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Being In Love/Advice


Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2007
Port Chester, New York
You see, I like this girl but I can't ****ing tell if she likes me or not.
She looks at me sometimes but maybe I'm really observant and optimistic. Or I'm that awesome. Hahahahahahahahaha
She doesn't like me does she?

i couldnt tell if my girl liked me.

she made it hard.

the best way although it may seem impossible,

or just too scary, is to tell her you like her,

or ask her if she likes you.

one thing i did is take a ******** word (mesh)

and say it 3 times. so i said mesh mesh mesh to her all the time.

she never understood it so she asked me, and i told her it meant "i love you"

and thats how we got going.

try that out. use a ******** word. its corny, but it works.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
You see, I like this girl but I can't ****ing tell if she likes me or not.
She looks at me sometimes but maybe I'm really observant and optimistic. Or I'm that awesome. Hahahahahahahahaha
She doesn't like me does she?
I think you're almost the exact opposite of me in that respect. I can never tell if someone likes me or not. In fact, I'm pretty oblivious.

Example: A few years back, during my high school days, I was sitting down eating lunch with some friends of mine. Some girls some guys. This girl Felicia (really really pretty) that I was friends with walks over to the table and sits on my lap. She basically stays there for like 10 minutes and we all talk until lunch is over. Afterwards I walk over to another table with my other group of friends, and they're all talking about how the girl likes me because she sat on my lap? I don't know...but that never crossed my mind once during the entire time.


Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2007
Port Chester, New York
I think you're almost the exact opposite of me in that respect. I can never tell if someone likes me or not. In fact, I'm pretty oblivious.

Example: A few years back, during my high school days, I was sitting down eating lunch with some friends of mine. Some girls some guys. This girl Felicia (really really pretty) that I was friends with walks over to the table and sits on my lap. She basically stays there for like 10 minutes and we all talk until lunch is over. Afterwards I walk over to another table with my other group of friends, and they're all talking about how the girl likes me because she sat on my lap? I don't know...but that never crossed my mind once during the entire time.
you gotta be kidding.

unless that girl was a total flirt

then she liked you.

come on man


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
you gotta be kidding.

unless that girl was a total flirt

then she liked you.

come on man
She might have been a flirt. I don't know. Maybe she liked me. I can't be sure. All I know is that I'm pretty oblivious to if a girl likes me or not. I rarely think about it. The only time I wonder to myself if a girl likes me or not is if I like her at the time. Then of course I'd like to know if she liked me too.

To be honest, I found out in one year during high school that at least a dozen girls had crushes on me at the time. It all surprised me. Looking back, I wouldn't have been able to tell with any of them unless someone actually told me (which was the case).


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
You see, there's another prob. I have to move really far and even if the girl likes me (which is impossible) shut up pessimism! Nothing good will come from it. Should I just tell her I like her just before I leave so I have nothing to lose?

You guys post too fast. Or I'm TOO SLOW!!


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
You see, there's another prob. I have to move really far and even if the girl likes me (which is impossible) shut up pessimism! Nothing good will come from it. Should I just tell her I like her just before I leave so I have nothing to lose?
Well, let's see...

If you tell her and she doesn't like you, you're right, you have nothing to lose since you'll be far away from her soon. You'll also gain the fact that you have more experience telling people that you like them. Could always help in the future. I know that even as a 20-year-old, I still feel scared of telling people that I like them. Maybe I'm afraid of rejection, maybe I'm scared on ruining a friendship, I don't know.

On the other hand, if she tells you that she likes you too, and you move, I'd say you'd be pretty sad that nothing can happen. I mean, I would be disappointed if I knew of something that could have been, but wasn't, because I didn't act quickly enough or because of some other circumstances out of my control.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
And if I keep hiding it, it may haunt me for the rest of my life and I really need to focus on getting into the good highschool.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
And if I keep hiding it, it may haunt me for the rest of my life and I really need to focus on getting into the good highschool.
That's true. Although to be honest, it would be very hypocritical of me to tell you to tell this girl that you like her. I still haven't been able to muster up the courage to tell anyone ever. Ever since the first time I truly felt a strong attachment for someone early on in high school, til now. I just can't. And I've had about 6 pretty big crushes thus far. A few of which I might consider as love, or at least something really close to it.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
This is like my first big one. And I don't have the courage either.
Maybe one of my friends can spill the bean. PLEASE!!!


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
This is like my first big one. And I don't have the courage either.
Maybe one of my friends can spill the bean. PLEASE!!!
Lol, the bean. That one single bean...

I know how you feel man, but (and this is super hypocritcal) you gotta do it yourself. Either you tell her yourself or you don't tell her at all. And I think that in this situation, you should tell her. I think in any situation in which you like a girl you should let them know and ask them out or something, even though I never follow my own advice.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2007
Fayetteville, GA
@ Novice: You got it.

Jesus loves all, and his self-sacrifice has to be one of the greatest acts of altruism ever recorded in the history of man. When He was hanging up there, suffering, He could have easily said "Pfft. They aren't worth it," and called down the angels to eliminate all that existed..

But He didn't, did He?

While we don't hold His same power and abilities, we still have the capability of determining when a relationship with someone is worth it or not. Sometimes, we have circumstances that greatly affect our decisions more than others, but it is all still a choice.

Though unmentioned in my story (during the break-up), I had actually considered suicide. Not only was this completely outside of my character, it just seemed too easy an option. There pain of being apart from her was just too great. I had the motive and the tools necessary to do so, but there was one thing keeping me from ending myself...


I knew so many things would go down if I had killed myself over her:
  1. Many of my friends would consider her an enemy, and that is not a good position to be in,
  2. My parents would be distraut, and the only link they would have to my death is the break-up shortly beforehand, leading them to believe that she is no good,
  3. My brothers could very well lose all hope in the world, especially the brother only two years younger than me, who is already struggling with the world,

    and above all...

  4. She would be absolutely heart-broken...

I decided she was worth the pain, and so I remained faithful to her, even though we weren't technically dating. I decided it would be worth it in the long run. We could be happy together, I just knew it...and look how my faith is being rewarded...

I have a beautiful girlfriend, with whom I am deeply in love with. I would live and die for this girl (but moreso the former than the latter), I've already changed a good bit as a person, and I am working on an engagement ring that I can slip onto her finger, and ask her to marry me...officially.

On that note: you don't technically need a church or priest or anything to get married, although it helps to get the benefits and the cool ceremony. To marry simply means "to unite or join intimately," so we pretty much already did that lol


@ Blooqkazoo: Really, just tell her yourself. Get her number and try to keep tabs on each other. If she doesn't like you, she'll either give you a fake number, or she won't pick up the phone. If she does like you, then she may try to make it work. If you get together later down the road, great! If not, oh well...she wasn't "the one".

Love is a high-risk, high-return deal. Jesus knew some would follow Him, and some would reject Him, but that didn't stop Him from gying as walking out of his grave. There will be girls who will like you, and some won't.

But what is it you will hate more in the end: rejection or uncertainty?

-IC3R, out...


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
@ Novice: You got it.

Though unmentioned in my story (during the break-up), I had actually considered suicide. Not only was this completely outside of my character, it just seemed too easy an option. There pain of being apart from her was just too great. I had the motive and the tools necessary to do so, but there was one thing keeping me from ending myself...


I knew so many things would go down if I had killed myself over her:
  1. Many of my friends would consider her an enemy, and that is not a good position to be in,
  2. My parents would be distraut, and the only link they would have to my death is the break-up shortly beforehand, leading them to believe that she is no good,
  3. My brothers could very well lose all hope in the world, especially the brother only two years younger than me, who is already struggling with the world,

    and above all...

  4. She would be absolutely heart-broken...

I decided she was worth the pain, and so I remained faithful to her, even though we weren't technically dating. I decided it would be worth it in the long run. We could be happy together, I just knew it...and look how my faith is being rewarded...

-IC3R, out...

Suicide is never a fun thing to be contemplating. I had a friend once who was pretty depressed and thought about it. It made me sad just listening to what she was going through.

Glad you made the right choice.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Yeah Binx, I wasn't really directing that at you because I know you're alot older than most of the people in this thread, and I know you have a pretty good idea of what you're talking about. It's more for the people who don't know what they're talking about but think they do.

I'm sorry about your divorce, but it brings up an important point that that I'm sure you can espouse upon. Sometimes feelings lie. I think what you said about respect and admiration is absolutely true, and sometimes we just make mistakes. You hope that the mistakes don't lead to legal proceedings, but that happens sometimes.

Once again Binx, that's not directed at you, you've obviously been through the hardest of knocks. There's another Nana out there for you, though! ;)
We didn't have any kids and it was a short marriage so nothing much really came of it, it was a good learning experience, sort of =)

I'm not gonna waste my time feeling bad about it though, I mean you only get 100 years right? I do need to go find that other climber. Don't see a lot of pink parka's around here.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2007
Fayetteville, GA
We didn't have any kids and it was a short marriage so nothing much really came of it, it was a good learning experience, sort of =)

I'm not gonna waste my time feeling bad about it though, I mean you only get 100 years right? I do need to go find that other climber. Don't see a lot of pink parka's around here.
Naw, some folks have lived for over 120 years :psycho:

This may possibly be the most important piece of advice the guys here will ever get:


I just had to learn this the hard way. I never realized how much of a worry-wart she is. I do not blame her in the slightest for going off on me; I deserved every bit of it.

She had lost her best friend in a car accident...

He used to call her every day, and when he didn't, she knew something was wrong. I am **** sure this is why she stayed up until 2 a.m. waiting for me to call her...she was worried sick...I was just about to call her today around 12:30 p.m., but she beat me to it by about 13 minutes.

Boy, did I get it.......

Her -> :grrr:
Me -> :cry:

So yeah...we quickly resolved the issue, I apologized and said I would prove I was sorry somehow, most likely by calling her every single day at least once. I'm going to see her today, and I hope it's not awkward for me, cause I could be in an emo mood -> :(

Anyway, remember...



Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
I dont see why people ask on the internet.

irl friends ftl
Good point, but I am a newb to love and my friends aren't that much of an expert either. I was hopin' people here would be more experienced with it. And they probably are! And my best friend has a crush on the same person as I do so.....

So complicated!!!
I'm gonna go watch spongebob now.


Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2007
Port Chester, New York
@ Novice: You got it.

Jesus loves all, and his self-sacrifice has to be one of the greatest acts of altruism ever recorded in the history of man. When He was hanging up there, suffering, He could have easily said "Pfft. They aren't worth it," and called down the angels to eliminate all that existed..

But He didn't, did He?

While we don't hold His same power and abilities, we still have the capability of determining when a relationship with someone is worth it or not. Sometimes, we have circumstances that greatly affect our decisions more than others, but it is all still a choice.

Though unmentioned in my story (during the break-up), I had actually considered suicide. Not only was this completely outside of my character, it just seemed too easy an option. There pain of being apart from her was just too great. I had the motive and the tools necessary to do so, but there was one thing keeping me from ending myself...


I knew so many things would go down if I had killed myself over her:
  1. Many of my friends would consider her an enemy, and that is not a good position to be in,
  2. My parents would be distraut, and the only link they would have to my death is the break-up shortly beforehand, leading them to believe that she is no good,
  3. My brothers could very well lose all hope in the world, especially the brother only two years younger than me, who is already struggling with the world,

    and above all...

  4. She would be absolutely heart-broken...

I decided she was worth the pain, and so I remained faithful to her, even though we weren't technically dating. I decided it would be worth it in the long run. We could be happy together, I just knew it...and look how my faith is being rewarded...

I have a beautiful girlfriend, with whom I am deeply in love with. I would live and die for this girl (but moreso the former than the latter), I've already changed a good bit as a person, and I am working on an engagement ring that I can slip onto her finger, and ask her to marry me...officially.

On that note: you don't technically need a church or priest or anything to get married, although it helps to get the benefits and the cool ceremony. To marry simply means "to unite or join intimately," so we pretty much already did that lol


@ Blooqkazoo: Really, just tell her yourself. Get her number and try to keep tabs on each other. If she doesn't like you, she'll either give you a fake number, or she won't pick up the phone. If she does like you, then she may try to make it work. If you get together later down the road, great! If not, oh well...she wasn't "the one".

Love is a high-risk, high-return deal. Jesus knew some would follow Him, and some would reject Him, but that didn't stop Him from gying as walking out of his grave. There will be girls who will like you, and some won't.

But what is it you will hate more in the end: rejection or uncertainty?

-IC3R, out...
not to knock you or anything but, you seem to be a christian correct?

you know a bit about Jesus, yet you wanted to kill yourself?

if you would have, you would have gone straight to hell you know that right?

i wouldnt even kill myself for my girl. and im 100% sure iloveher

as much as you love yours, if not more.

just saying, no one is worth suffering eternally for. no one.


Smash Ace
Aug 23, 2008
But what is it you will hate more in the end: rejection or uncertainty?
Exactly what I tell my friends, and what motivates me to tell girls I like their chest them. (jk) I've been through a lot, and these days, I have to deal with a friend (extremely cheerful and funny) who's in love and had her heart broken. It's the second heartbreak she went through (one with my best friend actually) and she was considering suicide. (As a Catholic, suicide is foolish to me, and she told me that too after she got over it) It sucks being the advice giving guy. Also, my best friend likes some girl and I have to experience the drama cliche of best friends being torn apart by a girl. I hate her, (she's so one dimensional, just a typical gossipy girl pulled straight from Degrassi) and he spends so much time with her it's stupid. It's funny, the way attraction (don't want to say love) can be beneficial and crappy at the same time.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
Definitely uncertainty.

Wow, a lot of people actually consider suicide. I love myself uhh I mean my life.


Smash Ace
Aug 23, 2008
Rejection>uncertainty. Think about it, bro... Then you can move on if you get rejected. I was like you, last year, actually, but uncertainty holds you back.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
Rejection>uncertainty. Think about it, bro... Then you can move on if you get rejected. I was like you, last year, actually, but uncertainty holds you back.
Actually, the question was what will you hate the most.

So I just want it outta the way.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
If a girl I like smiles at me, that's a good thing right?
I can't tell whether she's laughing at me or she likes me. Today, she was really smiling at me. Or maybe there was someone behind me.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
If a girl I like smiles at me, that's a good thing right?
I can't tell whether she's laughing at me or she likes me. Today, she was really smiling at me. Or maybe there was someone behind me.
Yes. Now go talk to her.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
If a girl I like smiles at me, that's a good thing right?
I can't tell whether she's laughing at me or she likes me. Today, she was really smiling at me. Or maybe there was someone behind me.
I don't know lol, girls tend to smile a lot in general I think. But yeah just talk to her. At least talk to her. I mean, even I can talk to a girl I like. I may find it impossible to ask her out or tell her I like her or whatever, but I can at least make conversation with them and get to know them a little bit better. If I can do it I'm sure you can too.


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2008
A house? With a Wii in it
Er, are you joking? Tell them after you guys start making out...Because it could go further, right? o_o...But yeah, I have a mild prude. 6 months into our relationship, and we're only STARTING to kiss. And it's pecks, too...But I'm satisfied, she's satisfied, and the relationship is great. If only we kissed at the beginning of the day too, instead of just the end...And there is my story.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
Er, are you joking? Tell them after you guys start making out...Because it could go further, right? o_o...But yeah, I have a mild prude. 6 months into our relationship, and we're only STARTING to kiss. And it's pecks, too...But I'm satisfied, she's satisfied, and the relationship is great. If only we kissed at the beginning of the day too, instead of just the end...And there is my story.
Well, everyone has a pace that they're comfortable with. Don't rush things if you aren't read or if she isn't ready. Only starting to kiss after 6 months might seem odd, but as long as you guys are happy with your relationship.

And to the guy who asked about AIDS, yeah you should tell them pretty early on.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2007
Fayetteville, GA
not to knock you or anything but, you seem to be a christian correct?
The conclusion you have drawn is correct.

you know a bit about Jesus, yet you wanted to kill yourself?
Pain is pain, and a part of human nature. Naturally, we don't want to deal with pain, and one of the permanant cures is death. Jesus is the other cure, but sadly, He wasn't on my mind at the time.

if you would have, you would have gone straight to hell you know that right?
Not entirely true. When you get saved, you get saved for good. If you profess it with your mouth and mean it in your heart, Jesus washes your sin away forever. At least, that's what John 3:16 says to me. Now, mind you, this is no excuse to do all the horrible things in the world...

i wouldnt even kill myself for my girl. and im 100% sure i love her as much as you love yours, if not more.
I wouldn't kill myself for her; that's counter-productive. Dying for someone is different than killing yourself. I would gladly jump in the path of a blade or bullet to save her. Jesus took three nails, countless lashes with a cat 'o' nine tails, and all the sin of the world upon Himself. He did it for everyone; I can take a beating for at least one person.

just saying, no one is worth suffering eternally for. no one.
No, Hell is not a pretty place to spend eternity.

Also, passing AIDS is a no-no...


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
I wouldn't kill myself for her; that's counter-productive. Dying for someone is different than killing yourself. I would gladly jump in the path of a blade or bullet to save her. Jesus took three nails, countless lashes with a cat 'o' nine tails, and all the sin of the world upon Himself. He did it for everyone; I can take a beating for at least one person.
If i was about to be stabbed or shot at I would gladly grab my "true love" and have her bite the bullet.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
I think I need to chill out, relax and get my mind off it for awhile. I'd love to ask her out but ain't got the chance to do it. I don't got any classes with her this year.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
I think I need to chill out, relax and get my mind off it for awhile. I'd love to ask her out but ain't got the chance to do it. I don't got any classes with her this year.
Girls don't like *******, unless they are gay, they like MEN. Now grow a pair and ask her out.
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