BAM7 is over but I think I invested so much into it, it just doesn't feel real at this point. It kinda feels like it didn't even happen or it wasn't the real thing.
I'm sitting here figuring out how to do shout outs and where to start but I don't even know how outside of just saying thanks to everyone. Every single shout out is looking like "dude I love you thanks for everything you rock" so I'm struggling to figure out how to make each shout out matter for each person. I could copy paste the same message again "dude I love you thanks for everything you rock" to the end of every shout out here, but instead I feel like just letting you know why you rocked and then you can pretend you have the same "dude I love you thanks for everything you rock" pasted to the end of your message.
First thing I do want to do though is apologies to a good chunk of the donators who paid for a team mate, especially the ones for Project M seeing as literally none of them kept their stuff together to attend and make it happen. I was and am still quite frustrated with this and it's something that really shouldn't have happened. I take the blame for this myself so please direct your frustration and complaints to me in regards to this.
You are quite literally the guy that made BAM7 happen behind the curtains. I may have gotten some thanks or recognition because I did the big posts or donation drive or social media bits, but that's kinda all I really did. I didn't sort venues, I didn't sort logistics, I didn't sort anything with the stream, I just made people go places and do stuff. You did all the other bits, the bits that no one else wanted to do but needed to be done or else nothing would happen. I feel like by far you were the single most important person this entire weekend if not month to make everything happen.
I felt like you are the guy that keeps things together for me when it doesn't go to plan. Stream issues? You got them backup things going. I got no setups? You come over at the drop of a hat. What else did you not save the day with for me? You bring the gear and we just play the games, there would be no "video" in "video games" this weekend without you.
While my big ideas went quite to plan, it sucks that yours fell short in places outside of your control. You did what you could and just had to pick up the pieces and you did an amazing job with it. Not just Armada but the last minute realization that project melbourne didn't have setups planned properly or such were all fixed by you. You dealt with the pressure better than Joey by the sounds of it so hats off to you for the whole weekend.
Rest of Melbourne Melee-
You guys doing commentary and helping with the bracket and everything else made the weekend possible. I could list each of you one by one but I felt like I only had a few minutes of interaction with each of you at most this whole weekend unless I'm forgetting stuff, but I know you did more than a few hours of effort each to make things work as smoothly as they did.
You showed up and watched americans play video games with the rest of us which is sick, you made the effort to come dispite other issues which is really cool. I wish things could have gone better but hey what's done is done and I just hope you enjoyed yourself enough to not leave us quite yet haha.
I told you that people appreciate your work more than you thought. Your art is really that, it's art, not just drawings or not just some merchandise. It's a thing of marvel and your sheer talent at it is something that I can guarantee most of us are jealous of. Thanks for putting up with my harassment in order to get things sorted in time for BAM7, we pulled through and now it's time for me to help you make a real living off this.
You stepped up dude. You may not have forced johnny off of freindlies or dqed people at the drop of a hat like me, but you ran the brackets like a real pro which I can say no one else does bar our super seasoned guys here. I would have drowned without you helping out during saturday especially.
The fact that I heard less complaints about smash 4 TOing than melee TOing means that you must have a done a good job or I sucked hard, and I like to think I'm pretty good therefore you are amazing. When you work in a department that is purely complaints, you learn that no feedback is pretty much as good as no feedback, and the fact that I have heard not a single complaint about smash 4 at all means that you've done a good job in every single way. Smash 4 would have been ruins without you easily.
It doesn't feel right to stick you in the OOS section but you're also not VIC but you're here either way. If you didn't consider yourself VIC (not counting crews) yet then you really should by now, you're one of us despite needing a passport to get to monthlies since you live so far away still. You helped out crazy amounts this weekend too with the event which is definately known and appreciated. Your commentary is known internationally as well now and so is your skill. Hopefully you loved the week/weekend despite many salty moments.
Daniel aka Samuel L Blaxxon-
You saved pools from going to hell once I had to play my own pools. I just couldn't continue after that without a break and you came in without protest. Jared helped out too but we all know which melbourne uni kid did all the real work lol. Should have stuck you in Oli's or Azri's pool thought for sure.
I like it how post BAM7 I get the message "Thanks for letting me host my first tournament" when I thought you had been doing this stuff before in some capacity you performed that well. Nice work really rallying the 64 guys together to make something actually happen. I'm sorry that the blame was placed on you boys for the power outage (and you later proved it wasn't you boys and instead it was some hard drive that blew up too) but you guys handled it like champs and moved in an instant without protest. Don't feel bad about a late tournament when it was largely due to factors outside of your control, just feel good that you made 64 happen where many have failed before.
I feel like you put up with me/the internationals the most. Quite literally the ultimate middle man who kept stuff together despite the hurdles caused by me or others. $10,000 may have got the guys on a plane here but you managed to get them from the plane to everything else. I appreciate all the effort immensely man.
Rest of VIC-
There's heaps of VIC people that did good stuff inside and outside of the game (jared, billy, hobs, plenty more I can't think of right now) and don't think I haven't thought of you even if I didn't write your name. There's just too much to list and there's no point in me pasting the entire list of VIC regulars and writing thanks next to every single one lol.
You rocked our socks. Our direct interaction this week/weekend was minimal but don't let that fool you into thinking I didn't pay attention to you. Please crush us again because you're the only person I want to beat now. Since that's a big road ahead for me I'll definately have to hit the lab again and work hard, so really you're one of the few factors that make me want to practice to win again rather than just TO/Write my life away with smash.
While Ted may have been MIA I love it that you guys had a super strong showing regardless. I barely spent any time with any of you, but the time I did spend with you guys rocked. You guys feel the most homie out of any state for me except my own. If I could pick any state to spend time with outside of VIC it would easily be you guys hands down.
Sadboys prophecy came true with Oli losing to corpse and Kaiza losing to technology. SA nick should have been most improved IMO. That may be because we didn't know spud until 2 days ago so it's hard to gauge improvement there but still I wouldn't change my vote. Either way you guys are neat and just need to keep playing. I love that you guys jumped on the shirt bandwagon too, I was tempted to buy a sadboys shirt but my wallet said no after everything else I spent money on this week.
I knew I would lose to Gerard but challenged him to a MM anyway on thursday and took one for the team since I knew you guys would love it. A small price to pay to make you guys happy (and everyone knows I lose all MM's now) but it was definitely worth it. You guys all play the funnest style ever and you totally need someone there to play like a mega loser so you can learn to play against mega losers in bracket and spup can win majors. He is our hope and savoir so someone there pls pick up peach and puff with the sole idea of timing you guys out so you can learn to deal with bad people.
Perth- You're not WA, you're perth lol. I love and hate you guys at the same time. I love it that you guys get hype over your own crew and all watch each other but I also hate it. I love that you guys take all games so seriously and again also hate it. You guys are all great but I dunno I just don't feel a social connection, more like a respect and rivalry that you've earned through sheer dedication. You guys all seem to share this passion which is why I group you all up where as the rest of the states all have varying levels of dedication. Please don't change, we all need motivation to stay good outside of just beating Spud.
TAS- I had little to no interaction outside of Ethan who helped immensely on Friday night which was the bomb. Don't take the results the wrong way and give up, please keep working hard to become amazing so you can crush people out of nowhere please.
NZ- Outside of spud I had little interaction with you guys, but that probably because you all just took it easy and caused no problems so I didn't deal with you lol. I'm marring a kiwi so if anyone loves NZ here it should be me (or at least thats what I tell her hey lol)
Wife- You single handedly made every single late night, stressful moment and last minute crisis worth it for me. I had an absolute blast during your time in VIC and would not change a thing. I will definitely visit you in your hometown one day just to see you again, right now it's just a matter of when. I think I will have you come again next year and just somehow forget to book flights home for you.
That yung Chillin lol. You're such a homie and it's exactly like we said. We thought you would be lame because you're EC but nah man you rocked. I'm sorry we chanted for you to get 4 stocked but really it's johnny and it's falcon how can we not (we chanted for 4 stocks every time we could lol) I hope you get those yung subs back with your yung leffen poster destruction stream.
Tuesday crew-
Less drink more game. You guys went hard and it was so cool. You guys suck for missing PM teams but it's so hard to hate you guys since you're all so damn cool. You boys better do a get Alex19's credit card debt paid stream cause he dropped them flights. Good showing by all of you can't wait for the official Tuesday track by Chillin ft yung j-kim.
Last but not least Leffen. You played out of your mind and even Mango himself said it. I don't know exactly how you feel about your performance but you should be happy that your performance went up rather than down. Just keep going that way and before you know it you really will have your own American major, I believe. You're all business which may make some people not like you but I have so much respect for that I don't have words for it. Please don't stop playing and please beat everyone.
You guys rocked, you let your wallets talk and your sacrifice made the whole event amazing for everyone. From the little $5 to the big $1000's you guys did it yourselves, not me. BAM7 would just be a standard melbourne major without you guys making it into the historical event that it was.
Thank you all so much for just coming, even if you just spectated. The atmosphere in the tournament and in the crowd was just mindblowing. I hope all of you enjoyed everything enough to come back next year if not before that.
Misc CW-
I dunno who from CW would read this but if any of you do you all know that BAM7 would have been nothing without you. Smash brought numbers but you guys brought the back breaking pain and and dedication needed to make this event happen even if you don't play smash.
There's probably people deserving of specific shout outs that I've forgotten, and I might have to make a second post because of this, but for now this will have to do as it's becoming a thesis.
Maybe stay tuned for part 2, whether that means just a second shout out post or BAM8 itself is up to your own guess or interpretation