potentially messing up your opponents aim) where a gun with slow BT you'd be dead before your 2nd shot fired. (Happens a ****ton to me when I use the AK74-u)

I could make the same argument and say that the G11 is hard to use if you don't know what you're doing. If you don't know the best way to use a weapon in game, it's gonna be hard to use. There's a different learning curve to every gun in the game, whether it be dealing with fire rate, recoil, iron sights, whatever, but there's a much larger learning curve with the semi-auto weapons, especially if you have the tendencies of a rusher.
By knowing what you're doing I was under the assumption that having knowing Brawl you may be able to relate ease-of-use with tiers. =\ Some SUPER UBER AWESOME chars are a tiny but underrate... simply due to how hard they are to use well... I guess I should probably find a better example (Brawl's lacking tbh) but one reason why MK is top tier?

He's stupid easy to pick up on a mid-level level. (The average joe...)

Semi-auto and burst are my favorite guns - outside of epic machine guns (Vector and Spectre). FAL, M16, M93 Raffica. <33333333333 Raffica > Famas AND M16... that pistols so damn brokennnnn

Anyways I'm getting off topic... :B

I disagree, this is completely subjective. The Galil is statistically identical to the Commando, and AK-47, outside of 5 extra bullets in clip, and a sightly longer reload than both (Don't mention SoH, I don't use it too often, so this means a lot to me). The bounce on the gun is different as well. And the Commando has the faster reload, and bounces in a more manageable way. I only use the Galil until I unlock the Commando, and I feel that it's probably the best of the three when silenced, but I rarely use silencers anyways. Honestly, I don't like it. Again, preference.
For the reload I again ask my question I phrased above. As far as the muzzle raise that comes straight down to preference and ability to handle. So I guess we can agree to disagree or at least agree that the two are tied then - and like the MP5k and AK74-u; it's minor differences between the two that would have one picked over the other.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
All of this complaining about Ghost.
You guys are stupid for depending on minimaps.
The fact that you guys complain about not being able to see everybody on the minimap from getting a simple 2 kills just shows how naive you guys are to the fact that everybody is good at this game or thinks they're good. The fact that some people aren't willing to abuse the best perk in the game just because they don't like the fact that other people can't be smacked around by a spy plane is ridiculous.
Maybe if you guys didn't depend on spy plane so much and just looked at your screen, maybe you'd stop *****ing about ghost.
There isn't anything wrong with depending on a minimap but the fact that you complain about people countering the biggest advantage in the game is just contradictary.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I *****ed about Stopping Power 24/7.

That being said. Start being able to get 7-8 kills and rely on safe maneuvering and good aim, rather than red dots on your minimap.

This is why I love decoys. :V

*throws decoy*
*waits and watches it*
*kills 2-3 enemies who stupidly fell for the decoy*



Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Ghost really doesn't bother me too much.

I rely on my own awareness and knowledge of the maps to find where people are.

That being said when a blackbird is in the air, you can go crazy.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Except for during the time it takes to shoot down the Spy Plane - and locating the Spy Plane to shoot down in the first place.

I like to shoot down spy planes WITH Ghost.

Because nobody else ****ing does it.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I let my SAM turret take **** out for me.

Then protect the SAM with a sentry gun.

I like using my 1st set of care package streaks to help the team, the rest are for my personal destruction.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
All of this complaining about Ghost.
You guys are stupid for depending on minimaps.
The fact that you guys complain about not being able to see everybody on the minimap from getting a simple 2 kills just shows how naive you guys are to the fact that everybody is good at this game or thinks they're good. The fact that some people aren't willing to abuse the best perk in the game just because they don't like the fact that other people can't be smacked around by a spy plane is ridiculous.
Maybe if you guys didn't depend on spy plane so much and just looked at your screen, maybe you'd stop *****ing about ghost.
There isn't anything wrong with depending on a minimap but the fact that you complain about people countering the biggest advantage in the game is just contradictary.
Lol, the way I see it, only bad players use Ghost. I mean, I can see why someone would use it, but the vast majority of players who use Ghost corner camp like ****ing *****es. If you're on my team and you use Ghost, by all means go ahead, it's a waste of a perk. Ghost is ****ing annoying, I played a TDM on Radiation last night, and 5/6 of the team was using Ghost, and 4/5 of the people using Ghost were hiding in buildings or corner camping. It's ****ing gay. People don't deserve kills when they hardaim all game in a corner with a RDS+Extended Mag FAMAS and Ghost. It pisses me off to no end. I don't depend on anything to do well, but Ghost is overcentralizing and stupid. Using Ghost and hiding in a corner takes no skill.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Until you play with me and realize I rarely get a 4.0+ K/D without running around with Ghost.

People can turn any perk into a ***** perk by abusing it in a "gay" way. Just like people can turn awesome attachments into gay attachments (Heartbeat Sensor...)

Your fault for not using Ninja *******. /my perspective
I like to camp corners! :3 / enemies perspective

and 4/5 of the people using Ghost were hiding in buildings or corner camping
Case and point. It's only "gay" when people camp with it. (To avoid detection...)

But nothings wrong with camping right? If you're going to do a gay tactic, why not make it as EFFECTIVE as possible and slap Ghost on?


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Standing in Napalm fire and shooting the person disarming the bomb is so fun. That's pretty much all the Flak Jacket Pro is good for though.

Also there's a glitch you can do to prestige but keep all of your classes, killstreaks and pro perks. Apparently they patched one of them this morning but there's another one.
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