lolololol thanks for enlighting everybody.
I agree he could have been a bit more discreet with his response but how is he a patsy for agreeing with me?
Besides, why would he not agree with me? The girlfriend is always right anyways. For all you doornails out there, this last part is sarcasm and not to be taken as if I really think that.
I think you missed the point. :B
Too bad for me? lol if you say so. I gave you an infraction for trolling because you mocked me and your post had no purpose but to instigate/let you be a smartass.
I find it funny that you think it's strange that i would agree with my girlfriend.
How exactly was it mocking? I think calling you out for defending someone solely on the fact that they're your girlfriend is pretty important in a discussion. It's like saying "Guys, don't listen to MMM's constant praise of his own work". That's not trolling. That's conflict of interest.
Truth of the matter is, you gave me an infraction because I personally offended
you; no one else. Your feelings were hurt and, because you're not yet wise, have lashed out using the only power you have because you don't have the words to do so. So, feel big.
"A person has challenged my honor on the internet! I shall give him an infraction!"
As for the silly van gogh thing, that was just a post made haphazardly and it was a bad analogy. Not only is the majority of the art world a steaming pile of **** (see:
exhibit A), but designing a forum isn't art. It's design. As said earlier, closer to architecture.
Art doesn't have a purpose other than to "look good". A forum has some pretty obvious purposes, and MMM's site kind of ignored those basics.
While I don't think her statement is important enough to merit much discussion, I think it gets the spotlight because other than people directly involved with the creation of this skin she's pretty much the only one defending it and since her statement wasn't meant to be supported with a bunch of facts (it's more of a "come on guys, isn't having fun what this is all about" kind of statement than an argument) it's easy to rip apart. Like the skin!
wouldn't that actually be a flaming infraction? He's not thinking it's strange, so much as calling it what it is. It really stands out lol.
You'll get in trouble! Shh!! o_o
They don't like being embarrassed.