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  • Stop saying that lol. I'm not a good Zelda, DDD, or whatever.

    I'm only good as Peach even then I shes not really spe- no actually she is special xD I love her. And yea I love my avi too. Its a hack exclusively for me :)
    I'll prolly forget about looking for the thread, so if you remember, and don't mind, can you link it to me after it's made?

    That match was SOOO laggy. We played it at least a half dozen time, but only finished once (luckily it was shorter than 3 min so I was able to save the replay) If you give me your Wii #, I could send it to you (stupid that you need to exchange both it and fc in order to send vids/stages)

    Of course you're still on my roster. I don't go looking for people to play against because of how bad my connection and have no reason to delete people from it.

    I'll try to be on.
    I meant the tourney thread

    I use Marth too much (for me) on brawl (I think I've been using him more than my mains recently), but I also try to use Falcon. I use both fairly evenly on melee (which I play because my RL friends hate brawl). As for color, I use the base color for everyone but pika (goggles) and ZSS (the darkest one - forget actual color)

    I remember your Zelda (vs my ZSS). We only finished that match once :laugh:

    I still say that if you want to play me, get a message to me here when I'm on since I can never predict when my connection will be stable enough to play.
    There were complaints from some PC regulars that there was too much clutter in the main forum, no real use for the former Research sub-forum, and a number of people with the researcher title that didn't seem to deserve it so a reform was started. The changes finally got made either yesterday or today (I was offline yesterday, so I'm not sure) Mine still says researcher because I haven't posted since the change.

    Can you link me? I'll try to check it out.

    As for my mains, yes and no. I use the same characters, but over wifi nothing's as varied because of lag. My friends, wanting to break me of my camping with pika, suggested I play Falcon and/or Marth so I have been.

    If you do want to try to play, just send me a message if you see me on here.

    Warning, I may not be as good as last time because I took a long break and have only really played melee recently.
    The color used to be a brown-ish yellow (not sure exactly how to desribe it)

    Also, I meant to edit into my previous message, it's not Researcher anymore it's Master (name and requirements to get it changed very recently, but otherwise the group is basically the same)

    I got HG the day it came out and beat Red about a month ago. Now I'm just working on my pokedex (I'm up to 421 seen and 414 obtained thanks to being able to trade with my Pearl and Platinum)

    Gym Leader Tournament? I'd consider entering (once I new more about it) if my internet wasn't so tempramental.
    Thanks. I could have sworn that I was a Poke Researcher the last time we talked.

    What's new with you? Aside from your group sig (saw roach's a few days ago)
    thank you DS! :]
    i thought i'd make more than one so you could choose...and hopefully find one that you'd like :)

    yeah, havn't talked to you in a while. how have you been? :)
    Eh....they were only FFAs lol. Sometimes I dont feel like using Peach because other characters are more fun at the time like.......ROB LOL! Ah Ike....all he does is Fsmash at people and stuff. Anyways GGs I enjoyed playing tonight! ^__^
    that's exactly how I feel! I used to main Zelda/Sheik, second Peach, used to play Ness, and I'm debating whether I should stick w/ Pit or go for a "god-like" character such as Snake. I think I'll stick w/ Pit though. He's fun, and I just need to stick w/ him. Its good that your using both Marth and Pit. That's a good combo! Plus the marth boards have a lot of info on how to play smart, so you should be great w/ that info.
    Alright cool. I think I'll go after you first then (providing the rule that allows me to do the first two gyms in any order still applies). ;)

    I gtg. cya
    Thanks, I'd love to be a part of it.
    But I think it's too late for me to jump back on. It would also be unfair for whoever replaced me. My wii breaking is my own problem, unfortuneately.

    I'll definitely be entering though. If I don't get too frustrated off of wifi (consider that I've made a promise to myself to only use Marth lol), I'll probably be joining alot of stuff over the summer. We gotta face each other sometime then.

    lol I said two weeks, not two days.
    Hey! =)

    I would be practicing if I could. xD
    Probably will be about two weeks before my wii is fixed, I figure, since I'll have to ship it to Nintendo.
    thanks man, I try. You can always share your Pit secrets w/ me though ^_^ My Pit needs a lot of work, and I debate whether I should continue playing him. The community is in so much need, and I want to stick to one character that has a lot of potential...
    yeah i love the wii better than any other console (though tied wit Ps3 and N64 imo)
    any way it may take awhile to add u cause i can't do internet and brawl at same time :(
    yeah sorry i dont have a comp right now (been using the wii) any way glad to have u as a friend on here just vm me if u wanna brawl. :) i'll add ya on brawl.
    talk to ya later! :)
    Yeah I have you online. the reason why you see me online because I do other things on my computer even if it says i'm online sometimes I check who's online before I Do anything Or most of the time I'm in basic brawl so you probably rarely catch me when I'm on it. XD

    And thanks for thinking my idea is great on marth unite place. Well I'm only Saturday and sunday, and friday's. I'll do my best to stay online when I see you. ^-^ Hopefully I will.
    oh yea ken is known sometimes as the king of smash! i know him because he played on a season of survivor and took 4th place(i think). he will forever hold as one of my favorite survivors because of how well he played the game!!!

    and yea this is true... Distant planet would also be a great stage!!
    Yep. Or the M2K combo! :D
    Haha, I'll search Spyker's avatar in a mo'; haven't met the guy before.

    Nah, Balanced Brawl's completely safe. If you mess up, it just won't load Balanced Brawl is all.

    gtg cya :p
    what do you mean what?? :confused:
    and yea i think that would work(colorscheme idea) if you really dont feel comfortable using olimar that much, dont use him(or just save him like as a last resort)
    Marth beasts in Melee. lol Ken combo <3
    *is curious about Kirby's facial expression*

    Balanced Brawl is easy to get. No homebrew required, just download the files onto your SD card. =)

    Haha, ironically, my wii broke the very day the second standard version of Balanced Brawl released. Wasn't able to play it until I got together with friends a week later.
    BUGsy is actually... a BUG TYPE gym leader! lol(get the name pun??) hahahaha
    well if you WANTED to go along with a lot of the other people, and try and copy them as bast as you can, pit MAY not be a good choice for him :((flying is super effective agains bug.. see where im going with that?)
    maybe you could use someone like Olimar or ivysaur?? lol
    but its truly none of my business or anyone elses! its your gym, so you do whatever you would like with it!

    P.S.: dont worry, youll make an excellent gym leader :p
    lol. Yeah, the increased hitstun is what makes Melee and 64 so fun. If Melee had wifi, I'd probably play it alot more than Brawl.
    I have Melee, but not 64. In Melee, I Marth and second CF and Falco. 'Course, I'm terrible at Melee. xD
    64 version looks like a blast.
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