I think a lot of the consistent down-talk towards certain characters should be brought up briefly and then dropped. I'm tired of reading "this character sucks and can't get better" over and over again. Why? Because this mod just came out, and because people are taking these characters that suck so bad apparently, and ****** with them. AA has said plenty of people are doing fine with Ganon, and I believe him. I've been playing around with him a loooot in the large amount of friendlies (ahem, offline friendlies, to all the people talking crap that barely play offline), and he is not that bad. It feels like it sometimes. But I've had 96% on a stock compared to my opponent's 0%, and proceeded within a few seconds to rally him up to an equal amount of damage and kill him. Ganon has to land like, 3-4 hits before hitting you with a very strong move and you're dead. And he can hit you. No one is completely unable to be hit in Brawl. Getting punished for hitting shields, getting camped, whatever, it doesn't matter. Because Brawl is a game where it's perfectly possible to constantly dodge and punish. Bait and punish. Play safe. Change it up. There isn't some consistent formula that's going to determine a match every time.
I will, however, say that Samus can **** pretty hard against heavyweight characters with poor range >_> I'm sure her matchups against them have always been pretty good.
Anyways, I think BBrawl's doing fine, and I think this current build is great. I really hope it starts popping up more in smash scenes across the globe, and tournaments start popping up. I'd love to play in a BBrawl tournament. I'd love the increased variety. BBrawl adds so much depth to the game. Before tourneys were mostly about being able to play certain matchups well (ie: against all the high tier characters), or being able to develop unbeatable strategies for your top tier character (the same two characters who win every tournament). Now you have to learn many more matchups against characters you'd never expect to see in a tournament, and be prepared to fight in new stages as well.
I still don't think I've played enough to provide much valuable feedback, however. I'm sure I've played more than most of the people in this thread (I've easily logged over 20 hours of offline friendlies in 1.0 already), but I don't consider that enough time to give a more accurate judgment of certain characters and matchups, especially with how developed vBrawl is. BBrawl should similarly have a ton of new metagame to discover, especially across a lot of characters who weren't that heavily focused on before. I haven't, however, come across any unbeatable matchups, and have never felt a matchup was highly in my opponent's favor. If a match goes really bad, it's probably because I'm trying new characters and am not very good with them at all yet.
So I say bravo. I don't think there are going to be too many major changes come 6 months when we're looking at a new release of BBrawl.