Peppino in Smash is a weird thing where, it's not like Crash where I like the game and character but cannot percieve a good moveset, but rather the concept just doesn't do anything for me, even though objectively he has a great moveset, his gameplay could adapt well within a Namco design style, he brings a style of humor never before seen in Smash, and he would be a monumental inclusion for a multitude of reasons (Not limited to Sephiroth and Mort the Chicken sharing a game), I just can't get myself excited about the idea of Peppino in Smash for some reason, perhaps it's how caught up I am in the belief that an indie rep should be a nobody, perhaps it's a COGH thing, perhaps it's that one of my first party MWs (Dashing Super Guy) fills a lot of niches Peppino does while also being a funne obscure pick, I really can't place my finger on it - no doubt I'd love it if he did get in though.
I’m going to add him without adding dr wario