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Ashunera’s Library - General Discussion, Q&A and Index

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Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
My university apparently has actual Smash monthlies with good turnout.

So essentially I'll be going to my first actual tournament on Saturday the 31st. Hope I don't flop.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
University of California at Davis. UCD for short.

It's not super far away from Texas (well it's PRETTY far) so if I can, after I get settled in here, manage to come to one of your tourneys to meet you guys I'll do so. Round trip plane from here to there is probably a bit over 100 bucks or so. Pretty decent, I'd say.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
University of California at Davis. UCD for short.

It's not super far away from Texas (well it's PRETTY far) so if I can, after I get settled in here, manage to come to one of your tourneys to meet you guys I'll do so. Round trip plane from here to there is probably a bit over 100 bucks or so. Pretty decent, I'd say.
Dude, if you could, that would be amazing. I don't have a job, cause I'm constantly being killed my college work, but if you were to come (Whobo 2), you definitely wouldn't have to worry about housing.

Edit: Also, us Ike players would have to treat you OOS guys to dinner. Don't know if you guys do this, but after every big tournament here in Texas, everyone heads to IHOP. Good stuff.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
Dude, if you could, that would be amazing. I don't have a job, cause I'm constantly being killed my college work, but if you were to come (Whobo 2), you definitely wouldn't have to worry about housing.
WHOBO 2 eh? I'll try my best! It's in April though so I'd say I have plenty of time to plan.

Many thanks for the housing offer as well.

Anyway, off to bed. Better not fail my test tomorrow or I'll be thinking about that throughout Saturday's tournament!

Edit: Everyone heads to IHOP? I can't miss this!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2008
In your nightmares
Why do ppl say wifi isnt good for proving how good one is. Ive faced tons of people online and fought those same
people offline and the outcome was no different.

Neither was my playstyle or the speed in which the game was played (aka lag).
I really need to get my wii fixed. I havnt played brawl in ages, bet im rusty to the core by now -_-.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Why do ppl say wifi isnt good for proving how good one is. Ive faced tons of people online and fought those same
people offline and the outcome was no different.

Neither was my playstyle or the speed in which the game was played (aka lag).
I really need to get my wii fixed. I havnt played brawl in ages, bet im rusty to the core by now -_-.
Who do you play with? Cause your statements have a lot of holes in them, making what you say hard to believe.

First off, wifi can be good for anyone. It is best for helping you understand match ups and how to deal with them. Nevertheless, even the best players of a given character cannot execute certain skill sets consistently with the lag given (Marth is a perfect example).

The people you have faced. Who are they? Are they relatively known in the smash community? Do they get solid results in not only local tournaments, but big ones as well? If not, then that's probably why you find no difference. Another reason would be is because you are so accustomed to playing them online, it doesn't matter much offline.

Your playstyle is your own preference. Some keep it the same offline and online. A lot prefer to change it up, because they can do things that they would have much more trouble doing online (Marth). I personally am awful on wifi because I lack experience in it, and the things I do offline rarely work online. The speed of the game is MUCH different. This is another implication of the fact you have not played someone with enough talent. Good players are beatable on wifi, because their speed is dumbed down along with restraints being put on their overall skill. This leaves more room for error on their end, which gives an opponent a chance to win. I don't know how many times I've lost to people ONLINE that I've destroyed offline. Hell, I won't even say this one guy's name, but if you are familiar with the All Is Brawl Ladder, a guy I know who is top 50 got 3 stocked twice in one set at the last tournament he attended. This wasn't even deep into the tournament either.

To conclude, some people are able to manage both wifi and offline, while others struggle horribly. However, there is no denying that wifi does restrain each individual from performing at their peak, which can make a big difference as some hold a higher level of potential than others.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2008
In your nightmares
While i cannot say i have faced many whom i kno for sure are truly experienced. I can say i have faced experienced players and even a big name smash player. (whos name seems to escape me at the moment). Ive faced numerous people mostly ppl i find over wifi whom give me a run for my money and a friend who i consider one the best players ive ever fought, who sais im better than the average smash player.

I want to confirm that what i assume is true. I am a very good smash player and ive been in since 64 and without a doubt kno how to play very well. the only thing i lack is someone to face who would really prove to me how good i truly am. However i do not doubt i am very good.

My playstyle is something i dont think to much of. I tend to go in and do what i can to win a match without much thought. Since a year before brawls release is when i started playing competitively, and actually thinking on my ways of playing.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2008
Yardley, Pennsylvania
I purposely challenge very good people so I can improve in match up. I just tell Bizkit, yo beat me 2-0 in ladder than serious friendlies after.

As marth I beat some olimar with 2000 rating in 1 game. It was epic :)

If you have no other opponents to play with offline than a friend or 2, than wifi is good, other than that Bored is correct, that it can hinder your ability to perform online and/or offline.

I pretty much only play a diddy offline, so wifi has helped me lately.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
While i cannot say i have faced many whom i kno for sure are truly experienced. I can say i have faced experienced players and even a big name smash player. (whos name seems to escape me at the moment).

My playstyle is something i dont think to much of. I tend to go in and do what i can to win a match without much thought. Since a year before brawls release is when i started playing competitively, and actually thinking on my ways of playing.
Regarding your first statement, if you can recall said player, I might put you in that exception of wifi list, but other then that, you're not gonna get much respect around here.

As far as your second statement...you kinda contradicted yourself right there =/.

And dang Px got Kanye Wested.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2009
uhm.. you know you can do a walkoff dair without the tilt settings?

edit: fail,wrong window lmfao


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
On a related note, felt a little sorry for Guilhe in the Kirby matchup topic, lol.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
University of California at Davis. UCD for short.

It's not super far away from Texas (well it's PRETTY far) so if I can, after I get settled in here, manage to come to one of your tourneys to meet you guys I'll do so. Round trip plane from here to there is probably a bit over 100 bucks or so. Pretty decent, I'd say.
actually its 200$ round trip any where in the country.

Don't know if whobo ends in ihop though theres a rave downstairs when its ending and a lot of people went there.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
You're not awesome, that's why. :chuckle:
False, I just don't need a match up discussion to help me win. I'm just that good.

Why do ppl say wifi isnt good for proving how good one is. Ive faced tons of people online and fought those same
people offline and the outcome was no different.

Neither was my playstyle or the speed in which the game was played (aka lag).

My playstyle is something i dont think to much of. I tend to go in and do what i can to win a match without much thought. Since a year before brawls release is when i started playing competitively, and actually thinking on my ways of playing.
You say your playstyle isn't effected in lag, so you do the same things on wifi you do offline with good accuracy. You also say that when you started playing competitively, you started thinking of how to play your Ike. You should have recognized what is more difficult to do on wifi with Ike than it is to do offline.

I'm gonna say this again. Unless you state some credentials, you're not gonna get off easy. And saying "I play competitively and beat this one guy" does not count.


Smash Ace
Sep 28, 2008
Fort Lee, NJ / Cornell University - Ithaca, NY
/emomode over.
I decided that I've been thinking things the wrong way. I think I've been a bit jealous of the other Ikes in that people have been listening to their advice because they have tournament experience while none have been listening to mine. It's discouraging, but ah well, I guess I can't do anything about it.
@ Kirk: Congratulations at No Koast once again.
@ Everybody: I'm really not sure if I should continue the huge compendium guide. It's not because I'm lazy, but it's more of the fact that I'm not really sure if we really need a guide for Ike, I mean there's not anything NEW we can contribute. I'm thinking more along of the lines of editing Kirk's existing guide for Ike and adding frame data/matchup data/ratios and other stuff onto it. It makes more sense to do this imo, because I think I'll probably be repeating much of the things Kirk already pointed out already =/.


Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
/emomode over.
I decided that I've been thinking things the wrong way. I think I've been a bit jealous of the other Ikes in that people have been listening to their advice because they have tournament experience while none have been listening to mine. It's discouraging, but ah well, I guess I can't do anything about it.
I know exactly what you mean :laugh: hopefully I'll have some tournament results to back up my Ike soon though... sucks living so removed from the major smash scene.

@ Kirk: Congratulations at No Koast once again.
@ Everybody: I'm really not sure if I should continue the huge compendium guide. It's not because I'm lazy, but it's more of the fact that I'm not really sure if we really need a guide for Ike, I mean there's not anything NEW we can contribute. I'm thinking more along of the lines of editing Kirk's existing guide for Ike and adding frame data/matchup data/ratios and other stuff onto it. It makes more sense to do this imo, because I think I'll probably be repeating much of the things Kirk already pointed out already =/.
Okay, no more procrastinating, I'm doing some testing on Bthrow -> DA right now. No more telling new Ikes that it's "sort of guaranteed" or "generally a safe option" or "just do it". I'm going to figure out exactly what %s it is guaranteed and on what characters.

Don't expect me to sleep tonight.



Smash Ace
Sep 28, 2008
Fort Lee, NJ / Cornell University - Ithaca, NY
Nysyarc said:
I know exactly what you mean hopefully I'll have some tournament results to back up my Ike soon though... sucks living so removed from the major smash scene.
I mean, people say that they know my Ike is good. So if a player is good, shouldn't other people listen to their advice instead of dismissing it? Kinda makes me angry.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
yagami already tested it out and it became a combo at like 40% i believe except for like on olimar and 2 other characters, then it stops being a combo at another percent but idk that one.

edit: you might be good but your advice would still be bad, I remember i asked bored once about some match up and he said idk i just do stuff.

never really read it but i'm just saying you shouldn't take boreds advice to heart


Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2008
In your nightmares
False, I just don't need a match up discussion to help me win. I'm just that good.

You say your playstyle isn't effected in lag, so you do the same things on wifi you do offline with good accuracy. You also say that when you started playing competitively, you started thinking of how to play your Ike. You should have recognized what is more difficult to do on wifi with Ike than it is to do offline.

I'm gonna say this again. Unless you state some credentials, you're not gonna get off easy. And saying "I play competitively and beat this one guy" does not count.
Hmm not really explaining how I contradicted myself but whats done is done. The difference between what I can perform with ike online and offline is so miniscule is not very important except for a few small details.

Now whats this "WHOBO" I keep seeing.


Smash Ace
Sep 28, 2008
Fort Lee, NJ / Cornell University - Ithaca, NY
yagami already tested it out and it became a combo at like 40% i believe except for like on olimar and 2 other characters, then it stops being a combo at another percent but idk that one.

edit: you might be good but your advice would still be bad, I remember i asked bored once about some match up and he said idk i just do stuff.

never really read it but i'm just saying you shouldn't take boreds advice to heart
Shoulda rephrased what I said. I know that you can be good and still give bad advice, but when I give pretty good advice, someone dismisses it. Then san/Kirk comes in, says the same thing I did, the general reaction is: "Oh! That's some great advice!" Not offending san/Kirk or anything, but that's happened a lot.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
/emomode over.
I decided that I've been thinking things the wrong way. I think I've been a bit jealous of the other Ikes in that people have been listening to their advice because they have tournament experience while none have been listening to mine. It's discouraging, but ah well, I guess I can't do anything about it.
I don't even remember the last time you gave advice. Primarily because you don't even exist on the boards these days >_>.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
It was during Snake MU discussion Bored.
That explains it, I never do read those things.

Hmm not really explaining how I contradicted myself but whats done is done. The difference between what I can perform with ike online and offline is so miniscule is not very important except for a few small details.

Now whats this "WHOBO" I keep seeing.
WHOBO has been mentioned enough z.z...just go read the last page.

edit: you might be good but your advice would still be bad, I remember i asked bored once about some match up and he said idk i just do stuff.

never really read it but i'm just saying you shouldn't take boreds advice to heart
Dang, A_B calling me out. Well it's true so I can't say much LOL.

But in all honesty, I just suck at giving advice because I can't project what's in my head into words. It's too awesome.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2009
Bronx, NY
Dang, A_B calling me out. Well it's true so I can't say much LOL.

But in all honesty, I just suck at giving advice because I can't project what's in my head into words. It's too awesome.
So I'm gonna say you're a instinctual player and most of the times, you don't have a set strategy but you're able to adapt to whatever is thrown at you.
Right or wrong? >.>

And Kim, I actually try to read ALL advice on Ike by whoever. I need whatever I see as useful, test it out to see if it works good for me or not, repeat.
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