Holy crap, so many people.
DSF- Grats on 1st, even if you did trick Tim into playing Wario against Snake. Still, you're too cool.
Forward- How the hell did you get second? Come to Colorado's tournament.
DookDigity- Pretty cool guy. Didn't even meet you until the last 10 minutes, though. Come to Colorado.
Timotee- Suuuuuucks. Nah, good job on getting so far. First place next time, and I won't sandbag. Sonic v Wario for the finals, lololol.
Kashakunaki- You really have improved. I didn't get to fight you at all in singles, but from what everyone else is saying and your placing, I'm almost hesitant about MMing you.
AlphaBravo- Good times. Nice seeing you again. Start counter-picking Sinz. He shouldn't be winning against you guys.
Sethlon- It was a HUGE treat playing you. Those first couple matches were really embarrassing. I definitely need more Falco experience. I'd ditto Mr.3k, but I think everyone would die of boredom aside from him and me. Sonic dittos are like Kirby SSBM dittos. XD
Light- I don't know why you stick with Peach, mangz. She sucks. Still, grats on the placing, you campy ****.
Slick- Ness for MK counter? Izzy for AZ trashtalk counter? Stay tuned!
GlodenGlove- Nice DK. Keep practicing, mangz.
Ka- Stop being so predictable. No one should get lightning kicked that many times in a row.
Nah, I'm kidding, I love ya. Come to Colorado in August, Tim and I want our teams rematch.
Demised- You're the guy that played Ganon, non? Good stuff, very cool guy.
t0mmy- Imma take your ROB out with Sonic. Just wait.
Seriously, though, that match-up is boring as hell. I guess I'll hafta fight more ROB players or something. Grats on not being a campy ****, though. You better show up to Colorado's tournament.
EoW- Not as cool as I thought he was. D: D: D:
Ajax- Super cool guy. I would move to SoCal just for him. The CF dittos were too much fun. I wish I coulda played you more with my Sonic, but whatever.
Peapo- GGs. Sorry I went gay and played Pit for a round. I just refuse to lose to Peach.
Wobbles- Imma miss you, man. Come to Colorado just to chill with us. We'll hook you up with free food and lodging anytime.
Kosuke- Suuuuuuuuucks.
Sliraobe god- Melee MMs in August. Don't back out.
MikeZ- Best Jiggz player ever?
Night- It's Nite, *****s. Get it right.
IzzyInfamous- Wtf man, why'd you sandbag? You shoulda taken first with Sonic only. Whatever, don't play Melee between Brawl rounds. You'll get bored again with Brawl. GGs, and do better next time!
Claw- It was fun playing you in CF dittos. I want to play your ZSS sometime, though. D:
Cliche- Sick Yoshi. Would **** again.
Jaxx- Nice talkin' with you, man. Imma try Ganon vs Snake sometime, and see how well I can do.
Taj- "I'm not gonna hit you in the face, take off your glasses".
Why didn't I see that for what it was? I want to keep boxing with you, it was a lot of fun. Next time, Imma wear contacts, so I see more than just black skin and a white shirt. A++++, would get owned by again.
TechnoMansor- MikeZ has a pretty sick Lucas. I actually only won because I stole some of his strats. Glad I didn't go Marth against you, those dittos were fun. Thanks for telling me about the killing percent for dthrow.
Azenith- Sick beard, mangz. Teams vs you and Kosuke was a great way to get back into Melee. Come to Colorado in August, you'll see us playing much better.
Irish- Nice talking to and playing you.
Imma address a team, too.
Tim Can Brawl (TCB) (Demised & Morty)- Fun matches, definitely would love to do again. Come to Colorado, and I'll give you guys a hug.
If I forgot anyone, you didn't enter Brawl Singles, and it's totally your fault. D:<