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Unpopular Smash Opinions (BE CIVIL)


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
There was a previous thread like this, but it got locked a year back due to constant debate. So I wanted to see if such a thread would be allowed again, but in a different sub-forum. My only wish is that you’re civil about it, and that you don’t target others.

So, without further ado:
  • Azura should’ve gotten in instead of Corrin
  • I like Byleth as a character
  • Movesets should come before popularity factor; it’s why I support characters from less popular series (Sakura Shinguji and Euden, for example)
  • Ultimate’s Classic Mode is my favorite, but it really needs better boss distribution, better difficulty scaling and better theming (I made a whole thread about it)
  • World of Light is better than Subspace purely because it doesn’t have to juggle a million different characters in cutscenes
  • Some of the DLC Spirit Boards are pretty underwhelming, if you ask me (especially ARMS)
  • Bald Bull would make a great 2nd Punch-Out rep
  • Not every veteran needs to be as deep as Ultimate’s newcomers (for example, Sonic only really needs a new Side B)
  • Echoes could benefit from using the Custom Moves from Smash 4 from the fighter they’re based on
  • Shadow and Olimar should’ve been Echoes of Sonic and Olimar
  • Chrom should’ve been Ike’s Echo
  • Melee-style Target Test would be way too much work for the amount of fighters we have now; I’d prefer a Brawl-style Target Test
  • I like cinematic Final Smashes
  • Promoting Assist Trophies in the same game as DLC is a terrible idea. Spirits barely matter in this idea.
    • If anything, there should be extra Assist Trophies for each Challenger Pack (save for CP6, since Spring Man’s already a base game Assist Trophy)
  • About Sonic’s new Side B? It should be the Light Speed Dash
  • Not allowing us to rematch bosses with the Spirit Rematch feature was a bit of a waste
    • Speaking of which, Ho-Oh and Grima would make great bosses
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Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
- There is too many Fire Emblem characters in the roster

- Brawl is my least favorite title in the series due to the tripping mechanic and Mewtwo being cut

- The Belmont bois are some of the best newcomers in Ultimate and are very underappreciated by the fanbase compared to most of Ultimate's newcomers

- I would prefer more reps for already existing 3rd party franchises in the roster than more 3rd party franchises getting in in general

- I would prefer more Nintendo newcomers in the DLC lineup than 3rd party newcomers


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Some of these will be pretty unpopular but here they are:

If I had to cut an OG12 member, I’d pick :ultfalcon:.
My favorite DLC fighter so far is :ultbyleth:.
Related to :ultbyleth:, I wasn’t super hyped for :ultridley::ultkrool::ultbanjokazooie: since I didn’t play their games (the return of :ulticeclimbers: gave me the most hype even if they seemed like an obvious return if there wasn’t a new engine).
I prefer Brawl over Melee.
If it came back, I think Smash Tour could be fun if it was like Mario Party (haven’t played it nor Smash Run though since I didn’t play the Smash for ganes much).
WoL worked out better than Subspace 2.0 would have due to the roster size, but I’d be open to more platforming levels throughout like Melee’s adventure as it was mostly fights with a few platforming levels.
IDK if it was unpopular, but it would’ve been neat to have done something else for unlocking fighters
There would be about 30 unlockable fighters, and some of the requirements would be similar to older games.
Eg. clearing classic mode with :ultmario: would have:ultdoc: as a challenger
Also defeating 20 foes in All-Star Smash would give you :ultgnw:
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
-Wario is a really lame top tier character
-People who are still mad about Steve in Smash are overreacting big-time. You gotta wake up and realize it's a video game sometimes.
-WoL is better than Subspace. I love the cutscenes, but man, level design in Subspace is BS. And the enviorments are super bland 99% of the time.
-I'm fine with the current amount of FE characters, I just think it's weird that we have more FE characters than we do Sonic characters or Zelda characters given overall popularity. Even Pokemon is on par with FE counting PT as one char, and that seems very off to me.
-Master Hand should've been a playable fighter
except for that one fight.
-If they change Sonic's moveset in any way, I'd perfer it to lean towards the modern side (boost, Light Speed Dash, Bounce, Stomp, Slide) but I'd be open to a Classic moveset as well (Elemental shields, Drop Dash, Peel Out)
-Glass Joe should be the second Punch Out rep
-Galeem is the worst villain in the Smash series. They have zero identity outside of one cutscene and no personality. At least Darkhon looks cool.
-Not counting my best blocky boy, Hero was my favorite DLC because he's just so much fun.
-I love Yoshi's Island (the one with the blocks and the sideways pipe).
-Despite being good competitively and loving it, I'll always prefer a 3-5 player casual match between friends.
-Sonic's representation in Smash is awful. Just because he has two stages doesn't mean he has enough content. Hell, his moveset is mostly based on an arcade fighter no one played, and his music, despite being some of the best of any long running franchise, has way too few songs in Ultimate.
-I don't care about not having a R.O.B. stage, but it'd be cool if it was there.
-Mega Man deserves at least one more rep in this game given the series' history with Nintendo and gaming in general.
-A standalone Portal stage would be awesome, but I don't want Chell as a fighter.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2014
Mama's Kitchen
- I hate using terms like "deserving" when discussing the DLC character choices of Sakurai and a multi billion dollar company like Nintendo, but Steve was a great choice for Smash Bros and he and his fans get a lot of undeserved hate and fury from others within this fanbase.

-I could care less about competitive Smash, not because I see it as a party game like Sakurai does, but became I've had so much more fun playing 8 player smash with items on with friends/family then I ever could in a 1v1 with strict tournament rules. It's stupid and wacky and I love it, and I can't enjoy it the same way after it's all stripped away for tournament rules.
It's especially obvious in Melee watching people play the same 4 to 6 characters over and over again, watching the same dull fox vs falco, Marth Vs Shiek matchups on endless repeat.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2018
Doubt it's unpopular, but I'd get flamed anyway.
I've accepted every character in smash. Even Steve, in a short time period.
However, I can never accept him.


I find him so unappealing. Is it his pokemon-ness? His fire starter-ness?
I don't think so. It's all so subjective.
What I do know is that there are many others I would've preferred from sun and moon......

She beat him in the poll. Why can't we have nice things.
But now, it seems that anything interesting from that era is a never ever, due to pokemon's desire to always have a new flavor of the month, and smash willingly accommodating that.

Please nintendo if you're gonna shill, don't do this again, pick something like the legendary dogs on the cover of those games.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
If we get another RPG character I want them to have a leveling system, where after giving or taking a certain amount of percent you can choose which stat to upgrade, or have all their stats upgraded slightly. If we can have random elements for Hero we can have a leveling system for Issac, Geno, Noctis, Chrono, whoever.

Etheus Rook

Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2020
A Three Houses rep was important. FE without 3H is like Zelda without BotW, Persona without Persona 5, or sports games without illegal gambling.

Geno should be a premium mii costume and he flat out doesn't deserve playable character status.

Minecraft Steve should have been a premium mii costume.

Shovel Knight should be a premium mii costume.

A Nihon Falcom rep is an absolute must. I don't even care who it is - it's a must.


Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
Fire Emblem is pretty cool but I feel like it gets too much favoritism. (New characters in each game.)

Kirby should have gotten a new rep in the base rosters of Smash 4 or Ultimate. (Sad that he hasn't gotten a new rep after Brawl for years.)

About that, Kirby's modern representation is treated terribly and negelected. (No new stage representing the games, there was originally going to be a Epic Yarn stage but that was cut.)

Yoshi and Wario are always being left out and ignored when not getting a 2nd rep.

Bothers me that we haven't gotten Bowser's Castle as a stage.

The Zelda roster is good, but everyone always whines about having clones and not unquie fighters like Skull Kid and Minda.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
:ultpiranha: :ultincineroar:
These are the only two characters I dislike in this game. I woudn't be mad at any character getting into Smash, but as long as they are here this roster remains imperfect.
One of them is an enemy from a very popular series. Not the most iconic enemy, mind you, but certainly iconic.
The other is a bipedal fire starter, the second one in Smash, that has like one or maybe two fire attacks.
Their movesets are just plain annoying. Plant has a move that practically makes his up tilt and up air useless, not only that, but it makes him really difficult to attack without getting yourself hit in the process, and invalidates 90% of the recoveries in this game. Combine that with his long reaching, super armored, really quick, kill move, edgeguarding move down b and he is not a good character, but an extremely annoying one.
Incineroar is a similar deal. His side b and down b are extremely annoying. Side b is unreactable and does a ton of damage and knockback. Combine that with his counter that stacks and can lead him to do 70% with one side b, and that's just plain cheating. Of course he's not very good competitively either, but he's still extremely annoying to fight.
Both of these characters have very unappealing color pallets (excluding pink Plant and Big The Cat Incin).
And don't even get me started on their toothy, s***-eating grins. It's the worst part about them IMO. Do you know how hard I fight against these two so I can avoid seeing this?

Not only that, but during the direct, these two characters kept me from my most wanted, Shadow, getting in. Everything was lining up, what with the Grinch Leak, Ken's reveal, Knuckles replacing Shadow as the Sonic AT, etc etc etc. My day be so fine, then boom-fire cat. Then boom, Plant.
Against every character in this game, I have fun. Even Sonic or Olimar.
But not these two. I can never have fun against them.
I can see a case being made for their inclusion, that they're popular or something. But there are so many better Sun and Moon Pokemon to choose from. And Mario characters-compare Waluigi, Geno, or even Toad's fanbase to Plant's fanbase?
Yeah, no. No one wanted him. I'm happy for the few that did, and glad they get to play as who they want to. But I'm pretty sure the only reason Plant was added was for the shock value. Well, you shocked me alright. Shocked that such an awful character can be in this game.
Okay I'm done ranting bye now
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Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2014
Mama's Kitchen
Incineroar is my least favourite Pokémon in Smash, though I'm sure this isn't that unpopular


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Other unpopular opinions:
I like 8 player smash
I’d prioritze :ultike::ultchrom: as the FE reps for the next SSB game (I like:ultmarth::ultrobin: more and the latter is my favorite FE rep, but :ultike: has the popularity and:ultchrom: also represents Awakening and would only be the 2nd rep, so mages could be represented in other fighters like:ultness::ultzelda: in this case).
I have conflicting views on even representation. On the one hand, I would try to make it even to a degree if I was in charge (e.g. Mario and Pokemon have the most reps), we probably didn’t need :ultlucina: and a DLC FE newcomer, and it would be nice to see the Links with different movesets. On the other hand, I don’t think it should be a rigidly followed rule. While we’d probably see Bandana Waddle Dee, Dixie, and more AC characters, :ultlucas: and two Metroid reps surely would be cut, and FE would probably be cut to:ultmarth::ultike::ultchrom: if we followed this rule.
Target Test would be a welcomed addition, but I can’t see Melee’s version being possible unless we drastically cut the roster (eg game made on new engine).
While it was almost cut from Brawl, I find it odd that some people would cut :ultjigglypuff: but not:ultfalcon::ultness: (This is from someone who has:ultness: as his second favorite character) since they’re all technically irrelevant, and :ultjigglypuff: technically has the advantage of being modelled from a different character even if the other two represent different series, making me feel like they should be honestly equal in terms of priority.
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Etheus Rook

Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2020
Okay, really hot take. Despite being the first FE Lord, if anyone should be cut, it's Marth (and Corrin).

It's Roy who resonated with the western fanbase and contributed to getting the games localized. It's Roy whose Smash popularity carried over to being one of the most popular FE characters (despite his own game not being localized). It's Roy who came back by popular demand in SSB4. Meanwhile, Marth's game sold so poorly here that its sequel wasn't localized and the franchise nearly died.

So in a rebooted roster, my FE reps would be Roy, Robin, Ike, and Edelgard.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
-We need some gen 8 representation in more than just spirits
-Assist Trophies are not a spit in the face of that character, In fact Assist Trophies are still fighting gaming Icons, Although I'd rather have them be playable
-Spirits while not as good as Trophies are still good and are better than stickers
-World Of Light is slightly better than subspace
-I like how many fire emblem characters there are, It just needs some variety (Also Corrin isn't that bad)
-Jigglypuff, Pichu and Young Link are the most pointless characters on the roster
-Sakurai is a human just like us, you don't need to revere him like a god
-In a hypothetical Smash 6, Steve has a higher chance of returning than Banjo
-Falcom and Activision are the 2 companies I think deserve a spot, With Koei coming up third


Smash Apprentice
Jul 1, 2020
--Steve isn't really that interesting of a character and doesn't really fit into the game. He was not translated well at all. That being said his moveset is interesting and at least he has depth.

--I would prefer more modes over more characters. Having 80-90 some characters in a game is neat, but if that's all the updates ever are the game will start to get old pretty quick.

--Some DLC characters are poorly designed and implemented. Hero and Min Min are awfully designed. Terry too to some extent.

--Isaac and Shadow would be much better choices than half the DLC choices thus far.

--The Grinch Leak would've been a better deal than what we currently have.

--I'm okay with having a limited/no wavedashing.

--L canceling is a dumb mechanic that adds a tacked on skill floor.

--The Mii costumes we've been getting are kinda lame and are basically a slightly better assist trophy in terms of representation. They're like a runner up trophy. I'm sick of getting mii costumes with bad versions of (insert intellectual property here) instead of costumes that actually work on Miis like the business suit, the hoodie, astronaut suit, etc.

--Bomberman would've been infinitely better as a newcomer than Simon and Richter, and probably more liked.

--Byleth is actually kinda cool. If we were to get rid of FE characters, I'd remove Chrom, Lucina, and probably Corrin.

--I don't like how many 3rd party characters there are. This has always been a Nintendo brawler. The novelty of having 3rd party characters is neat, but they should at least have good ties with Nintendo, ala Pac-Man, Sonic, Bomberman, etc.

--People worship Sakurai too much. He still carries the "haha this is a party game guys xd" mentality which is unhealthy for this franchise's future.
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Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
I have a few

1. I want Rumble Falls to return
2. I prefer the Meta Crystal soundtrack over Metal Battle
3. I am honestly proud that Byleth made it in Smash
4. I do not like the idea of a Fighter’s Pass that is completely Third Party
5. I rather have Dark Bowser and Dark Meta Knight as echoes over Dry Bowser and Galactica Knight
6. I rather have Fawful over Geno, but I would still be exited if Geno joined the fight

That is all for now


Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
I have a few

1. I want Rumble Falls to return
2. I prefer the Meta Crystal soundtrack over Metal Battle
3. I am honestly proud that Byleth made it in Smash
4. I do not like the idea of a Fighter’s Pass that is completely Third Party
5. I rather have Dark Bowser and Dark Meta Knight as echoes over Dry Bowser and Galactica Knight
6. I rather have Fawful over Geno, but I would still be exited if Geno joined the fight

That is all for now
I remember Fighters Pass 1 was 4/1 of 3rd Party Reps.
(Joker, Hero, Banjo-Kazooie and Terry.)


Banned via Warnings
Nov 27, 2014
Downtown Springdale
Switch FC
Having King K. Rool in Smash is nice and all but I'm not about to forget or forgive the fact I had to wait through like 5 or 6 instance of vocally unwanted Fire Emblem shilling before I git a character I can be bothered to care about. If anything, that long wait just proves how tone deaf Nintendo is to its fandom.

Casual smash is really fun, more so than competitive.
That's not really an opinion. That's a preference. Fun isn't an objective or opinionated concept. It's something subjective that varies from person to person on what they enjoy. Different people find different things fun, hence why there are so many genres and variety in games in the first place because of said differences. Just because you find one way of playing less fun personally yourself, it doesn't mean others can't have far more fun with it than you can. There are people that have fun with competitive tiddlywinks.
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Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
Here's more:
  • Wario Land doesn't get enough love and is ignored over time. (Not a single stage, only 1 song, no 2nd rep, Wario's moveset being a mess.)
  • The Grinch Leak was the stupidest thing and is always pretty dumb. (We can't get that much characters in base game.)
  • Fire Emblem getting so many reps that quickly still impresses me. (Went from 2 to 8!)
  • I want Geno to return as a Mii Costume so those fans of him can shut up for good and stop making up stupid dumb theories.
  • Corrin is still the most controversial DLC character due to being a Fire Emblem rep which is hated by fans.
  • Smash Ultimate's Online is always still a messy dumpster fire.
  • It's sad that we don't get DLC costumes like Kaptain K. Rool, Masked Dedede, Tuxedo Bowser, Engineer Toon Link and many other possibilities and it's always the Miis who get too much.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2020
That's not really an opinion. That's a preference. Fun isn't an objective or opinionated concept. It's something subjective that varies from person to person on what they enjoy. Different people find different things fun, hence why there are so many genres and variety in games in the first place because of said differences. Just because you find one way of playing less fun personally yourself, it doesn't mean others can't have far more fun with it than you can. There are people that have fun with competitive tiddlywinks.
Opinion: A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

I never said people can't have fun with competitive smash or that I don't.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 27, 2014
Downtown Springdale
Switch FC
Opinion: A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
Exactly. That means an opinion can be wrong since it can be based on complete misinformation.

No, but you are trying to claim casual is "more fun" which is just not true because like I said, fun isn't an objective concept that can be tangibly measured for "more" or "less" outside of a select person's own ideals. It's subjective, preferential and varies from person to person.

There are old people that have "more fun" with crossword puzzles or sudoku and nobody really likes or respects old people that try to push their ideals and standards onto the younger generation.

A better example are speedrunners. Speedrunners have "more fun" playing the game as fast as possible for the best time. It's not the true objective way to have fun with the game. I don't care immensely for it but I'm not going to claim that it's "less fun" to anyone other than myself. It's just not my own personal subjective preferred method of playing the game.

From my own experience, it always seems to be casual players that claim to value fun but take some kind of issue when someone has far more fun playing a game differently from them.
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 12, 2020
  • In a future patch please give us the option to select Mii Fighters at random. Or at least make them playable whenever people play Random.
  • Give us the option to toggle On/Off Custom Stages.
  • Keep buffing Ganondorf until he can float like Peach, as well as having a second Neutral B that lets him shoot energy balls in the air. Only Ganondorf gets this significant buff because I'm bias. :4pacman:
  • Never happening in a million years but......add Miltank in Smash. Make her a new heavyweight fighter, give her a busted Rollout, and Milk Drink (just Toon Link's milk taunt but it heals you). Out of all of the cool Pokemon choices you can add in Smash, forget they even exist and gives us the Cow. :241:


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2020
Exactly. That means an opinion can be wrong since it can be based on complete misinformation.

No, but you are trying to claim casual is "more fun" which is just not true because like I said, fun isn't an objective concept that can be tangibly measured for "more" or "less" outside of a select person's own ideals. It's subjective, preferential and varies from person to person.

There are old people that have "more fun" with crossword puzzles or sudoku and nobody really likes or respects old people that try to push their ideals and standards onto the younger generation.

A better example are speedrunners. Speedrunners have "more fun" playing the game as fast as possible for the best time. It's not the true objective way to have fun with the game. I don't care immensely for it but I'm not going to claim that it's "less fun" to anyone other than myself. It's just not my own personal subjective preferred method of playing the game.

From my own experience, it always seems to be casual players that claim to value fun but take some kind of issue when someone has far more fun playing a game differently from them.
Buddy. I was just saying that I tend to have more fun with casual smash. An opinion. There`s no need to argue with me with two text walls over something so simple.

Edit: I`m not trying to imply what I said was true for every single smash player. As I already said, I never said people can`t have fun with competitive or that I don`t
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2020
No, that's your preference. Preferences can't be wrong. Opinions can be. I'm not arguing. I'm just explaining it's a vey simple difference.
You have no idea what an opinion is, or arguing for that matter, and you're choosing to argue with me because what I said didn't match your personalized definition of an opinion.

Opinion: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge (A quick google search can tell you that)

Example; my judgement about something (Smash Bros) is that casual is fun.

Edit: You are ignored so I'm not going to waste my energy on whatever this was or listen to you fumble the definition of an opinion for the millionth time.
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Banned via Warnings
Nov 27, 2014
Downtown Springdale
Switch FC
Opinion: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
I'm using that definition, so no. You're wrong.

I tend to have more fun with casual smash
That isn't judgement or a view. That is a fact based your own preferences.

A judgement or view would be saying

"Casual Smash IS more fun than competitive."

As that is judging competitive to be less fun and viewing casual as more fun, which is a very close-minded opinion since, like I said, fun is subjective and preferential.

You have no idea what an opinion is, or arguing for that matter.
Calling someone ignorant is an ad hominem logical fallacy. In an argument, you would have already lost for resorting to that.

Edit: You are ignored so I'm not going to waste my energy on whatever this was or listen to you fumble the definition of an opinion for the millionth time.
Already made it clear I was using the definition provided but okay. Seeya.

I wouldn't encourage resorting to insults in a thread that specifically says to "be civil".
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Deleted member

min-min is literally the only bad character in the game, I'd be perfectly happy if she was the only one to be removed

also I think many arrangements in Smash (especially Ultimate) are just mediocre, and fan arrangements have a done a way better job at arranging video game music (the stuff on OverClocked ReMix for example).
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Banned via Warnings
Nov 27, 2014
Downtown Springdale
Switch FC
Bring back transformation final smashes.
Only reason I don't mind losing Wario Man as a transformation is because Sm4sh and Brawl made it way too easy to camp out the duration of the transformation and not get as many kills.

In Ultimate, you can at least do a true combo of FAir or DTilt to Wario Man and since it sucks multiple people in, you can get more kills with it.

Camping out transformation Final Smashes in Project M is almost impossible, so if Ultimate or another Smash game got to Melee or PM's level of rewarding less camping, I'd be all for that.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2012
You're in between a rock and a hard place with regards to making another Smash separate from this one. If you have to bring back every single character again, that's a hassle for multiple reasons, and saddles you with some honestly pointless characters. But on the other hand, a heavily cut down roster risks alienating a lot of the fanbase. I feel like the best solution is to make the next Smash (or Smash-like game) a full crossover with something else, like a Nintendo VS CAPCOM or Smash Bros. VS Kingdom Hearts or something like that. That way it can sort of be its own separate thing, with an array of both newcomers and some refined veterans, while not necessarily 100% taking away from the previous game. This idea is probably imperfectly expressed, but I hope there's some point in saying this.
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