Smash Hero
Lol no problem. CJ critiques all of my sets now, and replies take me forever to do x)Nike, I love you so much for all that
Thanks dude. as bad as it sounds, I did kinda have an intidimation thing when I played bizkit, for some reason I kept thinking, oh **** this guy almost beat m2k looool. I also kind of have a mini history of losing to snakes, it seems I lose to the majority of them when we play. (fatal, mikeray, bizkit, ect) (namesearch lolol)
I feel bad that you wrote all that and I really don't know what to say N_N. It's so hard to punish him everytime when he's in the air, grenades / b reversals cover so much and if I mess up I usually eat an f-tilt. I really like what you said about just shielding though, I'm def gonna read this before I have to play a snake again ;P
thanks man
Sets like this one make it hard to understand why we have the advantage (I go through the same thing everytime I play a good snake). I was really lucky that 5 of my cities top10 players were snake mains at one point, so it's my best MU. The random ones (Bizkit, MVD) can throw you off your usual gameplan, but there still quite beatable as long as you keep your cool and adapt.
One thing I feel like I need to correct you on, CJ.nair beats their blizzard from an angle, fair MIGHT (I wouldn't try it), jumping into their blizzard w/ counter works too.
jump -> counter against blizzard will not work if they desynched.
One climber can shield it and then grab you afterwards.
Hylian did this to many times in friendlies a long time ago.