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Best Brawl mains in Canada! 1.0* Updated Nov 26, 09

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Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
Holy is just a beastly player. Personally the title as a best main should go to those that actually DO main the character. Not knocking either Infzy or Holy, but if Holy doesn't even use Sonic to pull his weight in a tournament when he can rather use ROB (way better character, wtf are we Sonic players doing. LMAO), then he shouldn't have to count. Unless I read what Holy said wrong and he actually does use Sonic consistently at tournaments, then my point is moot, but until then, just saying.

Just my opinion, really. And Alberta sucks at recording anything that's not a Grand Final or something. Whether you take what I say for real or not (it's the internet, who the hell can tell whose trolling or trying to make themselves look good? XD), I am a legit Sonic player on the West Coast.


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
I probably could now that my computer is getting cleaned and I can afford to have the programs for video conversion and putting stuff on YouTube! That and buying recording material for matches. :D

And if we want to be putting videos up of many different players, I can't be the only one to record, after all. We can't just save the recordings of important matches in the Semi/WinnerandLoser/Grand Finals and stuff. So if you, me, and some others step it up with their own stuff for recording, then we could get Canada's West Coast Albertan scene more noticed.

We've got plenty of replays on our SD cards and Wiis too, so if we recognize who is playing as who on them, that'd be awesome too.

[EDIT] And yes I know you're the one whose helping keep the scene afloat, you don't have to step it up really. It was all in just what I was saying in response. So don't take offense.


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
It's so easy to have Dazzle and Double Ended Cords. I think most of us get stumped when we need laptops. XD

I may go out and buy myself a laptop pretty soon so that solves any issues with recordings from me. I'd love to help out like that.

And thanks, Luke. Infzy has the benefit of more proof though. East Coast has more activity and it's easy to see why many of the players over there can be better with the higher potential in players. I'll give you guys your proof, because it's not fair that I don't have much to show from a lack of recordings while others who play Sonic have them. I'll be making up for that. Competing's fun anyway.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
By Dec 20th, I'll have info from EC on two major tournaments. Pownz Gaming Center in Ontario, and In b4 Xmas in Quebec.

WC, please inform me of any major tourneys I need mai panelists.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
What does 'Vacant' mean in Zelda's slot?

No one has proven himself with Zelda in all Canada?

No one has even gone out there and tried?

So, like, if anyone just went to some tourney with enough of these guys there, used Zelda for a day and turned some heads, he'd be the best Zelda in Canada?




Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Its should be based on tourneys, not wifi or friendlies. If that were the case; Culex and Doc would have 3247235345 spots on that list.

come on man; cyan for G&W...
Vacant for Shiek....
And atleast an OR for Kingace and MK. Just because doc can beat him in dittos doesnt make him flat out the better all around MK.

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
i dont think theres any GWs better then me,this list should be best on skill,you dont need to use the character in tourneys to be the best with them,hence why im best fox..as for sheik i want it for the lulz =]

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
using character more =/= being better

theres probably tons of ppl in canada who use fox more then me,but im 100% sure none are as good as me...cept for chet,but he stopped taking brawl seriously

oh and Cyan quit brawl,he hasnt been to tourney in months also if you want to use tourney results >.<

as for the Mk thing...me doc hype and ace are pretty much equal in skill, doc is just best at dittos...dittos are a joke though >.>


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
where did anyone say using a character more means theyre better? lol

Basing it off 'skill' would be too biased. Plus a tournament setting is the most reliable way to see how good someone really is.

As for ace; he has a great doubles record, even beating ally/holy, has beaten EVERYONE in the GTA scene with mk, taken games off ally and other OOSers, and beat Azen, all using MK. I think historically, mostly due to the fact he travelled...he has a better resume. So regardless of peoples opinions of 'skill' he can point to that. Which is fair for judgement imo

I dont care either way, and im not a panelist. But i am curious now; how do they judge.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
thanks carter said pretty much what i was gonna say lol
i think its just each panelists opinions n they havent actually looked too deep as to what ppl have done but the list does seem pretty accurate. then again it is under north coast:the igloo, and shouldnt be taken too seriously :p. although, it might bring some more competition between people in the GTA which is a good thing


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
This isn't even the panelists decisions, considering I've never been asked anything about it and my name is on that list...


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
lmao, thusfar, i'm the ONLY one whos made any decisions on the list. So ***** at me Carter, not the panelists lol.

Also, unlike a power ranking, this list is based around opinion of skill as well as proven skill. Proven skill is obviously important, but it's not as technical as a PR.

Keep in mind, Ace's accomplishments are important, I know that, ace is a beast, don't get me wrong. But I mean, the fact of the matter is, Doc sded into 1 stock like twice during their GF, and 3 stocked Phil with 1 stock. Thats pretty ****ing conclusive in my book.

Also, I'll be honest, I don't think Mikey is the best marth in ontario, I genuinely think Suzaku is. But Mikey has the track record, so I give him the benefit of the doubt. Hence it's not entirely opinion.

The morale of this poorly written and exhausted post: While it is opinion, it's educated opinion on my part thus far. This is a CURRENT best brawl main thread. While past achievements are important, they should really have no affect on this list.

Should I put Ambrose as the best ICs because of his old achievements? Should I put Cyan as the best G&W because of his achievements? Should I JL as the best wario because of his old achievements? Because all 3 have done better than the current placeholders when they played but they don't play anymore do they? And don't have recent achievements to back their dominance up.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
lmao, thusfar, i'm the ONLY one whos made any decisions on the list. So ***** at me Carter, not the panelists lol.

Also, unlike a power ranking, this list is based around opinion of skill as well as proven skill. Proven skill is obviously important, but it's not as technical as a PR.

Keep in mind, Ace's accomplishments are important, I know that, ace is a beast, don't get me wrong. But I mean, the fact of the matter is, Doc sded into 1 stock like twice during their GF, and 3 stocked Phil with 1 stock. Thats pretty ****ing conclusive in my book.

Also, I'll be honest, I don't think Mikey is the best marth in ontario, I genuinely think Suzaku is. But Mikey has the track record, so I give him the benefit of the doubt. Hence it's not entirely opinion.

The morale of this poorly written and exhausted post: While it is opinion, it's educated opinion on my part thus far. This is a CURRENT best brawl main thread. While past achievements are important, they should really have no affect on this list.

Should I put Ambrose as the best ICs because of his old achievements? Should I put Cyan as the best G&W because of his achievements? Should I JL as the best wario because of his old achievements? Because all 3 have done better than the current placeholders when they played but they don't play anymore do they? And don't have recent achievements to back their dominance up.

Wow, I actually feel like by now I have better achievements than ambrose had when he was playing tbh. He never, ever, took a set off holy nor ally >.>
Either way, wel see when i get to replay them or go to some USA tourney.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
Wait what iliad? Doc never 3 stocked me with 1 stock LOL try to find a vid of that
anyways well see next tourny, although the next tourny is set to be in february haha, other then p4 of course


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Illiad you're joking about Doc vs KingAce right?

Ace is the best MK in Canada without a doubt. Doc will go to the US and get *****. KingAce has by far the most impressive consistency in our tournaments and in the US. It shouldn't even be up for debate and you're ruining the legitimacy of your thread by trying to argue otherwise.

Phils US accomplishments alone are enough to put him above Doc, Doc hasn't done anything in comparison.


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
As for Marth...

Having played both Mikey and Suzaku in tournament, the best Marth from my perspective is...

Iliad (who I've also played in tourney).


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
As for Marth...

Having played both Mikey and Suzaku in tournament, the best Marth from my perspective is...

Iliad (who I've also played in tourney).

@Niko. THATS EXACTLY WHAT I JUST SAID I WASN'T RANKING PEOPLE BY NIKO. I don't give a **** what they did back in the day. I give a **** what they can do now. And I dunno where you get this ******** notion that Doc would get mauled in the states, when he takes sets off of ADHD in the AiB ladder.

No online johns either niko, ADHD is legit online and is an online player, and so is Doc. And AiB Ladder is not "wifi friendlies" as iirc there is money to be won in placing within the top 3.

Fact of the matter is, Jules has overtaken Phil IN MY OPINION, when I finally gather the info from my panelists we'll have their opinions too.

And on a side note, don't you dare attack the legitamacy of a thread in the social boards Niko. The PR put JiggleThePuff for ONE 3rd place placing. The PR put Ray Kalm on the U&C for ONE 7th place placing. Thats def not stat related, and is hugely influenced by the opinion that they shouldn't be that high with those chars. Which is nonsense.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
If we're going to judge national skill every aspect should be considered. You're shadowing a players accomplishments because you've set a time frame which you're judging skill. Also Wi-Fi should have NO impact on this list whatsoever. NONE. I shouldn't have to justify that point either.

I don't necessarily care about how you're ranking it at the moment. It's how you should be ranking this in order to be accurate and widely accepted by the community, instead of debated over. Do you even have a set criteria which you follow because personally it looks like this is all done by opinionated debate.

Attacking the legitimacy of a thread in social isn't a problem, it's the interwebs, get used to it. No need to displace any point I make towards our PR.

This isn't even a huge deal, I just think you need to look at things very differently if you're going to rank players nationally and not consider all contributing factors, not just what you feel makes a player worthy.

The Mad Hatter!

Smash Rookie
Nov 26, 2009
Mute City
What does 'Vacant' mean in Zelda's slot?

No one has proven himself with Zelda in all Canada?

No one has even gone out there and tried?

So, like, if anyone just went to some tourney with enough of these guys there, used Zelda for a day and turned some heads, he'd be the best Zelda in Canada?


Haha, too good.

Dayzin is the only Zelda main I've played, he needs more placings though.

Best Mr. Game And Watch probably belongs to someone else other than Toronto Joe.



Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Also, I'll be honest, I don't think Mikey is the best marth in ontario, I genuinely think Suzaku is. But Mikey has the track record, so I give him the benefit of the doubt. Hence it's not entirely opinion.
HAHAHHAHHAha. Really suzaku. Whos he beat. Are u mad biased or something.
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