OK I'm going to make a suggestion for DDD: I know immediately that most people will look at what it is and go "that's stupid, don't do that". However, rather than just ignoring me completely and saying that I'm a terrible player right-off, read what I have to say about the change.
Let DDD's F-smash impale(ground) people.
This was done previously in one of the VERY early versions of Brawl-, giving him the ability to attempt to stand up to characters such as Shiek, Luigi, Ness, Marth, and Falco(to name a few). Among FFAs and doubles it ran rampant as probably one of the most obnoxious moves ever: if your opponent was on the ground while you f-smashed, they got stuck in the ground, unable to move immediately. Even with it, DDD wasn't even top 10 in the game. The pure "obvious" stupidity of it, though, caused it to be changed around to where he had to charge the move and has at this point been removed completely(from my knowledge).
I suggest we bring it back. "ZOMG impale any player on the ground anywhere!?! That's broken!" If this is your first reaction I think you need to realize exactly what game you are playing.
Let's take a look at DDD as a character, first off. His down-throw is amazing: you can do f-tilt out of it if your opponent doesn't tech/ DI properly into another grab, and if you predict proper DI and a tech you can attempt to tech chase them into another grab. Eventually try to hit them with a u-tilt, or lead them into the air into a fair/ uair. Side B can be abused to help with projectile spammers, as DDD isn't exactly the fastest character and they are mostly a threat on the ground, which is where DDD excels anyway. His f-smash impaling people only makes his ground and tech-chase game that much more amazing without hindering aerial opponents: meaning she still has the same problems with most characters, but may be able to force his way past them.
So now you say "that's dandy, but now he's the most broken character in the game! Way to go!" Let us remember what move we are talking: probably one of the most easily telegraphed moves in the game, since DDD takes a century and a half to bring his hammer to the ground. Let's see how DDD would apply this move in obvious "broken" ways:
1) Out of down throw(generally as a tech chase).
-Probably one of the most problematic things about this is that DDD down-throws you and tech chases you with a f-smash, meaning you are impaled into the ground as he follows you up with(worst case scenario) a finishing f-smash. First off let us look at your options when you see DDD grabs(in the middle of the stage) and you know a downthrow is coming. You have two options initially:
a) DI down and away to touch the ground
b) DI up and towards DDD to stay in the air.
If you selected a, you have the choice of teching or not teching. Not teching is generally a bad idea versus the current DDD: it will end with an f-tilt into another grab, and we are back to deciding where to DI. If you do tech it, if they do the natural move and f-tilt then they can't follow you and you are free. They might predict a tech, though, and will surely try to chase you into another grab, hopefully near the edge so they can guarantee a d-throw->f-tilt. if they try to chase you and you don't tech, then you can do a get-up attack or roll away. At that point the DDD can shield the get up attack or try to dash dance to chase you if you roll the other way: though likely if they predicted a tech in a direction they will just run straight that way. What if you go with option B?
Option B is looked down upon because likely it will end with an easy f-tilt into another grab. But remember how they might expect you to tech? Yeah, they need insane reaction time to act based off of DI alone, so likely if they go that path you can just jump and get away, ending the chase altogether.
Now we throw in DDD's impaling f-smash into the equation. Now instead of f-tilting or running, the DDD can f-smash and hope that the opponent acted accordingly. If the opponent went with option B and the DDD f-smashed, well it's so obvious an opponent can easily jump + air dodge out of the way or just attack DDD in da face. So now to option a) diing it to touch the ground.
If you tech, now the opponent has to see if you tech upright or away. If you tech away, you can easily be tech chased(safer option), or f-smashed(bigger reward).
Now what if you tech upright? If they went out to chase you then they can just run up and grab again more easily than if you teched away. If they got greedy and f-smashed: prepare to get punished hard. If they f-tilted asap, then you were invincible the moment you teched up and your safe too. So adding this extra option actually made the chances of coming out on top worse for DDD, since it's a very big issue of risk vs reward. And I promise: everyone would love to get the f-smash off.
If the player didn't tech, the DDD gets a free f-tilt. Done, regrab, whatever. If the DDD runs, he has a choice of shielding a getup attack or chases a roll(or tries to do both). A DDD player might actually go beyond the get up attack's range and start doing an f-smash. If a player saw this, they would time it so the roll kept them invincible as the f-smash is released, meaning no damage to the player. even a get-up attack makes the player invincible for a decent period: and what if the DDD player charged the f-smash? If a player gets too antsy and rolls/attacks too early, then they stand the chance of getting punished maybe 1% harder and feeling even stupider about getting caught. And if they wait and react too slowly then they just get caught without doing anything.
"Hey wait! Now you're making this a game based more off of guesses and coin flips? Isn't that stupid as it undermines overall skill?"
-Yes. But then I look at the way some characters have randomly generated stuff(Ness' PK flash), and the way some characters just play(Ganondorf), and then I realize that this is Brawl- we are talking about: while we do want to capitalize on skill, we still want the whole WTF factor to go with most characters. I feel DDD is truly missing that aspect, and many other aspects for a good fighter at that.
So there goes the whole "ZOMG DDD has a broken tech chase game naoh" argument. Now for the other primary argument.
2) Spam-ability
-Yes, now DDD has a very good punisher for an opponent being too overly predictable, and it causes opponents to be careful about what DDD is doing, as well as what positions they are being put into and how to avoid them. But this covers the ENTIRE STAGE! How do we avoid this from being simply spammed at every waking moment?
Well, you need to know exactly what stops it. First off, Bowser is completely unaffected by this change. In fact, a good bowser play will just be side-b cancelling all over the stage to avoid DDD's amazing ground game so honestly DDD can kiss this match-up goodbye(DDD has to rely on his not-as good air game, which is an area that Bowser can beat DDD at).
You aren't affected by this if you are in the air. There are very few situations where you are FORCED to stay on the ground(and those are usually moments where you are better punished by something else), as if you see DDD sending an f-smash your way then a simple SH will suffice in avoiding it. And the lag is sufficient enough to take advantage of him afterwards as well. And if you apply half decent pressure(whether it be with projectiles or with quick attacks/ just being in yo face period), where is he going to spam f-smashes?
Finally, what can he do if he impales you? If you are close when you got hit by the f-smash and are close enough where he does a second one, likely if it was the tripping one you would of got hit by the initial f-smash as well. If they are too far away he simply CAN'T follow it with anything short of a dash attack.
And that's all! Thank you for taking the time to read it all, if you did.