^ Don't listen to him lol.
Falco outcamps R.O.B completely. R.O.B's projectiles are all telegraphed, so they're easy to react to with reflector. Our lasers are better than yours and in the end, if you shoot a gyro we can just steal it.
I said on the R.O.B boards as well, if you're dying because you're phantasming through the stage, you're doing it wrong. It's VERY easy to avoid this via propering spacing, timing and cancelling.
I do however agree that the possibility of gimps are SLIGHTLY removed because of certain transformations, but they don't last overly long at all. The water however does help us with spikes at times if you accidentally fall in.
R.O.B simply shouldn't attempt sharking on Falco. For some it might be a reflex, thinking Falco isn't good from above, but R.O.B will very easily get spiked if he tries.
Often times, the platform lay out on the most common moving section can help juggling. Taking shelter on the second platform underneath the highest to avoid attacks like your Nair.
You CAN however shoot lasers through this stage from underneath, and any good R.O.B knows that R.O.B > Falco on the ledge. This means that your ledge planking ability can be a little more annoying, but nothing too drastic.
Overall against R.O.B I'd give it a 7 or 8. It's not a bad stage at all, but it's not the best either as they both can abuse little sections of it.