NintendoLife released these mock-ups of NSO Game Boy... and oh god, this pitifully lazy.
How such simple images can have so many flaws is beyond me. The more you look at that second image the worse it gets - varying saturation from different prints, Pokémon Yellow being placed under Game Boy instead of GBC, the HUD overlap, a two-player option that would at best be inconvenient on Switch, an online option existing at all for a console that's multiplayer almost always relied on two people being able to see one another's screens, Final Fantasy Legend using PAL box art... Not bad as a fun mockup for r/NintendoSwitch, but not what I want to see from a professional gaming news site.
How such simple images can have so many flaws is beyond me. The more you look at that second image the worse it gets - varying saturation from different prints, Pokémon Yellow being placed under Game Boy instead of GBC, the HUD overlap, a two-player option that would at best be inconvenient on Switch, an online option existing at all for a console that's multiplayer almost always relied on two people being able to see one another's screens, Final Fantasy Legend using PAL box art... Not bad as a fun mockup for r/NintendoSwitch, but not what I want to see from a professional gaming news site.