Mario- still seems odd, but I'm getting more used to his playstyle and gimping nature. It's very hard to incorporate his footstool/ down b in my game just for being a melee player. One issue I had with him is that I would be using fireballs to cover me while I recover: and when I wanted to up-b it was still firing fireballs. I'm not used to the timing most likely, but maybe make it more user-friendly so this doesn't come up as often?
Luigi- played with him, air mobility is lacking from previous versions but he's OK: it seems that the amount you can DI his up-b literally makes it impossible to kill with the unsweetspotted version until like ~120%. Not that it matters since most characters can't stop the 70% combo, but whatever.
Peach- my friend used her mostly, and he said the random items were more annoying than anything. because he doesn't look at his character when he pulls turnips to edgeguard. Maybe give her a special, more obvious noise for when she pulls out items? Also, her double jump is ****.
Bowser- only use him when I feel gay: I used him a little and I miss the dash-attack cancel thing/ dair impaling, but it was all removed for good reason i'm sure.
DK- same gripes: too predictable approach. Does he still have the extra hitboxes on his hands for titts and stuff? I didn't notice them.
Diddy- up-b isn't as gay. No gripes or problems with him, at all.
Yoshi- u-air. T-T
Wario- played him a little. Weaving game is ridiculous, but his fast falling speed is too: in fact, I find myself getting killed more than necessary.
Link- good. miss his amazing-ranged up-b, but whatever.
Zelda- I'll probably practice with her to get use to outside ranges. Also, how do you control two din fire's(saw it in some video)?
Shiek- don't know, seems good still.
Ganondorf- still meh, but combos into up-b spike are ridiculous.
Toon Link- ZOMG projectiles crazy!
Samus- read above, but potentially worse since it's homing, and power shot, and then a crazy-*** zair.
ZSS- combo-crazy, really cool character
Pit- awesome: one of my favorites.
Ice Climbers- read above.
Rob- neutral B is ridiculous, as is his general approaching game, edgeguarding game, recovering game.... just ridiculous. One of the best characters, def.
Kirby- I like sucking people up. I need to down-tilt more.
MK- ridiculous. I like how much priority his neutral b has if you attack above it.
DDD- d-throw->f-tilt->d-throw->f-tilt-> u-air-> fair. Then waddle-dee spam.
Olimar- still weird but not nearly as bad as my prvious opinion of him. still awkward, though.
Fox- <3 melee
Falco- I miss his old dair but whatever.
Wolf- No fast fall on neutral b and cancel on down b when it touches the ground.... please?
Falcon- too good: needs more amazingness.
Pikachu- no comment.
PT- broken as ****. All characters are s-tier.
Lucario- why is everyone complaining? Cause of his up-b? Still seems awesome to me

Jigglypuff- wtf lol. Ridiculous as well.
Marth- awkward: just put in the melee one lol. I like him a lot though.
Ike- meh. more powah
Ness- is great: what can I say?
Lucas- still ****ty. Has no way around SR at all. And gets infinited by charizard
G+W- awesome
Snake- awesome
Sonic- awesome, needs to attack sooner out of up-b.