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Being In Love/Advice


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2008
Yup, I really only play games to get away from the pressure and tension of school and stuff. Love is... you can't really explain it. You just get this weird feeling where you want to be around that person 24/7, even to the point of mispelling words to make it closer to their name.

Yeah, a girl turned me down, and even then, 2 years have passed, and then I still liked her. If thats not crazy, I don't know what is.

Maybe I should just stop thinking about this >_>


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
^Don't just stop thinking about things. If things are unresolved they will stay that way until you resolve them. Things don't just dissolve and go away. I'm dealing right now with leftover feelings from a past relationship with a girl that I really did love. I never had time to mourn for it...it was just so complicated.

So please, take time to resolve it. It's necessary


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
Yup, I really only play games to get away from the pressure and tension of school and stuff. Love is... you can't really explain it. You just get this weird feeling where you want to be around that person 24/7, even to the point of mispelling words to make it closer to their name.

Maybe I should just stop thinking about this >_>
Whoa, I have almost the exact same problem.

M15t3R E

Smash Master
Sep 15, 2008
Hangin' with Thor
I used to have no idea how to speak to girls. I have learned through experience.

Don't feel nervous around girls. They are likely as nervous as you might be. So show confidence. Throw in some casual jokes to fit the situation and smile a lot. Making small talk is fine, and be a gentleman. Compliment them on their hair if it is pretty. Maybe most importantly, show the girl that you are listening intently to her as she's speaking. They will LOVE you for that.
When you have to leave their side, don't forget to say something along the lines of "great seeing ya, catch ya later!".


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2008
Whoa, I have almost the exact same problem.
Ino! And the stupid stereotypical video games = nerds thing is really annoying. People make fun of you for so many stupid things, that they don't know what it's like being you.
Don't you hate those cliched responses like "UR MOM!"? So many ppl say em.

And what if the girl doesn't wanna listen? Or if they just want to ignore you? Or if they liked you but you did so many stupid things on accident that they just stopped? I'm like in every single problem you could think of!

Everyone tells me do something better in life, but what? I'm just some random kid :p


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
I find that if I think of a woman as my opponent, and my goal is to read what she is thinking by how she is moving and what she is saying, and then to win I just have say something not dumb, I do a lot better XD

Keeps my head in the game ya know lol.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
Yeah, I hate people being called nerds. I might qualify as one cuz I'm smart (and I mean really really smart) and I sorta like videogames, but I'm really goofy and a lot of people laugh at me. I just don't think you can group people like that.

I just want a chance to get to tell her I... whoa whoa, not gonna use the L word, like her. I think she'll listen to me, but what do I know? I honestly could care less if she likes me or not. I just want it outta the way.

Yeah, right.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Shut up, nerd.

Seriously, just TELL HER. Stop overthinking it and trying to make it into some sort of grand romantic gesture. Next time you see her, no matter when or where, just say, "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" It's as simple as that.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2008
Shut up, nerd.

Seriously, just TELL HER. Stop overthinking it and trying to make it into some sort of grand romantic gesture. Next time you see her, no matter when or where, just say, "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" It's as simple as that.
Was the nerd at the beginning a joke?

Boy: Hey can I see you for a sec?
Girl: Yeah, sure.
Boy: I loooovee you.
Girl: Ermmm... Okay....


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
Yeah, srsly, it's not that easy. I'm like a really slow paced person(note:NOT LAZY) and I can't bring myself into telling her. But I am sure I will tell her before April when I move.

Nerd? You hurt my feelings! I'm gonna go cry in my bed now! Really, I can't get along with most “nerds”

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Sir, it is that easy. You said yourself that you want to tell her before you move, so how exactly will you do so?

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT


Smash Ace
Nov 8, 2005
Vallejo, California
Just do it. I mean, you're moving away - You don't have anything yo lose.

Just tell her. If she reacts poorly, it's okay. It'll be a lot worse if you don't ever do it.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I find it amazing that this thread continues. Kudos, men. Kudos.

I hate the language of women. Hearing "I'm not looking for a relationship, I'm looking for support" pretty much means, "You're not good looking enough, sorry." So shortly after my horrible incident with a cruel backstabbing *****, I'm rejected by a SANE woman shortly after. Ogawd. Lawld.

Lol 10fails

EDIT LOLE Lol 10 more fails for just realizing what I wrote. Sorry guys, I'm going through withdrawls, just quit an addiction. >.>


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
You have no idea. I'm currently so screwed up in the head that even my friends are backing away from me. >.> I've gone temporarily insane from the stress of life. I think I'll just...yeah...edit that.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
Bloo, listen here: Tell her a good while before you move. Don't tell her the day before you move or just a little before then. I did that for a girl at a camp I went to. I told her on one of the last days of camp and it turned out she liked me back. Not too long after I told her she said "Why didn't you say anything earlier?" We only had a few days together, and then we had a huge problem being able to see one another. The relationship sort of crashed and burned (she's a good friend now, though), but I would have loved to have been able to let her know beforehand how I felt.

So don't blow it like that. And if the girl makes fun of you, who cares? It'll be rough, but if a girl is a jerk like that who would like her anyway?

Seriously, if she starts acting like a jerk you can simply say, "Wow, the way you're acting suddenly made my recovery process a whole lot easier. Thanks!" with overflowing sarcasm and all. Not that I recommend returning wrong with wrong, I just hate it when girls act immature like that. They're supposed to be more mature than guys, but I don't know sometimes <.<;;

But in all honesty, say something to that effect if she acts like a jerk. Not in the sarcastic way I listed it, but just say "Hey, I honestly was just interested. I came out here, swallowed my pride, and showed that I had some interest. If you're going to be that sort of judgmental superficial girl that I never thought you'd be at first--then I was a fool for having interest to begin with. Next time think before you make a calloused remark like you did, because you're fooling no one. We're all equals and you're above no one--not even a 'nerd' like me. Got that?"

I know it sounds a bit harsh, but sometimes those superficial stuck-up girls need a verbal slap in the face. I really detest the way they act sometimes. It's so messed up.

But keep positive. And try to feel out the situation first. Even if you don't really talk to her ever, if she's looking at you a lot, she probably likes you. Same thing happened with me and that girl at my camp. Our eyes would meet across the lunchroom constantly. I thought she thought I was a creep and she thought I was thinking the same of her. So that type of thing does happen. Gauge her response and if you want specific information about whether or not you think this girl likes you, give us some information and we'll tell you what we think--for better or worse.

Just remember that no girl who's ready to judge you is ever worth it. I'd never want to marry a soulless girl like that--so why waste your time dating one?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2008
What if you like a girl, still, after she said no?
Then what?
Like for some strange reason, she won't get out of your mind.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
^Is this situation actually going on? That would help me because I could get some specifics instead of doing guesswork.

But if that does happen sometimes you just have to move on. I hate saying that because I know how hard it is to hear that, but sometimes that just has to happen. I know I never listen to anyone when they say that to me, but I still have to offer the same advice. If you really think there should be a future between you two, then just see how it plays out. She may change her mind, but she may not.

What I'd say is just let things take their course and don't harp over this one girl forever. There was one girl that I liked for such a long time and never said anything to until like 8th grade or something. She ended up being a HUGE jerk to me, but that's besides the point.

The point is, I eventually got over it and moved on. Likewise I've had terrible break ups and still liked the girl for months to come. But things changed and life went on.

One relationship I had a while ago ended sourly and I haven't legitimately liked a girl in about two years or something. But I'm sure someone will come my way. As I've said before I'm considering the possibility of another girl I've been getting to know recently.

Honestly man, what you're going through is a personal journey. All I can say is that it does get better whether or not this girl changes her mind. Don't obsess and don't let yourself go crazy over one girl that doesn't like you and you'll end up finding someone who does. All I can say is that you'll get through it. And if things are still tough and you want to get off of your chest exactly how you feel, I'm sure no one here minds. It might help us advise you better. But I can understand if you don't feel comfortable with that. And feel free to PM me anytime if you need it. I know that sounds awkward, but I know it can be rough going through these types of things. I wouldn't have been able to push through the hard times if I didn't have people there for me when they came, so I understand if you need someone to talk to.

Anyway, I'm going to stop looking like a sketchball with all of these invitations for personal conversation. I'm probably the only person I know who doesn't have a problem with sharing his life story or emotional problems with complete strangers, so I forget that some people do have a problem with that sometimes.

hugQ Cortex

Jun 20, 2006
El Monte, California
Ok, this cute girl at work likes to call me 'hugolicious' (Hugo + delicious) and I just find that adjective extremely inviting...she is freakin gorgeous and I've been wanting to ask her out...

...Green light? :D


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2008
Yeah, it's going on... still... 2 years... 2 painful years... lol

Anyways, it's going away, and coming back over and over again.

Bloooooo, tell her sooner.
Or tell someone really talkative, and then that person will tell her. Then again everyone else will know but.... yeah.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
Whoa, huge wall of text. I'll try to tell her before feb.
Challenge: Tell her before the new year. Do it.

Or at least start talking to this girl and work on your friendship and tell her later than the new year. As long as you're doing something to forward it. Remember you -can- just start out as friends. It is a possibility--and a really good alternative than just saying "I like you" to a random person.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
Friendship with a girl?

Srsly, can't even imagine it. All my friends have nothing to do with girls except one and he's sort of a nerd. We're all stuck in the fourth grade.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
Friendship with a girl?

Srsly, can't even imagine it. All my friends have nothing to do with girls except one and he's sort of a nerd. We're all stuck in the fourth grade.
What the heck? Haha. I think most of my friends are girls. Well, at the very least, most of my closer friends are probably girls.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2008

The boys in my class always made fun of me bc I like a girl.
The girls in my class, I always mess up whenever I talk to them.

Although I hang out with both, something bad always happens either way -.-
Like... If I mock a boy bc he likes a girl (VENGEANCE!) I might accidently say the name of the girl I like >_>
Orr... If I talk to the girl I like, i usually say something stupid.

Ya know,
Love is a pest >_<


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
Meh, love is a pest.

I feel like I go through different cycles you know? Like, I'll start out not liking anyone in particular, and I'll be fine with it. Then there will be a girl that I think about increasingly more as time goes on. I might not like her yet, but I feel like it's inevitable. Then the more I think about this girl, the more I actually do like her, and it's sort of like a self fulfilling prophecy (because I realize that I'm going to end up liking her, and I think about her even more because of what I believe). Then I full out like her, but can't get myself to ask her out or anything. Then everything becomes painful until I get over her, and the process repeats.

I'm still at that stage where I think I'm going to like a certain girl. I'm not 100% sure yet, but I definitely am thinking about her quite often nowadays.

And the fact that my roommates said that we'd make a cute couple just makes me think about what could happen between us even more.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2008
lol Cute couple? Thats what they always say unless you guys just plain out hate each other. Which is obviously untrue.

And I'm just some kid. This is all really weird, considering both the times I liked a girl, it went down.
Also, a girl in my class got turned down too! So now she's showing me a bunch of love quotes either to try to get me to like the girl I liked before, or to just annoy me.

Btw, have you ever just wrote a bunch of random words and they all had some relation to a girl?


Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2008
"Love is a bird that can be tamed,
and though we are its fickle flame
we are not the ones to blame."



Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2008

"If someone is stuck in your head, then maybe they are supposed to be there."


Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2008
What if you like a girl, still, after she said no?
Then what?
Like for some strange reason, she won't get out of your mind.
You actually have to take some time and work it out in your head that you can't be on her about it because that benefits nobody (she'll just be less into you and you'll just be more irritated at your failure). Time heals all wounds, my friend.

"Once you realize that there might be more fish in the sea than can ever come out of it, well then, then you might just be OK." ~Harry Harrison? One King's Way


"If someone is stuck in your head, then maybe they are supposed to be there."
Its a bad idea to think that anyone is supposed to do anything because of a thought in your head.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2008
You actually have to take some time and work it out in your head that you can't be on her about it because that benefits nobody (she'll just be less into you and you'll just be more irritated at your failure). Time heals all wounds, my friend.
Time is money, and money is the root of all evil lol.


She's starting to get out of my head, but now it's like I feel all droopy and gloomed.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
im gunna need some green after this...................

So here's my story about a love triangle that I never realized I was in:

The story starts in grade 7 (im in G12 now, you do the math to find how long ago this was) i just got transfered to this ghetto school after growing up in a over-achieving school. Totally didn't fit in, but I had one friend that went to the school with me (person X), he also was in the same prediciment as me so we become tight. By the end of the year we only talked to each-other at school because to him everyone else is weird, so I just agreed, but i was always tempted to meet new people. That was some backround info now heres were things start to shift:

so grade 8 is starting and Im not in X's class anymore so im "forced" to meet other people, who actually ended up being the best friends iv ever had. All we did was shoot hoops, talk trash, and have fun. But in the mist of all this, X was making his new set of friends but didn't create any long lasting bonds. However after like 3-4 months we meet up at some pakistani party and we start to chill. Then talks about this girl he might want to ask out. I ask him her name and says it's Natasha. The next day I get sent to homework club because of a model UN project I forgot to prepare. A girl and one of my friends is there, he asks to go to the washroom and never comes back >_>. So it's just me some girl and my teacher in the compter lab, me teacher reads out my report and she starts to laugh by the "comic relief" I put into it. She moves beside me because her computer was "acting up". We start talking about random stuff and keep lolin while doing our projects. She finishes hers a half hour before me and then is asked to leave so she doesn't distract me from my work. But then she volunteers to shut down EVERY computer in the lab and tuck/stack all the chairs up to. So im thinking that this is weird, I wonder why she want's to do so much work. By the time I finish she's done, we talk on our way to our lockers and realize it's raining outside. So we move on outside when she starts talking about how she dumped her old BF a week ago cause he was cheating on her. Then asks me who I like in our school............. I just switched the topic there, anyways later her dad comes to pick her up and she asks if I can get a ride also, so I do. In the car her brother and father ask me of my career options/marks/crap. When I leave I shake hands with her and finally introduce myself as Ayaz, her reply is her name, Natasha. Right then I hit me that she was X's girl.

For the remainder of the G-8 school year I recieved notes or weird conversations with girls I don't normally chill with, about how we were "destiny"??? I know it's weird. X however started to here that Natasha liked me, and became offended. He came to my house and made a sort of threat to stay away from "his" girl. I never wanted to be with her initially, and I told him over and over but he wouldn't understand. Even when I tried to be down-right rude or ignore her she would still follow and try to be involved with me. Last day of school now (after about the entire school year of her rejecting everybody who asked her out, especially X) and we walk back home together..........but X follows. On the way we all shy away from the issue of Natasha liking me, me trying to keep X as a close friend, and X trying to get Natasha. That walk felt like a million years though, I really couldn't believe it. At the end of the road she said nothing but a goodbye and turned and went her way home. X basically called me an a*s for not letting him have her. I told him that it doesn't matter because she likes ME, the person who I am, I ended by saying that if you had all the time in the world to chase her down he still wouldn't be able to get her because she just didn't like him.

Now were all in the same high school and don't talk to each-other (well X is still trying to get Natasha) ever time I see Natasha in any sport activity or after school session things kind of start up but we both know that I won't have the guts to ask her out.

thats what it is, In the end I lost the girl I actually connected with and one of my best friends in the process. Just so everyone knows this girl isn't desperate, she can get any man if she wants (yeah that good). I often ponder if I was intimidated by her own beauty, at that time (and still do) I thought no girl would want to go out with Ayaz.

lotsa details coulda been in here but i tend to stay brief. I can still tell she likes me

Is it too late?


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.

Also, JonaDiaper my compliments on making this thread. Not only is it a subject serious enough for people to not spam the topic, but you've stirred up a good bit of SWF with it as well.

Agreed. I really enjoy this thread.

Side note: @ TechnoMonster, which Kamelot song did that come from? Assuming that it is in fact the band Kamelot and not something else...
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