Back at work now, probably should have taken today off so I could party last night.
Happy with my Melee performance, not so much with PM. Didn't get to put as much time into helping out with the tournament due to other commitments (and I made a couple mistakes), hope it was enough. Will step up soon.
Quick shoutouts that hopefully cover everything from Thursday through Sunday.
NeoTurtle @
Hardpelicn Attila_@
joeyjoeyjoejoe and all the other TOs/stream managers. You guys do the hard yards in keeping things running smoothly, I don't know how you keep up the energy to manage so many people over such a long period. Insane.
good times man, anytime you wanna hang out, I'm keen.
CubT @
FinXx @
Russ The Love Muss
Star ☆ I lost all my money matches thanks to you guys. Thanks for teaching me I hate money matches. I will still play for bananas in DK dittos though.
thanks for PM doubles, you did well for your first time in it. Stick with it, it's really fun.
Dekar289 for actually up to watch, despite not competing. Good to see you.
Sady for Melee doubles and hanging out again. Pity you couldn't make it Sunday. Every time we team I think we work better together. We'll get there. Also sorry I had to vs you in our Melee bracket
Juci thanks for the ride to Friday night dinner from Project Melbourne. I owe you one. Check out Bartronica sometime., you'll get a kick out of it.
Local commentators including @
Skeletom @
Bu$ SD @
smopup and anyone else I didn't catch on the setup. Amazing job. I've watched a bit of the VODs and you guys did amazing work.
Thanks to all my opponents, everyone was really friendly and gracious in victory or defeat. If you wanna play again, let me know.
Moxie2D cool posters and shirts man, definitely gonna put mine up at home. Looking forward to seeing more work from you.
Spud - for being a breath of fresh air into Melee. I feel like you've made things very interesting as a driving force in the competitive aspect of the game. In just a few hours you've inspired people and shown them what people can be capable of if they put their mind to it. Looking forward to see you in future tournaments.
All the internationals for coming over and the people who looked after them. Unfortunately I didn't get to talk to some of them a whole lot, but everyone was super approachable and friendly. Shoutouts especially to Wife, Hugs, S2J and Lucky for being awesome people. Hope you all had a good time.
And lastly but not leastly, @
for not only helping bring the internationals over, housing some of them and sorting out all the merchandise, but for hyping up the tournament to non-Australian Smash fans and tirelessly working to keep things running. You're definitely not the only person driving the Australian community, but in my year of playing you've been carrying the torch and really helping the scene a bunch. It wouldn't be where it is today without you.
Anyone else that I forgot. Sorry.