Man Saltched I'm serious I can taste your salt all the way from over here I've also heard enough stories to know you suck as well
I like this name.
Wait wait wait, nobody has told you any stories about me sucking. It hasn't happened. My worst game ever was 1-15, and that is because I joined a game on Havana with a fullteam spawn trap. I mean, the worst I ever do in full games is usually 1.0, and if I go less than 2.0 I usually rage quit.
Wretched is actually really good. The two time I've played with him he's always been on top.
I will also try to be there to see Wretched vs Fuelbi.
You're really good bro, but if you find that you're randomly inconsistent, check your connection.
Connection is an overlooked part of this game, and it has a large impact on your gameplay. Your internet provider may or may not slow down or speed up your internet at certain times. That, combined with the fact that every household has an average of 4 devices connected to the internet may make you seem worse at CoD than you are.
If you're going off of WiFi, the problem may be worse.
What time is the 1v1 on Tuesday?
Ask Fuelbi, since apparently he makes all of the decisions. It needs to be between 8 and 11, because that is internet primetime for my provider, so they speed up my connection.
I appreciate the sentiment, but I'd say I'm decent. Certainly not best. But thanks.
Also, staying out of this.
Your knifing shenanigans are top tier, brODIN.
Also, we're just trading friendly blows. I'm not serious about the salt. I have no idea how good Fuelbi is, so for all I know I could lose.
Welp, glad the hype and trash talk is going around.
not really. SOOOOO HYPE
Wretched will win and Fuelmigo will cry, endo story.
Also, loser should have some punishment.
Wretched should change his avy to a Salt shaker
and roach you need to make your avy someone ADS'ing with a Stinger
I don't know how Fuelbi plays, and for all I know, he could be godly at 1v1s.
As for the punishment, that sounds wonderful. I will use the peach saltshaker for my avatar if I lose.
If fuelbi loses, he will have an avatar of my choosing. The content of which I am brainstorming.