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Being In Love/Advice


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
Oakpark Michigan
To be in love...

I simply have to say it's great...just so great...

I never thought I could be this happy, and I can bet it'll much better later down the road . . . Yeah . . .

And it's good to know I'm not the only guy in the world who is looking for the right girl (or in my case, found :p). Most everyone thinks love is a game, and in a sense, it is: a very serious game of life. It's not about how many men/women/critters you can sleep with before you die, but about the lives that you impact. True Love is the ultimate impact: it can make or break anybody.

Ironically, I was just about to give up on love when she came into my life. We met at a picnic at which many of my friends were at, but as much fun as I was having, I kept looking over where she was sitting . . . alone. I hate to see people alone, because I was for a very long time myself. It was painful, and I didn't want her to feel that way. No one should have to feel that way.
I was just trying be friendly, saying hello and the works, trying to make friends with a stranger . . . for whom I had a surprising attraction to. My mind wasn't filled with lust at all, even though she's gorgeous :p We began talking, just normal conversation, and later in, we had begun revealing some personal things to each other without realizing. It was very strange indeed . . .

It was a Wednesday, so I invited her to go to church with me later. If she didn't have previous plans, she said she would've love to come. During service, I just couldn't stop thinking about her. I have some crazy ADD, so it was odd that I couldn't stop focusing on a single subject. Later that night, I had called her, and I learned more about her than I would have ever expected in a single day. My body began reacting to my emotions; feeling warm, chest tightening, butterflies in my stomach, and I just couldn't do a thing about it . . . until she asked "Do you like me? Like, really like me?"

Time stopped.

I have been asked that question before, but I had not had those feelings for the girls that asked me. It was different this time; I did like her, a lot, and for reasons beyond my comprehension. I replied "Yes, I believe I do." She then said "I think I like you, too." And I felt . . . happy. For the first time in my life, I felt truly happy. If someone had tapped our line, they could hear smiles in both our voices. I finally asked her to be my girlfriend, and she accepted my proposal. I then began my first romantic relationship . . . with her . . .

Things were going excellently at first, but some two months in . . . it started going downhill. I kept messing up, and doing the stupidest things without realizing, and she just got sick of it . . . and so, she began to test me . . .

My first break-up.

We split up for about a month, and I hated every second she wasn't mine. It was painful, I felt so much pain, more than I thought I could deal with. I wanted to die, just so it would go away. But I couldn't die, I had sworn that if I could help it, I would not die on her.
We still hung out, but I couldn't hold her, kiss her, or tell her I love her, no matter how much I desired to. It took everything I had not to have an emotional explosion, cause there's no telling where that'd go. I never stopped being her friend though, and that was . . . surprisingly, comforting to her . . .

Even though we weren't "together", the feelings we had were still there, and they just kept growing . . .

My test was over.

"Do you want me back?"
"More than anything."
"Then take me back . . .
and don't ever let me go again."

And so, I did . . .

Without a doubt, I want to be with this girl for the rest of my life; I just can't picture myself without her. And I'm preparing to make it happen . . .

I'm in love, and I like it . . . I don't want it to go away . . . ever . . .

I hope everyone gets to experience this in their lifetime, as it is unrivaled and unmatched. No feeling can compare to love, and I'm glad I got to feel it . . .


Sorry for the long post . . . >_>;
Wow buddy that's really a beautiful story man, I might learn something around this thread. Because I sure hope I find the right girl someday, because most girls think i'm Shrek, because i'm a big quiet guy.


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2008
Running for my life in the forests of Eelong
Aww Man! This thread is ingenious! I don't even know if smashboards will allow me the amount of space required to tell this tale... let's find out...

Ok... In my 10th year in high school, I met this cool guy by the name of... well, for the sake of subtlety, I'll call him izzy. Anyway izzy and I got pretty close towards the end of the year, and we carried that friendship into our next year of school. I remember the first time I actually saw her was because I was listening to izzy's CD player, and I stumbled across Shiki no Uta. I asked him where he got the CD from, and replied by showing me the the girl that made it for him.

Let me pause the story right here just to give you guys a little information about myself... I am what you might call an
Anime Junkie!
Another thing about me is that I love to write (you'll see how that comes into play a bit later). Plus I'm pretty fond of video games as well (duh). I'm also in love with music (IN LOVE WITH MUSIC). So when I found that a girl put Shiki no Uta (Samurai Champloo, btw) on a CD, She already struck 2/3 chords with me (music and anime). So I decided I was very interested in finding out who she was.

Anyway, I eventually came to find that izzy and the girl, we'll call her fluffy, were dating. With that in mind, I wasn't really tryin' to show fluffy my moves or anything like that, but I thought she'd be cool to have as a friend. So I picked one random days that I would see fluffy and izzy writing notes back and forth, and told her to write me a note... and she did. Then I wrote her back, and she returned the favor... and this went on for about two months. In those two months, I found out everthing that I would ever need to know about fluffy, and then some. And we became the best of friends. She opened up to me in a way that was both surprising and heart-warming...

She told me everything... from family issues, to her worries and woes in school, to eventually the problems that she was having with izzy. And for every little ounce of trust she managed to give me, I loved her and embraced her for it beyond measure. And that's around the time that I realized I was in love with fluffy. But even with all of that being said, I still understood th only thing I could do in my position... was nothing. Nothing except watch the girl I was in love with make out with izzy, who was treating her like dirt. Nothing except smile and say that everything was going to be alright when she was worried about her relationship. Nothing except doing everything in my power to keep the truth from her once I found out that izzy was cheating on her.

Anyway, I say all that to say this... her relationship with izzy fell apart (needless to say), and best of all it was completely void of any interference by yours truly... but now she's dating one of my best friends since the 7th grade (and there goin on one year strong). But i wanted to give you guys this little bit of back story so that my next post could make more sense.


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
Pain? I had too much of that >_<. I know exactly what love is and to me, there is no such thing. I'm happy for you guys but seriously, seeing a couple make out on the street makes me sick :urg:. Sometimes, I even forget Valentine's Day existed (Which is a stupid holiday, I have good reasons and it's not love related). I'm not compatible with anyone and it's likely to stay that way. No point in crying over anything, it's just more money in my pockets and less stress :laugh:.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
ive been saying that love can give you the happiest joy,

and the worst pain since the first post guys lol

and i dont think having casual sex with someone your not dating is right.

i mean one day you might find a girl who wont want much with you cuz

youve had sex with so many other girls.

i myself being a guy did not want to date anyone who wasnt a virgin.

i didnt wanna be where someone else had been, you know.

thats just me but hey. like Blackadder said, whatever floats your boat
Women aren't like guys, sure they don't want a man to be a whore but they prefer a guy that knows what they are doing, see for them a guy actually needs to know what he is doing to make it feel as good as it can for them, for us they just need to show up to get us where we need to be.

I have not been with that many girls, I'm just trying to give some advice, my point on sex is that having some (preferably a lot with ONE girl) is really beneficial when you inevitably date other women. Some people are lucky enough to find someone early on, but most of us are not and that's where knowing when to stop early and being experienced in talking to women really helps. You need to realize they don't think the same way we do.

Also my comment about this girl being good in bed was just to add a little context that we are compatible in a lot of ways, I guess that's not an important issue for some of you, because you either haven't had sex at all, or have only had it with one person and don't really know if they are good or not because you've only been with them and have nothing to base a comparison on. (not saying thats necessarily a bad thing.)

Pain? I had too much of that >_<. I know exactly what love is and to me, there is no such thing. I'm happy for you guys but seriously, seeing a couple make out on the street makes me sick :urg:. Sometimes, I even forget Valentine's Day existed (Which is a stupid holiday, I have good reasons and it's not love related). I'm not compatible with anyone and it's likely to stay that way. No point in crying over anything, it's just more money in my pockets and less stress :laugh:.
Haha @ money in pocket comment. As far as the just assuming you aren't compatible, well maybe that's what keeps you from being compatible. I think people would be a lot more successful with relationships if they just tried at them a little bit.


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2008
Running for my life in the forests of Eelong
I think people would be a lot more successful with relationships if they just tried at them a little bit.
I think people would be a lot more successful with relationships if they just tried at them a little bit...

be a lot more successful with relationships if they just tried at them a little bit...

if they just tried at them a little bit...

a little bit...


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
I went through about the deepest depression I've ever been in when my husband was deployed. Then I became emotionally numb. Then I sort of built a concrete wall around my heart that my husband had to chizzle his way through 6 months later when I saw him again. We still aren't back the way we started, but we are getting there I guess. Yes love does all kinds of crap to you lolz.
Its not something I'm consciously doing, and not something I can easily get rid of. Of course I want a quick easy fix, but the problem is I don't know how to fix it. Its just something that has to improve over time I guess.

Thanks for the advice though, any advice is good to get a different angle on the matter.
I know this is like 13 pages later, but I hope you still get to see this.

I went through something similar recently. It didn't have to do with a relationship, but man my heart had a wall built around it. Just about the worst things possible happened all within two years:

A girl that I thought I really loved had decided that we needed a bit of time apart and then three months later out of the blue she told me she never wanted to talk to me ever again. I had to be the strong one and just try to do what was right. People told me to give her time, and so for a few months I didn't let my emotions go crazy and waited until things on her end cooled down. She never gave me an answer for why she reacted the way she did. Looking back on it, I can see that I put a bit too much emotional pressure on her, but accidentally, and not in a way that would have deserved that response. I only figured this out later on my own. Because after those few months, when I tried to resolve things with her (because nothing had really been talked about up until this point). She just said she didn't feel like anything was resolved. And so there went one of the girls that I've loved most in my life. I really thought things could have gone somewhere with us.

Then my parents had decided to get divorced on my sister's birthday. My mother had apparently been unfaithful (not sexually, but still in a relationship) with one of our family friends--it was actually the father of my little sister's best friend. Further than that though, I was pretty good friends with the guy (as close as an 18 year old and a 40 year old can be, that is). He was helping me with my writing, something extremely close to my heart and was the only person I had really trusted to help me with a novel that I was trying to write (since this happened I haven't done any work on it. I haven't been able to write again). My whole purpose in writing was to communicate God's message to people. God brought me out of some intense depression, I had contemplated suicide and attempted it a few times--I was just too much of a coward to actually do it. Because of that I wanted to share what God had done for me, as afterward I had become extraordinarily familiar with the Bible and knew a good amount about theology. I was looking to become the next Lewis or Tolkien. And I even wanted to bring this guy out to church, I had asked him a few times. He told me he had been a strong Christian in his youth and things just tapered away as he got older. I knew he had a lot going on, and so I really wanted to help him. You haven't even heard the worst part: His wife had terminal cancer. That is why I was so urgent in trying to bring them out to church. It infuriated me to hear what I heard. His wife had terminal cancer and he was doing this!? It drove me insane. My parents after that had so much trouble it was hard to deal with. They tried to make the relationship work, but so many things would just go wrong. Even before the decision to get divorced they fought so much and in the most terrible ways. I would never see much of anything, but I heard so many terrible things being said. I didn't even know what they meant in that context--I was so confused. And once again I had to be the strong one. I had so much work last year because it was my senior year in high school. I had to push to be the best I could be because it was only after I become a Christian (middle of 10th grade) that I started trying in school (I really only started trying when it came to junior year). I had to get into a good college so I couldn't let things like this hold me back. Eventually after some counseling they're doing better in their relationship than they ever have been and are still married. Thank God for that. But the whole time I never knew what was going on. So much was hidden from me. And I didn't even have a moment to cry. I just had to be strong for the family and for my schoolwork.

Then during this past summer a good friend of mine, I had known her for about 6 years or so, was moving to Canada for college. That whole year she had been so detached from me and when I invited her to come over to hang out with a few friends and I--she was so distant the whole time. I called her about it and told her that I had put a lot of effort into keeping our friendship going this past year and she hasn't done anything to help that. I'd make mention of it before and she would say she'd try to change things--and she would. But you could tell she didn't really care. I told her I didn't even really know who she was anymore. And she said that she didn't think I knew her either. And that she wasn't about to let me know. She said we couldn't really be friends anymore--not good friends anyway. She said she needed to burn her bridges before moving to Canada--the biggest load of crap I've ever heard. She was staying together with a boyfriend she got during high school that was going to college in Washington state and she'll be in Canada. How is she burning her bridges? And I was the only friend she made mention of that to. All because I tried to be a real friend to her and not just let our friendship fade away.

Another close friend of mine apparently had a whole lot going on in his life he never told me. All I heard was that he might possibly have been a false disciple and may have been using me our entire friendship. To this day I don't know what's going on with him.

And so when I went to camp this summer, I finally did meet some people that really ended up meaning a lot to me. The guys in my cabin were ridiculously cool. One of them I had a lot of respect for in particular. He didn't grow up in the church, but found God after doing some of the worst things one can do. I had so much respect for him because of that. Recently I heard that he was expelled from the church--and that's a pretty serious issue. Even now I don't know what was going on, all I know is that some people believe he'll come back, but it hurts just because it's one more situation that I've been kept on the outside of.

Now that you see what happened, let me go on with the story. When I arrived at college my heart was a mess. It was full of road blocks. And so I kept trying to get to know new people, I really wanted a friend because I was hurting really badly. I kept putting myself out there and trying to be a friend to anyone, but no one really wanted to get to know me. People kept telling me that I needed to put myself out there and I kept telling them that I was trying my best.

But I realized something. I wasn't putting myself out there. I never really opened up my heart to anyone. I would talk to people, but put off a front and didn't let them see me. It wasn't a conscious thing, but when I realized it, I was able to stop it. I stopped putting out the false me and tried really connecting to people. The first step I took was on Halloween at a party organized by my church. There was a girl there that I thought was pretty cool and wanted to get to know. And so I just casually said "Hey, you know, we should hang out more. I don't feel like we've really gotten to know each other." She agreed and she later gave me her phone number (I need to call her today to see if I can plan something for this weekend <.<;; ). But for me that was a huge step. I've been hurt by girls a lot. And for me to really put myself out there just that tiny bit was a giant step.

So what I'd say to you is this: Don't try acting like there's not a wall there. Just try tearing the wall down. Take it step by step. It's not going to happen all at once. Brick by brick I've been removing the wall around my heart, and things are getting better. I'm getting closer to people that I felt so distanced from before--and I'm more myself. I'm a happier person because of it. I've done a lot of talking with God to help move myself through it, and I still am moving through. But I've moved some emotional rocks that were impossible to move before. So just try taking a look at what's blocking up your heart. I didn't know what it was blocking mine until about a month into school. Figure out what it is and then try to move it. Try to resolve what's there. If it's the emotions you went through when your husband was deployed, tell him all of the feelings you went through. Just sit him down and start talking about it. There's no miracle cure or instant fix. But by going through what happened you can start to tear down that wall.

I can't tell you what put that wall there, but you can figure it out. You might not feel like you're really making progress by doing it, but just try it and you'll start to feel the change.

And in everything, trust God. You might not believe in Him, but He's done so much for me that I'm convinced He can help anyone else. So trust Him in everything, because if anyone's got it under control, he does.

Anyway, sorry for the monster of a post. Hope that helped.



Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2008
Dallas: The Land that Killed Me
I'm 18 dude, almost 19. (this month) and trust me, I am no soul sucker, and I liked no girl at school. Only a few, and I KNEW when I liked one. They were mostly taken anyways.

No, its not too late for you! Keep on playing Brawl, don't listen to negative comments, go on! I play both Melee and Brawl, although I'd prefer Melee. ;3
Well, I got stuck in the typical small town high school with a social ladder installed. It's perplexing to be valedictorian yet to be at the bottom of said ladder. So yeah, I've come to resent being in the lower end of capitalism a little bit. Hence my issues with the Brawl community in general.

Also, I can only ignore the negative comments for so long. I haven't even turned Brawl back on for a while, so it's only natural to assume I'll fail more than I already did when I was actually playing the game. Besides, going back to my analogy with the sandpile... I really don't mind staying out of the competitive scene. I don't even see myself at a tournament, EVER. But to get booted from the casual scene is... well, there's just something wrong with that, and I assume it's me. After all, no one else can fail THAT hard, right?

i think everyone is useless except for my girl so i kinda see what you mean.

but like nah man, theres a girl for you and you wont like anyone else but her

and youll have the same opinion except youll exclude your girl.

it'll happen to you.
The kink in that plan: "women" are in that subset of "people" I just mentioned. I'm afraid that the only way I'm gonna get anywhere in life is to find some battle armor and become a heartless insensitive jerk like everyone else. I would just HATE to resort to that though. :urg:


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
The kink in that plan: "women" are in that subset of "people" I just mentioned. I'm afraid that the only way I'm gonna get anywhere in life is to find some battle armor and become a heartless insensitive jerk like everyone else. I would just HATE to resort to that though. :urg:
This simply isn't true. There are some jerks that get a lot of women, I mean it happens, but it isn't because they are jerks it's because they are confident in themselves even though they don't usually have a good reason to be, they are so confident in fact that they don't care about the women they date and SOMEHOW a lot of women will respond to that.

When a girl tells you to be yourself she is really saying be comfortable and confident. The best step you can take is to be more social and you will accidentally learn skills that will help you succeed in all kinds of areas in your life, not just with women, although that is a nice part of it, for me anyways.

If you are shy and have trouble asking girls out then try this. Don't say it's stupid until you've tried it and it didn't work. Save up enough money to do something, this is highly subjective, if you live in a sunny area then that something could very easily be free, like playing frisby. Now come up with a plan to do something, whatever you decide just make sure its something you can talk during, it can be tennis, basketball, ping pong, pool, quarters, walking, hiking, boating, I don't suggest lunch or dinner though at least not right off the bat. Once you've decided on an activity I want you to go ask girls you like to do that, give them a set date and time, using tennis as the example, hey I was going to go play tennis with my friend mike on saturday but he can't go, you should come play with me, now this part is important, your goal should be for her to say no, ask with a smile, look her in the eye, but expect and hope for a no, see how many no's you can get, you WILL accidentally get a few yes' especially if you don't care about her answer. A helpful first date tip, if there is a silence, don't always be the first one to break it, it makes it seem like you are trying hard, if you don't have something to say then don't say anything, obviously this can hurt you if she doesn't talk much but if you both are talking and then it trails off just go ahead and let it be quiet, smile if you can but don't worry to much about it, she will talk again if she likes you, and she should right? your great.


Smash Ace
May 6, 2007
Culver City
Show her your made wavedash skills, she'll take her pants off in no time.

(Am I ever going to post anything productive?)


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
...So what I'd say to you is this: Don't try acting like there's not a wall there. Just try tearing the wall down. Take it step by step. It's not going to happen all at once. Brick by brick I've been removing the wall around my heart, and things are getting better. I'm getting closer to people that I felt so distanced from before--and I'm more myself. I'm a happier person because of it. I've done a lot of talking with God to help move myself through it, and I still am moving through. But I've moved some emotional rocks that were impossible to move before. So just try taking a look at what's blocking up your heart. I didn't know what it was blocking mine until about a month into school. Figure out what it is and then try to move it. Try to resolve what's there. If it's the emotions you went through when your husband was deployed, tell him all of the feelings you went through. Just sit him down and start talking about it. There's no miracle cure or instant fix. But by going through what happened you can start to tear down that wall.

I can't tell you what put that wall there, but you can figure it out. You might not feel like you're really making progress by doing it, but just try it and you'll start to feel the change.

And in everything, trust God. You might not believe in Him, but He's done so much for me that I'm convinced He can help anyone else. So trust Him in everything, because if anyone's got it under control, he does.

Anyway, sorry for the monster of a post. Hope that helped.


Thanks that was really kind of you to post all of that. I am working on bringing the wall down bit by bit, it has been a bit tough. My husband is very patient though. I have a good idea of why the wall went up in the first place but the problem is I'm not really sure how something like that would be remedied (sp?). But we are working at it, slowly but surely. Telling my feelings is definitely something I need to work on.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2008
Dallas: The Land that Killed Me
This simply isn't true. There are some jerks that get a lot of women, I mean it happens, but it isn't because they are jerks it's because they are confident in themselves even though they don't usually have a good reason to be, they are so confident in fact that they don't care about the women they date and SOMEHOW a lot of women will respond to that.

When a girl tells you to be yourself she is really saying be comfortable and confident. The best step you can take is to be more social and you will accidentally learn skills that will help you succeed in all kinds of areas in your life, not just with women, although that is a nice part of it, for me anyways.

[insert dating advice here]
Just so I clear something up: My top priority right now is just to live through college and hopefully get a job. My interest in deep love-based relationships is at the very bottom of my priorities. I don't mean to totally shut down your advice, but it just came at the wrong time in my life, IMO.

But since I'm doing great in college right now... I'd REALLY like to kick this people problem out of my life. And almost EVERY TIME I think I've figured something out, that I finally grasp something about the art of conversing with people, someone just has to say something that sets me back to the drawing board. And then I start wondering just WHAT I did or became to evoke such an offensive or shocking response. I... think I just might be a glitch in the human race: I say all that I can that I believe is civil or otherwise represents me and isn't intended to be hurtful in ANY WAY, and I get slammed for it. I'm now to the point where I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired.

And if it's not happening to me IRL, it's evidently happening to me online. I picked up Brawl to... help me build up some kind of... competitive edge (THIS DOES NOT MEAN I WANT TO BE A COMPETITIVE PLAYER) that I just don't have to begin with AND to use online as a different kind of communication that might work for me. And of course to have fun. But to my dismay, Brawl came with a social ladder installed. There just went all three of those goals. That... is why Brawl has become such a big deal to me. That's why I'm here of all places. To become a person that's actually worth someone's time, no matter how they play the game. But as it stands now, not WORTH the 3 or so seconds the match lasts to the winning opponent. I gotta be worth a fight to even BEGIN to be worth a conversation. It's perplexing to me.

I've been working at this problem for so long now that I'm wondering if I've come across as a troll. :urg:


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
jona you are my hero

these are words of a true falcon player


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
But since I'm doing great in college right now... I'd REALLY like to kick this people problem out of my life. And almost EVERY TIME I think I've figured something out, that I finally grasp something about the art of conversing with people, someone just has to say something that sets me back to the drawing board. And then I start wondering just WHAT I did or became to evoke such an offensive or shocking response. I... think I just might be a glitch in the human race: I say all that I can that I believe is civil or otherwise represents me and isn't intended to be hurtful in ANY WAY, and I get slammed for it. I'm now to the point where I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired.

And if it's not happening to me IRL, it's evidently happening to me online. I picked up Brawl to... help me build up some kind of... competitive edge (THIS DOES NOT MEAN I WANT TO BE A COMPETITIVE PLAYER) that I just don't have to begin with AND to use online as a different kind of communication that might work for me. And of course to have fun. But to my dismay, Brawl came with a social ladder installed. There just went all three of those goals. That... is why Brawl has become such a big deal to me. That's why I'm here of all places. To become a person that's actually worth someone's time, no matter how they play the game. But as it stands now, not WORTH the 3 or so seconds the match lasts to the winning opponent. I gotta be worth a fight to even BEGIN to be worth a conversation. It's perplexing to me.

I've been working at this problem for so long now that I'm wondering if I've come across as a troll. :urg:
I think I understand what you are talking about. Just remember that everyone has their own way of perceiving things, everyone has their own unique view. So that's why something you say might mean a certain thing to one person and something completely different to another. People are so complicated, it is hard to make a proper connection sometimes. You have to get the feel of how someone ticks before you can have a lax conversation without fear of saying something wrong. And its not something you can really just learn once and then your fine, every person you come across is going to be different. Every single one. People have so many different interpretations of words and how you say them. Just try to be very intune to what kind of person you are conversing with at the moment. And I know some people are just really hard to figure out, but you'll get better over time I think.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2008
Dallas: The Land that Killed Me
I think I understand what you are talking about. Just remember that everyone has their own way of perceiving things, everyone has their own unique view. So that's why something you say might mean a certain thing to one person and something completely different to another. People are so complicated, it is hard to make a proper connection sometimes. You have to get the feel of how someone ticks before you can have a lax conversation without fear of saying something wrong. And its not something you can really just learn once and then your fine, every person you come across is going to be different. Every single one. People have so many different interpretations of words and how you say them. Just try to be very intune to what kind of person you are conversing with at the moment. And I know some people are just really hard to figure out, but you'll get better over time I think.
Over HOW much time? As I've stated before, I'm 19, and I've only done it right about... three or four times. So aside from those three friends, I've been "doing it wrong" for 19 years. There are plenty of people that'll just tolerate me being there, but only those two or three can honestly say that I'm a cool guy to hang around. And... none of those two or three are actually attending the college I'm at, so I'm effectively trying to tackle college alone. Not only that, but I'm trying (and obviously failing) to tackle the internet alone (although I guess that's not uncommon), seeing as I don't really KNOW any one here.

But... again, I can't know anyone here unless I'm actually "good". Ironically, it's these same people that I need to play against to get "good". So I'm effectively trapped by a really odd circular system that offers socialization based on skill. And that's only the "competitive" group (which as I've heard, really can't be classified as such if online really means nothing).

Amongst casuals, it's... different. I get beat about 5 times, but I get told "good game" anyway. So now I'm feeling guilty that I wasted this person's time (since I fail so much at Smash), yet the other person is gonna just reiterate the contrary. If we play items/FFA/other casual stuff and I surprisingly WIN for once, I don't feel it, because I just WON ONLY BECAUSE I ABUSED LUCK. Again, though, I'm just gonna hear the contrary to this over and over again, while this same person will turn around and ask to fight someone else without items. So I'm in a lose-lose situation right now, and I don't really know how to fix it.

And once again, I've derailed the topic in the name of my Smash problems. But... it's pretty much eaten me alive from the inside out to the point where Smash = life, and I can't socialize without thinking if I'm really WORTHY of anyone's time.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
Over HOW much time? As I've stated before, I'm 19, and I've only done it right about... three or four times. So aside from those three friends, I've been "doing it wrong" for 19 years. There are plenty of people that'll just tolerate me being there, but only those two or three can honestly say that I'm a cool guy to hang around. And... none of those two or three are actually attending the college I'm at, so I'm effectively trying to tackle college alone. Not only that, but I'm trying (and obviously failing) to tackle the internet alone (although I guess that's not uncommon), seeing as I don't really KNOW any one here.

But... again, I can't know anyone here unless I'm actually "good". Ironically, it's these same people that I need to play against to get "good". So I'm effectively trapped by a really odd circular system that offers socialization based on skill. And that's only the "competitive" group (which as I've heard, really can't be classified as such if online really means nothing).

Amongst casuals, it's... different. I get beat about 5 times, but I get told "good game" anyway. So now I'm feeling guilty that I wasted this person's time (since I fail so much at Smash), yet the other person is gonna just reiterate the contrary. If we play items/FFA/other casual stuff and I surprisingly WIN for once, I don't feel it, because I just WON ONLY BECAUSE I ABUSED LUCK. Again, though, I'm just gonna hear the contrary to this over and over again, while this same person will turn around and ask to fight someone else without items. So I'm in a lose-lose situation right now, and I don't really know how to fix it.

And once again, I've derailed the topic in the name of my Smash problems. But... it's pretty much eaten me alive from the inside out to the point where Smash = life, and I can't socialize without thinking if I'm really WORTHY of anyone's time.
Lol, I don't understand how this went from a love/relationship topic to Smash...


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
What are you thinking talking about smash on this website... wait.. oh yeah. =) is my advice helping anyone or should I just stop at this point?


Smash Cadet
Mar 5, 2008
Man, all you people on here are pretty lucky!

I've yet to find a girl who’s into gaming/anime and who's not loud/obnoxious, an obsessed freak or annoying. I know a few girls that aren't, and they're perfect, but they've made it clear they don't like me.

What do I mean when I say perfect? Simple, they can be serious and mature when the time comes, and they can relax and be themselves otherwise, they're cute and have PERSONAL HYGENE ( <-- THAT"S A BIG ONE! :O......) and they aren't stoners, or depressed people that put your mood down 24/7 and speak of killing themselves and then go on about Yaoi and Yuri etc...

Someone may read this and say "Your asking for to much". I guess that's agree-able to a moral degree. But I don't want to date someone like that, I mean, because I'm all for a gamer/anime person...

But let's not forget, we live in a place called a "World" and we have to make money to survive and live. Not everything is all fun and games.

Don't get me wrong, I love to have fun, and I love to game and draw as well, I go to anime-cons and everything...But why do I feel like I'm a lonely looser all the time? It's because of all the girls in my area who act like *******, that's why...

But then I thought, I could always go for someone that isn’t into gaming/anime. There's a problem right there, every person I've met is a complete snob, and they either treat me like dirt or fall for Jerks and treated and used like a toy, then they complain to me later that "There is no-one who cares about me and everyone hates me", yet I'm standing right there.....But whatever....

Online relationships suck, I've had a good amount of them to say so. It's fun for the first while, but after, conversation gets boring and you long to see them, hold them in your arms...usually something happens and you guys end up not talking anymore.

Also, I hate online relationships because the other person is never actually able to PROVE they are who they say they are. No pictures, webcam, nothing.

That's great! How long can you rely on "I'm 17, female and I live in etc..."

For all you know that could be a guy who's "45, male and lives in Alaska".

I still beleive in love, but I'm starting to think I'm not a "love-able" guy. I have confidence in myself, but after my many expeiriences one can ONLY wonder, am I right?

I mean, jeez, I have pictures and a webcam, I cna prove I am who I am. No girl has ever done that for me XD.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2006
North America (East/Central)
Yeah Adamsukuru, you don't really have to be with somebody who holds all of your interests or anything. I mean you don't want to date YOURSELF (or do you? :p)

I mean I'm sure there are people you could 'like' that understand you and your hobbies, but aren't necessarily into those things.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Maybe you need to make a move? at some point you need to go for a kiss or your gonna get stuck in the friend zone.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
You can try to go through life without feeling pain, but that's a pretty boring and sheltered experience. Put yourself out there, because the only way to not get hurt is to take no chances. If you give up the possibility of being happy to protect yourself from getting hurt.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2007
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
You can try to go through life without feeling pain, but that's a pretty boring and sheltered experience. Put yourself out there, because the only way to not get hurt is to take no chances. If you give up the possibility of being happy to protect yourself from getting hurt.
Haha. I wouldn't say that. I'm the kind of person to say, "hey, I really love you, I can get a close grip on my emotions when I need to."

Trust me, I love like everyone else (maybe a little too much), but I could understand why someone wouldn't want to just go out there and throw their heart through windows.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Well yeah, you don't want to put a bulls-eye on yourself. But at the same time, you have to risk getting knocked down. Love is one of those high-risk, high-reward type of situations.

But I'm interested to see specifically why ZeroFox wants to avoid falling for someone before I make any judgments. He could have a very good reason.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
Thanks that was really kind of you to post all of that. I am working on bringing the wall down bit by bit, it has been a bit tough. My husband is very patient though. I have a good idea of why the wall went up in the first place but the problem is I'm not really sure how something like that would be remedied (sp?). But we are working at it, slowly but surely. Telling my feelings is definitely something I need to work on.
No problem. Just keep at it. I've still got a ton of things I need to work through, but I'm making progress. You'll make it there when it's time. And I know how hard it can be expressing your feelings. I'm a very emotional person, but with the emotional wall I have, even I have such a hard time getting open with people.

You'll be able to work through it. I'm sure of it.

Just one thing I do want to say, though: If things get really tough in the marriage--don't give up. A lot of couples just get a divorce as the quick fix when problems arise, but I do believe that almost any situation can be worked through. Especially if you two have kids, work through any problems that come up from this or in the future. Not just for their sake, but for yours as well. I believe that if you were sure enough of your relationship to get married, then love will continue through the relationship--even when you don't feel it.

I just needed to say that, because even though my parents did stay together, that whole thing between them hurt me so much. I know they would be in terrible places themselves if they didn't push through and work on their marriage. And as I mentioned before, now their marriage is better than ever.

But yeah, sorry if that was random, but I think you understand why I said it. I just know that conflict between parents really screws a kid up--even when he's 18.

Anyway, I would say best of luck, but I don't believe in luck. So I'll be praying for you instead, if you don't mind (it'd be nice if I knew your first names so I don't have to say 'that couple' or 'them' but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to).

And you did spell remedied right, by the way.


Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2007
Port Chester, New York
You can try to go through life without feeling pain, but that's a pretty boring and sheltered experience. Put yourself out there, because the only way to not get hurt is to take no chances. If you give up the possibility of being happy to protect yourself from getting hurt.
i dont think this is true.

i got hurt really badly when i found out the girl im dating now

had a boyfriend like as soon as i started to get to know her. i was like D=

that did hurt, alot. even tho she never knew and no one else knew,but it hurt.

i wish i would have made a move sooner =/

o well. im glad everything worked out.


Smash Cadet
Mar 5, 2008
Yeah Adamsukuru, you don't really have to be with somebody who holds all of your interests or anything. I mean you don't want to date YOURSELF (or do you? :p)

I mean I'm sure there are people you could 'like' that understand you and your hobbies, but aren't necessarily into those things.
Yeah, your right XD, but that's not what I meant >.<

I mean, hmmm....

Okay, let me put it this way:

I would love to date a geek! Seriosuly, it would be nice. They could be into one thing, or another, I really don't care, as long as they're a bit of a gamer...or even into anime, and they have a good personality and some COMMON sense.


Smash Cadet
Mar 5, 2008
I mean I'm sure there are people you could 'like' that understand you and your hobbies, but aren't necessarily into those things.
Oh and also, your right on this one, that's where the "personality" part comes into play XD

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
i dont think this is true.

i got hurt really badly when i found out the girl im dating now

had a boyfriend like as soon as i started to get to know her. i was like D=

that did hurt, alot. even tho she never knew and no one else knew,but it hurt.

i wish i would have made a move sooner =/

o well. im glad everything worked out.
Well, that's what I mean. Any situation that you choose to gain from (asking a girl out, for example) is also one where you stand to lose (finding out the girl has a boyfriend). The only way to avoid one is to avoid both.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2005
Chicagoland (NW Indiana)/Purdue West Lafayette
Well, that's what I mean. Any situation that you choose to gain from (asking a girl out, for example) is also one where you stand to lose (finding out the girl has a boyfriend). The only way to avoid one is to avoid both.
If you go for it, you stand to gain. If you just avoid it, you CAN'T win. Don't let the fear of failure deter you from taking risks. I've experienced both sides of the spectrum from risk, and I still haven't given up.

EDIT: On the topic of gamer girls, the ideal girl doesn't have to play games. She just has to accept that I play them, maybe play a little with me to try it. At least respect the hobby. Everybody has their thing, and one of mine is gaming/Smash.


Smash Ace
Aug 23, 2008
You know, I'm only 13, but when it comes to relationships I'm extremely mature (lol modesty). I've been in love before, and I honestly didn't like it so much.

When I was in the 6th grade, there was some girl I really liked. Everyone liked her at the time, but there was something about me that stood out to her. She kinda rejected me before I asked her out, though. Ehh, whatever, I thought.

Last year, I fell in love midway through the year. Before you say "You're young, you don't know," honestly, I do know, and it's a strange experience.

Everyday, I went home, threw my stuff down, and thought about her. Just seeing her every day made me happy. I'd try to play video games but all I saw was her. All I knew was that she had to be mine. And immediately.

You see, this is why I didn't like love. Seeing her not in my arms, not knowing if she liked me back or not, and she wouldn't escape my mind. And every day, I would write poems about the way I felt. I would post my compilation of them, but I kind of think it'd be embarrassing (even though it was awesome). I wanted to be with her forever, but I was younger and too naive to tell her how I felt. The feeling of paranoia crept up from inside me and basically ruined me emotionally. I told her around February, and it turns out she liked me back.


But around April, things got a little more serious, and then, I realized that I should have never liked her. We had been friends for two years and we were about to start dating, but she met some stranger on her visit to Washington D.C. and she completely forgot about me. Then, when asked about that weirdness by her friends, she made up some bull**** about how I pressed a death threat against her and she wasn't going to talk to me any more.


So that experience... was not a pleasant one. That's why this year sucks, because I don't like anyone and neither does anyone else, so it's so boring now. Hopefully, by the end of the year, I get to experience the better side of love. I've only been in a relationship a few times... But it was never love.

Also, I agree with what Doggalina said.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
Call my cynical, Delta, but I'm going to call that a crush. I know you'll disagree, but I'd swear to it.

I can't myself attest to what love feels like, of course. I'm only 16, nearly 17, but when I was 14(?) I got a girlfriend, thought I was in love, had it end in tears, blah blah. These days I'm aware it was just a crush, obviously.

Still, sorry to hear about what happened. That's just how people work at your age, y'know?

Funny old world.


Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2007
Port Chester, New York
You know, I'm only 13, but when it comes to relationships I'm extremely mature (lol modesty). I've been in love before, and I honestly didn't like it so much.

When I was in the 6th grade, there was some girl I really liked. Everyone liked her at the time, but there was something about me that stood out to her. She kinda rejected me before I asked her out, though. Ehh, whatever, I thought.

Last year, I fell in love midway through the year. Before you say "You're young, you don't know," honestly, I do know, and it's a strange experience.

Everyday, I went home, threw my stuff down, and thought about her. Just seeing her every day made me happy. I'd try to play video games but all I saw was her. All I knew was that she had to be mine. And immediately.

You see, this is why I didn't like love. Seeing her not in my arms, not knowing if she liked me back or not, and she wouldn't escape my mind. And every day, I would write poems about the way I felt. I would post my compilation of them, but I kind of think it'd be embarrassing (even though it was awesome). I wanted to be with her forever, but I was younger and too naive to tell her how I felt. The feeling of paranoia crept up from inside me and basically ruined me emotionally. I told her around February, and it turns out she liked me back.


But around April, things got a little more serious, and then, I realized that I should have never liked her. We had been friends for two years and we were about to start dating, but she met some stranger on her visit to Washington D.C. and she completely forgot about me. Then, when asked about that weirdness by her friends, she made up some bull**** about how I pressed a death threat against her and she wasn't going to talk to me any more.


So that experience... was not a pleasant one. That's why this year sucks, because I don't like anyone and neither does anyone else, so it's so boring now. Hopefully, by the end of the year, I get to experience the better side of love. I've only been in a relationship a few times... But it was never love.

Also, I agree with what Doggalina said.
lololol i did that to a girl back in like, 7th grade?

yea i think. her name was vanessa, i liked her for a while

and i guess people caught on and told her for me

and it turned out she liked me back.

but i was too much of a noob to ask her out

and soo her friends basically forced me to ask her out during gym.

and soo i basically hardly talked to her while we were

"going out" until one day she gave me a note saying i needed to act

more like a "boyfriend" so me using my brain, i figured hey i could use

this to my advantage. and so i called her best friend and pretended to be hurt

and that the note she gave me was to break up. and boom

no more girlfriend. now i did like her, but i wasnt ready yet.

my only relationship to last more then a week is the one im in now....

1 year baby lol. but yea your were definitely just crushing on her.

us guys are immature. we dont know what love is until a good age.

15/16 ish. trust me bro you got alot to go. im 16 btw.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I didn't know what love was until I met my wife. So yeah, you've got a ways to go.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
You crazy kids and your thoughts lol, I keep forgetting how old I am for gaming, sigh.

I remember when I was a kid and thought I was in love, I had a crush for years, like 4, when I finally got the nerve to ask her out she said yes, I took her to a school dance in 7th or 8th grade, she ditched me after like 10 minutes to go hang out with her friends, man I was a crushed little kid. At least I know better now haha. I guess I still haven't really been in love when I think about it, but there were plenty of times I thought I was.

- Binx


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
You crazy kids and your thoughts lol, I keep forgetting how old I am for gaming, sigh.

I remember when I was a kid and thought I was in love, I had a crush for years, like 4, when I finally got the nerve to ask her out she said yes, I took her to a school dance in 7th or 8th grade, she ditched me after like 10 minutes to go hang out with her friends, man I was a crushed little kid. At least I know better now haha. I guess I still haven't really been in love when I think about it, but there were plenty of times I thought I was.

- Binx
Yeah I wonder...where do you draw the line between what's love and what isn't?

I think I've "fallen in love" with someone once or twice. Well, there was one person which lasted for about 2 years. I'm pretty convinced that was love. The one before that lasted for about 1 year. It could have been, it's possible, but it was probably to a lesser extent than the 2-year situation.

Still, I kind of wonder...maybe when you truly experience love, you'll be able to decided where to draw the line, and maybe you'll figure out that all those times you thought you were in love, it was really something else.

I'm still convinced that I've been in love, but only because I haven't felt anything stronger that could disprove it.
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