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Brawl+ - Official 5.0 RC1 Build is now online! (Re-Use Autoupdater, Snake bug fixed)

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Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
So, you wanna play?
Perhaps his Wolf is better with handling Diddy? You know, since Wolf is all instant aerials(Which picks up bananas), has an amazing Dacus(Also picks up bananas) and a shine to reflect projectiles?

Or perhaps the Diddy was caught off-guard by Wolf and wasn't prepared for him.

Or a combination of both factors and more.
Mauser, I will simply let JCaesar post the vidz and you can talk to him about those factors. I reiterate that JCaesar does not play nor practice Wolf. He only went to Wolf because his mains were ineffective and a marginal player (he has never placed before at a vBrawl tourney) made a run to 2nd place at a recent tourney using Wolf.

PS. Why is there a feedback thread if you are going to simply dismiss anything someone brings up and talk down to them?


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
@Red Bandit: Blank about summed it up.

Also, we meet once per week to go through the recent changes and decide which ones stay and which ones go based on the feedback we receive. There aren't super strict checks and balances for what gets put into a nightly (mostly comments from whoever's on IRC) but changes that go into a full public release are reviewed by everyone.

I don't think we've gotten too much feedback on Wolf, yet, so feel free to leave suggestions.

I'm sorry that we can't do everything perfectly the first time when we put things into a nightly for early testing. If you prefer that we not release these builds and leave you with more official polished releases once every month, we can do that. If not, please just try to give as clear and concise of feedback as you can.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
PS. Why is there a feedback thread if you are going to simply dismiss anything someone brings up and talk down to them?
You believe Wolf is top 5, I don't, you posted your feedback, it's always good to hear differing opinions, it just shows how differently balanced this game can appear to most people. But it was one tournament, one match too, where Wolf was just picked up and won the match. I don't believe he's top 5, but if somehow Wolf starts winning tons more tourneys, of course something will be done. Your feedback is taken into consideration but I am allowed to defend why Wolf was given such changes, am I not?

Some times what happens too is that some people overreact to the changes just based on how many there are for said character, not actually trying it out and looking at how the character is in his match-ups or what he has at his disposal. This happens a lot, and I know it didn't happen here but, I am not dismissing your feedback, I am just telling you how I feel about what you said and that you may be wrong or we're both wrong.

I guess I'll wait for these legendary videos but, I'll not be surprised if it was just Guy playing bad against Wolf.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Mauser, I will simply let JCaesar post the vidz and you can talk to him about those factors. I reiterate that JCaesar does not play nor practice Wolf. He only went to Wolf because his mains were ineffective and a marginal player (he has never placed before at a vBrawl tourney) made a run to 2nd place at a recent tourney using Wolf.

PS. Why is there a feedback thread if you are going to simply dismiss anything someone brings up and talk down to them?
I'm not talking down or dismissing anything, simply bringing up other points to consider about Wolf's character.

Just as you don't want Yoshi haphazardly changed based on one pro's wishes, we aren't going to do the same for Wolf. There are factors we must consider, and we do review feedback with each other before making changes.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Wolf won a tourney? YES!!!! go wolf lol (i dont care if its a small tourney. Lemme be proud of my secondary)


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
my hopes.......my dreams........*sings "Blood is on the dance floor" by Micheal Jackson*


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Wolf won a tourney? YES!!!! go wolf lol (i dont care if its a small tourney. Lemme be proud of my secondary)
Not yet he hasn't :p. Guy still ultimately beat Wolf in the 3rd match to win the tournament with Diddy. Wolf came in 2nd.

Sorry to bust your bubble XD.

EDIT: I'm too sloooooooooooowwwwwww!

EDIT #2:

Not a tourney, just a match, ONE match and JC doesn't use Wolf at all. A Diddy Kong won the tourney.
Two matches actually.


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
I know there should be less FD like stages, but I really liked deadlands, and even with the mansion gone the two platforms in the middle are no longer there, so if you made it dissapear for 2 minutes it literally would be FD with good ledges for that time. I thought the platforms (and their sinking nature) made deadlands unique along with its lowness. Please bring back deadlands! Or at least make it selectable.

About WWR: I do like the sandbag, I support that change.

Personally I don't like that you buffed wolf more, but I don't think he's super tier now or anything.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Well, I at least want a Link to win a tournament even a small one. If there has been, well, I've been completely out of the loop.
Link won a B+ tourney before, it was in an old build, but still. My point still stands. :V

And now that Ness is "perfect", He'll start winning too.

Link seems to be pretty much GOLD now. :V


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
**** gold i want platinum.

i thought yoshi was the one who needed buffs? but whateeeeeeeeeever nobody obviously likes him lol


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Well since Ness was the major candidate of buffs, Brawl+ is pretty much near completion. (Throw Mods ftw). Next order of business, The music edit thing. There was one problem I had....Tupac kept playing in the menu even tho I had 3 other songs on 100%. I think tupac is broken yo.

Serious matter tho, other than very very very small tweaks Brawl+ should be finished before august right?


Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2008
Hong Kong
I suggest bringing back deadlands by default, and let us hold a button to get the mansion. For the speed, I suggest 1/4 so the mansion would respawn 1 minute and 20 seconds later.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
I think Neko should just post his SD music collection and im good for gold. But thats just me. :)

Also, i havnt tried the new stages but if the mansion is gone for a good 2 minutes every time it is destroyed then i am fine with it. I dont want a bunch of (almost) final destination stages. I'm always up for something unique. I always thought the main problem with mansion was not that the mansion was there, but that it took waaaay to fast to come back up.

I also like the return of the sandbag. Makes for another unique stage unlike any other. Maybe, ill actually decide to play there every once in a while now.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Well since Ness was the major candidate of buffs, Brawl+ is pretty much near completion. (Throw Mods ftw). Next order of business, The music edit thing. There was one problem I had....Tupac kept playing in the menu even tho I had 3 other songs on 100%. I think tupac is broken yo.

Serious matter tho, other than very very very small tweaks Brawl+ should be finished before august right?
Probably not. With the introduction of the throw mod, we might have to backtrack other characters and retweak them to include throws that work better for them and still have them balanced.

but to be honest, I want this project to take as long as possible.

Slow and Steady wins the race son.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2008
Spring, Texas --- The Samurai District
Probably not. With the introduction of the throw mod, we might have to backtrack other characters and retweak them to include throws that work better for them and still have them balanced.

but to be honest, I want this project to take as long as possible.

Slow and Steady wins the race son.
Lies! Lies and slander! But either way, I had an idea:

Is it possible to give Link his shield-block while walking? (That shield thing that blocks projectiles) It would make sense if he (And Toon Link) had that while walking since their shield is still in front of them. They could make a slow advancement while say their opponent spams lasers or something.


Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2008
Hong Kong
I like the Link shield thing, though it stops projectiles when advancing there's a chance the projectile will hit, and it pushes Link back, but Link can still use it as a protection. But it's not possible now. For now remove the idle animation of him swinging the sword so he won't drop his shield. Less randomness FTW
Also OMG Demacrez your sig is random


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Dear B+ Backroom and Enthusiasts,

As a valued consumer, I have played your game relentlessly and found that you like to hear feedback on how you are doing. After careful consideration, I have come up with a list of things that I feel should be addressed.
Although I had a mild chuckle at the "valued consumer" comment, we do appreciate your feedback.

1) I would like to ask what is the goal of Brawl+? I assumed that it was a game that was attempting to narrow the gap between characters to make the entire cast viable in a tournament. In doing this, I also assumed that characters would stay in relatively the same tiers and characters as they were in vBrawl except able to produce combos. This is where my concern comes in. It seems as if this is not being adhered to and characters are being buffed or nerfed without consideration to the rest of the cast or how the character was played before. Characters are receiving enhancements based on how much people like the characters.
Brawl+ doesn't really care what tier a character was in vbrawl. Nor does it care what their playstyle was. Some characters have changed pretty drastically simply due to physics modifications, long before we ever started making specific character modifications. We're not going undo these physics changes just because it's changed characters' playstyles. Instead of rejecting change, brawl+ has chosen to embrace it. Brawl+'s goal is to make a faster, more competitive, and more balanced version of brawl. It's designed to reward making approaches and to facilitate combos, which will naturally change certain characters' playstyles. As brawl+ progressed with balancing the cast, changes have been made to moves that further alter character playstyles, that help to make them work better within the framework of brawl+. Usually, when significant changes are made to a character, that character's mains are consulted first about what the best way to go about changing said character would be. For instance, one of the most radical character changes in brawl+, completely changing the purpose of the move was falco's shine, where the driving force behind the change was actually the falco mains, themselves, who we worked with to figure out what would be the best trade for this change, as we realized giving him this buff without taking anything away in exchange would ultimately make him too good. Link was taken from a bottom tier character to a solid mid tier by reworking his moveset to actually... work. Yes, link changed a lot, but there was simply no way to subtly buff him without changing his established playstyle. This isn't a bad thing. The end result ended up melding quite well with the link mains, actually. Brawl+ is essentially a new game, so you can't just come expecting to play your old character exactly the same and expect to do well. I do assure you, though, that changes that have been done since the initial physics tweaks have all been meant to further balance the cast. Some characters have barely received any attention simply because they're already great where they are (see: dk). Other characters have received a considerable amount of attention because they simply lacked the ability to compete in their raw form (see: link or ganon).

I will use Wolf as my example. He used to be a mid-tier character with speed and power that made him a difficult matchup but had recovery problems and a laser that is not spammable (see Fox or Falco) to balance him out. In B+, he is now a combo machine that is able to string together powerful combos to rack damage with an array of kill moves to finish off his opponents. This was before the enhancements.
You left out the part where he gets combo'd easily and is actually very slow on the ground. It's his attacks that make him "fast." As such, you won't see him punishing a foe that's a medium distance away with a grab like you would with fast characters, since there isn't enough time for it. Instead, he'll just fsmash, which is far from a combo move. His primary combo starter at low percents is bair, although after it starts to tumble them, it will only lead into techchases if the foe hasn't already been launched into the air by another one of your moves.

He now has faster aerials, a buffed fair to help kill better, a buff to nair, captain falcon’s knee on a recovery move, and an enhancement to have his upB kill more. Why? I don’t know considering he was a tank who did not have problems killing. Why was he given falcon’s knee? Now, his recovery moves will kill you if you screw up trying to defend him. Before, his recovery moves would simply bat you away. For a tank who had no problems killing, he is receiving an awful lot of buffs for someone who already was a solid character. After talking with other B+ smashers, he has become extremely unbalanced and may only be opposed by Metaknight in the game.

A mid-tier character has been buffed to the point where he is now a top 5 character. I know this can be fixed, but this should never have happened in the first place. This point brings me to my second point.
Uh huh... his only aerial that was sped up was his dair's endlag, which before was so large that he could barely recover upon using it offstage. Onstage, it still doesn't autocancel, so it's not anywhere near as big of a buff as you make it out to be.

Wolf's nair had two hitboxes that didn't even inflict hitstun. This move was changed to fix it and make it actually... you know... work. It's actually beneficial to hit with it now! Of course, the move has a horrible hitbox making it very easy to hit him out of it, so it doesn't actually give him that big of a buff.

His fair was indeed buffed to make it kill better. Before this, the only one of his kill moves he could combo into was bair, which doesn't kill outright for quite some time (when nair was fixed he also gained the ability to combo into dsmash from it, but again... it's not like it's an easy move to land on a conscious opponent). And you know what? He still doesn't have a particularly easy time comboing into fair. He has strings that lead into fair, but strings, unlike combos, are avoidable by airdodging. The only attack he has that actually combos into fair at high percents is dair.

The sideB and upB were changed to make it actually rewarding to hit with them. The upB was also made to connect better so that characters with invincible attacks couldn't just mash buttons and get out. It doesn't make his recovery any better, really. It just makes him more dangerous to edgeguard, so if you screw up and get hit, you get punished for it. Also, the sideB is not actually as strong as falcon's knee. It was given 80% of the knee's growth. It still hits hard, but not that hard.

The fair, dair, and nair buffs have actually all been in the set from very early on, so I'm really not sure why you weren't complaining about them, then. The most recent changes to nair and dair have just been tweaking the previous changes, which is just to make the changes a bit more fluid. The changes haven't actually impacted his game all that much.

You seem to believe that wolf is at the top of the list, which I don't think very many people actually agree with. He certainly has trouble against a lot of the other top tiers, and is arguably in the bottom half of the cast even now.

2) A checks and balance system should be created to avoid characters receiving too much attention, buffs, nerfs, etc and causing negative competition within the game. From a person outside the backroom, certain characters receive a lot more attention than others as it appears there is someone driving to make the character one of the top in the game. It seems to make sense that a small committee (which would appear to be what the backroom is for) could thoroughly review changes that are submitted for the character and what it will do to not only the character but the rest of the game as well. Just because I want Yoshi to have a 50% damaging forward smash (I don’t actually) doesn’t mean it should be put in because I might be a pro Yoshi player.

People get elected to the United States Senate. While there, they try to represent their state and propose things that would help their state along with trying to improve the nation as a whole. If I am elected to Maryland Senate, I don’t feel they will simply approve my suggestion that the national emblem be a crab. It goes before the group and they approve or repeal the suggestion. Experimentation is great, but game releases should have more than just straight experimentation. I realize this thread that I am posting in is where people give feedback, but it is ultimately up to the backroom to decide what goes on and what goes out.
What. Are you serious? You cannot be serious. We make changes to characters because we're trying to balance the game. If a character receives a lot of attention, it just might be because they need it. There's also the fact that quantity does not necessarily equal quality. One character could receive ten very tiny buffs that don't even add up to as much as what another character receives for only two or three buffs. The system we're using right now works, and arbitrarily changing it at this stage would ultimately be pointless and counterproductive.

3) This will be my last point of concern before I will allow you to ponder and respond as you may like. I am a Zelda main and currently run a very much dead B+ thread for her. I have been the only Zelda in MD/VA and one of only a handful on the east coast. I was active in the vBrawl Zelda community and felt I could do the same here in B+. Unfortunately, I have run into a brick wall.

Ryoko has hijacked Zelda and her development. He routinely makes changes to the character without discussion or notice with any of the other Zelda players. If there are any complaints, he simply talks down to you because you disagree with him.

Ryoko is a high quality player who is able to play Zelda on some of her highest levels. While I respect his opinions, he does not respect the opinions of others. All I would like is a voice in the character coming from the Zelda community aside from our representative. The reason I said the Zelda+ thread is dead is because Ryoko does not post ideas for the character or changes that he makes, so the players really have nothing to discuss because he will simply change the character how he feels it should be changed. Others, besides myself, have suggested things and he simply shrugs them off and says that the character is fine how she is, and that he has no problems winning with her.
Since this seems to mostly be you complaining about ryoko, I should probably let him handle this one. I haven't paid a lot of attention to zelda, but I know he discusses changes about other characters with others before making the changes, so I don't see why he wouldn't do the same with zelda. Although I'm sure he's made some changes without consulting others (ie. making fsmash and usmash actually connect properly, which shouldn't even be a question in anyone's mind on whether it should be done), I highly doubt what you're saying about him not consulting anyone before making major changes is true. But I'll let him speak for himself.


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
Ness is not "Perfect", I've talked to Count_Kaiser and TheCape and I think that we're going to change some stuff (namely give him better throws). They won't be buffs though, just tradeoffs. Also I think we might try out the Dsmash edgeguard.

Not to mention that Thesage hasn't even commented on the new Ness yet, and he's one of the main Ness mains in Brawl+.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2008
Spring, Texas --- The Samurai District
I tried that several times and it doesn't seem to work. It either get shot in the face or shot in during the run. If that were in real life conditions he'd be dead! And we don't want a dead Link now do we?! lol


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2007
Victoria, BC
Mauser, I will simply let JCaesar post the vidz and you can talk to him about those factors. I reiterate that JCaesar does not play nor practice Wolf. He only went to Wolf because his mains were ineffective and a marginal player (he has never placed before at a vBrawl tourney) made a run to 2nd place at a recent tourney using Wolf.

PS. Why is there a feedback thread if you are going to simply dismiss anything someone brings up and talk down to them?
I don't think anybody is trying to talk down to you. It's just that you came in here and complained about the balance of the whole project based off of one set in one tourney that the Wolf player apparently didn't even win. The general perception is that Wolf is not even top ten...compare him to the likes of Marth, MK, Squirtle, Fox, Wario, ZSS, Falco, etc. He is fairly easy to pick up in my experience but is quite punishable.

I think your main problem is that you are assuming that B+ is trying to mostly preserve the vBrawl tierlist, while narrowing the gaps. This isn't really the case at all. The narrowing of the gaps is really the only consideration; the vBrawl tierlist merely helps as a guide sometimes to point out who needs to be brought up or who needs to be brought down.

On the topic of Ness, I don't like his utilt speedup...it seems to be going against the general goal of trying to remove utilt > utilt autocombos. It just seems kind of spammy to me; maybe that is just because of the way my group was playing him. I would rather see the move at its original speed but with a slightly bigger hitbox so that it can be a good defensive set-up move without being lame.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
wolf isnt really that punishable. his bair is ****ing amazing, and his shine can escape combos that you should not be able to escape from.


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
I actually agree with Nybb, I would rather utilt have a larger hitbox as well. Also why does everybody forget Luigi when they mention the top characters. He's really good in Brawl+.

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
It would make sense if he (And Toon Link) had that while walking since their shield is still in front of them.
Actually, it's not. It's held at an angel slightly to the side, where it wouldn't natually block, anyway. Also, it's fine the way it is now (just learn to dash cancel...at least you can do that in Brawl+, since dash canceling isn't possible in vBrawl). Even with just the shield while standing, it's something that they have that no one else has, already.
If that were in real life conditions he'd be dead! And we don't want a dead Link now do we?! lol
A LOT of things in smash aren't realistic........


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
Nightly builds are fun. I liked alot of the changes for Ness.

Although I have no major complaints so far, a change to Ness PKF (harder to SDI) would be golden.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
i was looking through the txt file for this latest build and i didn't see the auto l cancel code. is it build into another code? do i need to worry about it being on at the same time as the MLC code?
The auto l canceling is in the frame speed mod.

Find the line(s) where the first group ends in 11 I think? I think 11 is landing lag


Oct 25, 2001
Philadelphia, USA
3) This will be my last point of concern before I will allow you to ponder and respond as you may like. I am a Zelda main and currently run a very much dead B+ thread for her. I have been the only Zelda in MD/VA and one of only a handful on the east coast. I was active in the vBrawl Zelda community and felt I could do the same here in B+. Unfortunately, I have run into a brick wall.

Ryoko has hijacked Zelda and her development. He routinely makes changes to the character without discussion or notice with any of the other Zelda players. If there are any complaints, he simply talks down to you because you disagree with him.

Ryoko is a high quality player who is able to play Zelda on some of her highest levels. While I respect his opinions, he does not respect the opinions of others. All I would like is a voice in the character coming from the Zelda community aside from our representative. The reason I said the Zelda+ thread is dead is because Ryoko does not post ideas for the character or changes that he makes, so the players really have nothing to discuss because he will simply change the character how he feels it should be changed. Others, besides myself, have suggested things and he simply shrugs them off and says that the character is fine how she is, and that he has no problems winning with her.
Let's go through the line of all the Zelda changes in place that I was directly responsible for, while remembering that, with the exception of the changes that involved the proper linking of a single attack, every change went through my WBR colleagues for discussion and approval.

1. Jab: Hits pull in instead of push out to link better, larger hitboxes, +1 damage to make it safe on use on shields. This was a change that sat in testing limbo for a while before being put into a public.

2. Fsmash: links properly. If you have a problem with this, screw you.

3. Usmash: Was receiving many complaints about self comboing too much. BKB increased to 50, KBG compensated so it still kills at around the same capacity as it does in vBrawl. Also links properly, see above "screw you" comment about Fsmash linking.

4. Fair sweetspot: 50% larger. It's still tiny, but gives the move some advantage of use over Bair when you have a free kick attempt on difficult targets where a slightly larger sweetspot will help.

5. Ftilt: 25% faster throughout. The move is useable and can combo at low-mid percents quite well, and into killing Uairs.

6. Nair: up-sending hitbox doesn't pop them as far for better linking to the end. This tweak doesn't really do much in practice and will probably be dropped.

*I did not draw these numbers, but the current Up+B lag reductions are straight buffs that make edgeguarding her Up+B not so bloomingly easy but still very possible if you lack multiple entry points, are otherwise predictable with it, or use it when it's not actually necessary to do so, like how many other recoveries can be punished on the same principle.

None of the changes I have made to Zelda are extreme game-changers to her, unless you count her multi-hits working properly. Nothing I have done changes how you use her except to make her current moves more useable. If you have a problem with how I've currently altered her "without discussion or notice", see above "screw you" comments. You need only be pleasantly surprised about her existing moves working better because they don't actually do anything different. There's not much to discuss when her moves just work better. Hell, shanus worries that I'm making her too good which I find very curious. If you want to know why, you'll have to take it up with him because I don't know.

In the works for Zelda now are Transform changes, a rehauled throw game so uthrow-uair isn't such a Rage Combo on a larger-than-previously-though chunk of the cast (not that you would know that), and a Nayru's Love fix so it links to the end of the attack, which is challenging because it has no reversible KB like MK Tornado's vacuum effect. Transforms are in closed testing due to frame speed engine limits, the throw game rehaul is a long and arduous process, and Nayru's Love linking shouldn't even be a question since the move is by far the worst counter-like special in the game.

My testing is through sharing modified GCT files through guinea pigs in the IRC and we discuss things there, either in the public channel or the WBR channel depending on who is available. If you want to something different to happen to Zelda, post it here where everyone can see them, and I or others will talk you down accordingly, go to the IRC once in a while, or actually post in your thread. Honestly, no one's stopping you from offering constructive criticism about how your character works unless it's something ******** like Zelda's Uair needing more setups.


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
I say let Nayru's love stay bad, Zelda doesn't need any more buffs, I kind of agree with Shanus. Let her keep a useless special, plenty of other characters have them.


Oct 25, 2001
Philadelphia, USA
Nayru's Love doesn't kill, do good damage, come out quickly, wind down quickly, have overlapping invincibility and attack frames, have good air range, blah blah blah

The move is limited enough on its own even without considering the move can whiff mid-attack and get you heavily punished anyway.


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
But not every move needs to be excellent, and the move doesnt need to have epic counter properties.

As I said before, changing because we can doesn't mean we should. Zelda already has rather inescapable multihits, not all of them need to be safe and sound even with proper SDI. You said before that it is limited but has some use, and isn't that already sufficient? Characters don't need every move to be epic awesome, I mean even MK has moves which lack consistent utility (MK fsmash and usmash as examples)


Oct 25, 2001
Philadelphia, USA
Nayru's Love has absolutely zero capacity to be SDI'd unlike Fsmash/Usmash which have a very minor SDI capability. Nayru's Love just whiffs on its own.

Nayru's Love's invincibility frames are 5-12. 5 is the slow end for moves like this one. It is also the one move of this nature where the attack frames and invincibility frames do not overlap, which is very important. If you mistime it at all or use it against a move with attack windows greater than its invincibility window, you risk taking whatever amount of damage while they take 1-2 with virtually no stun/KB. Even if the move actually links properly, its counter ability is far from epic.


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
Ryoko, the point is that the move can stay useless, there's no NEED for it to work properly as an attack. Lots of characters have specials that suck, like Lucas, Jigglypuff, Samus, Yoshi, Lucario, ect. Nayru's even has a use, you can reflect things with it if the opponent is too far to punish you for using it.
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