im gunna need some green after this...................
So here's my story about a love triangle that I never realized I was in:
The story starts in grade 7 (im in G12 now, you do the math to find how long ago this was) i just got transfered to this ghetto school after growing up in a over-achieving school. Totally didn't fit in, but I had one friend that went to the school with me (person X), he also was in the same prediciment as me so we become tight. By the end of the year we only talked to each-other at school because to him everyone else is weird, so I just agreed, but i was always tempted to meet new people. That was some backround info now heres were things start to shift:
so grade 8 is starting and Im not in X's class anymore so im "forced" to meet other people, who actually ended up being the best friends iv ever had. All we did was shoot hoops, talk trash, and have fun. But in the mist of all this, X was making his new set of friends but didn't create any long lasting bonds. However after like 3-4 months we meet up at some pakistani party and we start to chill. Then talks about this girl he might want to ask out. I ask him her name and says it's Natasha. The next day I get sent to homework club because of a model UN project I forgot to prepare. A girl and one of my friends is there, he asks to go to the washroom and never comes back >_>. So it's just me some girl and my teacher in the compter lab, me teacher reads out my report and she starts to laugh by the "comic relief" I put into it. She moves beside me because her computer was "acting up". We start talking about random stuff and keep lolin while doing our projects. She finishes hers a half hour before me and then is asked to leave so she doesn't distract me from my work. But then she volunteers to shut down EVERY computer in the lab and tuck/stack all the chairs up to. So im thinking that this is weird, I wonder why she want's to do so much work. By the time I finish she's done, we talk on our way to our lockers and realize it's raining outside. So we move on outside when she starts talking about how she dumped her old BF a week ago cause he was cheating on her. Then asks me who I like in our school............. I just switched the topic there, anyways later her dad comes to pick her up and she asks if I can get a ride also, so I do. In the car her brother and father ask me of my career options/marks/crap. When I leave I shake hands with her and finally introduce myself as Ayaz, her reply is her name, Natasha. Right then I hit me that she was X's girl.
For the remainder of the G-8 school year I recieved notes or weird conversations with girls I don't normally chill with, about how we were "destiny"??? I know it's weird. X however started to here that Natasha liked me, and became offended. He came to my house and made a sort of threat to stay away from "his" girl. I never wanted to be with her initially, and I told him over and over but he wouldn't understand. Even when I tried to be down-right rude or ignore her she would still follow and try to be involved with me. Last day of school now (after about the entire school year of her rejecting everybody who asked her out, especially X) and we walk back home together..........but X follows. On the way we all shy away from the issue of Natasha liking me, me trying to keep X as a close friend, and X trying to get Natasha. That walk felt like a million years though, I really couldn't believe it. At the end of the road she said nothing but a goodbye and turned and went her way home. X basically called me an a*s for not letting him have her. I told him that it doesn't matter because she likes ME, the person who I am, I ended by saying that if you had all the time in the world to chase her down he still wouldn't be able to get her because she just didn't like him.
Now were all in the same high school and don't talk to each-other (well X is still trying to get Natasha) ever time I see Natasha in any sport activity or after school session things kind of start up but we both know that I won't have the guts to ask her out.
thats what it is, In the end I lost the girl I actually connected with and one of my best friends in the process. Just so everyone knows this girl isn't desperate, she can get any man if she wants (yeah that good). I often ponder if I was intimidated by her own beauty, at that time (and still do) I thought no girl would want to go out with Ayaz.
lotsa details coulda been in here but i tend to stay brief. I can still tell she likes me
Is it too late?