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Ask a quick question, get a quick answer (The Marth FAQ's)


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Pretty good imo.

Practice spacing ff tipper nairs on shield into tipper fsmash. Done properly/well, the shield will also be hit by tipper fsmash sending them back pretty far.
That shield knockback together is great.

MK can dash attack/dash grab upon prediction though, sometimes.
It's good if you can do it the way the opponent isn't facing.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
How do you Dolphin Slash out of Metaknight's tornado? I've been looking around for a bit now and can't find anything about it.

Do you have to smash di in a certain direction, just mash Up B, or what?


Reset Project
Jul 28, 2008
Glencoe, Al
does anyone think that tipper Shieldbreaker is a good "wtf?!" kill move at high percents due to the range?
The odds of pulling it off without being predictable aren't great though.

if you get a shield break this is the way to go of course

@Colaya I haven't gotten that down myself yet, usually I end up doing it too late.
I think this is a situation where having tap jump on benefits.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
I'm having trouble vs. snake, i get ***** by his nades as i try to approach and I can juggle him pretty effectively but he still seems to outlive me cuz well... he's snake. Any tips on this matchup?


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
I tilt the control stick upwards or upward around the sides and mash up+b accordingly and it works sometimes. I'm thinking that how the metaknight presses the b button for sustaining the tornado probably has something to do with it.

I use shieldbreaker rather often when compared to your average Marth. Longest range Marth has and it decimates shields. People probably don't expect someone to use it as much as me so that by itself is a "wtf". I like to try for a "wtf" shieldbreaker kill off stage though as a mixup sometimes for the lulz. Range might catch people off guard and they might get hit out of their airdodge when they expect f-air or something.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2007
For marth's side B special, does the order of the attack matter?(ie: red blue green or green blue green or green green green) I mean does three greens make the last more powerful or does 2 reds and a green finish gives the same result in damage wise for the ending
Is there any difference in the middle strokes(2nd and 3rd)? If I want to simply build damage should I do green or a red?

sorry for all the questions, but I know the side B is a good attack so I wish to know how to use it to the fullest extent.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
For marth's side B special, does the order of the attack matter?(ie: red blue green or green blue green or green green green) I mean does three greens make the last more powerful or does 2 reds and a green finish gives the same result in damage wise for the ending
Is there any difference in the middle strokes(2nd and 3rd)? If I want to simply build damage should I do green or a red?

sorry for all the questions, but I know the side B is a good attack so I wish to know how to use it to the fullest extent.
2nd hit up (blue) pulls them up a bit to get read for the rest of the blue hits

2nd hit side (red) just basically holds them in place, lol

There isnt a down hit (green) for the second attack

3rd hit up (blue) unless I'm mistaken, Marth takes a step forward

3rd hit side (red) just keeps them in place again... <.<

3rd hit down (green) after it hits, Marth takes a small step backwards

4th hit up (blue) sends them up into the air, lol

4th hit side (red) sends them flying away, further than green finisher

4th hit down (green) multihit, does more shield damage than the other directions, does more damage than the other finishing hits

I dont think there there is any difference in damage between the up and forward hits... Although I could be wrong. If there is a difference, it's probably only 1 or 2 percent. The final down hit does a couple more percent of damage, though. Be careful though.... It's possible to di out of it and punish you; some easier than others. (Metaknight can get out of it pretty easily, fast falling characters have a harder time of getting out of it)

The up version can be used to set up juggling traps. Can be useful against characters who are vunerable from below, like Snake...

A fresh tippered side version finish can kill lighter characters... But it's pretty rare. Basically just use this to send someone out off the stage for a chance to edgeguard them, or give yourself some breathing room.

The down version.... If a person is shielding the first two hits of Dancing Blades, I usually use the third hit down and end it there. After the third hit down, Marth takes a step back so it's slightly harder for your opponent to punish. Or, depending on how degraded their shield is, I may use the 4th hit down. It does more shield damage than the other finishers (I've broken a few shields in this way) and stays out longer, so if your opponent drops their shield too early they'll get caught in it.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2007
thanks for answering my last question. Here is the next one:

how often(if at all) should I use the down B?
If I'm juggling someone and both jumps are used and am still out of range because the¥ used a move to stop or something(lets say lucario's dair or moves similar to the affect) should I use up B and risk them air-dodging? or just let them land so I wont get punished? Also if the up B nicks them(not at startup, I mean the latter part) in the air will they have time to react to punish me?(works against comps but don't want to try it against people in tourneys because it seems risky)


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2007
Question: can you get better with brawl marth by playing melee marth?
not really. granted, it helps to learn the character and he didn't change alot, but the strategies are different. play brawl marth to learn brawl marth, if that helps any. otherwise you could potentially learn bad habits that work in melee.

Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills

Of course it can "help," but the best way, of course, is just to play Brawl Marth. It can help in the aspect of spacing though, even though the mechanics of both games are different.

thanks for answering my last question. Here is the next one:

how often(if at all) should I use the down B?
If I'm juggling someone and both jumps are used and am still out of range because the¥ used a move to stop or something(lets say lucario's dair or moves similar to the affect) should I use up B and risk them air-dodging? or just let them land so I wont get punished? Also if the up B nicks them(not at startup, I mean the latter part) in the air will they have time to react to punish me?(works against comps but don't want to try it against people in tourneys because it seems risky)
You should use counter rarely in lower levels of competitive play (online wifi or friendlies or such), and very sparingly (in most cases) in tourny matches, roughly around 1 counter every 10 games. It all depends on how good the opponent is reading and whether or not they will catch on and be ready the next time to punish you.

No, if you're both in the air and you have no more jumps, don't use his Up B. If you miss then you can die very early, especially if the Lucario has like 100%+. Just land on the ground and try to land before him. Keep space between him and you, so that you can uair or utilt when you see fit. You should always avoid being in the free fall state (which Up B forces you into).

UNLESS, may be, if there's a high platform above you, such as in the middle of Battlefield, where you can't be punished well if at all, but only if you're going to somehow get a kill or something.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2009
I feel like recently I'm in a slump. All my friends have noticed i was playing way better two weeks ago and i have a tournament tomorrow...any tips to get myself back to my regular play?


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
start REALLY watching your opponent

i don't mean watching for things to react to, i mean thinking about their patters and adjusting


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
If you're in a slump, the best thing to do is take a break. Generally, it means that it's taking you a while to shake off bad habits and incorporate new strategies into your play, because you're just reinforcing your current style, without a break. You come back rusty, but also with less habits, and you can shape your game into the next level once you shake off the rust. Just like how you can't work out every day, you just do it enough to tear the muscle and give it time to heal stronger, that is how you should train for Smash.

Also, counter is useful, and should be used more than once every 10 games. I use counter almost every game, and I'd say Xisin uses it the best. However, you probably aren't advanced enough to use counter, so avoid it for now.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
I feel like recently I'm in a slump. All my friends have noticed i was playing way better two weeks ago and i have a tournament tomorrow...any tips to get myself back to my regular play?
Ask yourself a simple question.

"Am I jumping into the ****?"

Typically when people are playing badly it's because they are challenging situations where they should be attempting to find a neutral stance. It stems from attempting to make 'something' out of nothing. This often results in you getting heavily predicted, out spaced, and then punished. If you're falling from a hit your opponent has used to send you into the air, you're typically better off hitting the ground before mounting a counter assault.

Often with Marth, I find that people do this by going aerially against a ground opponent in an attempt to be aggressive [fair], and thus completely ignore Marth's amazing ground game. Believe it or not, you're safer on the ground [shield says 'hi thar sir'] than in the air with Marth. Chances are, you're exposing yourself against opponents needlessly.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2007
a few questions.

1. when hanging on the ledge, and a snake is standing on the stage, what is the best option for a getup?

i find myself nairing or fairing straight into his shield grab or grenade drop > shield whenever i ledge hop, and obviously know this is dumb, but i have alot of problems with being agressive straight into other players' shields.

would retreating the nair after i see the shield be a good option, or just try a whole new approach like hitting X from the ledge and just getting around them?


2. do full hop rising fairs (I've seen mikehaze do it where the fair is at SH level but does a full hop) against diddy actually work as an effective spacing game, or is this just nonsense where it can be read and punished?

and on the subject of diddy, what stages would you say would be best in this matchup assuming they ban BF?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2008
With Marth's 3 frame landing lag fair and frame 1 upB, can't marth perfectly autocancel fair to upB at high percentages when you can't get a sibe b off anymore?

Almo: 1: Ledgejump with a buffered fair works well. FF ledgedrop to jump to delayed fair (land with hitbox) to buffered dtilt when hes further away from the ledge.

2: If he catches on you'll be eating a lot of full hop fairs OoS. Sh fairs are easier to space and you wont risk a juggle. Mix it up. Fh fair is often better when he has a banana in his has (you avoid a OoS glide toss/JC toss).

Lylat is gaaaaaay. Brinstar is no fun either but he has some nive tricks there while you don't really.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2007
With Marth's 3 frame landing lag fair and frame 1 upB, can't marth perfectly autocancel fair to upB at high percentages when you can't get a sibe b off anymore?

Almo: 1: Ledgejump with a buffered fair works well. FF ledgedrop to jump to delayed fair (land with hitbox) to buffered dtilt when hes further away from the ledge.

2: If he catches on you'll be eating a lot of full hop fairs OoS. Sh fairs are easier to space and you wont risk a juggle. Mix it up. Fh fair is often better when he has a banana in his has (you avoid a OoS glide toss/JC toss).
thanks for the advice. does the down tilt out-prioritize the grab, or is it that it just comes out faster than a shield grab so it's safe? or are you assuming i space it out of grab range?

Lylat is gaaaaaay. Brinstar is no fun either but he has some nive tricks there while you don't really.
i wish i knew this a few weeks ago, as i was playing a diddy and won on SV, then lost on frigate and CP'ed lylat. i should have thought more about this and really never rush my counterpicks but i was really nervous about going to delfino, and was really dumb for not thinking about rainbow cruise. safe to say i got overconfident and was not thinking much about my stage choice. i lost the set, and just didn't know why i was playing so badly on lylat.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2008
So if he far enough from the ledge for your fair and dtilt to be spaced properly I'd go for that because he won't be able to shield grab it. Ledge jump to buffered fair is when he is really close and the other way will get you shieldgrabbed. But if he's pressuring you too much just plank.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2009
What options does Marth have to juggle Snake when the Snake player uses offensive c4s and is b reversing nades?


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2007
What options does Marth have to juggle Snake when the Snake player uses offensive c4s and is b reversing nades?
You just have to stay away from the C4, no point in risking unnecessary damage. Stay on the side when he's falling and he drops it, he wastes his jump which could be a nice juggle opportunity if you can hit him. It's pretty safe though, so following up is pretty unlikely I'd assume.

As for the reverse Nades, you really just have to predict his habit and follow up where he's going to pivot.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2008
With Marth's 3 frame landing lag fair and frame 1 upB, can't marth perfectly autocancel fair to upB at high percentages when you can't get a sibe b off anymore?


I've been playing around with this, it works at kill percentages! I landed it on a DDD at 100%!

I can't post vids so someone else should do it.


Mar 5, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
i never understand what he says, except in the rare instances he talks about marth

but that applies to most of the regulars on this board ><

Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills
I've been playing around with this, it works at kill percentages! I landed it on a DDD at 100%!

I can't post vids so someone else should do it.

Lol cool, I thought I remembered Shaya saying something about Fair being able to combo into anything XD.

And of course, Shaya's definitely not unpopular.

Lord Chair

Smash Master
Apr 17, 2009
Cheeseland, Europe
With Marth's 3 frame landing lag fair and frame 1 upB, can't marth perfectly autocancel fair to upB at high percentages when you can't get a sibe b off anymore?


I've been playing around with this, it works at kill percentages! I landed it on a DDD at 100%!

I can't post vids so someone else should do it.
UpB is frame 5.

Also, when buffered you can FF Fair on shield > upB to avoid the grab. I do believe that's entirely irrelevant, but I fail to care.
Oct 27, 2009
Powershield and DI practice?

I wanna know the many different and effective ways that you've come up with to improve powershielding. Two ways I've seen so far are to go to Ness' stage and throw a shell between the two houses and powershield them.

Another is to get a friend shoot the plasma gun at you as quickly as possible while you PS the shots.

I wanna know others ways (preferably ones that DONT require a friend or myself to utilise another controller)

Also i wanna know how I can practice DI so I can become more confident with DIing in proper matches (also to expect the unexpected and DI appropriately to those attacks). How can I do this with CPUs? Remember that I don't have a friend at home to help me out with this.


Dodge the bullets!
May 11, 2008
Syracuse, NY
I wanna know the many different and effective ways that you've come up with to improve powershielding. Two ways I've seen so far are to go to Ness' stage and throw a shell between the two houses and powershield them.

Another is to get a friend shoot the plasma gun at you as quickly as possible while you PS the shots.

I wanna know others ways (preferably ones that DONT require a friend or myself to utilise another controller)

Also i wanna know how I can practice DI so I can become more confident with DIing in proper matches (also to expect the unexpected and DI appropriately to those attacks). How can I do this with CPUs? Remember that I don't have a friend at home to help me out with this.
PSing: Your figured out probably the best single player way.
DIing: Put your damage up real high in training mode and have the cpu on lvl nine with MK, and expect to get hit? The best way to get better at DI is expect to get hit.
Oct 27, 2009
PSing: Your figured out probably the best single player way.
DIing: Put your damage up real high in training mode and have the cpu on lvl nine with MK, and expect to get hit? The best way to get better at DI is expect to get hit.
BTw what was the best single player way for PSing?

And how high should my damage be?

I want to become a good player

I main Marth and recently I asked a few people here and at AiB for some Marth critiquing but I refused any Marth dittos (bcause I've played so many in the past).

I've stuck with Marth as a main since August/September this year now and at first I was quite hesitant to keep a restrictive main (because I didn't used to main anyone before) and I've been reading stuff in the Marth boards and watching a FEW vids (but I didn't watch tourney matches as a hobby >_>).

Anyway the reason I asked for some critiquing recently is because I wanted to improve to a higher level than stay in this same level, randomly playing people on wifi (with random friend codes). So far I've got a small idea about spacing but I'm not the best at it yet and I feel that even though I'm alright at it, it's my weakness. I dont use dtilt enough unless it's predictably used but i almost always use dancing blade during the ending lag of a person's attack. I also use the dolphin slash a lot (it looks like I use it offensively sometimes) so it leaves me open.

I wish to make my game near flawless at this level so I can journey to becoming semi-pro. Can anyone help me?
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