Since it's been brought up again, I'd like throw in my support of moar hit lag once more. For your convenience here are the hit lag values for vBrawl, 60%, 79%, 80%, and most Melee values, for all relevant damage %'s. The values for vBrawl, 80% and Melee were obtained through counting in Debug Mode. The values for 60% and 79% were calculated (except for the 1% and 2% values for 79%, I confirmed that in-game to make sure no weird rounding errors occurred.)
% vBrawl 60.00% 79.00% Melee 80.00%
1.00% 4 2 2 3
2.00% 4 2 2 2 3
3.00% 5 2 3 3 3
4.00% 5 2 3 3 3
5.00% 5 2 3 3 3
6.00% 6 3 4 4 4
7.00% 6 3 4 4 4
8.00% 7 3 5 4 5
9.00% 7 3 5 5 5
10.00% 7 3 5 5 5
11.00% 8 4 6 5 6
12.00% 8 4 6 6 6
13.00% 9 5 6 6 7
14.00% 9 5 6 6 7
15.00% 9 5 6 7 7
16.00% 10 5 7 7 7
17.00% 10 5 7 7 7
18.00% 10 5 7 8 7
19.00% 11 6 8 8 8
20.00% 11 6 8 8 8
21.00% 12 6 9 9
22.00% 12 6 9 9 9
23.00% 12 6 9 9
24.00% 13 7 10 10 10
25.00% 13 7 10 10 10
26.00% 14 8 10 11
27.00% 14 8 10 11 11
28.00% 14 8 10 11 11
30.00% 15 8 11 12 11
32.00% 16 9 12 12
35.00% 17 9 13 13
37.00% 18 10 14 14
You can easily predict the new set of hit lag numbers for any Hit Lag % in Excel by taking the vBrawl values, adding 1, multiplying by the %, subtracting 1 and dropping all decimals with FLOOR(). The reason for the adding and the subtracting is that although the frame in which the hit connects on isn't DIable, it seems to count as a hit lag frame for the purposes of recalculating the new values with the hit lag code. So you need to add that 1 frame when doing the calculation, and subtract it again when you're done.
79% and 80% are both very close to Melee, but 80% pushes the hit lag for 1 and 2% damage attacks to 3 frames instead of 2 and 13/14% damage up to 7 instead of 6. The latter is mostly inconsequential, but the former can make escaping stuff like Fox's d-air easier.