There was this one girl who stole stuff from the girls locker room. If someone didn't confess, then the girls would have to do pacer for the rest of the semester until someone confessed. Luckily, the thief was caught when before class even started.
One kid was walking outside the school to the locker room. He opened a door that he thought was the boys locker room. He was wrong.
My science teacher in seventh grade, who was paraplegic, tripped and couldn't get up. People laughed, so when she got up, she yelled at the class.
This same science teacher was talking about how easy an assignment was. She said it was like a walk in the park. Then, this one kid said, "Well a walk in the park isn't easy for you because you're paraplegic!". Everyone laughed, and the kid got sent to ISS.
One kid tripped another kid in the hallway. Then, the tripper's friend came and farted right in the guy's nose, I mean the guy who got tripped. Everyone was laughing, but then the dean came in and the entire hall was dead silent.
These two girls got into a fight and got in a lot of trouble. Then, later on in the day, the principal gave the school a lecture about it over the intercom. It was about how we didn't come to this school to party. It really got to me.
This one kid made a negative ion charger and kept shocking kids in school. He shocked me, but it didn't hurt that much, mainly because I was wearing a sweatshirt, but anyway, some kids squealed on him and he got in trouble.
One kid pushed a guy into the girls bathroom.
This same kid stole the laser pointer/remote for the projector, but then someone squealed on him and he got sent to ISS.
This one kid tried to get a group of kids to beat me up after school. He failed.